Der Viridische Finsterwald

Der Viridische Finsterwald
Id: AzmeriLeagueArea
Act: 1
Gebietsstufe: 1
The Viridian Wildwood
Der Viridische Finsterwald Attr /4
Vollständige Beschreibung zeigen
entrance clearing clearing clearing clearing
entrance clearing clearing clearing clearing
entrance clearing clearing clearing clearing
entrance clearing clearing clearing clearing
entrance clearing clearing clearing clearing
Attack Time
1Befallener Leichnam2681.6549240707
Altar /10
AzmeriAltarBat100% erhöhte Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
150% erhöhte Wirkung von Flüchen auf Euch
Ihr seid verflucht mit 'Verwundbarkeit'
AzmeriAltarBearTreffer gegen Euch sind immer kritische Treffer
Einzigartige Gegenstände, die von getöteten Gegnern fallen gelassen werden, haben 30% Chance, dupliziert zu werden
AzmeriAltarCat50% verringerte Energieschildwiederherstellungs-Rate
50% verringerte Lebenswiederherstellungs-Rate
50% verringerte Manawiederherstellungs-Rate
Alle Treffer sind kritische Treffer
minion always crit [1]
AzmeriAltarCrowEntfernt gesamte Rüstung
25% erhöhte Aktionsgeschwindigkeit
Entfernt gesamtes Ausweichen
AzmeriAltarDeer50% erhöhter erlittener Schaden
Basis-Währungsgegenstände, die von getöteten Gegnern fallen gelassen werden, haben 25% Chance, dupliziert zu werden
AzmeriAltarLemur100% erhöhter erlittener Schaden von Schaden über Zeit
Karten, die von getöteten Gegnern fallen gelassen werden, haben 25% Chance, dupliziert zu werden
AzmeriAltarRabbit100% erhöhte Seltenheit gefundener Gegenstände
50% erhöhte Menge gefundener Gegenstände
Ihr erhaltet keine Erfahrung
AzmeriAltarRaccoon-20% zu allen maximalen Widerständen
Weissagungskarten, die von getöteten Gegnern fallen gelassen werden, haben 50% Chance, dupliziert zu werden
AzmeriAltarRat300% erhöhter Erfahrungsgewinn
Monster lassen keine Gegenstände fallen
AzmeriAltarToad80% verringerte Anzahl erhaltener Fläschchenfüllungen
Auf Euch angewendete Fläschchen haben 200% erhöhte Wirkung

Community Wiki


The Viridian Wildwood


The entrance to the Wildwood in any act or map area is marked by a ring of white Sacred Wisps. Players can explore through the Wildwood until the Sacred Wisps burn out after a set distance of travel. This encounter does not have a timer. Each new instance generates a new Wildwood area, with random layouts and encounters. As the Wildwood shares the instance with the main area, it is affected by map modifiers, including pack size and item quantity.

Once you leave the Viridian Wildwood, all currently collected wisps are released to the main zone and you cannot re-enter the Wildwood. You can open portals inside the Wildwood, but dying or leaving will despawn any portals inside the Wildwood, preventing re-entry.


Wisps are a type of non-itemised resource that can be collected while exploring the Wildwood. Wisps do not scale with item quantity from equipment or area modifiers. After exiting the Wildwood area, wisps disperse across the rest of the zone, affecting and enhancing random monsters in a manner somewhat similar to Sentinel's empowerment. Wisps come in three varieties: Primal, Wild, and Vivid. Each type is used for different Affliction vendors, and provides different benefits when affecting monsters:

  • Vivid Wisps grant a more item quantity bonus. Empowered monsters take reduced damage and gain increased attack, cast, and movement speed.
  • Wild Wisps grant a more item rarity bonus. Empowered monsters take reduced damage and gain additional projectiles and more area of effect.
  • Primal Wisps cause them to drop additional currency items, including eldritch currency, Voidborn Reliquary Key, and Valdo's Puzzle Box. Empowered monsters take reduced damage and gain more critical strike chance and additional critical strike multiplier.

The quantity of Wisps possessed upon exiting the Wildwood will determine the number of monsters affected as well as the magnitude of the empowerment provided. Multiple types of wisps can affect the same monster, stacking their bonuses.

Wisps can also affect monsters that have not been spawned yet such as Breach monsters, even when they are not on the map after completing the Affliction encounter. Some monsters in the Wildwood can also spawn already affected by Wisps.

The fourth type of wisp, Sacred Wisps, are used exclusively to burn away the darkness in the Wildwood and does not have any other effects. Two types of special Sacred Wisp clusters can be found in the Wildwood; a larger pulsating orb that reveals an area around it, or a smaller dim orb that extends the distance the player can explore in the Wildwood.

