This is following u/justathetan "Lore compilation update for 3.17"
  • テンプラーについて
  • フェルシュラインはレイクラストでかつて善かったものの残滓だ。



    エラミール, "フェルシュラインの遺跡"

  • 彼らは自分たちが最も忠実であると信じていたが、その信念が抑圧となった。

  • テンプラーのリーダーもマスクをしているのを忘れたのか、エルレオン。おそらく同じ理由でしょう?

    Riker Maloney, on being betrayed by Elreon

  • テンプラーの中には他者の罪を背負うことで免罪を与える数少ない知られざる者たちがいる。

  • 「シンイーター教団の歴史は、秘密と恥辱に包まれている。とはいえ、歴史は真実を求めている、解明されるのに何世紀かかるとしても。」

  • Innocence & the First High Templar
  • 浄化の印ですか...パイエティが一時私に研究させたデスクライの杖ですね。イノセンスが最初のハイテンプラー、マクサリウスに授けたものだったそうです。ドミナスはあれに触れることさえできなかったため納骨堂に封印したそうです。あのような卓越した頭脳を持つ男にしては妙に反射的な行動でしたが、今となってはその理由が理解できました。




    ヴァイレンタ, "浄化の印"

  • テンプラーの納骨堂、死者と共に浄化の印は眠っている。



    シン, "浄化の印"

  • 浄化の印?えーっと...無垢なる者の血に染まった杖だな。いや、違うな。イノセンスの血だ。イノセンスが御身の一部を杖に与えてテンプラーに授けたんだ。



    バノン, "浄化の印"

  • 「イノセンスは、その宗教の初期に、信者に自分の血を飲み、永遠の命を享受するようにと言った。彼の古代の体液にその力が宿っているのならば、人を蘇生させることもできると願っている。」

  • The Karui Slave Trade (CA. 1320 IC)
  • トゥコハマはカルイの民が信じる死後の世界から軍団を蘇らせたようだな。正直な話、あの哀れな連中には同情するよ。カルイは辛い歴史を持っている。土地を奪われ、奴隷にされ、幾度もの戦で歩兵として使われ、今度は死して尚己の神に冒涜されている。


    タークリー, "カルイの亡霊"

  • 深呼吸をしてみろ。搾取と圧制の悪臭を吸ってみろ。そう、この豚小屋や牢屋はカルイの民がマルセウス・ライオンアイによって初めてここに連れてこられた時から我らの居場所だった。偉大なる「帝国の英雄」は最高の奴隷商人の一人だった。



    ウトゥーラ, "奴隷収容所"

  • カルイに対する軍事行動を行う際の補給施設としてマルセウス・ライオンアイによって設立された。かつてのライオンアイの見張り場は良い装備を持った少数の兵士の部隊で防衛することができたそうだ。


    タークリー, "ライオンアイの見張り場"

  • カルイはお前を覚えているぞ、フェアグレーヴズ。お前の死はとても歓迎されるだろう。


  • 帝国の滅亡について、歴史学者達は死んだように静かだわ。浄化の反乱の後に、カオムの王国はオリアスを封鎖し、本土との貿易ややり取りを止めた。カオムは侵略するつもりだったと言われているわ。


    クラリッサ, "大災害"

  • 大災害 (1336 IC)
  • This could've been Oriath, yet The Cataclysm didn't reach across the sea. Why not?

    Scion, on the Slums

  • Daresso & Merveil (CA. 1450 IC)
  • 十三の時、彫刻刀を握り、私は下賤な者を楽しませるために獣を殺した。十五の時、人と戦うに相応しいと判断された。



    銘板, "読む"

  • With one motion, I cleave a man in twain. A kick sends another flying, and the roar of the crowd swells. I am their idol!

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • I was always meant to be at the top of the pile. Nobody else can compare. And this tiny man, this new challenger, Daresso, will fall like the rest to the might of Barkhul.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • テオポリスの大闘技場にようこそ。ここで私は真の生きる目的、愛しのマーヴェイルに初めて出会ったのだ。我らを定義するのは我らを鼓舞するものだ。闘士よ、お前は何のために戦う?何百人もの戦士達が私の称号を求めたが、私はその全てを倒した。勝利を得られるのは力の強い者ではなく、望みの強い者だ。

    Daresso, on The Grand Arena

  • 私は大闘技場の砂に跪き、止めの一撃を待った。私は己の死を見ようと視線を上げた。



    銘板, "読む"

  • 「何のために戦うのかを知ること。打ち倒された後に立ち上がること。より速い者を出し抜き、より賢い者を騙し、より強い者を潰すこと。それが王に必要なものだ」

  • 私の前の剣の王は私よりも疾く強い大男だった。だが私はマーヴェイルの顔を見上げるだけで、私に選択権は無いことを悟った。私は今日死ぬわけにはいかなかった。





    銘板, "読む"

  • 「其方の心を我が心と結ぶ

  • いいかしら、私は助けを求めないことをルールにしてるの。誰かが私のビジネスに干渉して、すべてを台無しにして欲しくはないから。残念なことに、私はそのルールを破らないといけない。私は...その...やってほしいの。あぁクソ、なんでこんなに難しいの?ワタシハアナタノタスケガイルノ。やった!言えたわ。




    こそ泥、トゥリナ, "ウェディングドレス"

  • 鉄格子の向こうに立ちながら、

  • 歴史書を信じるのであれば、勇敢なるダレッソが膝を曲げてマーヴェイルにネックレスを捧げたそうだ。そしてその小さなレイクラストの欠片を彼女の喉元にかけた瞬間、マーヴェイルは歌い始めた。彼女の美しい声はオリアス最大のコンサートホールに響き渡るほどで、冷え切った心に温もりを与えるものだったという。


    フェアグレーヴズ船長, "マーヴェイルのネックレス"

  • ダレッソは私に宝石を渡し、キスをして、永遠に私の隣にいると約束しました。私は彼のために歌いました。私は彼の宝石を喉元に、オリアスのために歌いました。カリサの宝石。カリサの声。




    湿った日記, "読む"

  • It's him! He sails back to me, my Daresso! I shall sing for him. I shall show him the way. Come, my love. Come to me. We shall be together at last.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • No, turn away! Don't listen to my singing, you'll die upon the rocks! Turn away...! Turn away... Turn away...

