Sirus, Erwecker der Welten Einzigartig /10
333% erhöhte Rüstung und Energieschild
(9–21)% erhöhtes maximales Leben, Mana und globaler Energieschild
Verklärung der Seele
Verklärung des Körpers
Verklärung des Geistes
(Erhöhungen und Verringerungen des maximalen Energieschilds
gelten zu 30% ihres Werts auch für den Zauberschaden)
(Erhöhungen und Verringerungen des maximalen Lebens gelten zu 30% ihres Werts auch für den Angriffsschaden)
(Erhöhungen und Verringerungen des maximalen Manas gelten zu 30% ihres Werts auch für den Schaden)
Kann modifiziert werden, während der Gegenstand verderbt ist
Kann bis zu 5 implizite Modifikatoren haben, während der Gegenstand über diesen Modifikator verfügt
(150–200)% erhöhte Rüstung und Energieschild
(7–12)% erhöhtes maximales Leben
+(20–30)% zu Feuer- und Blitzwiderstand
(Verliert alle bis auf 1 impliziten Modifikator, wenn dieser Modifikator verloren geht)
(20–40)% erhöhte Wiederherstellung von Füllungen
Gegner, die Ihr während der Wirkung tötet, haben (20–30)% Chance zu explodieren und ein Zehntel ihres maximalen Lebens als Schaden eines zufälligen Elements zu verursachen
+(60–80) zu maximalem Energieschild
(30–40)% erhöhte Lebenswiederherstellung von Fläschchen
33% des erlittenen Chaosschadens umgehen nicht den Energieschild
33% des erlittenen Schadens (Chaosschaden ausgenommen) umgehen den Energieschild
Gewährt (5–10)% des maximalen Lebens als extra maximalen Energieschild
Überlegene Dekadenz
(Lebenswiederherstellung von Fläschchen wird auf den Energieschild angewendet. 30% weniger Lebenswiederherstellung von Fläschchen)
40% erhöhte globale Treffgenauigkeit
Löst 'Reflexion' Stufe 20 aus wenn ausgerüstet
(130–150)% erhöhter physischer Schaden
Fügt (16–22) bis (40–45) physischen Schaden hinzu
(8–12)% erhöhte Angriffsgeschwindigkeit
(8–12)% erhöhte kritische Trefferchance
summon mirage warrior on crit [100]
(80–120)% erhöhte Rüstung
30% erhöhte Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
(5–25)% verlängerte Dauer von Beeinträchtigungen bei Gegnern
Schädigende Beeinträchtigungen verursachen ihren Schaden (5–25)% schneller
Ihr und Gegner in Eurer Präsenz zählt als in Bewegung, während Ihr von elementaren Beeinträchtigungen betroffen seid
(Beeinträchtigungen sind: blutend, entzündet, versengt, unterkühlt, eingefroren, zerbrechlich, geschockt, ausgelaugt und vergiftet)
(Beeinträchtigungen, die Schaden verursachen, sind: blutend, entzündet und vergiftet)
(Der Gesamtschaden bleibt gleich, jedoch wird dieser über eine kürzere Dauer verursacht)
Beeinflusst nur Passive in kleinem Ring
Passive im Radius können ohne Verbindung zum Baum zugewiesen werden
(-20–-10)% zu allen Elementarwiderständen
(Dieses Juwel hat sowohl einen minimalen als auch einen maximalen Radius. Nur Passive dazwischen befinden sich im Radius des Juwels)
Beeinflusst nur Passive in massivem Ring
Passive im Radius können ohne Verbindung zum Baum zugewiesen werden
(-20–-10)% zu allen Elementarwiderständen
(Dieses Juwel hat sowohl einen minimalen als auch einen maximalen Radius. Nur Passive dazwischen befinden sich im Radius des Juwels)
Sphäre des Erweckers
Stapelgröße: 1 / 10
Zerstört einen Gegenstand und wendet seinen Einfluss auf einen anderen derselben Gegenstandsklasse an.
Der zweite Gegenstand wird zu einem seltenen Gegenstand mit beiden Einflussarten und neuen Modifikatoren verändert.
Sphäre der Beherrschung
Stapelgröße: 1 / 10
Entfernt einen Einfluss-Modifikator von einem Gegenstand mit mindestens zwei Einfluss-Modifikatoren und wertet einen anderen Einfluss-Modifikator auf.
Das Aufwerten eines Modifikators zur höchsten Stufe wandelt den Modifikator in einen erhabenen Modifikator um.
Kann auf Körperrüstungen, Stiefel, Handschuhe und Helme angewendet werden.
Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
dropped items have random conqueror influence [1]
monster dropped item quantity +% final for influenced monster [-50]
Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
AreaAuge des Sturms
TagsZauberer, chaos_affinity, cold_affinity, elderslayer, exile, fast_movement, fire_affinity, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, lightning_affinity, medium_height, no_maven, non_unique_map_boss, not_dex, physical_affinity, plate_armour, red_blood
Energy Shield From Life
Ailment Threshold
50 50 50 30
Kritische Trefferchance
Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
Attack Distance
6 ~ 15
Attack Time
1.5 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
Attack Time
Ailment Threshold
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Verursacht 2628 bis 3942 physischen Schaden
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.35 Sek.
Verursacht 2628 bis 3942 physischen Schaden
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 7.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 20 Sek.
Verursacht 2628 bis 3942 physischen Schaden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
maintain projectile direction when using contact position [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 23 Sek.
Verursacht 16344 bis 24517 physischen Schaden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
Basisdauer beträgt 2 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
orion circle maze number of circles [1]
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Movement
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 6 Sek.
Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 8 Sek.
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 1526 bis 2289 physischen Schaden
corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
corrupted blood on hit num stacks [3]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 1526 bis 2289 physischen Schaden
corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
corrupted blood on hit num stacks [3]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 1526 bis 2289 physischen Schaden
corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
corrupted blood on hit num stacks [3]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Kälteschaden umgewandelt
Gegner werden immer eingefroren
200% mehr Unterkühlungswirkung
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Kälteschaden umgewandelt
Gegner werden immer eingefroren
200% mehr Unterkühlungswirkung
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Kälteschaden umgewandelt
Gegner werden immer eingefroren
200% mehr Unterkühlungswirkung
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer entzünden immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
200% mehr Schaden mit Entzünden
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer entzünden immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
200% mehr Schaden mit Entzünden
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer entzünden immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
200% mehr Schaden mit Entzünden
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer schocken immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
active skill shock duration +% final [200]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer schocken immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
active skill shock duration +% final [200]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer schocken immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
active skill shock duration +% final [200]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2278 bis 3416 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer schocken immer
75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
active skill shock duration +% final [200]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Spell
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Triggerable, Spell
Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 10 Sek.
Zauberzeit: 5.33 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 26 Sek.
Verursacht 19069 bis 28603 physischen Schaden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
Basisdauer beträgt 4 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
orion circle maze number of circles [2]
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 32 Sek.
Verursacht 21793 bis 32689 physischen Schaden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
orion circle maze number of circles [3]
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 32 Sek.
Verursacht 21793 bis 32689 physischen Schaden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
orion circle maze number of circles [4]
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 32 Sek.
Verursacht 21793 bis 32689 physischen Schaden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
orion circle maze number of circles [5]
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
Zauberzeit: 3 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
Verursacht 280.3 bis 420.5 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
Verursacht 194.7 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
Verursacht 194.7 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
Verursacht 194.7 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
Basisdauer beträgt 13 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 5 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
base lightning damage to deal per minute [11680]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
Triggerable, Spell
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Triggerable, Spell
Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Verursacht 2102 bis 3154 physischen Schaden
Verursacht 1095 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
Verursacht 1095 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
Verursacht 1095 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
base lightning damage to deal per minute [65699]
ground effect variation [1]
infinite skill effect duration [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
Zauberzeit: 2.5 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Movement
Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
Zauberzeit: 5.33 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]
Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
Zauberzeit: 3 Sek.
Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
Verursacht 420.5 bis 630.7 physischen Schaden
Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
Verursacht 292 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
Verursacht 292 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
Verursacht 292 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
Basisdauer beträgt 13 Sekunden
Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 5 Sekunden
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
base lightning damage to deal per minute [17520]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
Verursacht 2628 bis 3942 physischen Schaden
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
corrupted blood on hit num stacks [1]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
Zauberzeit: 1.35 Sek.
Verursacht 2628 bis 3942 physischen Schaden
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
corrupted blood on hit num stacks [1]
is area damage [1]

