Skill Gem /2
Skill Gem Quality /1
EarthshatterShattering Spikes deal +(0–20)% more damage
Item mods /4
1WeaponTreeTrigger Level 20 Bone Corpses when you Stun an Enemy with Heavy Strike or Boneshattersword 500
staff 1000
sceptre 1000
mace 1000
axe 1000
shield 500
default 0
1WeaponTreeKilling Blows with Burning Arrow or Explosive Arrow Shatter Enemies as though Frozenbow 1000
default 0
1WeaponTreeKilling Blows with Earthquake and Earthshatter Shatter Enemies as though Frozenshield 500
mace 1000
sceptre 1000
axe 1000
staff 1000
default 0
1WeaponTreeKilling Blows with Lightning Conduit and Galvanic Field Shatter Enemies as though Frozencaster_unique_weapon 1000
attack_staff 0
attack_dagger 0
weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 0
wand 1000
staff 1000
dagger 1000
sceptre 1000
shield 500
default 0
Enchantment Modifier /16
Enchantment Shattering Steel Damage 166EnchantmentShattering Steel deals 25% increased Damage damage attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Shattering Steel Damage 275EnchantmentShattering Steel deals 40% increased Damage damage attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Shattering Steel Fortify On Hit Close Range 175EnchantmentHits at Close Range with Shattering Steel Fortify attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Shattering Steel Chance to Not Consume Shards 166EnchantmentShattering Steel has 20% chance to not consume Steel Shards attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Shattering Steel Chance to Not Consume Shards 275EnchantmentShattering Steel has 30% chance to not consume Steel Shards attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Earthshatter Damage 166EnchantmentEarthshatter deals 25% increased Damage damage attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Earthshatter Damage 275EnchantmentEarthshatter deals 40% increased Damage damage attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Earthshatter Radius 166EnchantmentEarthshatter has 16% increased Area of Effect attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Earthshatter Radius 275EnchantmentEarthshatter has 24% increased Area of Effect attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Earthshatter Additional Spike 175EnchantmentEarthshatter creates +1 fissures attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Boneshatter Damage 166Enchantment25% increased Boneshatter Damage damage attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Boneshatter Damage 275Enchantment40% increased Boneshatter Damage damage attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Boneshatter Stun Duration 166Enchantment25% increased Boneshatter Stun Duration attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Boneshatter Stun Duration 275Enchantment40% increased Boneshatter Stun Duration attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Boneshatter Chance for Additional Trauma 166EnchantmentBoneshatter has 16% chance to grant +1 Trauma attackhelmet 100
default 0
Enchantment Boneshatter Chance for Additional Trauma 275EnchantmentBoneshatter has 24% chance to grant +1 Trauma attackhelmet 100
default 0
Veiled mods /1
of Cameria60Suffix(20–22)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(27–30)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently
damage critical
ring 2000
default 0
Crafting Bench /2
(12–13)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(18–20)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently
2x Orb of AlchemyRingBetrayal Unveil
(14–16)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(21–23)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently
4x Chaos OrbRingBetrayal Unveil
Misc mods /3
1JewelUnique50% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per Enemy Shattered
1JewelUniqueWith at least 40 Strength in Radius, 20% increased
Rarity of Items dropped by Enemies Shattered by Glacial Hammer
local jewel effect base radius [1200]
attack drop
1JewelUniqueWith at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, 25% increased Freezing Pulse Damage if
you've Shattered an Enemy Recently
With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Freezing Pulse fires 2 additional Projectiles
local jewel effect base radius [1200]
damage caster
Item /1
Specularity Scroll
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Upgrades The Unshattered Will to a more powerful version
Unique /8
50% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per Enemy Shattered
(10–15)% increased Cold Damage
With at least 40 Strength in Radius, 20% increased
Rarity of Items dropped by Enemies Shattered by Glacial Hammer
(30–50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
No Physical Damage
Adds (120–140) to (180–210) Cold Damage
(10–15)% increased Attack Speed
(10–30)% increased Light Radius
15% chance to create Chilled Ground when you Freeze an Enemy
Create Consecrated Ground when you Shatter an Enemy
40% increased Effect of Chilled Ground
(You are Chilled while standing in Chilled Ground)
(Allies on your Consecrated Ground Regenerate a percentage of their Maximum Life per second, and Curses have 50% reduced effect on them)
(7–10)% increased Projectile Damage
With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, 25% increased Freezing Pulse Damage if
you've Shattered an Enemy Recently
With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Freezing Pulse fires 2 additional Projectiles
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20–30) to Dexterity
(40–60)% increased Damage with Poison
25% chance to Poison on Hit
You are Chilled when you are Poisoned
Non-Chilled Enemies you Poison are Chilled
Poisoned Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter
(Poison deals Chaos Damage over time, based on the base Physical and Chaos Damage of the Skill. Multiple instances of Poison stack)
(Chill reduces Enemy Action Speed by 10% for 2 seconds)
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20–30) to Strength
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
(40–60)% increased Damage with Bleeding
You are Chilled while you are Bleeding
Non-Chilled Enemies you inflict Bleeding on are Chilled
Bleeding Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter
(Bleeding deals Physical Damage over time, based on the base Physical Damage of the Skill. Damage is 200% higher while moving)
(Chill reduces Enemy Action Speed by 10% for 2 seconds)
Trigger Level 20 Shield Shatter when you Block
(120–150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(80–100) to maximum Life
+(8–12)% Chance to Block
+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance
+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance
All Damage with Hits can Chill
All Damage Taken from Hits can Chill you
Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
Enemies Chilled by your Hits lessen their Damage dealt by half of Chill Effect
(Chill reduces Enemy Action Speed by up to 30%, depending on the amount of Cold Damage in the hit, for 2 seconds)
Passive /1
60% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
30% increased Damage if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)

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