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • マーヴェイルについてどうしても知りたければ、船の墓場に取り付いた海賊共を見に行くと良い。どんな母親とも同じように、マーヴェイルには餌を待つ子供がいる。

    タークリー, "マーヴェイル"

  • 正直言って、少し恥ずかしい話だ。




    ウェイラム・ロス, "マーヴェイル"

  • おかえりなさい、わが夫よ。心の中で、あなたが私達を見つけてくれるをわかっていました。さあ、ダレッソ、アンブロシアとアマリッサを父に会わせなくては。さあ、我が愛しい人よ。家族の元へ戻るのです。

    船乗りの皮, "読む"

  • ダレッソか?うむ、ペタラスに聞いている。気掛かりな疑問がある。




    オユン, "ダレッソ"

  • ペタラス:ダレッソが山の中にいるって?










    ペタルスとヴァーニャ, "ダレッソ"

  • The Beast eats the souls of its prey, devouring their very life force. Those consumed become a part of the creature, existing forevermore as a thrall of twisted nightmare. This fate befell many of Wraeclast's most legendary figures.
    Daresso the Sword King - A peerless gladiator, the best the world has ever seen. Daresso ascended from humble orphaned slave beginnings to the pinnacle of gladiatorial glory. Driven by a mad hope to purify his lost love Merveil, he abandoned reason and caution. Daresso's living nightmare chronicles the arc of his pitiable legacy, a story of loss, desire and reckless ambition.


  • ゴキブリでない者、知っているか。私が己の立場を受け入れてたら、夢想の役割を受け入れていれば、魔獣はもう、まだ、完全に滅びていたはずだった。私の勝手さが獣を楽しませ、獣が笑うと私の知る世界はなくなったのだ。







    レディーディアーラ, "ラプチャー"

  • High Templar Venarius
  • 私が若い頃の冬は寒く厳しかった。

  • 残酷な真実が明かされるまで、私は幸せな子供だった。私は子供たちが無垢でいられるように戦う。

  • A man in uniform visits. He is from the Courts. He says the Templar have alms for widows like my mother, but she must collect it in person. We go to the church together, and I wait outside in the gardens. The sun is setting. I don't know how long I've been sitting here.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • Mother comes from around the rear. She looks pale. Her eyes are red, and her clothes are torn. She doesn't look at me but she grabs my hand. We walk home in silence. I lay awake in bed. I hear her crying. The man comes over often after that, with toys and food, but I don't like him...

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • People stream down the street towards Oriath Square. I hear their shouts and cheers, and when my mother isn't looking, sneak out to join the merry crowd. Just outside the pens, a Karui boy, no older than I, stands atop the gallows.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • I see by the sign around his neck he has been caught stealing. I swear I will not look away, but fear overtakes me. I hear the rope snap taut and the crowd cheer, but I fight back the tears...

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • The stench convenes around me thicker than the press of the vagabonds themselves. Though starving, their strength while holding on to one another is surprising. I am trapped in a knot of ragged bodies, and the men of the Church clap me in irons despite my cries.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • I am not one of them! Can't you hear me? I'm not Maraketh, nor homeless, and I have committed no sins. That ship is not for me! Why won't you listen?!

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • 私は責任ある仕事のために、愛ある生活を犠牲にした。彼女や彼女のような人々を守るためだ。

  • I'm certain now that I was a Templar. Yes, I remember watching their mighty parades through Oriath Square as a child, and I can still feel that sense of satisfaction the day I truly donned the mantle. All of the pain and sacrifice was worth it, to do good, to protect mankind... to protect the children...

    忘れ去られた霊、カーヴァス, "カーヴァスの過去"

  • 私が平安を見出したのは、誓いの中でだった。

  • The Courts are burning. Accusations fly. Sinner! Heretic! I am but an initiate, and my patron urges silence. We will keep our heads down while one High Templar supplants another. It's all about power, my patron whispers, and we have none.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • Should an accusation fall our way, we shall be doomed to die with the other accused. Be unseen and unheard, he whispers. This is what happens when men who seek power refuse to wait. I learned a valuable lesson that day: Trust without leverage is vulnerability.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • Exile! That was the moment Venarius decided to seize life and vie for power. That was the moment doom for men like my father was assured.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "__reaction__"

  • 裁判官は、自分自身という模範的な人物との比較によって他人の価値を判断する。

  • 私は無実の人間を火刑に処したが、この過ちを認めると自らを罰することになる。私の唯一の選択肢は、もっと努力することだ。

  • 厳格なルールなしでは、

  • 神聖で無謬だと思えたものが

  • 部下は常に私の周りを回りうろつき、私が弱った時に、自らの利益のために私を引き裂こうとしている。

  • I was a Templar, yes, but now I remember that I secretly despised them. I understood that they were a diseased organization prone to brutal oppression. Friend, was I exiled as well? I cannot imagine my resentment would have gone over well with my superiors. Maybe I kept my thoughts to myself and lived a life of quiet desperation, but I feel like I was the kind of man to act.

