Enduring Cry
Level: (1–20)
Cost: (13–19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Use Time: 0.80 sec
Radius: 60
Requires Level (10–70), (29–155) Str
Performs a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user and granting a buff to the user and nearby allies. The user and allied players also gain endurance charges.
Base duration is (2.5–3.4) seconds
(0–38)% increased Warcry Speed
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Grants 1 Endurance Charge per 5 Power to you and Allied Players
Buff grants 2% of Life Regenerated per second per
5 power, counting a maximum of 25 Power
(Normal Monsters have 1 Power, Magic Monsters 2, Rare Monsters 10, Unique Monsters 20, and Players 5)

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Quest /2
Level Effect /40
Requires Level
Base Damage
#% increased Warcry Speed
Base duration is 2.5 seconds
1102913100%, 100%2.59,569
2133513100%, 100%22.528,189
3174314100%, 100%42.659,146
4215214100%, 100%62.6111,192
5256015100%, 100%82.7193,800
6296915100%, 100%102.7320,280
7337715100%, 100%122.8359,090
8368316100%, 100%142.8498,508
9399016100%, 100%162.9682,057
10429616100%, 100%182.9921,777
114510216100%, 100%2031,727,879
124810917100%, 100%2231,791,769
135111517100%, 100%243.12,353,679
145412117100%, 100%263.13,070,912
155712718100%, 100%283.29,095,466
166013418100%, 100%303.216,039,890
176314018100%, 100%323.329,817,117
186614619100%, 100%343.362,895,056
196815119100%, 100%363.4212,051,599
207015519100%, 100%383.4
217220100%, 100%403.5
227420100%, 100%413.5
237620100%, 100%423.6
247820100%, 100%433.6
258021100%, 100%443.7
268221100%, 100%453.7
278421100%, 100%463.8
288621100%, 100%473.8
298822100%, 100%483.9
309022100%, 100%493.9
319122100%, 100%493.9
329222100%, 100%504
339322100%, 100%504
349422100%, 100%514
359523100%, 100%514
369623100%, 100%524.1
379723100%, 100%524.1
389823100%, 100%534.1
399923100%, 100%534.1
4010023100%, 100%544.2
Attribute /10

Enduring Cry

CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1xOrb of Transmutation
AcronymWarcry, Buff
DropLevel 10
BaseType Enduring Cry
Class Skill Gems
TypeBuff, Area, Duration, Warcry, Cooldown
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
Enduring Cry
Level: (1–20)
Cost: (13–19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Use Time: 0.80 sec
Radius: 60
Requires Level (10–70), (29–155) Str
Performs a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user and granting a buff to the user and nearby allies. The user and allied players also gain endurance charges.
Base duration is (2.5–3.4) seconds
(0–38)% increased Warcry Speed
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Grants 1 Endurance Charge per 5 Power to you and Allied Players
Buff grants 2% of Life Regenerated per second per
5 power, counting a maximum of 25 Power
base deal no attack damage [1]
base deal no secondary damage [1]
base deal no spell damage [1]
cannot cancel skill before contact point [1]
(Normal Monsters have 1 Power, Magic Monsters 2, Rare Monsters 10, Unique Monsters 20, and Players 5)

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Microtransactions /2
Wolf Howl Warcry Effect
Your Warcry becomes a Wolf Howl Effect.
Celestial Warcry Effect
Your Warcry becomes a Celestial Effect.
Supported By /11
  • Active Type: Buff, Area, Duration, Warcry, Cooldown
  • Increased Area of Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect.
    Concentrated Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, regardless of whether that skill deals damage.
    More Duration Support
    Supports any skill with a duration.
    Less Duration Support
    Supports any skill that has a duration.
    Swift Affliction Support
    Supports any skill that has a duration, or can hit enemies to inflict ailments on them.
    Efficacy Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage or has a duration.
    Awakened Swift Affliction Support
    Supports any skill that has a duration, or can hit enemies to inflict ailments on them.
    Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect.
    Second Wind Support
    Supports skills with cooldowns. Cannot support triggered skills.
    Urgent Orders Support
    Supports warcry skills.
    Corrupting Cry Support
    Supports warcry skills. Cannot modify the skills of minions.
    Enduring Cry Unique /1
    +(20–30) to maximum Life
    Grants Level 10 Enduring Cry Skill
    +(10–20) to Strength
    +1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
    Enduring Cry
    You are regenerating life.
    Attribute /6


    CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1xOrb of Transmutation · Magic: 2xOrb of Alteration · Rare: 3xOrb of Alchemy · Unique: 5xChaos Orb
    Codelife regeneration rate per minute %
    Enduring Cry
    You are regenerating life.
    Attribute /4


