命运试炼 怪物 /106
名字 | 词缀 | 幽魂 |
阿华纳 | 命中值提高 200% damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
阿华纳之魂 | Y | |
阿华纳 | 命中值提高 200% | N |
阿寇亚 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
阿寇亚之魂 | Y | |
阿寇亚 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% | N |
隐形 | N | |
战争司号 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% | Y |
战争司号 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
哈库 | 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% | N |
皓月舞者 | Y | |
皓月舞者 | monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
文身巨蜥 | monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
皎月巨龟 | monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
皎月巨龟 | Y | |
死亡导师 | 被击败的敌人复活时间 +10 秒 curse effect on self +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
死亡导师 | 被击败的敌人复活时间 +10 秒 curse effect on self +% final [-50] | Y |
神秘先知 | curse effect on self +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
神秘先知 | curse effect on self +% final [-50] | Y |
塔赫亚萨满 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
塔赫亚萨满 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] | Y |
拖网渔夫 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] 同时可以放置最多 12 个额外陷阱 | N |
拖网渔夫 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] 同时可以放置最多 12 个额外陷阱 | Y |
魔卫女王 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
魔卫女王 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] | Y |
暴怒硕豕 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
暴怒硕豕 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] | Y |
变色巨蜥 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
变色巨蜥 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] | Y |
迟暮射手 | 命中值提高 200% | N |
迟暮射手 | 命中值提高 200% | Y |
迟暮射手 | 命中值提高 200% monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
日落贤者 | ancestral trial destroy totem skill range +% [300] monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
日落贤者 | ancestral trial destroy totem skill range +% [300] | Y |
伊基阿霍 | damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
伊基阿霍之魂 | Y | |
伊基阿霍 | N | |
青玉匠人 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% | Y |
青玉匠人 | monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] 敌人的格挡率降低 30% | N |
青玉萨满 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | Y |
青玉之灵 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | Y |
青玉萨满 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% | Y |
青玉巨灵 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
青玉巨灵 | 敌人的格挡率降低 30% | Y |
卡胡图罗阿 | 压制 15% 物理伤害减免 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
卡胡图罗阿之魂 | Y | |
卡胡图罗阿 | 压制 15% 物理伤害减免 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% | N |
冈姆之魂 | Y | |
冈姆 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% | N |
冈姆 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
狂乱散播者 | resist life leech % [50] monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
狂乱散播者 | resist life leech % [50] | Y |
辛格拉之角 | curse effect on self +% final [-50] | Y |
辛格拉之角 | curse effect on self +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
唤潮者 | monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
唤潮者 | Y | |
风暴守卫 | 30% 攻击伤害格挡率 被格挡的击中对你造成 15% 伤害 monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
风暴守卫 | 30% 攻击伤害格挡率 被格挡的击中对你造成 15% 伤害 monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] | Y |
战地主宰 | 30% 攻击伤害格挡率 被格挡的击中对你造成 15% 伤害 压制 15% 物理伤害减免 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
战地主宰 | 30% 攻击伤害格挡率 被格挡的击中对你造成 15% 伤害 压制 15% 物理伤害减免 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% | Y |
墙壁 | monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
血缚勇士 | resist life leech % [50] | Y |
血缚勇士 | resist life leech % [50] monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
基洛瓦之魂 | Y | |
基洛瓦 | monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] | N |
基洛瓦 | monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
饕餮硕豕 | resist life leech % [50] monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
饕餮硕豕 | resist life leech % [50] | Y |
风暴导体 | monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
风暴导体 | monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] | Y |
玛塔 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
恶毒蔓藤 | N | |
玛塔之魂 | Y | |
玛塔 | 你造成的非伤害性元素异常状态的效果总降 50% self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] | N |
黑皮破坏者 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] | N |
黑皮破坏者 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% | Y |
火山肆虐者 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
隐形 | monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
火山肆虐者 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% | Y |
尊贵勇士 | 30% 攻击伤害格挡率 被格挡的击中对你造成 15% 伤害 monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
喷火者 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
喷火者 | 晕眩门槛提高 200% | Y |
拉其塔 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
拉其塔之魂 | Y | |
拉其塔 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] | N |
战矛舞者 | 命中值提高 200% monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
战矛舞者 | 命中值提高 200% | Y |
鱼叉能手 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
鱼叉能手 | remove enemy flask charge on hit % chance [50] | Y |
尊贵贤者 | monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
尊贵贤者 | Y | |
夜幕巨人 | ancestral trial destroy totem interrupt stun duration +% [100] 压制 15% 物理伤害减免 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% monster chance to not flee % [95] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [100] | N |
夜幕巨人 | ancestral trial destroy totem interrupt stun duration +% [100] 压制 15% 物理伤害减免 行动速度不能调整至低于基础值的 50% | Y |
钩住的巨蜥 | monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
钩住的巨蜥 | Y | |
陶哈努库 | curse effect on self +% final [-50] damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
陶哈努库之魂 | Y | |
陶哈努库 | curse effect on self +% final [-50] | N |
雷鸟 | monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
雷鸟 | monster map boss extra damage taken from crit +% final [-50] | Y |
巨蜥 | monster chance to not flee % [90] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [0] | N |
泰坦神龟 | 你的移动速度加成不会让你减速至基础速度以下 你的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下 免疫晕眩 monster chance to not flee % [100] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [200] 无法被击退 | N |
泰坦神龟 | 你的移动速度加成不会让你减速至基础速度以下 你的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下 免疫晕眩 无法被击退 | Y |
尤图拉 | resist life leech % [50] damage +% vs players [-15] monster damage +% final vs monsters from ancestral rank [900] | N |
尤图拉之魂 | Y | |
尤图拉 | resist life leech % [50] | N |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
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