    So what did I do?

    忘れ去られた霊、カーヴァス, "カーヴァスの過去"

  • Out of sight, out of mind. No one speaks of the cursed land anymore. That has made it quite simple to send our smugglers out in search of powerful Eternal artefacts.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • We knew of the gems, but we did not know of what Malachai called his 'muse.' The smugglers have returned with rubbings of the device they found. They call it 'miraculous.' I know a thing or two about miracles, so I will be the judge of that.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • What is it? You know I am not to be disturbed during my communion with God-- it's here? Well get it to the lab immediately, and do not disturb me again, lest I take your head!

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • I feel a rush of excitement as I review the contents of the crate. The pieces, aged as they are, still hum with energy. I can feel its potential, and it fills me with hope and terror. I cannot assemble it, but I know who can. I need only apply a little pressure...

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • The Elder and its Dreamlands
  • キタヴァがこの都市を引き裂く前、テンプラーたちは数々のアーティファクトを町の地下に隠していたわ。テンプラーの神権政治の唯一の名残は彼らが永遠に隠そうとしたものだけよ。



    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "自己紹介"

  • I am Valdo Caeserius, chief Arkhon of the Oriath academy in Theopolis. Servant of the High Templar Venarius.

    I begin these writings as a record of events transpired, in hopes that the penning of such horrors will help bring sense to the matters at present. Some time ago, I was commissioned in the repairing of a strange device delivered into my hands. A golden machine found broken in the ruins of Wraeclast. Believing it to contain some dark infernal secret, the High Templar asked that I restore it and weaponize whatever powers it might contain.

    Though I saw it as mostly inconsequential at the time, it is worth noting, my daughter, a quiet young thing of five, suffered nightmares and tantrums unlike any I'd seen, during those former weeks I spent working on the device. I'd assumed that she missed her mother and was going through a rough patch grieving. Now, however, I can't help but wonder if perhaps it was a sign.

    I'd considered refusing Venarius, though not in any serious nature. Though my personal politics remain my own, I've often struggled to follow his instructions and rule – filled with such malice and hunger. Regretfully, I accepted his orders, for I know of many families who have refused the High Templar before. They have all vanished now.

    記憶の本, "ページ 1"

  • 私の父は筆頭アルコンとしてハイ・テンプラー・ヴァナリウスに仕えていた……残酷で危険な男よ。ヴェナリウスはレイクラストの残骸から発掘した超常的な遺物を使い世界を人質にしようとした。自分をもっと崇めさせることができると考えたの。


    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "自己紹介"

  • The device lay on my work table, shattered and in pieces. I'm ashamed to admit now that not once did I ask of what design it belonged to. Rather, I busied myself on all the little pieces, ignoring the sum of its parts. I pondered on how it had been structured for days on end, until at last, a creeping dread submerged me.

    I was unable to rebuild this relic – whatever it was. Though it seemed to be mostly functioning, something... important appeared to be missing. Worse still, it seemed as if the part required, well... it didn't exist. Not in our reality anyhow. The thing that made it tick, the thing that was mysteriously vacant, I could only conceive of in the half-baked imaginings of my own mind.

    My thoughts felt like a fleeting dream during the first few minutes of waking. I worked tirelessly in search of answers, exhausting myself beyond what I'd ever done before, until finally, at the base of that cruel device, I fell into a deep, deep sleep.

    記憶の本, "ページ 2"

  • I awoke in the most beautiful of places. The skies were blue, unlike the greyness of Oriath. Birds fluttered through the air, singing pleasantly. Around me, a warm wind brushed my face, and tall grass tickled playfully against my skin. I couldn't know where I was, though even then I suspected the place was somehow connected to the infernal mechanism lying dormant on my workbench.

    As I wandered this strange new land, I felt a growing sense of realization that I was not alone. Exploring the fields of tall grass, I sought a peace within the brush. It was in that moment that I met a fellow wanderer. It was a Shade - a whisper of embodied smoke, barely heard or seen amongst the vegetation. It rose and spoke to me not through language, but through thoughts and pictures, colours and emotions, bursting into my mind like water, billowing up through cracks in the earth.

    The Shade welcomed me to its land and asked how it was that I arrived. Eager for answers, I found myself enthusiastically volunteering information in detail of Oriath, of my daughter and of course, the strange and mysterious device I suspected had lead me to this place.

    記憶の本, "ページ 3"

  • Another fragment! So, like a temptress, the dreamlands seduced him... Oh, yes - forgive me. For you, Exile.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "自己紹介"

  • 獲物を探す獅子の忍耐で、

  • The Shade nodded thoughtfully. It knew of the device. The machine was a doorway between my world and the dreamlands, I was told. The device had been lost. Broken and torn apart by villains and thieves. The Shade was overjoyed to hear it found, and offered to help me rebuild that final missing part.

    It seemed too good to be true. We would open the gateway between worlds, and then, all the goodness of these lands would flow out into Oriath leading us into a new age of prosperity. I agreed wholeheartedly – for I feared, and I still do fear, what will become of my daughter under High Templar Venarius' reign. All that the Shade asked of me was to return the favour, when the time came.

    And as I lay down in the cool grass bathing myself in the soothing sun, I found that sleep once more took my body, only this time, when I closed my eyes there, I also opened them in the cold, empty darkness of my study...

    記憶の本, "ページ 4"

  • Weeks passed. The sun set and the moon rose countless times. And every night, I found myself asleep at the foot of the strange device, awoken to the reality of another world inside my own. I would transition into the dreamlands.

