The Root of the Problem
Act 2
There is a large, overgrown tree blocking the path into the Vaal Ruins. Perhaps there will be a way to gain entrance at a later time.
1Find a way into The Vaal Ruins
There is a large, overgrown tree blocking the path into the Vaal Ruins. Perhaps there will be a way to gain entrance at a later time.
  • Eramir Ancient Gateway: That ancient gateway to the northwest, it's a peculiar thing. Not of the Eternal Empire. It could be Vaal in origin... a culture I've seen mentioned here and there in some of the most antique of texts.

    It is the Vaal who began the use of Virtue Gems, well before our imperial ancestors. Little else is known about them. If only I had my old museum archives, I could have given you a more tempered theory.
  • 2Find the Baleful Gem
    Get the Baleful Gem from the Chamber of Sins.
  • Find the Baleful Gem

  • Area: The Chamber of Sins
  • Helena The Baleful Gem: Have you the Baleful Gem? No? That troubles me. Were Piety to obtain it... it doesn't bear thinking about. I'm positive that the gem is in the Chamber of Sins, somewhere.

    Can you find the strength to return to that putrid place, saviour?
  • Yeena Chamber of Sins: Men did very bad things in the Chamber of Sins. The forest there hurts... it is changed. The animals, our kin spirits, are made ugly and angry. Why is one life lived not enough for some men?
  • Yeena Chamber of Sins: Men did very bad things in the Chamber of Sins. The forest there hurts... it is changed. The animals, our kin spirits, are made ugly and angry. Why is one life lived not enough for some men?
  • 3Find Maligaro's Spike
    Get Maligaro's Spike from the Weaver's Chambers.
  • Find Maligaro's Spike

  • Area: The Weaver's Chambers
    4Find the Baleful Gem and Maligaro's Spike
    Get the Baleful Gem from the Chamber of Sins and Maligaro's Spike from the Weaver's Chambers.
  • Find the Baleful Gem
  • Find Maligaro's Spike

  • Area: The Chamber of Sins, The Weaver's Chambers
  • Eramir Helena: I have spoken with Helena, of Dominus and his expedition. It all sounds horribly plausible. Whether we can fully trust what she tells us... time will tell if her torn loyalties are to mend in our favour.
  • Greust Helena: The Oriathan girl... she is alive. She wants to stay with us, not to go back to her people. I say we take her traitor's heart to their chief. Ask that the warriors in black leave us be.

    I sleep less, but know more... thanks to you. Helena gave me this. Use it, or cast it away. I do not care. I have no time for Helena's breed of peace.
  • Silk Helena: I like this new Oriathan woman. She has new stories, not like Eramir who only speak of that which is dead and dust. Yes, I have many questions for this Helena.
  • Yeena The Fellshrine Hand: The spirit is strong in Fellshrine. You touch the stones, you will feel it. They spoke to me, those stones. Told me to take their altar, and to find the hand of a Good Man. He lived in that 'church' as you call it. The altar is his and it will wake when he touches it once more.

    You could find the Good Man, bring me his hand? When the spirit of the altar awakes, I will share it with you. I promise.
  • Yeena Helena: Helena is healing, I make sure of that. But you want to know if you can trust her? I see her spirit. It was born good and needs work to keep it that way. Much like yours.
  • 5Poison the ancient tree
    Use Maligaro's Spike and the Baleful Gem to poison the tree blocking your way in the Wetlands to gain access to the Vaal Ruins.
  • Poison the ancient tree

  • Area: The Wetlands
  • Eramir Maligaro's Creations: The Baleful Gem and Maligaro's Spike. I'd wager these two grotesqueries were made for each other. A marriage born in darkness.

    My advice? Send them to their wedding bed: the river bed.
  • Helena Lorrata: Piety would've concurred with Eramir's theory about that north-western ruin. The Vaal were a powerful civilization predating even the Eternal Empire and Piety very much wanted to see what toys the Vaal might have left for her to play with behind those stone doors. Yet we couldn't budge them, not with that giant of a tree holding them fast in her roots.

    You now carry a cure to that problem, or rather, a useful illness. Use the Spike to inject the Baleful Gem's calibric extantia into the roots. One day soon, Piety will find her way into that ruin. You need to get there first.
  • Silk Maligaro's Spike: That spear... yes, that is my best spear, the one I stuck in eye of old Mother Eight-leg. I think you keep it now. Let the beasts and bandits fear you even more. It is my gift to you. From one hero to another.