Object Type

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"

	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
	basic_action = "Emerge"
	basic_action = "Emerge2"
	basic_action = "ChangeToStance2"

	on_start_Emerge =
		MatchOrientation( the_throne, 1 );
		MoveToObject( the_throne, force, 0, 0, true, false );

	on_start_ChangeToStance2 =
		MatchOrientation( the_throne, 1 );
		MoveToObject( the_throne, force, 0, 0, true, false );

	on_event_teleport_for_Emerge2 =
		MatchOrientation( the_throne, 1 );
		MoveToObject( the_throne, force, 0, 0, true, false );

	define_shared_state =
		throne = 1;

	force_placement = true

	set_monster_uses_map_boss_difficulty_scaling = 1

Object Type Codes

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"

	show_rocks =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );

	attach_rocks =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, L_thigh_jntBnd );

	hide_rocks =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );

	detach_rocks =
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );

	attach_eyes = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/OrionEyes.epk );"
	detach_eyes = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/OrionEyes.epk );"

	show_cloak =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );

	attach_cloak =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, hip_jntBnd );

	hide_cloak =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );

	detach_cloak =
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );

	start_teleport =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );

	do_teleport =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk );
		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );

	finish_teleport =
		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, hip_jntBnd );

	start_clone_teleport =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );

	do_clone_teleport =
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk );
		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );

	finish_clone_teleport =
		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );

	on_construction_complete = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/orion_Power_01.epk );"

	create_state_apparition_merged_1 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Orion_Final.epk );"
	on_state_apparition_merged_1 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Orion_Final.epk );"

	on_state_throne_1 =
		the_throne.RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Disappear.epk );
		the_throne.AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Appear.epk );

	on_state_throne_0 =
		the_throne.RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Appear.epk );
		the_throne.AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Disappear.epk );

	create_state_norendering_1 = "DisableRendering();"
	create_state_norendering_0 = "EnableRendering();"
	on_state_norendering_1 = "DisableRendering();"
	on_state_norendering_0 = "EnableRendering();"

	on_state_cloak_1 =
		Call( attach_cloak );
		Call( show_cloak );

	create_state_cloak_1 = "Call( attach_cloak );"

	on_state_cloak_0 =
		Call( hide_cloak );
		Delay( 1.0, { Call( detach_cloak ); } );

	create_state_cloak_0 = "Call( detach_cloak );"

	on_state_rocks_1 =
		Call( attach_rocks );
		Call( show_rocks );

	create_state_rocks_1 = "Call( attach_rocks );"

	on_state_rocks_0 =
		Call( hide_rocks );
		Delay( 1.0, { Call( detach_rocks ); } );

	create_state_rocks_0 = "Call( detach_rocks );"
	on_state_eyes_1 = "Call( attach_eyes );"
	create_state_eyes_1 = "Call( attach_eyes );"
	on_state_eyes_0 = "Call( detach_eyes );"
	create_state_eyes_0 = "Call( detach_eyes );"

	create_state_point_light_1 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, aux_light_attach );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_on );

	on_state_point_light_0 =
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, off );
		QueueAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_off );

	create_state_point_light_0 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, aux_light_attach );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_off );

	on_state_point_light_1 =
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, on );
		QueueAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_on );