    In my sleep, I would apprentice myself to the Shade, allowing it to teach me the ways of this strange place. I learnt how to shape and build things from my imagination, forming them in thin air as if by some great, thaumaturgical marvel. It was through this tempering of the mind that I, under its instructions began rebuilding the missing component of the device. And most exciting of all, how to transport such phantasmagorical treasures back into the world of man.

    When High Templar Venarius visited during Oriath hours, I'd lie to him and make excuses. Arrogantly, I didn't want him to know of the power I'd uncovered. I wanted these dreamlands to be my secret, to belong to me and me alone. Not even my daughter could know...

    記憶の本, "ページ 5"

  • The day came when the missing part of the great device had finally been formed. A bizarre segment meant to hold mystical images of ancient maps. It was on this day that the Shade requested its one favour.

    I was shown suddenly images of the past, of the Shade's once proud rule as King of all the dreamlands. I saw his good and noble kingdom, and the shadow that fell upon his domain. A sect of hateful men and women – The Watchers of Decay rose up to destroy the Shade. Questing to control the land, these terrorists fashioned a powerful blade meant to divorce the King's spirit from his body and curse it to wander his former kingdom while his body blistered in stone.

    I was mortified! How could people do such cruel things to this humble creature? And where were these villains now? Had they been the same ones whom had made off with the device? Had they been the ones who severed the connection between worlds and ruined its function?

    The Shade led me deep into a dark forest and revealed to me in the depths of a forgotten cave, a statue, cast from black marble, pierced by what I assumed to be the very same sword from my visions. The effigy was frightening. Utterly terrifying to behold. The creature it depicted – a violent and abhorrent thing, stood amidst an altar of ancient wood and bone. I felt a chill go up my spine as in that moment, the Shade closed in behind...

    記憶の本, "ページ 6"

  • "Pull the blade from my chest." the Shade imposed upon my mind in both image and thought, "remove the sword. Free me." But as I found myself reaching out to do as asked, a great horror came upon me and for the first time, doubt entered my mind. I wondered if this creature was who it had told me. I resolved to hold off for a moment, to ask more questions and discover a greater understanding of the Shade, and so in trepidation, I refused.

    At merely the suggestion of rebellion, the Shade flew into a fury! It flamed red, full of rage! And though it could not speak, it made its intentions very clear. I felt my mind torn asunder as images of murder and mutilation were forced upon me. I was... doing things. Terrible things to the ones I loved... to my daughter.

    I fled in a panic, running from the cave, through the dark forest, cursing myself for ever trusting such a strange creature so blindly. At last, in desperation, I found a small, abandoned fox-hole and burrowed inside. The Shade passed by, still flaming in anger, searching desperately for me. It was in that dark damp hole that I trembled with revulsion and terror, weeping in silence until at last I fell into sleep returning once more to my laboratory.

    Once back, I fled into the streets, arriving home in the dead of night. Bursting through my daughter's bedroom, I woke her and hugged her tight, shaking and crying as I did so. Promising that I would never, ever, let her go again.

    記憶の本, "ページ 7"

  • Months have now passed since my horrifying descent into that fox-hole, since the Shade revealed its true nature. Every day, the slimed and poisoned tendrils of fear grip ever tighter into my flesh, and each morning, I lock myself inside my study, delving into the darkest tomes one can find, searching for some infernal, occult knowledge that might save us from the thing I fled.

    I'd almost given up hope, so little did I really know about the Shade and its "dreamlands". That is, until this morning when a shipment arrived for me from Eramir, a scholar whom I greatly admire. Sifting through the countless fragments of parchments and books he has sent me, I have found at last, some information which could be of some use.

    These Watchers of Decay did indeed exist at one time in our world's distant past, and now, I've some of their work! The truth of their history... it's... it is so unutterable that I hesitate even now, to write it down, to put the words to my own journal. Yet I am an Arkhon and us Arkhons record all...

    記憶の本, "ページ 8"

  • They called it the Elder. A creature of malignant madness, born of that oblivion from before time itself began. Once only an abstract expression, the Elder was given physical form. It entered our realm. It fashioned for itself a bauble of chaos and secret worlds to use as a kind of... hunting ground. This "bauble" is undoubtedly the dreamlands I've uncovered.

    The Elder came here out of hunger. Preferring victims of a younger flesh, it became the bogeyman, dragging our children off into the night, casting them into its realm of shadow and feasting upon their nightmares undisturbed, for it was imagination that truly satiated it.

    With such sustenance, the Elder deigned to cultivate something. To... sustain and birth forth its true goal. Its true self. The Oblivion from outside time and space. The Decay.

    By the gods... Even now as I write this, I feel my hand trembling, and I struggle to keep my mind on the task ahead... The Elder. It cannot be killed. The Watchers, they built the device, so as to travel to and lock tight its kingdom of torment, bringing with them the blade I saw – Starforge – it was called. A weapon capable of divorcing agency from form, to give the Elder a kind of eternal rest... There in its den, amongst the gibbering nightmares of child victims, the Elder became trapped. Starved. Unable to hunt. Held in ungodly chains.

    The Elder's form may be trapped in stone. But its agency roams free. I have met it. What if someone else were to enter the dreamlands and encounter the Shade? What if Venarius...? My meeting with the Elder, must have invigorated and refreshed its fervour. I must find a way to put a stop to it, before it finds a path to freedom. If not for my own sake, then for that of my daughter...

    記憶の本, "ページ 9"

  • 牢獄に囚われた生き物は年老いて滅びると

  • 肉体は岩の中に封じられていたが、

  • It appears my Father encountered this "Elder" sometime before his entrapment in its lair. Many of his most recent diaries make reference to the creature and his learnings around it. There wasn't much, just second-hand myths from the research journals of the Watchers of Decay.