    Wait... no, you need more than just spear and happy words for this great deed. You kill mother of all eight legs! You need prize. Here, when I found my spear in the forest, I found these too. You will take, yes?
  • Eramir The Baleful Gem: Show me this gem from the Chamber of Sins. It has the aspect of a Virtue Gem, like those you carry already... yet it's clearly not made to slot into any of your standard equipment.

    Look at the colour. Feel the energy coming off it. Maligaro had little virtue in mind when he made this thing.
  • Eramir Maligaro's Creations: The Baleful Gem and Maligaro's Spike. I'd wager these two grotesqueries were made for each other. A marriage born in darkness.

    My advice? Send them to their wedding bed: the river bed.
  • Helena The Baleful Gem: According to his notes, the Baleful Gem was a byproduct of Maligaro's attempts to enhance the already formidable qualities of virtue gems. It was an abject failure yet Maligaro wasn't one to waste his atrocities.

    By combining the Baleful Gem with the venom extracted from one of his arachnid subjects, he brewed something called 'Black Elixir'. He proudly proclaimed it to be 'the most potent poison in existence' until it was stolen by a man named Victario.

    It was rather entertaining to read Maligaro's intentions for Victario once he caught the man. Twisted... yet I can't fault the Inquisitor's creativity.
  • Helena Lorrata: Piety would've concurred with Eramir's theory about that north-western ruin. The Vaal were a powerful civilization predating even the Eternal Empire and Piety very much wanted to see what toys the Vaal might have left for her to play with behind those stone doors. Yet we couldn't budge them, not with that giant of a tree holding them fast in her roots.

    You now carry a cure to that problem, or rather, a useful illness. Use the Spike to inject the Baleful Gem's calibric extantia into the roots. One day soon, Piety will find her way into that ruin. You need to get there first.
  • Helena Rescued: Piety was after a creation of Maligaro's called the 'Baleful Gem'. It's nearby, and it's something that heartless bitch must never get her hands on.

    You have it already? Thank Innocence. Alright, take it to the Azmeri village by the river. I'll meet you there, for my days with the Ebony Legion are done!
  • Helena Rescued: Piety was after a creation of Maligaro's called the 'Baleful Gem'. It's nearby, and it's something that heartless bitch must never get her hands on.

    You have it already? Thank Innocence. Alright, take it to the Azmeri village by the river. I'll meet you there, for my days with the Ebony Legion are done!
  • 6Enter the Vaal Ruins
    You have poisoned the ancient tree. Enter The Vaal Ruins and find a way to the other side.
  • Find a way through the Vaal Ruins

  • Area: The Vaal Ruins
  • Eramir Lorrata: You've put an end to old Lorrata? Twisted of heart and mind were the men who made that gem and that implement of black surgery. And what of the one who chooses to wield their creations?

    Of course I wished to know the secrets locked in that tomb. But not at the cost of such a grand, old life.
  • Silk Maligaro's Spike: That spear... yes, that is my best spear, the one I stuck in eye of old Mother Eight-leg. I think you keep it now. Let the beasts and bandits fear you even more. It is my gift to you. From one hero to another.

    Wait... no, you need more than just spear and happy words for this great deed. You kill mother of all eight legs! You need prize. Here, when I found my spear in the forest, I found these too. You will take, yes?
  • Yeena Lorrata: Lorrata is dead. It is not news to me. The forest screams its grief.

    You need not carry the blame; this was Lorrata's will. I do not question why she allowed you to end her days. I keep her in my dreams, where she might still help us.
  • 7Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have poisoned the Ancient Tree and found a way through the Vaal Ruins.
    8Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have poisoned the Ancient Tree and found a way through the Vaal Ruins.
    9Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have poisoned the Ancient Tree and found a way through the Vaal Ruins.
    Quest Complete - You have poisoned the Ancient Tree and found a way through the Vaal Ruins.
    Quest Complete - You have poisoned the Ancient Tree and found a way through the Vaal Ruins.
    Quest Complete - You have poisoned the Ancient Tree and found a way through the Vaal Ruins.

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