	//on_start_Emerge = "EnableRendering();"
	//on_start_ChangeToStance2 = "EnableRendering();"
	//on_end_Emerge2 = "DisableRendering();"
	on_event_flashbang_for_Emerge2 = "PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, flash_buildup );"
	on_start_Teleport = "Call( start_teleport );"
	on_event_contact_for_Teleport = "Call( do_teleport );"
	on_end_Teleport = "Call( finish_teleport );"
	on_start_Emerge2 = "Call( start_teleport );"
	on_event_teleport_for_Emerge2 = "Call( do_teleport );"
	on_event_finish_teleport_for_Emerge2 = "Call( finish_teleport );"

	on_event_identify_for_EmptyActionSpell2 =
		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Trap_Beam_Signal.epk );
		PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/ );

	on_end_EmptyActionSpell2 = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Trap_Beam_Signal.epk );"

	on_clone_beam_start_01 = "Call( start_clone_teleport );"
	on_event_teleport_for_clone_beam_start_01 = "Call( do_clone_teleport );"
	on_end_clone_beam_start_01 = "Call( finish_clone_teleport );"
	on_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( start_teleport );"
	on_event_teleportstart_for_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( do_teleport );"
	on_event_teleportend_for_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( finish_teleport );"
	on_final_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( start_teleport );"
	on_event_teleportstart_for_final_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( do_teleport );"
	on_event_teleportend_for_final_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( finish_teleport );"
	on_event_addhandglowepk = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/beam_barrage_01/handGlow.epk );"
	on_event_removehandglowepk = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/beam_barrage_01/handGlow.epk );"
	on_event_addsubmergeepk = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/final_throne_deactivate_B.epk );"
	on_event_addshiverepk_for_death_01 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/shiver.epk );"

	on_event_addexplode_for_death_01 =
		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/shiver.epk );
		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/on_act_death/,  );
		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, hip_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );

	on_event_addenergyorb_for_death_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/on_act_death/,  );"

	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
	preload_ground_effect = "OrionMeteor"
	preload_buff = "corrupted_blood"
	preload_buff = "atlas_orion_immunity"
	preload_buff = "atlas_orion_death_zone"
	preload_buff = "atlas_orion_death_zone_core"

	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
	preload_buff_visual = "orion_beam_bomb_slow"

	on_death = "PlayInterlude( Audio/Music/AtlasRework/CrusaderResolve, 0.5 );"
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua
minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5"] = {
    name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
    life = 24,
    energyShield = 1,
    fireResist = 50,
    coldResist = 50,
    lightningResist = 50,
    chaosResist = 30,
    damage = 1.5,
    damageSpread = 0.2,
    attackTime = 1.5,
    attackRange = 15,
    accuracy = 1,
    skillList = {
    modList = {
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["TeleportOrion"] = {
    name = "TeleportOrion",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Movement] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlast"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlast",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastFinal"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastFinal",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.35,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUber"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUber",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 5000, 320, 30, 30, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUberFinal"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUberFinal",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.35,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 5000, 320, 30, 30, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical1"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical1",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical2"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical2",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical3"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical3",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold1"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold1",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold2"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold2",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold3"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold3",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire1"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire1",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 500, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire2"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire2",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 500, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire3"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire3",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 500, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning1"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning1",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning2"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning2",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning3"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning3",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCloneBeam"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCloneBeam",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.6000000238419, 2.4000000953674, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam"] = {
    name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 2,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam2"] = {
    name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam2",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 2.5,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeam"] = {
    name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeam",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 5.33,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeamUber"] = {
    name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeamUber",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 5.33,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeometrySpellOrionDoodadObliterations"] = {
    name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeometrySpellOrionDoodadObliterations",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnClones"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnClones",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExilesOrionMeteorArena"] = {
    name = "AtlasExilesOrionMeteorArena",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 2,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExilesOrionCreateClones"] = {
    name = "AtlasExilesOrionCreateClones",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 2,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffect"] = {
    name = "AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffect",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
        [SkillType.Physical] = true,
        [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCorridorBlast"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCorridorBlast",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 7.5,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.6000000238419, 2.4000000953674, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 1200, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast2"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast2",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast3"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast3",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2800, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast4"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast4",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
        [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 5000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast5"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast5",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionBeamBomb"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionBeamBomb",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
        [SkillType.Physical] = true,
        [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 3,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 1.4500000476837, 1.4500000476837, 1.4500000476837, 1.4500000476837, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 1.6000000238419, 1.6000000238419, 1.6000000238419, 1.6000000238419, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 1.8500000238419, 1.8500000238419, 1.8500000238419, 1.8500000238419, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
        [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2, 2, 2, 2, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasExileOrionBeamBombUber"] = {
    name = "AtlasExileOrionBeamBombUber",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
        [SkillType.Physical] = true,
        [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 3,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 3, 3, 3, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["AtlasOrionTeleportToCentre"] = {
    name = "AtlasOrionTeleportToCentre",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Movement] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
DomainsMonster (3)
GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
Req. level1
  • monster slain experience +% Min: 100 Max: 100 Global
  • monster dropped item rarity +% Min: 15000 Max: 15000 Global
  • Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • hellscape boots action speed +% minimum value Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be stunned while stunned Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished Min: 4000 Max: 4000 Global
  • IdPinnacleAtlasBoss
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
    Adds Tagspinnacle_boss
    dropped items have random conqueror influence [1]
    monster dropped item quantity +% final for influenced monster [-50]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • dropped items have random conqueror influence Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • monster dropped item quantity +% final for influenced monster Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be knocked back Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    AreaAuge des Sturms
    Tagsexile, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_height, mud_blood, no_maven, non_attacking, non_unique_map_boss, not_dex, stone_armour, very_slow_movement
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.5 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
    	basic_action = "Emerge"
    	basic_action = "Emerge2"
    	basic_action = "ChangeToStance2"
    	on_start_Emerge =
    		MatchOrientation( the_throne, 1 );
    		MoveToObject( the_throne, force, 0, 0, true, false );
    	on_start_ChangeToStance2 =
    		MatchOrientation( the_throne, 1 );
    		MoveToObject( the_throne, force, 0, 0, true, false );
    	on_event_teleport_for_Emerge2 =
    		MatchOrientation( the_throne, 1 );
    		MoveToObject( the_throne, force, 0, 0, true, false );
    	define_shared_state =
    		throne = 1;
    	force_placement = true
    	set_monster_uses_map_boss_difficulty_scaling = 1