    One concept however, came up time and time again. This Elder is not a lord unto itself. It serves a greater master, or... a greater purpose... I'm unsure. It's confusing; both my father and the Watchers refer to the Elder as "coming from the nothing" while also being "a carrier for the nothing." There are also mentions of an unholy desire to spoil and decay... perhaps it all relates somehow to those fungal growths we've seen in the maps...

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "自己紹介"

  • Time has passed since my last entry, of that I am aware. I've spent every waking hour since, trying to find a way to end this unholy Elder, though nothing has, yet, fit.

    Within my secret study, I've begun work on a device of my own. Whereas the Watcher's map device was designed to enter and lock tight the Elder's pocket dimension, my machine is of a different nature, though not entirely dissimilar.

    Day and night, I have toiled away, tinkering and shaping this invention. When I'm finished, this Elder will never bother our world again. The creature cannot be killed, and divorcing its spirit from its body has not kept it silent, but maybe... just maybe... It can be exiled...

    記憶の本, "ページ 10"

  • How could I have been so stupid? So caught up in this whole nightmare that I forgot my work as an Arkhon! My "supposed" lack of progress on the Map Device has given the High Templar cause for suspicion.

    At noon, as I neared the completion of my work, he and his guards interrupted my tinkering with a furious rage! Tossing my machine to the ground, he destroyed much of my research, demanding to know why I no longer focused on the task given to me. Clapped in irons I was led off to the Theopolis prisons for my insubordination.

    I write this now, due only to the kindness of a friend in the Templar guard, he knows of my partiality to journaling and so as soon as he heard of my capture, managed to sneak in a diary for me scribble upon.

    I don't know what Venarius plans to do with me. I've heard whispers of public shaming and lashes, but none of that is certain. What is certain, is that the Elder is coming for us. It's coming for us all. No matter whether you are High Templar or the lowest of the Karui slaves, the Elder knocks at the threshold. Bringing Decay... I must find my way from these chains at all costs. Only I can save us from this blasphemy that has fallen upon Oriath...

    記憶の本, "ページ 11"

  • My daughter... My darling daughter... By the gods. So much has transpired since last I wrote. So much horror... I've not a moment to lose, but I need to... I have to... I must write down what has occurred. It's the only way I shall keep my sanity. I believe I'm safe for the moment, so I shall rest and reflect, in the hope that it will give me new insight on how to proceed in this current disaster.

    Venarius, that bastard... Enraged by my lack of progress on his occult weaponry, he marched me through the streets. "This man has betrayed me!" he shouted as his men stripped me of my robes and beat me with sticks. When I was but an inch from death, he took me aside once more, demanding to know why I'd failed him. In my... in my foolishness, I... I told him everything.

    I'd hoped to appeal to his better nature, to his higher self, that he might rally the Templar army behind me. Together we could defeat the Elder once and for all! But you should never appeal to a man's better nature. He may not have one. Venarius... he... he took Zana! Held her at knife point. Demanded... demanded that I take all of us through, into the dreamlands - to meet with the Elder!

    Please, whoever you are, reading this – do not think wrong of me. If it were your daughter's life at risk, would you have done this any differently? I... I did as I was asked. Using the Map Device, we stepped through a gateway and I found myself once more setting foot in this atlas of worlds...

    記憶の本, "ページ 12"

  • The land was as beautiful as it'd been when last I'd visited. The breeze rippled across the meadows and the sun beat affectionately down on our necks. The High Templar and his men marvelled at such wonders. My daughter cried in fear. I felt sick to my bones.

    As we trampled through the wilderness, it wasn't long before we were met by the overwhelming presence of the Shade itself. The very essence of the Elder stood silently before us. I felt its eyes bore deep into my skin. Demanding of me in visions to tell it why I had returned. But before I could answer, Venarius stepped forward and greeted the phantom, offering his words up into the air:

    "He tells me you are King of this land," he said, "My poor, poor scholar says that you are imprisoned, that you need a key."

    As he spoke, the shade stayed quiet, listening and smouldering smugly.

    "I can be that key for you." The High Templar announced.

    For a moment more, the Shade did not respond. A perverse, pensive, pregnant pause lay heavily upon us all. Then finally, casting an image at once upon all of our minds, we felt it ask of Venarius:

    "What dost thou want?"

    The High Templar smiled. "Why, power, of course." He replied.

    記憶の本, "ページ 13"

  • The shade spluttered into a great shimmering blaze, moving rapidly forward into trees up ahead. The High Templar gave chase, his soldiers dragging my daughter and I along behind. I recognized where we were headed. The forest was as dark as I remembered, and the cave, just as terrible. Before we knew it, we stood at the base of that blasphemous effigy seated atop its crude pagan altar.

    "Pull the sword from my chest."

    The Elder imposed and the man, in all his vanity, didn't hesitate for a second. He took the sword and yanked it forward. A great earthquake shook the land! It was as if the very ground itself was cowering in the face of the Elder's reunion with its frigid body.

    Bursting forth from cold stone, the Elder approached us all. The blade dropped from Venarius' quivering hand and clattered to the ground, a white light in the hilt flickered and shrank until it at last was put out by the great darkness of a tentacular void.

    Realizing what it meant to look upon its face, I turned and shielded my daughter's eyes, and as the true scope of the Elder befell the High Templar and his men. I could hear screaming and mad gibbering! The Elder did not speak. Visions no longer left its mind. It was free. It had no need to communicate with mankind any longer.

    As the richness of life fled from the quickly shrivelling bodies of the High Templar and his men, I readied myself and my daughter to flee. While the Elder began to feed, starved from millennium upon millennium of constraint, I took up the Map Device Venarius had dropped and together, we ran...

