技能宝石 /1
名字 |
瓦尔:优雅 |
物品 词缀 /1
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
45 | ScourgeDownside | 击中伤害特别不幸 | 项链 500 普通 0 |
隐匿 词缀 /1
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
秩序的 | 60 | 后缀 | 专注时,你的暴击率特别幸运 专注的冷却回复速度加快 (5–8)% grant focus skill [1] 暴击 | 腰带 1000 普通 0 |
工艺工作台 /1
词缀 | Require | ItemClasses | 解锁 |
专注时,你的暴击率特别幸运 grant focus skill [1] | 9x 改造石 | 腰带 | 毁灭不朽 解密 |
其他属性 词缀 /3
名字 | 等级 | Domain | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 5 个菌潮宝箱里的各类物品均有幸运属性 怪物群规模扩大 6% | ||
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 12 个菌潮宝箱里的各类物品均有幸运属性 怪物群规模扩大 6% | ||
1 | MapDevice | 传奇 | 18 个菌潮宝箱里的各类物品均有幸运属性 怪物群规模扩大 6% |
物品 /1
传奇 /14
低血时移动速度加快 (6–8)%
照亮范围扩大 31%
低血时 +(20–25)% 混沌抗性
(低血为低于生命上限 50% 以下)
闪避值提高 (50–70)%
满血时闪避值提高 +1000
满血时移动速度加快 30%
+(60–120) 力量
该装备的护甲提高 (80–100)%
移动速度减慢 10%
不再通过力量获得伤害加成,每 10 点力量会使
近战物理伤害提高 3%
攻击附加 5 - 12 基础物理伤害
+(400–500) 点闪避值
闪避值提高 (120–150)%
满血时闪避值提高 +1500
移动速度加快 10%
+(60–120) 力量
该装备的护甲提高 (80–100)%
移动速度减慢 10%
不再通过力量获得伤害加成,每 10 点力量会使
近战物理伤害提高 3%
移动速度加快 (5–8)%
(0–50)% 的物理伤害转换为火焰伤害
(0–50)% 的物理伤害转换为冰霜伤害
物理伤害的 (0–50)% 转换为闪电伤害
伤害在你被冰缓时穿透 (8–10)% 元素抗性
物理伤害的 (30–40)% 在你被点燃时视为一种随机元素额外伤害
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (120–160)%
+(15–25)% 所有元素抗性
+(20–30) 智慧
+(60–80) 最大生命
每隔 5 秒,获得以下效果之一,持续 5 秒:
结界 +(100–150)
-10% 攻击伤害格挡几率上限
法术伤害格挡几率额外 -10%
格挡时触发一个镶嵌的元素法术,冷却时间 0.25 秒
shield trigger a socketed skill on block [1]
(格挡攻击伤害的最大几率不能超过 90%)
(格挡法术伤害的最大几率不能超过 90%)
星团珠宝 天赋 /1
Community Wiki
幸运 is a mechanic that rolls a number twice, with Lucky rolls applying the best result, and Unlucky rolls applying the worst result. Modifiers that state when Damaging refer specifically to damage ranges, and not related mechanics such as 命中 or critical strike chance.
Lucky and Unlucky modifiers affecting the same thing will cancel each other out.
With percentage rolls, such as critical strike chance, lucky/unlucky rolls will be up to a 100% more/less modifier, changing linearly towards 0% as critical chance increases. As for damage rolls, the average damage from the roll will be at up to 33% more or less, when the minimum damage is close to zero, but will have a much weaker effect when the minimum damage is closer to the maximum.
Binary Rolls
More specifically, the lucky critical strike chance can be calculated from the following formula:
For example, the lucky critical strike chance for an default critical strike chance of 40% could be calculated as follows:
It should be noted that these calculations neglect the effect of accuracy on critical strikes.
Damage in a Range
Given an integer roll between and , the normal expected value is .
A lucky roll has expected value
Note that the last term in this is always between 0 and 1/6 This simplifies the formula to .
The average damage is effectively nudged closer toward the max damage, and further from the minimum damage. The damage boost, on average, is a sixth of the difference between minimum and maximum damage.
Example 1: You shoot a level 20 火球. The maximum damage is 1643, and minimum damage is 1095, for an average of 1369. The difference between minimum and maximum is 548. If the damage is lucky, you get an average 548/6=91.3 extra damage, for a new average damage of 1369+91.3=1460.3 damage. This is a 6.6% damage boost.
Example 2: You cast a level 20 电球. The maximum damage is 1198, and minimum damage is 63, for an average of 630.5. The difference between minimum and maximum is 1135. If the damage is lucky, you get an average 1135/6=189.2 extra damage, for a new average damage of 189.2+630.5=819.6 damage. This is a 30% damage boost.
How much does lucky improve our expected value - if our minimum damage is 0 then we get a 33% more multiplier. As the minimum damage increases our percentage increase decreases.
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