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	show_rocks =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    	attach_rocks =
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    	hide_rocks =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    	detach_rocks =
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    	attach_eyes = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/OrionEyes.epk );"
    	detach_eyes = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/OrionEyes.epk );"
    	show_cloak =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    	attach_cloak =
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/, hip_jntBnd );
    	hide_cloak =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    	detach_cloak =
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		DetachAllOfType( Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    	start_teleport =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );
    	do_teleport =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOut.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );
    	finish_teleport =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveIn.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    	start_clone_teleport =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachApply.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Cloak_Appear.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/AttachRemove.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );
    	do_clone_teleport =
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveOutFull.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/,  );
    	finish_clone_teleport =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/Attachments/ );
    		RemoveEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/Teleporting/Orion_MoveInFull.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    	on_construction_complete = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/orion_Power_01.epk );"
    	create_state_apparition_merged_1 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Orion_Final.epk );"
    	on_state_apparition_merged_1 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Orion_Final.epk );"
    	on_state_throne_1 =
    		the_throne.RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Disappear.epk );
    		the_throne.AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Appear.epk );
    	on_state_throne_0 =
    		the_throne.RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Appear.epk );
    		the_throne.AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Throne_Disappear.epk );
    	create_state_norendering_1 = "DisableRendering();"
    	create_state_norendering_0 = "EnableRendering();"
    	on_state_norendering_1 = "DisableRendering();"
    	on_state_norendering_0 = "EnableRendering();"
    	on_state_cloak_1 =
    		Call( attach_cloak );
    		Call( show_cloak );
    	create_state_cloak_1 = "Call( attach_cloak );"
    	on_state_cloak_0 =
    		Call( hide_cloak );
    		Delay( 1.0, { Call( detach_cloak ); } );
    	create_state_cloak_0 = "Call( detach_cloak );"
    	on_state_rocks_1 =
    		Call( attach_rocks );
    		Call( show_rocks );
    	create_state_rocks_1 = "Call( attach_rocks );"
    	on_state_rocks_0 =
    		Call( hide_rocks );
    		Delay( 1.0, { Call( detach_rocks ); } );
    	create_state_rocks_0 = "Call( detach_rocks );"
    	on_state_eyes_1 = "Call( attach_eyes );"
    	create_state_eyes_1 = "Call( attach_eyes );"
    	on_state_eyes_0 = "Call( detach_eyes );"
    	create_state_eyes_0 = "Call( detach_eyes );"
    	create_state_point_light_1 =
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, aux_light_attach );
    		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_on );
    	on_state_point_light_0 =
    		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, off );
    		QueueAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_off );
    	create_state_point_light_0 =
    		AddAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, aux_light_attach );
    		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_off );
    	on_state_point_light_1 =
    		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, on );
    		QueueAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, idle_on );
    	//on_start_Emerge = "EnableRendering();"
    	//on_start_ChangeToStance2 = "EnableRendering();"
    	//on_end_Emerge2 = "DisableRendering();"
    	on_event_flashbang_for_Emerge2 = "PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/, flash_buildup );"
    	on_start_Teleport = "Call( start_teleport );"
    	on_event_contact_for_Teleport = "Call( do_teleport );"
    	on_end_Teleport = "Call( finish_teleport );"
    	on_start_Emerge2 = "Call( start_teleport );"
    	on_event_teleport_for_Emerge2 = "Call( do_teleport );"
    	on_event_finish_teleport_for_Emerge2 = "Call( finish_teleport );"
    	on_event_identify_for_EmptyActionSpell2 =
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Trap_Beam_Signal.epk );
    		PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/ );
    	on_end_EmptyActionSpell2 = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Trap_Beam_Signal.epk );"
    	on_clone_beam_start_01 = "Call( start_clone_teleport );"
    	on_event_teleport_for_clone_beam_start_01 = "Call( do_clone_teleport );"
    	on_end_clone_beam_start_01 = "Call( finish_clone_teleport );"
    	on_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( start_teleport );"
    	on_event_teleportstart_for_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( do_teleport );"
    	on_event_teleportend_for_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( finish_teleport );"
    	on_final_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( start_teleport );"
    	on_event_teleportstart_for_final_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( do_teleport );"
    	on_event_teleportend_for_final_beam_barrage_01 = "Call( finish_teleport );"
    	on_event_addhandglowepk = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/beam_barrage_01/handGlow.epk );"
    	on_event_removehandglowepk = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/beam_barrage_01/handGlow.epk );"
    	on_event_addsubmergeepk = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/final_throne_deactivate_B.epk );"
    	on_event_addshiverepk_for_death_01 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/shiver.epk );"
    	on_event_addexplode_for_death_01 =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/shiver.epk );
    		PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/on_act_death/,  );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, hip_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, aux_back_attachment_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, L_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, R_shoulder_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, R_elbow_jntBnd );
    		AddEffectPackAttached( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/death.epk, L_thigh_jntBnd );
    	on_event_addenergyorb_for_death_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/on_act_death/,  );"
    	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
    	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
    	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
    	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
    	preload_ground_effect = "OrionMeteor"
    	preload_buff = "corrupted_blood"
    	preload_buff = "atlas_orion_immunity"
    	preload_buff = "atlas_orion_death_zone"
    	preload_buff = "atlas_orion_death_zone_core"
    	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
    	preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/"
    	preload_buff_visual = "orion_beam_bomb_slow"
    	on_death = "PlayInterlude( Audio/Music/AtlasRework/CrusaderResolve, 0.5 );"
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5Throne"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 1.5,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.5,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster slain experience +% Min: 100 Max: 100 Global
  • monster dropped item rarity +% Min: 15000 Max: 15000 Global
  • Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • hellscape boots action speed +% minimum value Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be stunned while stunned Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished Min: 4000 Max: 4000 Global
  • IdPinnacleAtlasBoss
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
    Adds Tagspinnacle_boss
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be knocked back Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    Tagsbludgeoning_weapon, Zauberer, chaos_affinity, energy_armour, exile, extra_extra_large_height, fast_movement, fire_affinity, ghost_blood, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, no_maven, not_dex, physical_affinity
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.995 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 4 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 3463 bis 5008 physischen Schaden
    is area damage [1]
    Letztes Ziel anvisieren
    spell maximum action distance +% [200]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Verursacht 522.5 bis 755.6 physischen Schaden
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Verursacht 522.5 bis 755.6 physischen Schaden
    is area damage [1]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 1216 bis 1759 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    100% vergrößerter Wirkungsbereich
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 760 bis 1099 physischen Schaden
    Projektile durchbohren alle Ziele
    base deal no damage [1]
    base is projectile [1]
    monster projectile variation [129]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 212.8 bis 307.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 912 bis 1319 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 3.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 10 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 228 bis 329.7 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 228 bis 329.7 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2.17 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 10 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	on_construction_complete = "globals.apparition = this;"
    	basic_action = "Emerge"
    	basic_action = "Emerge2"
    	basic_action = "Emerge3"
    	basic_action = "ChangeToStance2"
    	basic_action = "ChangeToStance3"
    	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
    	define_shared_state =
    	force_placement = true
    	blocking = false

