심야의 교섭 모조품
심야의 교섭 모조품
아로새긴 마법봉
퀄리티: +20%
물리 피해: 22.8 to 43.2
치명타 확률: 8%
초당 공격 횟수: 1.6
요구 사항 레벨 40, 131 지능
주문 피해 (22–26)% 증가
카오스 면역으로는 사용할 수 없음
지능 +(10–20)
소환수의 이동 속도 (40–50)% 증가
소환수가 주는 피해 (50–70)% 증가
격노의 유령 최대치 +6
생명력 30% 점유
소환 가능한 환영 최대치 +3
"믿을 수가 없다. 내가 직접 불타는 해골 떼로 도망치는
실험 대상을 붙잡았다. 신나는 걸!"
-연구원 올레샤
실험 대상을 붙잡았다. 신나는 걸!"
-연구원 올레샤
Replica Midnight Bargain

심야의 교섭 모조품 Attr /9
주문 피해 (22–26)% 증가
Family | SpellDamage |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | has_caster_mod |
Craft Tags | caster_damage damage caster |
지능 +(10–20)
Family | Intelligence |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attribute |
소환수의 이동 속도 (40–50)% 증가
Family | MinionMovementSpeed |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | minion_unique_weapon |
Craft Tags | speed minion |
소환수가 주는 피해 (50–70)% 증가
Family | MinionDamage |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | minion_unique_weapon |
Craft Tags | damage minion |
격노의 유령 최대치 +6
Family | ExtraRagingSpirits |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | minion_unique_weapon |
Craft Tags | minion |
카오스 면역으로는 사용할 수 없음
생명력 30% 점유
Family | ReservesLife |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | resource life |
소환 가능한 환영 최대치 +3
Family | ExtraMaximumPhantasms |
Domains | 아이템 (1) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | minion_unique_weapon |
Craft Tags | minion |
"w": 1,
"h": 3,
"icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvV2VhcG9ucy9PbmVIYW5kV2VhcG9ucy9XYW5kcy9XYW5kVW5pcXVlMyIsInciOjEsImgiOjMsInNjYWxlIjoxfV0/1db4fb5dbf/WandUnique3.png",
"league": "Settlers",
"name": "Replica Midnight Bargain",
"typeLine": "Engraved Wand",
"baseType": "Engraved Wand",
"rarity": "Unique",
"ilvl": 72,
"properties": [
"name": "Wand",
"values": [],
"displayMode": 0
"name": "Physical Damage",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 9
"name": "Critical Strike Chance",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 12
"name": "Attacks per Second",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 13
"requirements": [
"name": "Level",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 62
"name": "Int",
"values": [
"displayMode": 1,
"type": 65
"implicitMods": [
"24% increased Spell Damage"
"explicitMods": [
"Cannot be used with Chaos Inoculation",
"+16 to Intelligence",
"Minions have 43% increased Movement Speed",
"Minions deal 53% increased Damage",
"+6 to maximum number of Raging Spirits",
"Reserves 30% of Life",
"+3 to maximum number of Summoned Phantasms"
"flavourText": [
"\"Simply incredible. I caught an escaping test subject myself with\r",
"swarms of burning skulls. Delightful!\" \r",
"- Researcher Olesya"
"replica": true,
"frameType": 3,
"extended": {
"dps": 52.8,
"pdps": 52.8,
"edps": 0,
"dps_aug": true,
"pdps_aug": true,
"mods": {
"explicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_623651254",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"hash": "explicit.stat_2492660287",
"min": "30",
"max": "30"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_328541901",
"min": "10",
"max": "20"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_174664100",
"min": "40",
"max": "50"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_1589917703",
"min": "50",
"max": "70"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3143579606",
"min": "6",
"max": "6"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_517587669",
"min": "3",
"max": "3"
"implicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "implicit.stat_2974417149",
"min": "22",
"max": "26"
"hashes": {
"explicit": [
"implicit": [
"text": "Item Class: Wands
Rarity: Unique
Replica Midnight Bargain
Engraved Wand
Physical Damage: 19-36
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Level: 40
Int: 131
Sockets: B B-B
Item Level: 72
24% increased Spell Damage (implicit)
Cannot be used with Chaos Inoculation
+16 to Intelligence
Minions have 43% increased Movement Speed
Minions deal 53% increased Damage
+6 to maximum number of Raging Spirits
Reserves 30% of Life
+3 to maximum number of Summoned Phantasms
\"Simply incredible. I caught an escaping test subject myself with
swarms of burning skulls. Delightful!\"
- Researcher Olesya
Note: ~price 1 chaos
" } }
Rarity: Unique
Replica Midnight Bargain
Engraved Wand
Physical Damage: 19-36
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Level: 40
Int: 131
Sockets: B B-B
Item Level: 72
24% increased Spell Damage (implicit)
Cannot be used with Chaos Inoculation
+16 to Intelligence
Minions have 43% increased Movement Speed
Minions deal 53% increased Damage
+6 to maximum number of Raging Spirits
Reserves 30% of Life
+3 to maximum number of Summoned Phantasms
\"Simply incredible. I caught an escaping test subject myself with
swarms of burning skulls. Delightful!\"
- Researcher Olesya
Note: ~price 1 chaos
" } }
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Replica Midnight Bargain
Cannot be used with Chaos Inoculation – Replica Midnight Bargain cannot be used if the player character takes the Chaos Inoculation keystone.
Reserves 30% of Life – Similar to using an aura with Arrogance Support or Blood Magic, equipping Replica Midnight Bargain reserves 30% of a player character's life. This reservation is not affected by the modifiers, #% reduced Reservation of Skills or reduced Mana Reserved or less Mana Reserved .
Item acquisition
Replicas can be obtained from the Curio Display in the final reward rooms of Blueprint: Laboratory or Blueprint: Prohibited Library Grand Heists. Replicas cannot be chanced.
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.12.0 |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.