每 0.50 秒造成魔力燃烧
失效后冷却时间 8 秒
需求 等级 60
近战武器击中时获得 3 点怒火
每层魔力燃烧使物品稀有度提高 (1–5)%,最多 100%
(魔力燃烧每层使你每秒失去 1% 的最大魔力)
右键点击激活。同一时间只能有一种腰带中的酊剂激活。每层魔力燃烧使你每秒损失 1% 的魔力上限。可以手动取消,或在魔力降至 0 时自动取消。
The Battle Within

内心之争 Attr /7
近战武器击中时获得 3 点怒火
Family | RageOnHitImplicit |
Domains | Tincture (34) |
GenerationType | 传奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack |
Family | TinctureToxicityOnHit |
Domains | Tincture (34) |
GenerationType | 传奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack |
每层魔力燃烧使物品稀有度提高 (1–5)%,最多 100%
Family | TinctureRarityPerToxicity |
Domains | Tincture (34) |
GenerationType | 传奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
"w": 1,
"h": 2,
"icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvRmxhc2tzL1VuaXF1ZU9ha2JyYW5jaCIsInciOjEsImgiOjIsInNjYWxlIjoxfV0/3200ef2d9b/UniqueOakbranch.png",
"league": "Settlers",
"name": "The Battle Within",
"typeLine": "Oakbranch Tincture",
"baseType": "Oakbranch Tincture",
"rarity": "Unique",
"ilvl": 82,
"properties": [
"name": "{0} Second Cooldown when Deactivated",
"values": [
"displayMode": 3
"requirements": [
"name": "Level",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 62
"implicitMods": [
"Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon Hit"
"explicitMods": [
"Does not inflict Mana Burn over time",
"Inflicts Mana Burn on you when you Hit an Enemy with a Melee Weapon",
"4% increased Rarity of Items found per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 100%",
"Melee Weapon Attacks have Culling Strike"
"descrText": "Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be active at a time. Mana Burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum Mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 Mana.",
"flavourText": [
"The struggle for balance never ends."
"frameType": 3,
"extended": {
"mods": {
"explicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_1686969928",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"hash": "explicit.stat_1330482101",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3226452989",
"min": "1",
"max": "5"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_802532569",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"implicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "implicit.stat_2012294704",
"min": "3",
"max": "3"
"hashes": {
"explicit": [
"implicit": [
"text": "Item Class: Tinctures
Rarity: Unique
The Battle Within
Oakbranch Tincture
8 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Level: 60
Item Level: 82
Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon Hit (implicit)
Does not inflict Mana Burn over time
Inflicts Mana Burn on you when you Hit an Enemy with a Melee Weapon
4% increased Rarity of Items found per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 100%
Melee Weapon Attacks have Culling Strike
The struggle for balance never ends.
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be active at a time. Mana Burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum Mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 Mana.
" } }
Rarity: Unique
The Battle Within
Oakbranch Tincture
8 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Level: 60
Item Level: 82
Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon Hit (implicit)
Does not inflict Mana Burn over time
Inflicts Mana Burn on you when you Hit an Enemy with a Melee Weapon
4% increased Rarity of Items found per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 100%
Melee Weapon Attacks have Culling Strike
The struggle for balance never ends.
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be active at a time. Mana Burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum Mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 Mana.
" } }
The Battle Within
Attribute /5
Code | toxicity stacks gained on hit with tinctured weapons |
IsPublic | 0 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Discrete |
Code | item rarity +% per toxicity up to 100% from tincture |
IsPublic | 0 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Code | culling strike with tinctured weapons |
IsPublic | 0 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Boolean |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.