7장 퀘스트 /12
잔혹한 미궁에 진입하려면 모든 전직 시험을 통과하십시오.
보상: 기술의 서, 패시브 스킬 포인트 1포인트, 랄라케쉬의 영혼
랄라케쉬 신이 그루스트에 빙의해 예전의 숲 야영지를 점령했습니다. 그루스트를 처치하여 랄라케쉬를 물리치십시오.
말리가로에 관해 마을에 있는 씬과 대화하십시오.
실크는 말리가로의 애완 거미인 어둠의 사신에게서 독을 구해달라고 부탁했습니다.
실크가 고대 바알의 여신인 아라칼리와 결혼하려 합니다. 실크를 찾아 아라칼리에게서 구하십시오.
웨일럼이 부서진 다리 근처에 묻어둔 은갑 목걸이를 찾아달라고 부탁했습니다.
보상: 기술의 서, 패시브 스킬 포인트 1포인트, 패시브 스킬 재설계 포인트 2포인트
웨일럼이 손녀 릴리에게 주고 싶다며 고대 바알의 유물인 키샤라의 별을 찾아달라고 부탁했습니다. 마지막으로 알려진 별의 위치는 둑길입니다.
이이나가 부패의 사원 입구를 태워 열기 위해서 반딧불이 일곱 마리가 필요하다고 합니다. 공포의 잡목림에서 반딧불이들을 찾으십시오.
북쪽 숲에서 아즈메리 성소를 발견했습니다. 마을에 있는 헬레나와 이에 관해 대화하십시오.
보상: 기술의 서, 패시브 스킬 포인트 1포인트, 그루스컬의 영혼
씬이 절망의 어머니 그루스컬을 처치하자고 제안했습니다. 그루스컬은 공포의 잡목림에 있습니다.
황야에서 알바를 만나 사라진 앗조아틀의 사원을 찾아보십시오.
이번에는 다리 야영지에서 디비니아와 다시 마주쳤습니다. 디비니아와 다시 얘기를 나누십시오.
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Act 7

Act. 7 (around 25 minutes with minimal practice) - This act is pretty short! Even though it seems long, like most of the acts in the second part of the story.

  1. Head into "The Broken Bridge" and follow the Road. If you find the exit before you find the castle for "Silver Locket" quest, open a portal and head over to "The Crossroads", follow the Road until you find the waypoint.

  2. Head into the waypoint and back into your portal, find the Silver Locket, logout. Turn in the quest to Weylam.
    I would highly recomend picking the "Granite Flask" if you're a newer player, this will make the rest of the story much MUCH easier.

  3. Take your waypoint to "The Crossroads" and head downwards, follow the road to "The Fellshrine Ruins".

  4. In the Ruins, follow the road to the very end, this will lead you to "The Crypt". Find the Trial of Ascendancy FIRST.

    Then make your way to the 2nd level of the layout, just go straight up or straight down, this will lead get you to the box containing "Maligaro's Map", once you have that, you can log out.

  5. Once again, head back to "The Crossroads" waypoint and this time go Up, same as you did in Act 2, until you find "The Chamber of Sins Level 1".

  6. Make your way to the Center of the Layout, GRAB THE WAYPOINT!

  7. Put the Map in and look for very narrow Bridges, those will lead you to the Boss. Kill the Boss and logout. REMEMBER TO PICK UP THE QUEST ITEM!

  8. Take the waypoint back to the Chamber of Sins and talk to Silk, grab the Key and head down to "The Chamber of Sins Level 2".
    Find the Trial of Ascendancy FIRST! It will be around the same places as in Act 2. Head over to the end of the layout, once again, same as in Act 2.

  9. Head to "The Den" and grab the waypoint, in case of a DC. "The Den" is a straight line from the entrance to "The Ashen Fields".

  10. Grab the Waypoint in "The Ashen Fields" and follow the Road straight down until you find Greust, kill him and keep going.

  11. Grab the Waypoint in "The Northern Forest" in case of a DC and go straight LEFT until you hit a wall. Follow the wall upwards until the end of the layout, if you don't find "The Dread Thicket", keep going. If you find "The Dread Thicket", put down a portal scroll and keep going into "The Causeway".

  12. Make your way through and find the exit to "The Vaal City", Remember to pickup the Quest Item at the end of the layout!

  13. "The Vaal City" SUCKS, but only if you don't know where to go. Here's an amazing video showcasing exactly how to read the layout to perfection!
    It's an 8 minute video, but will save you way more than 8 minutes trying to find your way in that horrible place!

  14. Find the waypoint in "The Vaal City" and head back to town. Take either your portal if you found "The Dread Thicket" or the waypoint back to "The Northern Forest" if you haven't found the entrance.
    Make a Straight line back again until you hit the same wall, but then follow the wall downwards, since you already know it's not on the topside at this point.
    If the layout was RESET due to taking too long to comeback, head DOWNWARDS anyways since you'll reach the lower end much faster.

  15. Once you're cleared "The Dread Thicket" and made sure you killed Gruthkul, log out. Of course, make sure you have ALL the Fireflies necessary!

  16. In town, talk to all the NPCs and grab all your skillpoints, you should have like 4 of them waiting for you!

  17. Take the waypoint back to "The Vaal City" and head into the "The Temple of Decay Level 1". Make your way through every level, they are basically like "squares" where the exit is always in one of the opposite corner to the entrance you came through.

  18. Kill the Boss and head over to Act 8!

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