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	on_construction_complete = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/orion_apparition_Power_01.epk );"
        on_event_addsubmergeepk = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/epk/final_throne_deactivate_A.epk );"
        on_double_beam_hands_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        on_double_beam_hands_small_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        on_carpet_bomb_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        on_Geyser_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        on_meteor_shower_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        use_ao_lights = true
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5Apparition"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 1.5,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.995,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCarpetProjectile"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCarpetProjectile",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 129, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 129, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 129, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 129, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 129, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionFaceLastTarget"] = {
        name = "Face Last Target",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.01,
        baseFlags = {
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {200, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionBeamBlast"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionBeamBlast",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCarpetProjectileImpact"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCarpetProjectileImpact",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCarpetVolatileExplode"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCarpetVolatileExplode",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpact"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpact",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInitial"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInitial",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCarpetWave"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCarpetWave",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCarpetProjectile"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCarpetProjectile",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCarpetWaveVolatiles"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCarpetWaveVolatiles",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWave"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWave",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodads"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodads",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnVolatile"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnVolatile",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysers"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysers",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GeometryTriggerAtlasExileOrionCarpet"] = {
        name = "GeometryTriggerAtlasExileOrionCarpet",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserCascade"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserCascade",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionMeteorRectangle"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionMeteorRectangle",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2.17,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweep"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweep",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteor"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteor",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteorInfluenceUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteorInfluenceUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, 100, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster slain experience +% Min: 100 Max: 100 Global
  • monster dropped item rarity +% Min: 15000 Max: 15000 Global
  • Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • hellscape boots action speed +% minimum value Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be stunned while stunned Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished Min: 4000 Max: 4000 Global
  • IdPinnacleAtlasBoss
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
    Adds Tagspinnacle_boss
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be knocked back Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    Tagsbludgeoning_weapon, Zauberer, chaos_affinity, energy_armour, exile, extra_extra_large_height, fast_movement, fire_affinity, ghost_blood, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, no_maven, not_dex
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.995 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    Letztes Ziel anvisieren
    spell maximum action distance +% [200]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 912 bis 1319 physischen Schaden
    Verursacht 467.7 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 467.7 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 467.7 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    base lightning damage to deal per minute [28062]
    ground effect variation [1]
    infinite skill effect duration [1]
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Verursacht 205.8 bis 308.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Verursacht 205.8 bis 308.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Verursacht 205.8 bis 308.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 3.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 228 bis 329.7 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 228 bis 329.7 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2.17 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 1122 bis 1684 physischen Schaden
    Verursacht 389.8 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 389.8 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 389.8 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
    Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    base lightning damage to deal per minute [23385]
    ground effect variation [1]
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Buff, Duration, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 10 Sek.
    Kann keinen Schaden erleiden
    Basisdauer beträgt 10 Sekunden
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 486.4 bis 729.6 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 486.4 bis 729.6 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 486.4 bis 729.6 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Multicastable, Triggerable, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    alternate minion [611]
    minion dies when parent deleted [1]
    minion dies when parent dies [1]
    monster no drops or experience [1]
    number of monsters to summon [1]
    summon specific monsters radius +% [-99]
    summoned monsters are minions [1]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	on_construction_complete = "globals.apparition = this;"
    	basic_action = "Emerge"
    	basic_action = "Emerge2"
    	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
    	define_shared_state =
    	force_placement = true
    	blocking = false
    	immobile = true

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	on_construction_complete =
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/orion_apparition_Power_01.epk );
    	//AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/orion_Power_Release.epk );
        on_double_beam_hands_small_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        on_Geyser_small_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
        on_meteor_shower_small_01 = "PlayAttachedEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/, hip_jntBnd );"
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5ApparitionDetached"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 1.5,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.995,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["SSMOrionApparitionSummonDeathZone"] = {
        name = "SSMOrionApparitionSummonDeathZone",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1, 611, -99, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionFaceLastTarget"] = {
        name = "Face Last Target",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.01,
        baseFlags = {
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {200, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionApparitionShield"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionApparitionShield",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Buff] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {10000, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpact"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpact",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInitial"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInitial",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 30, 30, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveSmall"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveSmall",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodadsSmall"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodadsSmall",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysers"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysers",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffect"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffect",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffectTemp"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffectTemp",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 1, 1, 1, 25, 25, 1, 6000, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCreateGeysersSmall"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCreateGeysersSmall",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCreateMeteorsSmall"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCreateMeteorsSmall",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2.17,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShort"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShort",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMedium"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMedium",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLong"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLong",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShortUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShortUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMediumUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMediumUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLongUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLongUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster slain experience +% Min: 100 Max: 100 Global
  • monster dropped item rarity +% Min: 15000 Max: 15000 Global
  • Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • hellscape boots action speed +% minimum value Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be stunned while stunned Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished Min: 4000 Max: 4000 Global
  • IdPinnacleAtlasBoss
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
    Adds Tagspinnacle_boss
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be knocked back Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    Tagsexile, fast_movement, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, no_maven, non_attacking, not_dex, plate_armour, red_blood
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.995 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    walk emerge distance [1]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
    	basic_action = "Emerge"
    	on_start_Emerge = "LockOrientation();"
    	force_placement = true
    	blocking = false
    	define_shared_state =
    	preload_buff_visual = "sirus_influence"

