Level: (1–20)
Cost: (8–13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (171–393)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (171–393)%
AoE Radius: 20
Requires Level (12–70), (33–155) Str
Slam the ground, sending out rectangular fissures that deal area damage to enemies and thrust a spike from the ground when they end. Warcries or other Slam Attacks performed by you or allied players near any spike will cause them to shatter, damaging surrounding enemies. Works with Maces, Sceptres, Axes, Staves and Unarmed.
Base duration is 6 seconds
(0–19)% more Area of Effect
Shattering Spikes deal 30% less damage
Creates 5 fissures
Maximum 15 Spikes

Additional Effects From Quality:
Creates +(0–1) fissure
+(0–3) Maximum Spikes
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Level Effect /40
LevelRequires LevelStrCostBase Damage#% more Area of EffectExperience
Attribute /11


CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1xOrb of Transmutation
DropLevel 12
BaseType Earthshatter
Class Skill Gems
WeaponOne Hand Axes, One Hand Maces, Staves, Two Hand Axes, Two Hand Maces, Sceptres, Unarmed, Warstaves
TargetTypesGround, Enemy,
TypeAttack, Area, Melee, Slam, Multistrikeable, Duration, Totemable
ActiveSkillsCodeearthshatter, Community Wiki
Crucible Weapon /1
500 (T5)Killing Blows with Earthquake and Earthshatter Shatter Enemies as though Frozen
Level: (1–20)
Cost: (8–13) Mana
Attack Speed: 80% of base
Attack Damage: (171–393)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (171–393)%
AoE Radius: 20
Requires Level (12–70), (33–155) Str
Slam the ground, sending out rectangular fissures that deal area damage to enemies and thrust a spike from the ground when they end. Warcries or other Slam Attacks performed by you or allied players near any spike will cause them to shatter, damaging surrounding enemies. Works with Maces, Sceptres, Axes, Staves and Unarmed.
Base duration is 6 seconds
(0–19)% more Area of Effect
Shattering Spikes deal 30% less damage
Creates 5 fissures
Maximum 15 Spikes
is area damage [1]

