영혼 포획자
영혼 포획자
석영 플라스크
6초 지속
사용 시 충전 60 중 30 소모
현재 충전량: 60
주문 피해 억제 확률 +10%
버프가 차원 능력 부여
버프가 차원 능력 부여
요구 사항 레벨 27
플라스크 효과를 받는 동안 마나 획득 불가
효과를 받는 동안 바알 스킬 치명타 확률 (60–80)% 증가
효과를 받는 동안 바알 스킬로 주는 피해 (60–80)% 증가
플라스크 효과를 받는 동안 바알 스킬의 영혼 획득 방지 지속시간 10% 감소
심지어 죽음의 순간에서도, 자유는 특권층에게만 있다.
{본 아이템은 희생의 제단에서 유령의 시약을 이용하여 변형할 수 있습니다.}
마시려면 우클릭하십시오. 허리띠에 장착 중일 때만 충전이 유지됩니다. 몬스터를 처치하면 충전량이 차오릅니다.
Soul Catcher

영혼 포획자 Attr /8
플라스크 효과를 받는 동안 마나 획득 불가
Family | NoManaRecoveryDuringFlaskEffect |
Domains | Flask (2) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask resource mana |
효과를 받는 동안 바알 스킬로 주는 피해 (60–80)% 증가
Family | FlaskVaalSkillDamage |
Domains | Flask (2) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask vaal |
플라스크 효과를 받는 동안 바알 스킬의 영혼 획득 방지 지속시간 10% 감소
Family | FlaskVaalSoulPreventionDuration |
Domains | Flask (2) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask vaal |
효과를 받는 동안 바알 스킬 치명타 확률 (60–80)% 증가
Family | FlaskVaalSkillCriticalStrikeChance |
Domains | Flask (2) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask vaal |
"w": 1,
"h": 2,
"icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzksMTQseyJmIjoiMkRJdGVtcy9GbGFza3MvU291bENhdGNoZXIiLCJ3IjoxLCJoIjoyLCJzY2FsZSI6MSwibGV2ZWwiOjF9XQ/00e2d0f2b5/SoulCatcher.png",
"league": "Settlers",
"name": "Soul Catcher",
"typeLine": "Quartz Flask",
"baseType": "Quartz Flask",
"rarity": "Unique",
"ilvl": 75,
"properties": [
"name": "Lasts {0} Seconds",
"values": [
"displayMode": 3
"name": "Consumes {0} of {1} Charges on use",
"values": [
"displayMode": 3
"name": "Currently has {0} Charges",
"values": [
"displayMode": 3
"requirements": [
"name": "Level",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 62
"utilityMods": [
"+10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage",
"explicitMods": [
"Cannot gain Mana during effect",
"74% increased Critical Strike Chance with Vaal Skills during effect",
"67% increased Damage with Vaal Skills during effect",
"Vaal Skills used during effect have 10% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration"
"descrText": "Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.",
"flavourText": [
"Freedom is for the privileged, even in death.\r",
"{This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of the Ghost}"
"frameType": 3,
"extended": {
"mods": {
"explicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_2198697797",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_4067144129",
"min": "60",
"max": "80"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_778036553",
"min": "60",
"max": "80"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_902947445",
"min": "10",
"max": "10"
"hashes": {
"explicit": [
"text": "Item Class: Utility Flasks
Rarity: Unique
Soul Catcher
Quartz Flask
Lasts 6 Seconds
Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
Currently has 0 Charges
+10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Level: 27
Item Level: 75
Cannot gain Mana during effect
74% increased Critical Strike Chance with Vaal Skills during effect
67% increased Damage with Vaal Skills during effect
Vaal Skills used during effect have 10% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration
Freedom is for the privileged, even in death.
This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of the Ghost
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Note: ~b/o 2 fusing
" } }
Rarity: Unique
Soul Catcher
Quartz Flask
Lasts 6 Seconds
Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
Currently has 0 Charges
+10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Level: 27
Item Level: 75
Cannot gain Mana during effect
74% increased Critical Strike Chance with Vaal Skills during effect
67% increased Damage with Vaal Skills during effect
Vaal Skills used during effect have 10% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration
Freedom is for the privileged, even in death.
This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of the Ghost
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Note: ~b/o 2 fusing
" } }
영혼 포획자
Soul Catcher
Attribute /6
Code | vaal skill damage +% |
IsPublic | 1 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Code | non aura vaal skills soul requirement +% |
IsPublic | 0 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 1 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Code | vaal skill soul gain preventation duration +% |
IsPublic | 0 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Code | vaal skill critical strike chance +% |
IsPublic | 1 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Soul Catcher
Soul Catcher is a unique Quartz Flask.
Item acquisition
Soul Catcher can only be obtained from The Vaal Omnitect. Cannot be chanced.
Monster restrictions
This item can be acquired from the following monsters:
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.16.0 |
3.15.0 |
3.10.0 |
3.3.0 |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.