Misión Stats /52
Act | Nombre | Recompensa |
El Morador de las profundidades | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
El marinero abandonado | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Un trabajo sucio | 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
El camino hacia adelante | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
El Señor Bandido Kraityn | Velocidad de movimiento aumentada un 8% | |
La Señora Bandida Alira | +15% a todas las resistencias elementales | |
El Señor Bandido Oak | +40 de vida máxima | |
A través de suelo sagrado | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
Encárgate de los bandidos | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Los secretos de Victario | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
Las mascotas de Piedad | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Un espíritu indomable | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
Al servicio de la ciencia | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Los tormentos de Kitava | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
El padre de la guerra | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
La Titiritera | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Caído en desgracia | 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
El Hendido | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
El maestro de un millón de rostros | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Reina de la desesperación | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
La estrella de Kishara | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
El amor está muerto | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
Reflejo del terror | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
La legión gemita | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
La reina de las arenas | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
El gobernante de Atalaya | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Fastis Fortuna | 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
No hay amor para los viejos fantasmas | 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
La venganza de Vilenta | 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
El fin del hambre | 2 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Descent2Reward1 | 2 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Descent2Reward2 | 2 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Descent2Reward3 | 2 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
Descent2Reward4 | 2 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
El Dios voraz | -30% a todas las resistencias elementales -30% de resistencia al caos | |
El fin del hambre | -30% a todas las resistencias elementales -30% de resistencia al caos | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewardsStart | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards1 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards2 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards3 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards4 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas -30% a todas las resistencias elementales -30% de resistencia al caos | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards5 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards6 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessDelvePassiveRewards7 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas -30% a todas las resistencias elementales -30% de resistencia al caos | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewardsStart | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards1 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards2 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards3 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards4 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas -30% a todas las resistencias elementales -30% de resistencia al caos | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards5 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards6 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas | |
EndlessHeistPassiveRewards7 | 3 puntos de habilidades pasivas 3 puntos de reasignación de pasivas -30% a todas las resistencias elementales -30% de resistencia al caos |
Árbol de habilidades pasivas El panel de Ayuda
Árbol de habilidades pasivas El panel de Ayuda
El árbol de habilidades pasivas
La build de tu personaje se compone principalmente de los objetos que viste el personaje, las gemas de habilidad y asistencia que están engarzadas en esos objetos, y las habilidades pasivas que has elegido en el árbol de habilidad pasivas. Dado que el árbol de habilidades pasivas establece la base para tus objetos y gemas, es discutiblemente el núcleo de cada build de personaje. Cuando subes de nivel, y al completar ciertas misiones, conseguirás un punto de habilidad pasiva. Puedes asignar cada punto en el árbol de habilidades pasivas para obtener los beneficios de la habilidad pasiva (normalmente llamada simplemente "pasiva") en la que lo hayas gastado. Puedes asignar puntos en pasivas que están conectadas a otras pasivas asignadas. Hay muchísimas más pasivas en el árbol de las que puedes llegar a asignar jamás, así que tienes que pensar cuidadosamente cuáles quieres elegir. Normalmente merece la pena planearlas con antelación. Hay tres tipos de habilidades pasivas:

Muchos grupos del árbol de pasivas tienen “maestrías” en su centro que indican el tipo de pasivas que otorga ese grupo. Si asignas una notable en un grupo que tenga una maestría, podrás acceder a la “pasiva de maestría”. Las pasivas de maestría otorgan una selección de muchas estadísticas especiales relacionadas con la temática de la maestría (p.ej. fuego o arco). Al igual que como ocurre con las pasivas normales, para poder asignar una maestría necesitas un punto de pasivas. Las pasivas de maestría se comparten con todo el árbol, es decir que, por ejemplo, las maestrías de fuego de cualquier lugar del árbol otorgan la misma selección de estadísticas especiales. Las estadísticas especiales no se pueden asignar más de una vez.
Engarces de joyas:
El árbol de habilidades pasivas también contiene engarces de joyas. Un engarce de joya asignado puede contener una joya, pero no proporcionará ningún beneficio por sí solo. Las joyas no pueden interactuar con las maestrías. Los bordes del árbol de habilidades pasivas también albergan engarces de joyas grandes. Estos engarces pueden contener joyas ramificadoras o joyas normales.

Planear y modificar tu build:
El árbol es el mismo para todas las clases de personajes, pero cada clase comienza en una ubicación distinta. Aprender lo que está cerca de cada ubicación de partida te ayudará a planear futuros personajes. Puedes deshacer tus decisiones con los puntos de reintegro de pasivas que consigues por completar ciertas misiones y al usar Orbes de Arrepentimiento. Solo puedes deshacer un único punto por cada punto de reintegro, así que si planeas hacer cambios más tarde, asegúrate de que te lo puedes permitir.

