庄园 怪物 /64
名字 | 词缀 | 幽魂 |
荒野幼熊 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野幼狼 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野荆狼 | 攻击导致流血 monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野猿猴 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野雏鸟 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野鬃兽 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野灵犬 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野幼猴 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野头领 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野钉背 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野母兽 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野头狼 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野荆喉 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野荆背 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野疫后 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
荒野雏鸟 | N | |
活性利蛛 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性巨虫 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
巨虫幼崽 | N | |
活性水蛭 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性蝎子 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性荆蛛 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性刃肢 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性浆虫 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性寄生 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性利尾 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性巢背 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
巢背幼崽 | N | |
活性鞭肢 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性守望 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性匿者 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
活性水蛭 | N | |
活性纺纱 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始恐喙 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始扬尘 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始惊怖 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始深喉 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始劈凿 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始凶鸟 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始螃蟹 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
原始斑纹 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始爬虫 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始鸟母 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始利爪 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始疱王 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始囊行 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
原始重生 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
欧莱娜 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
庄园化身欧莱娜 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] 无法被击退 | N |
恶毒蔓藤 | N | |
蔓藤之锤 | N | |
护林蔓藤 | 消灭怪物不能获得药剂充能 | N |
原始护林蔓藤 | 消灭怪物不能获得药剂充能 50% 的物理伤害转换为冰霜伤害 物理伤害的 50% 转换为闪电伤害 你的移动速度加成不会让你减速至基础速度以下 你的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] 100% 几率避免被冰缓 100% 几率避免被冰冻 不受感电影响 命中值提高 40% 全域暴击率提高 300% +25% 全域暴击伤害加成 全域暴击率提高 300% +25% 全域暴击伤害加成 | N |
无常果实 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
要塞围墙 | monster no drops or experience [1] chance to be stunned % [25] cannot have affliction mods [1] 消灭怪物不能获得药剂充能 | N |
荆锤梅卢尔 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
利爪艾利达 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
酸吻奥尔万 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
活性吞噬 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
原始飞尘 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
原始蝰蛇 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
荆棘之母厄稀 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
夜生之子囊赫利姆 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
凶兆贾纳尔 | 怪物提供的经验值提高 100% 掉落的物品稀有度提高 15000% 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
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