Poder prohibido
Poder prohibido Attr /7
Nombre | Mostrar descripciones
completas |
ID | AscendancyOccultist12 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/Occultist/VowOfDamnation.png |
AscendancyID | Ocultista |
PassiveSkillsHash | 62504 |
Tags | isKeystone: false isNotable: true isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false |
Ruthless mode | Ganas una carga de poder después de gastar un total de 200 de maná +1 al máximo de cargas de poder |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Poder prohibido
Fuego de Angustia
Algunas cosas no deben ser usadas. Algunos poderes son un riesgo demasiado grande.
Poder prohibido DivinationCardForbiddenPower /12
Nombre | Mostrar descripciones
completas |
DropLevel | 60 |
BaseType | Forbidden Power |
BaseType | Poder prohibido |
Class | Cartas de adivinación |
Flags | AlwaysAllocate |
Type | Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardForbiddenPower |
Dropped by | El templo del crepúsculo Mapa de Río gélido |
Recompensa | Fuego de angustia |
Tags | weapon_divination, unique_divination, unique_weapon_divination, unique_corrupted_divination, corrupted_divination, divination_card |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Divination/InventoryIcon |
MTX Tab Stacks | 5000 |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Acquisition /1
Source | Ingredient | Offer |
Poder prohibido | Fuego de angustia |
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Forbidden Power (Ascendancy passive)
Forbidden Power is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Occultist. It increases the maximum amount of power charges and generates a power charge after spending 200 mana. It also grants increased area of effect and Spell damage per power charge.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.