Community Wiki
Passive skill
Every character in Path of Exile has access to the passive skill tree. The passive skill 'tree' is a large network of stats and raw attributes increases for the player's character. All classes use the same tree, but start in different places. When a character levels up or completes certain quests, he or she gains one skill point. A skill point allows the player to allocate a node on the skill tree, provided that it is already connected to an allocated node. This is how the character's passive 'path' is formed.
Characters can accrue 99 passive skill points from levels, 22 or 24 skill points from quests (depending on the choices a player makes in the quest Deal with the Bandits), and 20 skill refund points from quests.
Players that choose the Scion as their character may also gain up to 5 additional passive skill points, depending on the choices they make in their Ascendancy class.
While the passive tree (sometimes referred to in-game as the Skilldrasil or Skill Web) may seem complicated, it actually only has two parts. It can be thought of as a map, with suburbs and roads.
The clusters of related passive nodes that boost a specific area (swords, maces, archery, damage types, evasion, and so on) are like suburbs. These will form the bulk of a character's build. The pathways between these clusters, comprised entirely of nodes that give +10 to a certain attribute, are like roads. Some of these roads can cover a great distance much quicker than if the player detours through the suburbs: what may look like a short path with passive boosts could in fact be much longer than taking the +10 to attribute path.
Pressing 'c' in-game and hovering over each of the three attributes will show what these do. Anything the attributes don't do, such as increase ranged damage or attack speed, will likely be handled by passive nodes on the skill 'tree'.
- The tree can be divided into three primary sectors of equal size, one third of the relatively circular tree, surrounding a central wheel. - They are the north or blue sector, the southwest or red sector and the southeast or green sector.
- The north or blue sector is also known as the magic sector; passives there boost intelligence, elemental damage, energy shield, wand damage, minion stats, etc. Everything related to magic, and the skills normally found on blue gems.
- The southwest or red sector is also known as the melee sector; passives there boost strength, armor, physical damage and nearly every known aspect of melee combat, as well as all skills normally found on red gems.
- The southeast or green sector is also known as the Ranged sector; passives there boost dexterity, ranged projectile damage, evasion, most known aspects of ranged combat and all skills normally found on green gems.
- As the player moves to the borders between sectors the passive skills available there become more hybridized between the two.
- When a new game is started, each character starts at the border of the inner wheel of the tree at a different location; the Witch for example starts at the due-north border of the inner wheel, smack in the middle of the blue sector showing her preference for magic. The wheel of character images (on the right) shows which position each class starts in and therefore their preferred method of combat; the Marauder starts in the middle of the red sector showing a preference for melee combat and the Ranger starts in the middle of the green sector for ranged combat, with the other characters starting in a position to put them in more of a hybrid role to start.
- Although it takes some extra skill points to do this, there is nothing stopping the player from choosing passives to quickly get into a different sector than the character started out with to, for example, make a melee-combat Witch, given that there are no set equipment limits on which character can equip what, other than what their passive stats allow. However, keep in mind that the campaign quests that give skill gems as rewards, gives gems related to the natural preference of that character, i.e. the Witch will usually only see magic-type gems, and the Ascendancy classes available to a particular character are mainly designed to work with a build within the natural section of the skill tree. So it is highly not recommended to make an atypical build except for show/giggles
Passive nodes
There are several types of passive skills.
Basic passives
Basic passive skills only grants minor improvements to the character.
Notable passives
Main page: Notable
Some notables are only acquired via cluster jewels and anointment. Cluster jewels provide a unique set of notables, while every notable on the main skill tress can be anointed, plus an additional 11 notables that exclusive from anointment.
Notable passive skills grants notable improvements to the character.
Keystone passives
Main page: Keystone
Keystone passive skills significantly alters how the character functions. Some of them are granted exclusively from unique cluster jewel and unique Timeless Jewel.
Jewel sockets
Jewel sockets are passives that can be filled with Jewels. By default, they are empty and don't grant any bonuses. There are currently 21 sockets distributed around the tree. There is no cap on the amount of sockets the player can allocate.
Ascendancy passives
Main page: Ascendancy class
Every character has an opportunity to gain a subclass called Ascendancy class that grants access to an Ascendancy skill tree specific for the character class chosen.
Planning your build
With the number of nodes on the skill tree, the variety of starting positions, the number of passive skill points you can gain and the variety of available Jewels, the number of possible configurations of skill builds on the tree is so large it can for all intents and purposes be considered infinite. Planning a good build in this tree can be a daunting task for many players, but there are ways to make it much easier.
There is a VERY effective Search function at the top of the passive tree viewing window. If you put a word, or even part of a word, into this search function, every single passive node in the entire tree that has this word either within its name or its main effect description sentence will be highlighted by a pulsing glow, easily visible even with the tree view zoomed out to the maximum. You can then quickly hover your mouse over that node for more details on what it specifically does, and compare its position to the parts of the tree you have already allocated points to.
To then proceed with an effective build design, do the following:
- Think of an effect that you want, such as a specific Passive listed within another page on the Wiki that sounded attractive, or a more general concept such as passives that affect Shields.
- Type a corresponding key word into the search function, such as part of the name of the specific Passive you're looking for or a concept word like Shield.
- Zoom out the tree view and find the corresponding glowing nodes, and hover your mouse over them to check the corresponding direct effects
- Compare the positions of these passive clusters with the node path you've already unlocked, and determine the most efficient path that uses the lowest number of Passive points to get you to the desired nodes and/or puts you nearby/through other nodes with other effects that will also greatly help you in other ways later.
- Get the passive skill points through the normal means, and apply them according to plan.
With a bit of work you should be able to plan out an extremely effective character design using the above process.
Some unique jewels grant the ability to allocate all passives in a limited radius, without them needing to be connected to your tree. In some cases, this can allow certain desired passives to be allocated without investing in a large number of undesired connected passives. Thread of Hope has the largest possible radius options for investing in passives unconnected to the rest of the tree.
Other jewels can alter passives on the tree. For example, Might of the Meek increases the effect of non-keystone passives in range, but makes notables in range grant nothing.
Unnatural Instinct can give all the bonuses of all small passives in range, without them being allocated.
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