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	create_state_visible_0 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_3_9_0/AlchemyLab/invisible_tank.epk );"
    	on_state_visible_1 =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_3_9_0/AlchemyLab/invisible_tank.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_In.epk );
    		PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/, default, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, inherit );
    	on_start_Emerge =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_In.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_Out_inplace_fast.epk );
    		Delay( 0.45, { PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/, default, 1.0, 1.0, 40, inherit, -178 ); } );
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5Intruder"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 0.7,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.995,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["WalkEmergeSirusInfluence"] = {
        name = "WalkEmergeSirusInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.4,
        baseFlags = {
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    TagsZauberer, chaos_affinity, exile, fast_movement, fire_affinity, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, no_maven, not_dex, plate_armour, red_blood
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.995 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    walk emerge distance [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Verursacht 205.8 bis 308.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Verursacht 205.8 bis 308.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 15 Sek.
    Verursacht 205.8 bis 308.7 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 3.5 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 136.8 bis 197.8 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    100% vergrößerter Wirkungsbereich
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2.17 Sek.
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 912 bis 1319 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
    	basic_action = "Emerge"
    	on_start_Emerge = "LockOrientation();"
    	force_placement = true
    	blocking = false
    	define_shared_state =
    	monster_damage_+%_final_vs_monsters = 1200
    	on_construction_complete = "FaceNearestPlayer();"

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	create_state_visible_0 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_3_9_0/AlchemyLab/invisible_tank.epk );"
    	on_state_visible_1 =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_3_9_0/AlchemyLab/invisible_tank.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_In.epk );
    		PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/, default, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, inherit );
    	on_start_Emerge =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_In.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_Out_inplace_fast.epk );
    		Delay( 0.45, { PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/, default, 1.0, 1.0, 40, inherit, -178 ); } );
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5Wild"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 0.7,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.995,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, -50, 100, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveSmallInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveSmallInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodadsSmall"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodadsSmall",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysersInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysersInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionMeteorRectangleInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionMeteorRectangleInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2.17,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteorInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteorInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCreateGeysersSmallInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCreateGeysersSmallInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShort"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShort",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMedium"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMedium",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLong"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLong",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["WalkEmergeSirusInfluence"] = {
        name = "WalkEmergeSirusInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.4,
        baseFlags = {
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    TagsZauberer, chaos_affinity, exile, fast_movement, fire_affinity, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, no_maven, not_dex, plate_armour, red_blood
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.995 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    walk emerge distance [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 486.4 bis 729.6 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 486.4 bis 729.6 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 4.2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    Verursacht 486.4 bis 729.6 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 3.5 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 136.8 bis 197.8 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    100% vergrößerter Wirkungsbereich
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2.17 Sek.
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 912 bis 1319 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	slow_animations_go_to_idle = false
    	basic_action = "Emerge"
    	on_start_Emerge = "LockOrientation();"
    	force_placement = true
    	blocking = false
    	define_shared_state =
    	monster_damage_+%_final_vs_monsters = 1200
    	on_construction_complete = "FaceNearestPlayer();"

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	create_state_visible_0 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_3_9_0/AlchemyLab/invisible_tank.epk );"
    	on_state_visible_1 =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_3_9_0/AlchemyLab/invisible_tank.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_In.epk );
    		PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/, default, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, inherit );
    	on_start_Emerge =
    		RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_In.epk );
    		AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/body_fx/Apparition_Out_inplace_fast.epk );
    		Delay( 0.45, { PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/AtlasExiles/Orion/on_act/, default, 1.0, 1.0, 40, inherit, -178 ); } );
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5WildUber__"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 0.7,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.995,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionGeyserImpactInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, -50, 100, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveSmallInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveSmallInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodadsSmall"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeyserWaveDoodadsSmall",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysersInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnGeysersInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionMeteorRectangleInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionMeteorRectangleInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2.17,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteorInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteorInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCreateGeysersSmallInfluence"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCreateGeysersSmallInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShortUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionShortUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMediumUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionMediumUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLongUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionBeamSweepNoFinalExplosionLongUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 4.2,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["WalkEmergeSirusInfluence"] = {
        name = "WalkEmergeSirusInfluence",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.4,
        baseFlags = {
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    dropped items have random conqueror influence [1]
    monster dropped item quantity +% final for influenced monster [-50]
    Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    TagsZauberer, chaos_affinity, cold_affinity, elderslayer, exile, fast_movement, fire_affinity, human, humanoid, is_unarmed, large_model, lightning_affinity, medium_height, no_maven, non_unique_map_boss, not_dex, physical_affinity, plate_armour, red_blood
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    50 50 50 30
    Kritische Trefferchance
    Multiplikator für kritischen Treffer
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.5 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Verursacht 1140 bis 1649 physischen Schaden
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.35 Sek.
    Verursacht 1140 bis 1649 physischen Schaden
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 7.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 20 Sek.
    Verursacht 1140 bis 1649 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    base is projectile [1]
    is area damage [1]
    maintain projectile direction when using contact position [1]
    projectile uses contact position [1]
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 23 Sek.
    Verursacht 5901 bis 8534 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    Basisdauer beträgt 2 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    orion circle maze number of circles [1]
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Movement
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 6 Sek.
    Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 8 Sek.
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 662 bis 957.3 physischen Schaden
    corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
    corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
    corrupted blood on hit num stacks [3]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 662 bis 957.3 physischen Schaden
    corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
    corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
    corrupted blood on hit num stacks [3]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 662 bis 957.3 physischen Schaden
    corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
    corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
    corrupted blood on hit num stacks [3]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Kälteschaden umgewandelt
    Gegner werden immer eingefroren
    200% mehr Unterkühlungswirkung
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Kälteschaden umgewandelt
    Gegner werden immer eingefroren
    200% mehr Unterkühlungswirkung
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Kälteschaden umgewandelt
    Gegner werden immer eingefroren
    200% mehr Unterkühlungswirkung
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer entzünden immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    200% mehr Schaden mit Entzünden
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer entzünden immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    200% mehr Schaden mit Entzünden
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer entzünden immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    200% mehr Schaden mit Entzünden
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer schocken immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    active skill shock duration +% final [200]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer schocken immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    active skill shock duration +% final [200]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer schocken immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    active skill shock duration +% final [200]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 988 bis 1429 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer schocken immer
    75% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    active skill shock duration +% final [200]
    is area damage [1]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 10 Sek.
    Zauberzeit: 5.33 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 26 Sek.
    Verursacht 6885 bis 9956 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    Basisdauer beträgt 4 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    orion circle maze number of circles [2]
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 32 Sek.
    Verursacht 7868 bis 11379 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    orion circle maze number of circles [3]
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 32 Sek.
    Verursacht 7868 bis 11379 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    orion circle maze number of circles [4]
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 32 Sek.
    Verursacht 7868 bis 11379 physischen Schaden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    Basisdauer beträgt 6 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 1 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    orion circle maze number of circles [5]
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Zauberzeit: 3 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
    Verursacht 121.6 bis 175.9 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    Verursacht 75.4 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 75.4 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 75.4 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
    Basisdauer beträgt 13 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 5 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    base lightning damage to deal per minute [4521]
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Triggerable, Spell
    Zauberzeit: 2 Sek.
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Verursacht 912 bis 1319 physischen Schaden
    Verursacht 467.7 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 467.7 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 467.7 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    base lightning damage to deal per minute [28062]
    ground effect variation [1]
    infinite skill effect duration [1]
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Zauberzeit: 2.5 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 12 Sek.
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Movement
    Zauberzeit: 1 Sek.
    Zauberzeit: 5.33 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
    skill cannot be knocked back [1]
    skill cannot be stunned [1]
    Spell, Area, Damage, AreaSpell, Lightning, Physical, Chaos
    Zauberzeit: 3 Sek.
    Abklingzeit: 29 Sek.
    Verursacht 224.5 bis 336.7 physischen Schaden
    Eure Treffer können Gegner nicht betäuben
    Verursacht 155.9 Basis-Chaosschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 155.9 Basis-Feuerschaden pro Sekunde
    Verursacht 155.9 physischen Basisschaden pro Sekunde
    Basisdauer beträgt 13 Sekunden
    Die sekundäre Basisdauer beträgt 5 Sekunden
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Chaosschaden umgewandelt
    25% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    base lightning damage to deal per minute [9354]
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-50]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.5 Sek.
    Verursacht 1403 bis 2105 physischen Schaden
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
    corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
    corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
    corrupted blood on hit num stacks [1]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Triggerable
    Kritische Trefferchance: 5%
    Zauberzeit: 1.35 Sek.
    Verursacht 1403 bis 2105 physischen Schaden
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Blitzschaden umgewandelt
    30% des physischen Schadens werden in Feuerschaden umgewandelt
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
    corrupted blood on hit % average damage to deal per minute per stack [320]
    corrupted blood on hit duration [5000]
    corrupted blood on hit num stacks [1]
    is area damage [1]