    記憶の本, "ページ 14"

  • I fear this to be the end. Not just the end for me, but the end of all things. The Elder has been freed. Soon it will feast on me and then, my daughter. Once it has finished with us, it will turn its sights on the rest of the world.

    Times will become as they were in the days of old, when the Watchers of Decay were formed. Children will go missing from their beds. Parents will mourn, darkness will descend, and then birthed from that carnage, the Decay will arrive, finding its physical form in our dimension – for that is the Elder's true master! The fungal monstrosity will manifest and spread forth its mighty tendrils. The mould from before time and space began, will seek out the destruction of all things...

    As we fled through the forest, I focused my resolve. It was too late for me. I knew of the shaping powers. Only I could have a hope at defeating the Elder. Preoccupied with its feast, the eldritch abomination had somehow forgotten us, and as we made our way back, retracing our steps, I found myself standing once more before the portal home. Not even stopping to look behind, I dove through the shimmering window, and together, we collapsed into Oriath.

    With not a minute to waste, I took a nearby tool and jammed it into the infernal device, where it hummed, ominously entrenched in my laboratory floor. The Elder had to be stopped, and so... I left her there, bidding her to hide in a closet or beneath a work table. Then, with the portal flickering and shrinking steadily, I turned back and stepped forward into the dreamlands, one final time.

    記憶の本, "ページ 15"

  • 私の最後の覚醒の時はとてもこの場所に似ている...戻りたい。彼女に会いたい。

  • The Fate of Venarius
  • My father was dragged into the Atlas by the High Templar Venarius. Surely you remember just how cruel and conniving he was before he "disappeared". Well, I discovered he didn't simply disappear... He was trapped and slain in the Atlas, and now his soul haunts the fragmented memories that are scattered across the Atlas. See for yourself, but... be careful.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "_extra_mission_info"

  • エグザイル...か?頼む、私を助けてくれ。

    私は...私がどこにいるのか、どうやってここに来たのかわからない。自分の名前も覚えていないんだ... 私は何も覚えていない。今のところは私のことを...カーヴァスと呼んでくれて構わん...

    忘れ去られた霊、カーヴァス, "自己紹介"

  • 我が生命は失われたが、我が目的は失われない。

  • レイクラストを守るために何をすべきか、その道徳的な重さを感じている。私は自らの罪を恥じることなく受け入れる。それは私から人類への贈り物なのだ。

  • High Templar Dominus (CA. 1582-1600 IC)
  • The last three weeks feel like they've passed in an instant. The atmosphere here since the High Templar's disappearance has been so relaxed, but, while enjoying the sun on my roof this morning, I saw the black smoke billowing from the Chamber of Innocence turn red.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • The Seneschals have at last elected a new High Templar. Rumour has it they've sought young blood. Someone who can revitalise the Templar. Someone who can bring them into the modern age. Whoever it is, he can't be worse than the last one. Bastard set us back fifty years!

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • Rumour has it this was built by order of a previous High Templar, the name of Venarius. If the impossible components we need are anywhere in our mortal realm, they would be in the Vault of Venarius in the Reliquary.

    We're going to need to find the key to that Vault. Dominus was the next High Templar, and thus the one who declared his predecessor's pursuits heretical and had them sealed as blasphemous. A load of manure to secure the secrets for himself, no doubt. A man like him would have kept the key close. My gut tells me it's likely in his old office in the Templar Courts. Let's head there.

  • こんにちは、ハンサムさん。フフッ。大抵の人は私のことを知っているわ。ギアンナよ。チタス劇場で魔法のように素晴らしい演技をしてたの。テンプラーの秘密警察に尾行されずに劇場から出られてた頃にね。「アクシオムの悲劇」ではシャブロンを演じ、「浄化物語」ではジェムリングの女王ディアラを、「ダレッソとマーヴェイル」ではレディ・マーヴェイルを演じたわ。その演技でもうちょっとでタリオ賞にノミネートされる寸前だったんだから。


    変装の達人、ジアーナ, "自己紹介"

  • Granting Patronage to Piety
  • 世界の向こう側にいても、ヴィニアと私の繋がりは切れない。それがテオポリスに居た時のパイエティの本当の名前よ、彼女が躍進する前の。



    クラリッサ, "パイエティ"

  • ヴィニアは「不浄な者と関わった」罪で逮捕され、火炙りの刑が言い渡されたわ。これは追放が始まる前ね。



    クラリッサ, "ヴィニア"

  • 己の名を変えようとも、己の過去を変えることはできない。

  • Studying the Thaumaturgical
  • Piety & Vilenta
  • 「我々は深く名もなき闇で目覚め蠢く

  • パイエティと私は人間の在り方をより良くするために身を捧げてきました。そのやり方に関しては、パイエティがうまく言い表していました。「神の名の下に偉大な大聖堂を作る時に石の気持ちを考える?」と。



    ヴァイレンタ, "研究"

  • 正直言って、彼女のことは信用できねえ。俺なりの理由があってね。パイエティは密やかに研究を進めていたがその成果は残酷なまでに明らかだった。奴の連れて行った者たち、奴に...変えられた者たち。殆どは奴隷だった、それに「神の敵」も何人か。正しくはドミナスの野郎の敵だ。俺は善悪を白と黒に分けられるとは思っちゃいねえが、パイエティと奴の仲間は例外だ。


    バノン, "ヴァイレンタ"

  • 浄化の印ですか...パイエティが一時私に研究させたデスクライの杖ですね。イノセンスが最初のハイテンプラー、マクサリウスに授けたものだったそうです。ドミナスはあれに触れることさえできなかったため納骨堂に封印したそうです。あのような卓越した頭脳を持つ男にしては妙に反射的な行動でしたが、今となってはその理由が理解できました。




