Acto 8 Area /14
8Las murallas de Sarn55
Reina de carroña · Saqueador imperecedero
8El campamento de Sarn60

8Los conductos tóxicos
La fosa séptica de Doedre
Aberración persistente
Doedre la Vil
8La rambla grandiosa56
Ondar, el Traidor · Táctico espectral · Comandante pálido · Evangelista imperecedero
8Los jardines altos58
Yugul, Reflejo del Terror
8El baño público57
Héctor Titucius, Sirviente Eterno · Gladiador reanimado
8El vestíbulo de Lunaris58
Lucius, Portador de la noche · Archimago fiel a la luna · Horror del crepúsculo · Centinela de escarcha · Centinela de frío
8El templo de Lunaris nivel 1
El templo de Lunaris nivel 2
Archimago fiel a la luna · Centinela de escarcha · Centinela de frío · Devoto lunar · Campeón de Lunaris
Anochecer, Heraldo de Lunaris · Archimago fiel a la luna · Horror del crepúsculo · Centinela de escarcha · Centinela de frío · Devoto lunar · Campeón de Lunaris
8El atracadero57
Tolman · Ingeniero imperecedero · Capataz
8La puerta del grano57
Legionario Gemita · Legionario Gemita · Legionario Gemita · Capitán Gemita
8Los campos imperiales58
Efigie de miedo · Reina de carroña · Cuidador de cuervos · Centinela infernal · Centinela de fuego · León fundido
8El vestíbulo de Solaris58
Regulus, Heraldo del sol · Centinela infernal · Centinela de fuego · Guardián solar · Campeón de Solaris · Archimago fiel al sol
8El templo de Solaris nivel 1
El templo de Solaris nivel 2
Centinela infernal · Centinela de fuego · Guardián solar · Campeón de Solaris · Archimago fiel al sol · León fundido
Amanecer, Heraldo de Solaris · Centinela infernal · Centinela de fuego · Guardián solar · Campeón de Solaris · Archimago fiel al sol · León fundido
8El puente portuario60
Lunaris, Luna eterna · Solaris, Sol eterno · Centinela de fuego · Centinela infernal · Centinela de escarcha · Centinela de frío · Horror del crepúsculo · Guardián solar · Archimago fiel a la luna · Campeón de Lunaris · Campeón de Solaris · Archimago fiel al sol · Devoto lunar · León fundido
Acto 8 Misión /8
Act: 8
Resuelve todas las Pruebas de Ascendencia para acceder al Laberinto Despiadado.
Act: 8
Encuentra a Pecado en el Campamento de Sarn y habla con él sobre Doedre Lengua Negra.
Act: 8
Recompensa: Alma de Lunaris
Encuentra un camino a través de las Alcantarillas para poder buscar el Orbe de la Luna.
Act: 8
Recompensa: Alma de Solaris
Encuentra un camino a través de las Alcantarillas para poder buscar el Orbe del Sol.
Act: 8
Recompensa: Libro de habilidades, 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas, Alma de Yugul
Pecado quiere que mates a Yugul, Reflejo del Terror, quien se encuentra en los Jardines Altos.
Act: 8
Recompensa: Joya carmesí
Hargan te ha pedido que obtengas las Alas de Vastiri del Imperecedero Héctor Titucius en el Baño Público.
Act: 8
Recompensa: Libro de habilidades, 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas, 2 puntos de reasignación de pasivas
Clarissa te ha pedido que encuentres el Ankh de Eternidad en el Atracadero y se lo entregues para que pueda revivir a Tolman.
Act: 8
Recompensa: Libro de habilidades, 1 puntos de habilidades pasivas
Maramoa te ha pedido que mates a los Legionarios Gemitas en la Puerta del Grano.
Text Audio /6
Act 8Manifiesto de Doedre1
Act 8Estatua de Lunaris3
Act 8Órdenes oficiales1
Act 8Estatua de Solaris3
Act 8Solaris1
Act 8Lunaris1

Community Wiki


Act 8

Act. 8 (around 30 minutes with minimal practice) - This act is pretty short! Even though it seems long, like most of the acts in the second part of the story.

Additional Information: Despite what it looks, Act 8 isn't that long to get through. There is the 2nd Lab we will be doing though!

  1. Head into the "The Toxic Conduits" and make your way to Doedre in "Doedre's Cesspool".

    After killing Doedre, grab in the waypoint and head over to the Aspirants Plaza.

  2. Right after Doedre is the perfect time to do Lab since the 2nd Lab is Level 55 and you don't want to be too under-leveled for it, unlike for most of the story, where you always want to be under-leveled.

  3. After your 2nd Lab, head back to "Doedre's Cesspool" waypoint and go UP. You want to go to "The Quay".

  4. In "The Quay", you want to hug the left side wall until you find a Bridge, this will lead you to the "Ankh of Eternity". The layout will always work if you just hug the left wall.

  5. After grabbing the Quest Item, head back to the main layout and just go down all the way until you find the alley where Clarissa is waiting for you.
    This will be either straight all the way at the bottom of the layout or all the way to the bottom and then left.

  6. Find Clarissa and complete her Quest, this is for a skill point!

  7. Head back on your steps to the "end" of the layout and this time head to the right, this will lead you to the exit.

  8. In "The Grain Gate", it's really easy to get lost! There will be many different entrances, but a very easy way to tell whether or not you are going to right way is to look for a "dead guard" sitting there next to the door. If there's a dead guard, that's the right way.

  9. Remember not to Skip the Gemling Legion in "The Grain Gate". This will award you with a skill point and we aren't coming back here.

  10. Once you found your way through and killed the Gemling Legion, head up to "The Imperial Fields". Follow the Road and grab the waypoint once you see it, just incase you have some random crash or DC, which are pretty common on a league start.

  11. Head into "The Solaris Temple Level 1" and follow the big red carpet until you reach the waypoint. Around this waypoint, there will be a "fork" in the layout, where it continues, leading to "The Solaris Concourse" but another side path which leads to the 2nd level.

  12. Once you have the waypoint, you want to find this "side path" to the 2nd level. Once again, follow the big red carpet on the floor to the mini-boss. REMEMBER TO PICKUP THE QUEST ITEM AFTER KILLING HIM! Logout afterwards.

  13. Grab the waypoint back to "The Solaris Temple Level 1" and this time head towards the end, through "The Solaris Concourse" and also "The Harbour Bridge" until you find the next waypoint in "The Lunaris Concourse", grab it in case of a DC.

  14. Head up-left in "The Lunaris Concourse" and go up every flight of stairs until you find the entrance to "The Lunaris Temple Level 1".

    Head in and make your way to the 2nd floor where you will kill the 2nd mini-boss. Just follow the big blue carpet, this will lead you to the right place!


  15. Take your waypoint back to "The Lunaris Concourse" and this time head straight left and a bit down, this will be the location of "The Bath House".

  16. In "The Bath House", head straight left until you hit a wall at the very end of the layout and follow down the wall until you find either the "Trial of Ascendancy" or the entrace to "The High Gardens".
    You will want to do the Trial BEFORE, since you don't want to backtrack and there is no waypoint sadly.

  17. Once you've done the Trial, head back up if you found the entrace to "The High Gardens" or keep going down in the layout until you find it. It's ALWAYS on the most left side, somewhere near the Trial.

  18. Make your way through "The High Gardens" up to the mini-boss and kill it, you can logout here.

  19. In town, grab all your skill points and quest rewards you might of missed and head back to "The Lunaris Concourse" waypoint. Head right into "The Harbour Bridge" and make your way to the middle.
    This is the location of the last boss of Act 8. Kill it and move on!

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