Los golpes de ataques de proyectiles infligen hasta un 30% más de daño a los objetivos al comienzo de su movimiento e infligen menos daño a los objetivos a medida que el proyectil viaja más lejos
Mira a tu rival a los ojos antes de perforarlo. Deléitate con su miedo.
Point Blank
Quemarropa Attr /5
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TagsisKeystone: true isNotable: false isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Quemarropa Único /1
+475 a la precisión
Daño físico aumentado un (185–215)%
Velocidad de ataque aumentada un (15–20)%
Armadura aumentada un 80% mientras estás quieto
Las habilidades disparan 2 proyectiles adicionales si te han golpeado recientemente
Tienes Reflejos de hierro mientras estás quieto
(Recientemente se refiere a los últimos 4 segundos)
(Los golpes de ataques de proyectiles infligen hasta un 30% más de daño a los objetivos al comienzo de su movimiento e infligen menos daño a los objetivos a medida que el proyectil viaja más lejos)
(Convierte toda la evasión en armadura. La destreza no proporciona ninguna bonificación a la evasión)
Quemarropa Único /1
+475 a la precisión
Daño físico aumentado un (185–215)%
Velocidad de ataque aumentada un (15–20)%
Armadura aumentada un 80% mientras estás quieto
Las habilidades disparan 2 proyectiles adicionales si te han golpeado recientemente
Tienes Reflejos de hierro mientras estás quieto
(Recientemente se refiere a los últimos 4 segundos)
(Los golpes de ataques de proyectiles infligen hasta un 30% más de daño a los objetivos al comienzo de su movimiento e infligen menos daño a los objetivos a medida que el proyectil viaja más lejos)
(Convierte toda la evasión en armadura. La destreza no proporciona ninguna bonificación a la evasión)

Community Wiki


Point Blank

Point Blank is a Keystone passive skill that scales the damage of projectile Attacks with respect to the distance the projectile has travelled, dealing more damage initially then much less damage after covering a long distance.


The projectile deals the greatest amount when initially released, the attack damage will continue decreasing until the maximum projectile distance according to the table below. It is important to note that damage scaling is done with respect to the total distance the projectile has travelled, not its current distance from the point of origin. If the projectile changes direction—as is the case with Spectral Throw—distance travelled continues to increase as the projectile returns to its point of origin. Projectiles that travel in multiple segments (such as Arrow Nova Support) include the payload distance in the damage penalty.

0 1.3
10 1.3
35 0
150 0.7

For reference, melee weapons distance range is 5 for one-handed and 6 for two-handed weapons, cold snap has an area of effect radius of 15.


Skill gem and passive skill

Point Blank Support does not stack with the passive skill. A skill either has Point Blank or does not.

Attacks only

The Point Blank effect only works with projectile attacks, such as those made with a bow or wand. It does apply to Lightning Strike's and Molten Strike's projectiles, but won't work on spells like Ethereal Knives and Freezing Pulse.

Fork, pierce and chain

A projectile which pierces, chains or forks is still considered the same projectile, and its total travel distance is used.

At Close Range

Chin Sol's more damage at close range is not Point Blank and thus stack multiplicatively.

Projectile attacks with AoE

Point blank bonuses are calculated based on the distance from where it was fired to the enemy hit.

Projectile speed

Projectile speed does not modify the scaling of point blank at all.

Far Shot

Point Blank and Far Shot are multiplied together, and thus helps counteract the damage falloff at distance.


Point Blank is located in the southeast edge of the tree.

Distance from start
Scion 8
Ranger 10
Shadow 10
Witch 14
Duelist 14
Templar 18
Marauder 18

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