    ヴァイレンタ, "浄化の印"

  • ドミナス
  • ドミナスはチタス大聖堂を自身の個人的な研究所に仕立て上げました。あの素晴らしい頭脳が思いつく限りのものをそこに揃えました。あなたがサーンで破壊した彼の発明は全てそこで始まったのです。

    ヴァイレンタ, "チタス大聖堂"

  • 私はハイテンプラーのドミナスが金に困っていた私の資料館に差し出した支援を受け入れた。あやつの後援を得た私はあやつのために永遠なる帝国で使用されていた魔術の研究を行ったのだ。


    エラミール, "ドミナス"

  • 何故知っているかって?恥ずべきことだが、私は学術の進歩という自分勝手な期待のためにドミナスの汚れ仕事をしていたことがある。あやつの失落の前、私はフェアグレーヴズ...そしてダレッソの持ち帰った書類の断片を読み漁った。永遠なる帝国の魔術の達人についてできる限りの情報を掘り起こした。敬虔ということになっている我らがハイテンプラー様にとって非常に興味深い題材だったようだ。


    エラミール, "罪の間"

  • I used to pride myself on taking care of these tomes, but the ancient treatises concerning the Vaal... should be burned. He's making me research for him, and the things I'm reading about concern the destruction of all mankind.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • I would think my fears of the end of the world ridiculous... except... it's happened before. I must run... I must flee... and take my secrets with me.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • ドミナスは先見の明を、目的を持った指導者だと思っていたわ。永遠なる帝国を復活させてくれる人だと。実際には、ドミナスが求めているのは力だけ...美徳の宝石に封じられた黒い、魔術の力。彼は新たな帝国を作ろうとしている。彼自信の姿をした帝国を。毎晩飲んでその姿を頭から洗い流そうとしているんだけれど、まだ残ってる。

    ヘレナ, "ドミナス"

  • Davaro and the Artifacts of the Vaal
  • ハイテンプラー・ドミナスが取り戻したアーティファクトたちがついにその秘密の一つを私に明かしてくれた。これらの遺物に関してまだまだ知るべきことがあるのは間違いないが、昨日の研究で発見したことに私は歓喜し感激している。私は遺物の内に隠された穢れの周波数を発見したのだー嗚呼、なんという歌声か!これらは鏡のように、過去の影や残響を朧気に映し出している。




    研究日誌, "読む"

  • 私はテンプラーの魔術師ダヴァロ、歓喜せし者にして隠された秘密を知る者、古代の謎への鍵である!




    研究日誌, "読む"

  • 私は近頃病に侵されている。ある種の血の印だ。その呪いは覚醒の世と夢の世界の両方で私に付きまとう。遺物はもう私に力の歌を歌ってくれない。私に空腹を叫び、遺跡は飢えた子供たちのように血を求めるのだ。ああ、もっと血を!私が古のそれらの存在を知ってしまったからには、静まってはくれぬのだ!





    研究日誌, "読む"

  • 私には美しき我が女王しか見えぬ。今なら分かる、彼女は別の世界に住んでいる。我らの世界は異なる現実だが、それを繋ぐ扉や橋が存在しないわけではない。夢の中で、私たちはどろりとした犠牲者の血の中で愛し合うのだ。赤色は私たちの情熱で、血は私たちのウェディングベッドだ。





    研究日誌, "読む"

  • Dominus' Exiles
  • Some say that Dominus exiled the dregs of Oriath to the shores of Wraeclast. No, he exiled anyone who was going to give him trouble, who was going to cause ripples in his progressive theocracy.


  • スロウのヒロックよ

















    追放の宣告, "読む"

  • The storm is bad now. The ship rocks to and fro. The other exiles exchange glances as a guard struggles to regain his footing. Then, we hit the rocks.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • When I come to, I'm alone on a tiny island. Little more than a rock, really. I can't see any other land. Even Wraeclast would've been better than this.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • Expeditions to Wraeclast
  • テヴァラス隊長、





    レゾネーターの説明書, "読む"

  • 私はパイエティに全てを捧げました。彼女の研究に私の人生を費やしました。あの恩知らずな女が見返りに何をしてくれたかって?彼女が栄光を求めてレイクラストへ行っている間、私をここに置き去りにしてビーカーを磨かせてくれました。


    ヴァイレンタ, "パイエティ"

  • 忠実なるデクランよ、

    保護命令書, "読む"

  • Studying the Works of Shavronne
  • 私の遠征隊はパイエティが何人かをアクシオム監獄へ連れて行った時、西の森で野営をした。彼女はアンブラのシャヴロン、永遠なる帝国の末期に変形術に身を捧げた魔女の研究ノートを探していた。


    ヘレナ, "囚人の門"

  • パイエティがここにいる理由は一つしか思いつかない。彼女はこの場所に蔓延る病に感心があるのよ。死者を蘇らせ、野生動物を怪物へと変質させてしまう瘴気に。

    ネッサ, "パイエティ"

  • Piety has become a true mistress of thaumaturgy. I wonder what else she has learned in her time here.

