Vaal Breach
Level: 1
Souls Per Use: 100
Can Store 1 Use
Soul Gain Prevention: 40 sec
Cast Time: 2.50 sec
Requires Level 10, Str, Dex, Int
Creates a breach, making you vulnerable to its powerful inhabitants.
Monsters from the Breach do not grant Experience or drop Items

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–60)% increased Cast Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Level Effect /10
Monsters from the Breach do not grant Experience or drop Items
LevelRequires LevelStrIntDexExperience
Attribute /8

Vaal Breach

AcronymExperience, Breach
DropLevel 10
BaseType Vaal Breach
Class Skill Gems
TypeSpell, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, TotemCastsAlone, Vaal
ItemTypeMetadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemVaalPortal, Community Wiki
Vaal Breach
Level: 1
Souls Per Use: 100
Can Store 1 Use
Soul Gain Prevention: 40 sec
Cast Time: 2.50 sec
Requires Level 10, Str, Dex, Int
Creates a breach, making you vulnerable to its powerful inhabitants.
Monsters from the Breach do not grant Experience or drop Items
base deal no damage [1]
cannot cancel skill before contact point [1]
skill cannot be stunned before contact point [1]

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–60)% increased Cast Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Supported By /6
  • Active Type: Spell, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, TotemCastsAlone, Vaal
  • Trap Support
    Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a trap that will use the skill for you when an enemy walks near it. Traps cannot use channelling skills.
    Faster Casting Support
    Supports non-instant spell skills.
    Spell Totem Support
    Supports spell skills that are not triggered. Instead of casting that spell, you will summon a totem that casts the spell for you.
    Blastchain Mine Support
    Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.
    Arcane Surge Support
    Each supported spell will track how much mana you spend on it, granting a buff when the total mana spent reaches a threshold. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, mines or skills with a reservation.
    High-Impact Mine Support
    Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.
    Level: (1–10)
    Cast Time: 2.50 sec
    Requires Level 10
    Creates a portal to the current area's town.
    base deal no damage [1]

    Additional Effects From Quality:
    (0–60)% increased Cast Speed
    Level Effect /10
    LevelRequires LevelExperience
    Attribute /6


    CostiLvl 1: Normal: 3xArmourer's Scrap · Normal: 25000xGold
    BaseType Portal
    TypeSpell, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Triggerable, TotemCastsAlone
    Supported By /9
  • Active Type: Spell, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Triggerable, TotemCastsAlone
  • Trap Support
    Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a trap that will use the skill for you when an enemy walks near it. Traps cannot use channelling skills.
    Faster Casting Support
    Supports non-instant spell skills.
    Spell Totem Support
    Supports spell skills that are not triggered. Instead of casting that spell, you will summon a totem that casts the spell for you.
    Blastchain Mine Support
    Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.
    Cast on Death Support
    Each supported spell skill will be triggered when you die. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.
    Cast when Damage Taken Support
    Each supported spell skill will track damage you take, and be triggered when the total damage taken reaches a threshold. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.
    Cast when Stunned Support
    Each supported spell skill will have a chance to be triggered when you are stunned. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.
    Arcane Surge Support
    Each supported spell will track how much mana you spend on it, granting a buff when the total mana spent reaches a threshold. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, mines or skills with a reservation.
    High-Impact Mine Support
    Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.

    Community Wiki


    Vaal Breach

    Vaal Breach is a vaal Spell that creates a Breach portal at the player's location.

    Skill functions and interactions

    Vaal Breach is a colourless gem that can be placed into any item socket.

    While monsters spawned through Vaal Breach grant no experience or item drops, it is still a very useful gem. It can be used to reliably proc effects suchs as "On Kill", "On Crit" or "On Hit" and if a rare monster is killed their mods can be gained if a Headhunter or Inspired Learning is equipped.

    All characters inside the vaal breach gain double modifiers on Breach Rings.

    Version history

  • Problem: Due to a technical limitation, Vaal Breach is not able to be obtained through corrupting page=Portal (gem) Gems.
  • Solution: Vaal Breach now has a chance to drop from killing Breachlords in areas opened from Flawless Breachstones.
  • 3.14.0
  • Many unique items that were league-specific have now also been added to the core drop pool.
  • Vaal Skill Gems can now only be obtained from a set of specific methods such as Corrupting Gems, Vaal Side Areas, Divination Cards (that specifically grant Vaal Skill Gems) and the Lapidary Lens in the Temple of Atzoatl.
  • * (wiki editor note: Vaal Breach is probably not included in the above changes, as it was never a valid Vaal Skill Gem to obtain from these sources to begin with. The patch note is part of a larger set of changes that reduced the drop sources of Vaal Skill Gems in general.)
  • 3.8.2 Fixed a bug where being in a Breach created by Vaal Breach removed the Darkness debuff.
  • Vaal Breach has been added to the game, initially as Breach league specific item.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.