Sharp and Cruel
Act 2
Helena has asked you to find Maligaro's Spike, which was missing from the Chamber of Sins. Ask around town to find a clue as to its whereabouts.
1Find Maligaro's Spike
Helena has asked you to find Maligaro's Spike, which was missing from the Chamber of Sins. Ask around town to find a clue as to its whereabouts.
  • Talk to Silk

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
  • Eramir Maligaro's Spike: Could be the nasty piece of work Silk picked up near the Chamber of Sins. Looks too much like Maligaro's dark science to me.

    If you can talk Silk into giving it to you, do history a favour, and sink that spike to the bottom of the river.
  • Silk Maligaro's Spike: I have story for you. A good story... but not finished. I go into eight-leg forest in south-west... meet the mother of all eight-legs. We fight, big fight, from sunrise to sunset. I stick my best spear in mother's eye and return to village. Must not stay away too long. Must protect my people.

    Now my best spear still in mother's eye! Eramir said to leave it there, that my spear is a thing made for 'dark science', whatever that be. No, I want it back, but Mother Eight-leg would smell me from far off. Catch me by surprise. She doesn't know your smell, so you go. Get my spear. Finish good story with good ending.
  • 2Recover Maligaro's Spike from the Weaver's Chambers
    Silk found Maligaro's Spike but lost it in the Weaver's Chambers. Go there and recover it.
  • Find Maligaro's Spike

  • Area: The Weaver's Chambers
  • Greust Maligaro's Spike: Silk has the mind of a blood monkey! That 'spear' stinks of sickness. And you are a monkey too if you believe his story.

    Stuck in Mother Eight-Leg? More like he dropped it when he ran away from Baby Eight-Leg.
  • Yeena Maligaro's Spike: If Silk's story of the mother of Eight-Legs is true, then you should go get the spear from her.

    The creatures near the Chamber of Sins have suffered from a twisting of their spirits. They are sick and angry. If this happens to the Eight-Legs, we will all suffer from their fever.
  • 3Kill the Weaver and get Maligaro's Spike
    Kill the Weaver and retrieve Maligaro's Spike from its corpse.
  • Get Maligaro's Spike

  • Area: The Weaver's Chambers
    You have found Maligaro's Spike. Show it to Silk in the Forest Encampment.
  • Talk to Silk

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
  • Eramir Lorrata: You've put an end to old Lorrata? Twisted of heart and mind were the men who made that gem and that implement of black surgery. And what of the one who chooses to wield their creations?

    Of course I wished to know the secrets locked in that tomb. But not at the cost of such a grand, old life.
  • Silk Maligaro's Spike: That spear... yes, that is my best spear, the one I stuck in eye of old Mother Eight-leg. I think you keep it now. Let the beasts and bandits fear you even more. It is my gift to you. From one hero to another.

    Wait... no, you need more than just spear and happy words for this great deed. You kill mother of all eight legs! You need prize. Here, when I found my spear in the forest, I found these too. You will take, yes?
  • Yeena Lorrata: Lorrata is dead. It is not news to me. The forest screams its grief.

    You need not carry the blame; this was Lorrata's will. I do not question why she allowed you to end her days. I keep her in my dreams, where she might still help us.
  • 5Talk to Silk
    You have found Maligaro's Spike. Show it to Silk in the Forest Encampment.
  • Talk to Silk

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
  • Eramir Maligaro's Creations: The Baleful Gem and Maligaro's Spike. I'd wager these two grotesqueries were made for each other. A marriage born in darkness.

    My advice? Send them to their wedding bed: the river bed.
  • Helena Lorrata: Piety would've concurred with Eramir's theory about that north-western ruin. The Vaal were a powerful civilization predating even the Eternal Empire and Piety very much wanted to see what toys the Vaal might have left for her to play with behind those stone doors. Yet we couldn't budge them, not with that giant of a tree holding them fast in her roots.

    You now carry a cure to that problem, or rather, a useful illness. Use the Spike to inject the Baleful Gem's calibric extantia into the roots. One day soon, Piety will find her way into that ruin. You need to get there first.
  • Silk Maligaro's Spike: That spear... yes, that is my best spear, the one I stuck in eye of old Mother Eight-leg. I think you keep it now. Let the beasts and bandits fear you even more. It is my gift to you. From one hero to another.

    Wait... no, you need more than just spear and happy words for this great deed. You kill mother of all eight legs! You need prize. Here, when I found my spear in the forest, I found these too. You will take, yes?
  • 6
    Quest Complete - You have found Maligaro's Spike. Talk to Silk for a reward. You need to keep Maligaro's Spike with you for another quest.
  • Talk to Silk for your reward

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
    Quest Complete - You have found Maligaro's Spike. Talk to Silk for a reward.
  • Talk to Silk for your reward

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
    8Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have found Maligaro's Spike and have been rewarded by Silk. You need to keep Maligaro's spike with you for another quest.
    9Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have found Maligaro's Spike and have been rewarded by Silk.

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