The Affliction

The Wildwood is covered in a darkness called the "affliction". Enemies in the darkness cannot be damaged or damage you. Sacred Wisps burn the affliction away for a fixed distance of travel, creating a traversable path and unlocking smaller sub-areas containing various encounters. Traveling too deep into the affliction without Sacred Wisps will cause the player to gain a cosmetic debuff that kicks players out of the Wildwood at 10 stacks.


The Wildwood's actual layout is roughly in the shape of a diamond. In each Wildwood, there are four "events" (anything that causes the affliction to get cleared in a large circle), with one placed in the north, west, east, and south region of the layout. You will spawn anywhere in the Wildwood not too close to an event. If you can find two events, it should give you a better idea of where in the Wildwood you are and help you locate the center and then find the other two events.[1]

Azmeri Wanderers

Azmeri Wanderers are NPCs in the Wildwood that provide quests, allow use of a Wildwood ascendancy class, and offer Affliction-exclusive items for wisps.


Azmeri God Shrine Contains a faded inscription about the ancient Azmeri gods
Beyond Rift Contains random Beyond monsters and a Beyond boss
Funerary Altar Grants a permanent buff for the instance that has both an upside and downside
Harvest Field Contains a random colour Harvest plot
King in the Mists' Ritual Grounds Contains the King in the Mists encounter (Ritual version)
Nameless Seer Merchant who sells one unique item for all your current wisps
Nameless Shrine Grants a buff for 5 minutes that is retained upon exiting the Wildwood
Omen Cairn Drops a random Omen
Sacred Wisps Extends the distance you have remaining to explore the Wildwood. Large clusters of Sacred Wisps also light the area around them on contact.
Well Recovers all Life, Mana, and Energy Shield, and refills Flask Charges
Wisp Conversion Tree Converts all possessed wisps into a chosen wisp type

Nameless Shrine buffs

Nameless Shrines grant 5 minute buffs that are retained upon exiting the Wildwood:

  • Ancient Wisdom: You are gaining 200% increased experience
  • Dark Gift: You have 200% increased Item Rarity and Quantity
  • Sacred Infusion: You have increased Action Speed, Size, Area of Effect, and Damage, and cannot be Damaged


Processions are a type of permanent buff that grants beneficial effects in exchange for a downside to all players throughout the instance, including outside of the Wildwood, which is removed on death. They are obtained by interacting with Funerary Altars:

  • Batrachian Funerary Altar (frog):
    200% increased Flask effect
    80% reduced Flask charges gained
  • Cervine Funerary Altar (deer):
    50% increased Damage taken
    Basic Currency Items dropped by slain Enemies have 25% chance to be Duplicated
  • Chiropteran Funerary Altar (bat):
    100% incrased Movement Speed
    150% increased Effect of Curses on you
    You are Cursed with Vulnerability
  • Corvine Funerary Altar (crow):
    Remove all Armor
    25% increased Action Speed
    Remove all Evasion
  • Feline Funerary Altar (cat):
    Always Critically Hit
    Your Minions always Critically Hit
    50% reduced Recovery Rate of Life, Mana and Energy Shield
  • Lemuroid Funerary Altar (lemur):
    100% increased damage taken from Damage over Time
    Maps dropped by slain Enemies have 25% chance to be Duplicated
  • Leporine Funerary Altar (rabbit):
    50% increased Item Quantity
    100% increased Item Rarity
    You do not gain Experience
  • Murine Funerary Altar (rat):
    300% increased Experience
    Monsters do not drop items
  • Procyonic Funerary Altar (raccoon):
    -20% to all maximum Resistances
    Divination Cards dropped by slain Enemies have 50% chance to be Duplicated
  • Ursine Funerary Altar (bear):
    Hits against you are always Critical Strikes
    Unique Items dropped by slain Enemies have 30% chance to be Duplicated


Wildwood Abomination Can appear randomly Giant treant, uses Ersi, Mother of Thorns' Vine Wall skill, Vine Cascade Random charms
Troll Shaman Can appear randomly Based on Stagnation Map boss Random tinctures
The Incarnation of Agony Can appear randomly Teleports when hit, inflicts Aura of Death Multiple unique items
The Bleak Bíle
The Biting Bíle
The Bitter Bíle
Can appear randomly
Warden of Eaves Quest 2 - Spiteful Winter
Based on Forbidden Woods Map boss
The King in the Mists (Ritual) Can appear randomly
Breaker of Oaths Quest 2 - Become the Darkness
Ritual Vessel
The Black Mórrigan Can appear randomly
Primal Huntress Quest 2 - Hunt for the Crow
Large crow monster, uses Leap Slam, Ground Slam, Sunder Chance to drop a blueprint and/or Forbidden Tome
The King in the Mists (Crux of Nothingness) All NPC Quest 3 - War for the Wildwood Can drop a random charm
One of: Pragmatism, The Untouched Soul, That Which Was Taken, The Burden of Shadows


Unique enemies in the Viridian Wildwood have a chance to drop The Trickster's Smile, The Flawed Refuge, or Nametaker .

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