药剂 /48
+40% 火焰抗性
+40% 冰霜抗性
+40% 闪电抗性
药剂 传奇 /40

附魔 启明石 /5
等级 | 描述 | 比重 |
1 | 效果提高 (60–70)% 生效期间不可充能 | 药剂 250 普通 0 |
1 | 生效时间延长 (80–100)% 生效期间不可充能 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 充能回复量提高 (60–80)% 生效期间不可充能 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 每次使用消耗的充能次数降低 (25–35)% 生效期间不可充能 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 最大充能 +(40–60) 生效期间不可充能 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
附魔 灌顶石 /16
等级 | 描述 | 比重 |
1 | 跟接邻的药剂一起自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 该药剂效果结束时自动重新使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 充能全满时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你使用防卫技能时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你使用旅行技能时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你失去防卫技能增益效果时自动使用 | 药剂 0 普通 0 |
1 | 若你没有任何药剂效果时击中稀有或传奇敌人,便自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 陷入冻结时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 陷入冰缓时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 陷入感电时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 被点燃时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你开始流血时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 陷入中毒时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你格挡时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你承受残暴打击时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
1 | 你使用生命药剂时自动使用 | 药剂 100 普通 0 |
药剂 流放小百科
药剂 流放小百科

《流放之路》的药剂不是一次性消耗品。与智慧卷轴不同,药剂在使用后不会消失,而是基于药剂的种类消耗一定数量的药剂次数。一旦次数用尽,就需要充能才能再次使用。药剂有【普通】、【魔法】、【传奇】三种稀有度(没有【稀有】)。 一般情况下,击败怪物可以给药剂充能。因此你只需要一直击败敌人,就总有药剂可用。不过万一药剂用尽,请务必小心击败怪物来为药剂充能,或者返回城镇。 返回城镇会自动将药剂充满,因此用尽药剂后跃入传送门是个不错的策略。有些药剂(如“外科医生”词缀的)的充能机制有所不同。

词缀可以增加药剂回复的生命或法力数量,药剂持续时间,词缀也可以增加药剂的使用次数。有些词缀还能提供额外的效果,如去除诅咒或异常状态。 仔细地选择你携带的药剂和它们所拥有的词缀。这与选择使用哪种武器或天赋加点同样重要。如果你正在挣扎在生死边缘,看看你的药剂,看看是否可以改进。这通常是一个廉价而有效的解决角色养成问题的途径。

Community Wiki
A 药剂 is a rechargeable potion. When used, the flask consumes a certain amount of flask charges and recovers a portion of 生命, 魔力 or grants temporary bonuses for the duration of the flask effect.
Every 角色 has space for five flasks. When the player enters a town or a hideout, all of their flasks are automatically fully recharged. If a player equips a flask within a hostile area, the flask has zero active charges by default.
Flasks can only be Normal , Magic or Unique. There are no Rare flasks, and flasks cannot be 污染.
Flasks store different amount of charges and spend different amount per sip depending on flask type. These parameters can be altered with 词缀 on equipment, flasks and 天赋s. Partial fraction charges are stored but not displayed in the game.
Used flask charges can be refilled in several ways:
- by killing enemies; a Normal monster grants 1 charge, a Magic monster grants 3.5 charges, a Rare monster grants 6 charges, and a Unique monster grants 11 charges;
- 追猎者's passive 自然的恩赐 recovers charges over time;
- on a critical strike for flasks with Surgeon's prefix, while having 收割者 equipped, through a Precision Watcher's Eye or with the 追猎者's passive 手术大师. Flask charges gained this way can only occur once every 100ms and gives a charge to one flask at a time;
- receive a 暴击 while having a flask with Avenger's prefix.
The amount of charges gained from any sources can be altered with modifiers #% increased/reduced Flask Charges gained (e.g. from equipment and passive skills) and #% increased/reduced Charge Recovery (e.g. from the "Perpetual" flask prefix). These modifiers stack multiplicatively.
Within a party, all players close to the killed enemy get charges.
Recovery from flasks
Certain flasks recover 生命 and/or 魔力 over time. Flasks end their respective effects if maximum life or mana is reached. Hybrid flasks, which affect both life and mana, will end their effects if both life and mana are fully recovered. Recovery flasks queue up if multiple flasks are active. The effect with the highest regeneration rate is always applied first.
There are 3 parameters that affect recovery from flasks:
- #% increased/reduced Amount Recovered causes a flask to recover an increased/reduced amount. The duration is unchanged.
- #% increased/reduced Recovery Speed/Rate causes a flask to recover the same total amount at a faster/slower rate.
- Instant Recovery cause a flask to restore the whole amount instantly by overriding the duration to 0.
Modifiers to effect of Flasks does affect recovery amount and is multiplicative with increased recovery from flasks as well as flask quality. Modifiers to Flask effect duration increase the duration of the flask without decreasing the amount recovered per second, effectively acting as a multiplier to amount recovered, if the flask recovery is not instant. It does not affect recovery amount directly.
Effects of flasks
Flask effects are temporary effects that are granted while drinking a flask. This include implicit modifiers on utility flasks, certain flask suffixes and modifiers on unique flasks, but doesn't include life or mana recovery. Flask effects can be identified by having a specific gold border around the icon. Note that they do not count as buffs (for more information see active and temporary 效果s).
Effects of flasks as well as their durations can be increased with several flask modifiers, passive skills and equipment.
When activating multiple flasks, differing suffixes can apply and stack simultaneously but only one application of a particular suffix can apply to your character at one time, with the greatest value of said suffix taking priority.
Example: Say you have a
翠玉药剂 (duration 5s) with +20% movement speed.
红玉药剂 (duration 3.5s) modified with +30% movement speed.
坚岩药剂 (duration 4s) with +100% armour.
If you activate the jade flask initially, you get a +20% movement speed bonus. If 0.5 seconds later you activate the ruby flask, you will then have +30% movement speed □ the original 20% movement speed effect still has 4.5 seconds left, but is overwritten by the stronger effect temporarily. If 0.5 seconds later you activate your granite flask, then you have +30% movement speed and +100% armour. The armour and movement speed mods are different suffixes, so they don't conflict □ they will stack together. 3 seconds later your ruby flask effect ends, but the jade flask still has 1 second left, so you revert to the +20% movement speed from the jade flask until it expires.
For more information, see 品质.
玻璃弹珠s are used to increase the quality of a flask. Quality on recovery flasks increases the amount of life and/or mana recovered by that percentage. Utility flasks gain increased duration instead. Note that quality on flasks stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers to flasks (for example, the increased flask duration nodes from the passive tree or belts). Furthermore, things with increased flask effect will not only improve the implicit mod of a flask, but any of the mods that the flask has rolled (always rounded down).
Flask effect removal
Nemesis 怪物s can have a modifier called nullifier. This will remove all temporary 增益 effects on a character. This means all active flask effects will be removed every time you are 击中 by one of these monsters.
Instant Flasks
六分仪s can add the following modifier to a watchstone: Player's Life and mana recovery from flasks are instant.
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