Additional Effects From Quality:
Creates +(0–1) fissure
+(0–3) Maximum Spikes
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Microtransactions /2
Verdant Earthshatter Effect
Your Earthshatter becomes a Verdant Effect.
Molten Earthshatter Effect
Your Earthshatter becomes a Molten Effect.
Supported By /107
  • Active Type: Attack, Area, Melee, Slam, Multistrikeable, Duration, Totemable
  • Added Fire Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Faster Attacks Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Added Cold Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Additional Accuracy Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Increased Area of Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect.
    Added Lightning Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Increased Critical Strikes Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Increased Critical Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Knockback Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Life Leech Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing those hits to leech life based on damage dealt.
    Mana Leech Support
    Supports attack skills that hit enemies, causing those hits to leech mana based on damage dealt.
    Added Chaos Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Stun Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making it easier to stun enemies with those skills.
    Melee Physical Damage Support
    Supports melee attack skills.
    Item Rarity Support
    Supports any skill that can kill enemies.
    Concentrated Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, regardless of whether that skill deals damage.
    More Duration Support
    Supports any skill with a duration.
    Cold to Fire Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Combustion Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Bloodlust Support
    Supports melee attack skills, causing them to deal more damage against bleeding enemies, but preventing those skills from inflicting bleeding on enemies in any way.
    Life Gain on Hit Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Elemental Proliferation Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, or could otherwise apply elemental ailments.
    Culling Strike Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies. If enemies are left below 10% of maximum life after being hit by these skills, they will be killed.
    Damage on Full Life Support
    Supports attack skills, providing a bonus to all damage dealt by those skills while your life is full.
    Chance to Flee Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Blind Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Fire Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy fire resistance.
    Cold Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy cold resistance.
    Lightning Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy lightning resistance.
    Elemental Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy elemental resistances.
    Multistrike Support
    Supports melee attack skills, making them repeat twice when used, targeting a random enemy each time. Cannot support Vaal skills, channelling skills, travel skills, retaliation skills or triggered skills.
    Power Charge On Critical Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Burning Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, or can deal burning damage directly.
    Hextouch Support
    Must support both a skill that hits enemies, and a hex curse skill to work. The hex will be applied when enemies are hit by the other skill. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Minions cannot apply hexes this way.
    Cast On Critical Strike Support
    Must support both an attack skill and a spell skill to work. The attack skill will trigger a spell when it critically strikes an enemy. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.
    Cast on Melee Kill Support
    Must support both a melee attack skill and a spell skill to work. The attack skill will trigger a spell when it kills an enemy. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.
    Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support
    Supports melee attack skills.
    Less Duration Support
    Supports any skill that has a duration.
    Block Chance Reduction Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Physical to Lightning Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Fortify Support
    Supports melee attack skills that are not triggered.
    Ice Bite Support
    Supports any skill you use to hit enemies yourself. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines.
    Hypothermia Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Innervate Support
    Supports any skill you use to hit enemies yourself. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines.
    Critical Strike Affliction Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Void Manipulation Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Controlled Destruction Support
    Supports attack skills, or spell skills that deal damage.
    Swift Affliction Support
    Supports any skill that has a duration, or can hit enemies to inflict ailments on them.
    Elemental Focus Support
    Supports any skill that hits or burns enemies, or inflicts elemental ailments.
    Ignite Proliferation Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Chance to Bleed Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Chance to Poison Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Deadly Ailments Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Decay Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Efficacy Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage or has a duration.
    Vile Toxins Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Maim Support
    Supports attack skills, or other skills that can maim enemies.
    Immolate Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Unbound Ailments Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies or inflicts ailments
    Brutality Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Ruthless Support
    Supports melee strike or slam skills. Every third time you use a supported attack, that use of the skill will be more powerful.
    Momentum Support
    Supports attack skills that aren't triggered.
    Summon Phantasm Support
    Supports skills that can hit enemies, or create minions. When those skills or minions kill enemies, or hit rare or unique enemies they will have a chance to summon a Phantasm minion, which uses a piercing projectile spell that deals physical damage.
    Withering Touch Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Bonechill Support
    Supports any skill that can chill enemies or create chilling areas.
    Energy Leech Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing those hits to leech energy shield based on damage dealt.
    Close Combat Support
    Supports melee attack skills. Cannot support skills which create minions.
    Shockwave Support
    Supports melee attack skills. Cannot support triggered attacks, attacks used by things other than you, or skills which create minions.
    Impale Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Pulverise Support
    Supports melee attack skills.
    Rage Support
    Supports melee attack skills. Minions cannot gain rage.
    Nightblade Support
    Supports attack skills. Cannot support skills which create minions.
    Awakened Added Fire Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Awakened Brutality Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Awakened Burning Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, or can deal burning damage directly.
    Awakened Fire Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy fire resistance.
    Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support
    Supports melee attack skills.
    Awakened Multistrike Support
    Supports melee attack skills, making them repeat three times when used, targeting a random enemy each time. Cannot support Vaal skills, channelling skills, travel skills, retaliation skills or triggered skills.
    Awakened Added Cold Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support
    Must support both an attack skill and a spell skill to work. The attack skill will trigger a spell when it critically strikes an enemy. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.
    Awakened Cold Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy cold resistance.
    Awakened Deadly Ailments Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Awakened Swift Affliction Support
    Supports any skill that has a duration, or can hit enemies to inflict ailments on them.
    Awakened Void Manipulation Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Awakened Added Chaos Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Awakened Controlled Destruction Support
    Supports attack skills, or spell skills that deal damage.
    Awakened Hextouch Support
    Must support both a skill that hits enemies, and a hex curse skill to work. The hex will be applied when enemies are hit by the other skill. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Minions cannot apply hexes this way.
    Awakened Elemental Focus Support
    Supports any skill that hits or burns enemies, or inflicts elemental ailments.
    Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect.
    Awakened Lightning Penetration Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy lightning resistance.
    Awakened Unbound Ailments Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies or inflicts ailments
    Fist of War Support
    Supports slam skills, providing a powerful boost when they're used, with a delay before they can be boosted again. Cannot support Vaal skills or triggered skills. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Only skills you use yourself can receive the boost.
    Trinity Support
    Supports skills that hit enemies, causing them to gain bonuses while you have resonance of all three elements, and to grant resonance of elements other than the highest one in a hit. There is a maximum of 50 Resonance for each Element. Cannot support triggered skills, instant skills, orb skills, brands, skills with a reservation, or skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.
    Bloodthirst Support
    Supports attack skills. Cannot support triggered skills, skills which create minions, or skills used by totems, traps or mines.
    Cruelty Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies. Minions cannot gain Cruelty.
    Earthbreaker Support
    Supports slam skills, causing them to summon an ancestor totem that uses the skill for you while you're near it. Being near it grants you increased area of effect for melee skills.
    Overcharge Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Prismatic Burst Support
    Supports attacks, causing them to trigger the Prismatic Burst spell. Cannot support triggered attacks or attacks used by things other than you. Cannot modify the skills of minions.
    Devour Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Sadism Support
    Supports any skill that hits enemies.
    Controlled Blaze Support
    Supports melee attack skills.
    Volatility Support
    Supports attack skills.
    Overexertion Support
    Supports melee attack skills which can be exerted. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Vaal skills and channelling skills cannot be exerted.
    Rupture Support
    Supports attack skills.

    Community Wiki



    Earthshatter is a melee slam attack skill. When used, it sends out multiple fissures outwards that creates a spike at the end of its path. When these spikes are hit by a slam skill or a warcry, they detonate to deal area of effect damage.

    Skill functions and interactions

    Ancestral Warchief: Even though this skill is tagged as a slam skill, it will not trigger Earthshatter's shattering spikes.

    Fissure damage only hits enemies 1 time per attack, no matter how many fissures it creates.


    • All spikes from one attack can hit a single target. The following methods increase the chance of multiple spikes hitting the same target:
      • Using earthshatter in a very small room makes all spikes land close to one another and the enemy.
      • Large enemies are easier to hit with all spikes than smaller enemies.
      • The labyrinth helmet enchantment that gives plus 1 fissures.
      • Increased area of effect will increase the length of the fissures and the size of the spike explosions. Therefore increased area of effect will not necessarily increase the chance of multiple spikes hitting a single target in all situations. However, when used in a small room that prevents spikes from moving outwards to their full length, increased area of effect will definitely increase the chance of multiple spikes hitting the same target.
    • The spike damage is considered an attack that hits. Therefore it will still gain damage from things like Fist of War Support and Exerted attacks from wacries.
    • Up to 15 spikes can be placed on the ground before enemies spawn, allowing for a maximum of 3 attacks worth of spike damage ready before a fight begins.
    • The total damage of 5 spikes hitting a single enemy is (70 x 5) = 350% of the damage of the fissure hit.

    Version history

  • Now deals 200% of Base Damage, and has 200% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 20 (previously 160%).
  • 3.13.0
  • Spikes now have an explosion radius of 18 (from 20).
  • Now has slightly more variance on the distance at which spikes will appear from the initial slam location.
  • 3.12.0
  • Now has alternative quality
  • 3.11.0
  • Earthshatter has been added to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.