    Scion, on Piety at Prisoner's Gate

  • Studying the Works of Maligaro
  • 我が素晴らしき隊長アルテリ、







    アルテリの手紙, "読む"

  • ハイテンプラーのブラックガード達か?あやつらがエグザイルに過ぎない我らにここまで近づいているだと?謎だな、そして罪の間に近すぎる。あの汚れた場所に何を望んでいるのか知らぬが、人類のためになる理由ではあるまい。

    エラミール, "ブラックガード"

  • パイエティは「棘」と名付けられた装置を探すために私達をあの嫌な場所に連れて行ったわ。異端審問官マリガロによって作られたそれは生きた肉体に「カリブリック・エクスタンシア」を注入するためのものだったそうよ。カリブリック・エクスタンシアというのは美徳の宝石が内包する腐敗したエネルギーのことね。

    ヘレナ, "マリガロの棘"

  • パイエティはマリガロの作った「悪意の宝石」と呼ばれるものを探していたわ。この近くにあるはずで、あの冷酷な女が決して手に入れてはならないものよ。


    ヘレナ, "救出"

  • パイエティは北西の遺跡に関してはエラミールの仮説に同意したでしょうね。ヴァールは永遠なる帝国よりも更に昔の強力な文明で、パイエティはその石の扉の向こう側にヴァールが残していった玩具をとても見たがっていた。でも全く扉を動かすことができなかった、あの巨大な木の根に阻まれていては。


    ヘレナ, "ロラータ"

  • Studying the Works of Malachai
  • ドミナスと彼の黒檀の軍団はしばらく前にやってきた。今ではブラックガード達は屍肉を食う飢えた蛆虫のようにサーンを漁っている。何を探しているか?見つからぬほうが良いものだ。

    マラモア, "黒壇の軍団"

  • 高い所から見れば川の向こう側、街の西端にルナリス寺院が見えるわ。


    クラリッサ, "ルナリス寺院"

  • I don't know much longer I can do this. Every day, we cart in the poor folk the General has rounded up for the Witch's experiments. I used to count, but I stopped at two thousand.

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • This is not the career the Blackguards promised me. We're worse than monsters. Look at this place! Rivers of blood! Piles of corpses! We were just following orders...

    マスターカートグラファー、ザナ, "記憶マップを見る"

  • グラヴィシウスはドミナスの鎧をまとい血塗られた右手だ。テンプラーというのは深い慈悲を持つ崇高な者だと思っていたんだが。俺の声の皮肉に気づいたか?



    ハーガン, "グラヴィシウス将軍"

  • ゴキブリ達はまたやってくるだろう。彼らは「捻れ」を欲しがっている。あのゴキブリの皇帝...他の虫共が奴の名を叫んでいる。グラヴィシウス。川を渡り、巣の中でゴキブリの王を潰すのだ。



    レディーディアーラ, "下水道"

  • 北東のソラリス寺院に侵入しようとしたことがある。あそこを守っているリボン共に殺されかけた。妙な空を飛ぶ壁掛け、布と魔術の生き物だった。幸運なことに何人かの軍人が間に入ってくれた。そいつらがリボンに切り刻まれている間に、俺は逃げた...グラヴィシウスに向かって。


    グリゴー, "グラヴィシウス将軍"

  • 俺が寝る時に見るのはもはや夢じゃない。悪夢だ。同じ悪夢を、何度も何度も。鏡だ。覗き返してくるのは俺自身じゃない。




    グリゴー, "トールマン"

  • パイエティはただの人間の粘土から「神聖な」ジェムリングを形作る天才だ。少なくとも、俺を切り開いて腸に美徳の宝石を埋め込んだ時には自分でそう言っていた。


    グリゴー, "ジェムリング"

  • パイエティが俺に...実験をしていた時、俺の意識は幸運なことに途切れていた。その痺れるような暗闇の瞬間に、俺はある存在に出会った。




    グリゴー, "魔獣"

  • ヴァーニャ:ここに来る前から魔獣のことは聞いていたわ。パイエティが話していたの。どうせ殺す相手に隠し事をしても仕方ないと思ったのかしらね。







    ペタルスとヴァーニャ, "魔獣"

  • ヴィンセンティ隊長、




    短い手紙, "読む"

  • パイエティは彼女の作品に囲まれて死ぬ、もどかしくも手の届かぬ場所から歪んだ夢に嘲られ。詩人として、そういう正義は俺の好みだ。


    グリゴー, "パイエティ"

  • Dominus is dead, but the source of his fearsome power remains.


  • Piety's Resurrection
  • マラカイは私に手を差し伸べ、私を悪夢で包み込んだ...私を奴隷にした。






    パイエティ, "マラカイ"

  • 仕事が早いわね!




    パイエティ, "マラカイの臓器"

  • いいわね!これで二つ、あと一つ。



    パイエティ, "マラカイの臓器"

  • 共にこの道を歩む前に、一つ私について理解してほしいことがあるわ。





    パイエティ, "マラカイの臓器"

  • ハイテンプラーアヴァリアス
  • ドミナスがレイクラストに行ってしまった中で誰かが圧制の車輪を回し続けなければならなかった。アヴァリウスは喜んでその役目についた。勿論、それまでに十分に練習も積んでいたさ。




    ウトゥーラ, "ハイテンプラーアヴァリアス"

  • アヴァリウス、イノセンス...そこまで大きな違いはないのではないかと思っています。私が魔獣の死に際の叫びを聞いた頃、新たに任命されたハイテンプラーのアヴァリウスは...啓示のようなものを授かったようです。


    ヴァイレンタ, "ハイテンプラーアヴァリアス"

テンプラーについて Topic /3
テンプラーについて奴らの偽善は際限がない。奴らの破滅をこの目で見てやる。私がすべきことは彼らより長生きすることだけだ... このホールを漁る冒険者よりも長生きするようにね。
テンプラーについて Text Audio /1
奴らの偽善は際限がない。奴らの破滅をこの目で見てやる。私がすべきことは彼らより長生きすることだけだ... このホールを漁る冒険者よりも長生きするようにね。

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