    Object Type

    Object Type Codes

    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/AtlasExiles/AtlasExile5Gauntlet"] = {
        name = "Sirus, Awakener of Worlds",
        life = 24,
        energyShield = 1,
        fireResist = 50,
        coldResist = 50,
        lightningResist = 50,
        chaosResist = 30,
        damage = 1.5,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.5,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["TeleportOrion"] = {
        name = "TeleportOrion",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Movement] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlast"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlast",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastFinal"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastFinal",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.35,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 30, 30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 5000, 320, 30, 30, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUberFinal"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamBlastUberFinal",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.35,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 5000, 320, 30, 30, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical1"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical1",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical2"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical2",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical3"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamPhysical3",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 5000, 320, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold1"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold1",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold2"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold2",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold3"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamCold3",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire1"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire1",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 500, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire2"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire2",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 500, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire3"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamFire3",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 200, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 500, 75, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning1"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning1",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning2"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning2",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning3"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpammableBeamLightning3",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCloneBeam"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCloneBeam",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            area = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.6000000238419, 2.4000000953674, 75, 200, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam"] = {
        name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam2"] = {
        name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionMultiBeam2",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2.5,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeam"] = {
        name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeam",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 5.33,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeamUber"] = {
        name = "EmptyActionSpellOrionCloneBeamUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 5.33,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionGeometrySpellOrionDoodadObliterations"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionGeometrySpellOrionDoodadObliterations",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionSpawnClones"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionSpawnClones",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionMeteorArena"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionMeteorArena",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExilesOrionCreateClones"] = {
        name = "AtlasExilesOrionCreateClones",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 2,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffect"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionMeteorGroundEffect",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 1.2999999523163, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 1.3999999761581, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 25, 25, 1, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCorridorBlast"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCorridorBlast",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 7.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.6000000238419, 2.4000000953674, 25, 25, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2000, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 1200, 1, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast2"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast2",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 4000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2000, 2, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast3"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast3",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6000, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 2800, 3, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast4"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast4",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 5000, 4, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 85, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast5"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionCircleMazeBlast5",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 5, 6000, 1000, 25, 25, 25, -50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionBeamBomb"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionBeamBomb",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.64999997615814, 0.93999999761581, 1.4500000476837, 1.4500000476837, 1.4500000476837, 1.4500000476837, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.69999998807907, 1.0199999809265, 1.6000000238419, 1.6000000238419, 1.6000000238419, 1.6000000238419, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.75, 1.1200000047684, 1.8500000238419, 1.8500000238419, 1.8500000238419, 1.8500000238419, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2, 2, 2, 2, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasExileOrionBeamBombUber"] = {
        name = "AtlasExileOrionBeamBombUber",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Chaos] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1.2000000476837, 1.7999999523163, 3, 3, 3, 3, 25, 25, 5000, 13000, -50, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["AtlasOrionTeleportToCentre"] = {
        name = "AtlasOrionTeleportToCentre",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Movement] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    Monster gewähren 100% erhöhte Erfahrung
    15000% erhöhte Seltenheit fallen gelassener Gegenstände
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster slain experience +% Min: 100 Max: 100 Global
  • monster dropped item rarity +% Min: 15000 Max: 15000 Global
  • Aktionsgeschwindigkeit kann nicht unter 50% des Basiswerts modifiziert werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • hellscape boots action speed +% minimum value Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be stunned while stunned Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished Min: 4000 Max: 4000 Global
  • IdPinnacleAtlasBoss
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
    Adds Tagspinnacle_boss
    dropped items have random conqueror influence [1]
    monster dropped item quantity +% final for influenced monster [-50]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • dropped items have random conqueror influence Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • monster dropped item quantity +% final for influenced monster Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Kann nicht zurückgestoßen werden
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeEinzigartig (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be knocked back Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Sirus Topic /2
    HelenaDas hat das Schicksal Oriaths besiegelt. Vielleicht hätten wir nach der Zerstörung durch Kitava alles wieder aufbauen können, wäre nicht der Überraschungsangriff von Sirus gewesen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war Kirac ein niederer Offizier in der Vorhut und musste mit Verbannten und Radikalen in merkwürdigen exotischen Gebieten zusammenarbeiten, um zu versuchen, die Lage unter Kontrolle zu bringen... aber Sirus war viel zu gefährlich, um in Schach gehalten zu werden. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob selbst Ihr ihn hättet aufhalten können, wenn Ihr dabei gewesen wärt. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie genau sie den Sieg errungen haben, weil Kirac nie darüber spricht, aber ich weiß, dass sehr viele Leute gestorben sind.
    Kommandant KiracIhr habt keine Ahnung, was eine wahre Tragödie ist, bis Ihr gesehen habt, wie die Umstände frühere Kameraden zwingen, einander zu töten. Sirus hätte unsere Erlösung im Kampf gegen die kommende Dunkelheit sein können, hätte er sich nicht selbst verzehrt. Die mächtige Verbannte, mit der ich damals zusammengearbeitet habe, hat ihr Leben geopfert, um Sirus eine beinahe tödliche Wunde beizubringen, und Achthundert der Vorhut starben, als sie die blutige Aufgabe zu ende brachten. Ich selbst erlitt eine Verletzung, die niemals völlig heilen wird ... und Zana ... nun, oft erleidet das Herz größere Stiche als der Körper. Das war das letzte Mal, dass jemand von uns mit ihr zusammengearbeitet hat.
    Errungenschaften - Sirus, Erwecker der Welten /1
    Vernichtet Sirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Vollständige Beschreibung zeigen
    DefeatTheOrionSirus, Erwecker der Welten
    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
    Sirus, Erwecker der Welten Text Audio /60
    Meine Freunde sind tot, und jetzt kommt Ihr zu mir. Ist es Tapferkeit? Oder Torheit?
    Habt Ihr wirklich gedacht, dass das funktionieren würde?
    Ich habe das alles vor langer Zeit überwunden.
    Euch zu zerstören ist so einfach wie die Bekämpfung eines Schädlings.
    Wie langweilig und klein.
    Hier ist nichts mehr für mich übrig. Für einige wenige Tage kann es mich wieder lebendig fühlen lassen, wenn ich etwas Wirkliches zerstöre.
    Ihr habt meine Freunde getötet. Ihr habt Unheil in meine Welten gebracht. Ihr seid in mein Allerheiligstes eingedrungen. Ich sollte erbost sein, und doch ... fühle ich nichts.
    Ihr wollt den Atlas? Nehmt ihn. Er gehört Euch. Aber Oriath? Oriath werde ich vollständig niederbrennen. Vielleicht wird das Leiden meiner Mitbürger endlich etwas bewegen.
    Bedeutungslos. Alles bedeutungslos.
    In die Leere mit Euch.
    Genießt die Leere.
    Lasst uns reinen Tisch machen.
    Hört auf zu sein.
    Werdet getilgt.
    Die Welt löst sich auf.
    Seht, wie "Schönheit" zerfällt.
    Diese Stadt ist ein Nichts.
    Eure Leben sind bedeutungslos.
    Warum weglaufen? Was bringt das schon?
    Der Zorn des Kosmos!
    Werdet gänzlich ausgelöscht!
    Die Schöpfung selbst!
    Ewiges Feuer!
    Glorreiche Flammen!
    Gebt nach.
    Seid still.
    Gebt nach.
    Ihr seid ein Nichts.
    Warum sich wehren?
    Umarmt das Nichts.
    Diese Welt ist dem Untergang geweiht.
    Ich habe das Jenseits gesehen.
    Im Jenseits lauern nur Schrecken.
    Was ist das? Eine echte Herausforderung? Letztendlich habt Ihr meine Aufmerksamkeit erregt!
    Die anderen fanden Kraft in ihren Vorstellungen. Sie wurden abhängig von ihnen. Ich bin nicht so naiv.
    Ihr nahmt an, dass ich die gleiche Schwäche wie die Anderen teile. Das tue ich nicht.
    {Ein weiterer Verbannter? Noch ein Narr unter Zanas Einfluss. Erlaubt mir, Euch zu zerstören, bevor sie die Chance hat, Euch auch zu verraten. Zumindest wird mein Art schnell sein.}{Eine weitere Verbannte? Noch eine Närrin unter Zanas Einfluss. Erlaubt mir, Euch zu zerstören, bevor sie die Chance hat, Euch auch zu verraten. Zumindest wird mein Art schnell sein.}
    Fühlt den Nervenkitzel {der Leere!}
    Ihr werdet Euch nach Eurer {Inexsitenz} sehnen!
    Bedeutung {ist eine Illusion.}
    Ihr haltet am Leben fest, {nur aus Ignoranz.}
    Ist das Leben wirklich interessant genug, um all diese Schmerzen zu rechtfertigen?
    Seht Ihr schon die Zwecklosigkeit Eurer Bemühungen?
    Warum beharrt Ihr so darauf, weiterhin zu existieren?
    Alles endet. Alles bröckelt. Alles.
    Auf der Schwelle zum Tod rast mein Herz. Ich {bin} lebendig!
    Kostet Eure Erregung aus, Eure Angst ... es sind die letzten Dinge, die Ihr fühlen werdet.
    Wenigstens fühlte ich etwas ...
    Du hast mich dort zurückgelassen, Zana ... Jahrhunderte allein im Atlas ... alles, was ich wollte, war, wieder etwas zu fühlen ...
    Beeindruckend ... aber jetzt werdet Ihr in {meinen} Gefilden kämpfen.
    Ich fühle ... etwas ... endlich ...
    Der Atlas wird mich nähren. Seht. ... Was?! Nein!
    Ich wusste immer, dass du es sein würdest ... Zana ... damit ich etwas fühle ... ein letztes ... Mal ...

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    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds

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