    Codelife regeneration rate per minute %
    Enduring Cry Monster /28
    Oak, Skullbreakercannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Monsters grant 250% increased Experience
    4500% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    Oakcannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Hairy Bonecrunchermonster uses enduring cry text [1]
    monster cleaves text [1]
    Oak the MightyMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
    15000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Aulen GreychainMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
    15000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    +3 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
    500% increased Totem Life
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Jonah Unchainedmonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    Your hits can't be Evaded
    Never deal Critical Strikes
    20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
    You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
    Jonah Unchainedmonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    Your hits can't be Evaded
    Never deal Critical Strikes
    20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
    You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
    100% increased maximum Life
    100% increased Area of Effect
    80% increased Character Size
    Vickas Giantbonemonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
    40% increased Projectile Speed
    totem art variation [1]
    Traps cannot be Damaged for +2 seconds after being Thrown
    Mines cannot be Damaged for +2 seconds after being thrown
    kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
    Vickas Giantbonemonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
    40% increased Projectile Speed
    totem art variation [1]
    Traps cannot be Damaged for +2 seconds after being Thrown
    Mines cannot be Damaged for +2 seconds after being thrown
    kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
    100% increased maximum Life
    100% increased Area of Effect
    80% increased Character Size
    Augustina SolariaY
    Augustina Solaria100% increased maximum Life
    100% increased Area of Effect
    80% increased Character Size
    Augustina SolariaMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
    15000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Avatar of AshMonsters grant 20000% increased Experience
    2000% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    2000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-25]
    Avatar of ApocalypseMonsters grant 20000% increased Experience
    2000% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    2000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-35]
    Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
    15000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Balus Stoneskull300% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    800% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    monster no map drops [1]
    monster is invasion boss [1]
    20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
    You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
    Bladetooth40% increased Attack Speed
    100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
    Always Ignite
    Burns Ground on Death
    monster ground effect on death base duration ms [12000]
    monster ground fire on death base area of effect radius [32]
    300% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    800% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    50% chance to Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit
    monster no map drops [1]
    monster is invasion boss [1]
    Granitecrush25% increased maximum Life
    20% increased Character Size
    display monster uses whirling blades text [1]
    300% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    800% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    100% increased Movement Speed
    50% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit
    50% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit
    50% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Hit
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in cruel +% [300]
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in merciless +% [600]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in cruel +% [300]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in merciless +% [600]
    monster no map drops [1]
    monster is invasion boss [1]
    Na'em, Bending Stonemonster no beyond portal [1]
    display monster mod nemesis test [0]
    Cannot be Stunned
    300% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    800% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in cruel +% [500]
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in merciless +% [1000]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in cruel +% [750]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in merciless +% [1500]
    monster is beyond boss [1]
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Abaxoth, the End of All That Ismonster no beyond portal [1]
    display monster mod nemesis test [0]
    display monster mod nemesis test [0]
    4% of Maximum Life taken per second as Chaos Damage
    display monster mod nemesis test [0]
    Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
    display monster mod nemesis test [0]
    nemesis transform on low life [1]
    300% increased Quantity of Items Dropped
    800% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in cruel +% [1715]
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in merciless +% [3430]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in cruel +% [1200]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in merciless +% [2400]
    monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [22]
    Action Speed cannot be modified to below 50% of base value
    monster is beyond boss [1]
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Mutated Flamebeast40% increased Attack Speed
    100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
    Always Ignite
    Burns Ground on Death
    monster ground effect on death base duration ms [12000]
    monster ground fire on death base area of effect radius [32]
    50% chance to Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit
    monster no map drops [1]
    Bin'aia, Crimson RainMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
    15000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Rama, The KinslayerMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
    15000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Gemling Brawler30% increased Movement SpeedY
    Malachai's Laureate30% increased Movement Speed
    Trigger Socketed Spells when you Spend at least 100 Mana on an
    Upfront Cost to Use or Trigger a Skill, with a 0.1 second Cooldown
    drop additional rare items [3]
    Oak, SkullbreakerMonsters grant 250% increased Experience
    6000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
    cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    Imperfect WarlordY
    Perfect WarlordY

    Community Wiki


    Enduring Cry

    Enduring Cry is a warcry skill that taunts enemies in an area around the character, grants a short burst of life regeneration, and grants a number of endurance charges based on the power of nearby enemies. Additionally, the skill also provides a buff that grants additional elemental resistance and physical damage reduction per endurance charge. Unlike most warcry skills, Enduring Cry does not exert your attacks.

    Skill functions and interactions

    • Duration:

      • Skill Effect Duration, Buff Duration, and Warcry Duration will affect the duration of the buff that grants +2% to all elemental resistances and 2% additional physical damage reduction per Endurance Charge.

      • Skill Effect Duration, Buff Duration, and Warcry Duration will not affect the duration of the life regeneration effect or the endurance charges created with the skill.

      • Endurance Charge Duration modifiers will affect the duration of the endurance charges created with the skill.

    • Cooldown Recovery:

      • Cooldown Recovery and Warcry Cooldown Recovery will reduce the cooldown time of Enduring Cry.

        • This effectively increases the average life regeneration granted by the skill, assuming the skill is used on cooldown.
    • Warcry Speed:

      • Warcry Speed will shorten the animation speed of enduring cry.

        • Cast Speed and Attack Speed have no effect on warcry skills, as warcry skills are neither attacks nor spells.

        • Warcries can be cast instantly by allocating the Call to Arms keystone

    Version history

  • No longer grants a minimum of one Endurance Charge.
  • Now has a cooldown of 8 seconds at all gem levels (from 6 seconds).
  • Monsters now use their own version of the new (as of Version 3.11.0|3.11.0) '''Enduring Cry'''.
  • (In a hotfix) Halved the life regeneration granted by Oak's '''Enduring Cry''' and doubled its cooldown
  • 3.11.1
  • Clarified the description of '''Enduring Cry''' to make it clear that the buff grants Elemental Resistances, rather than all Resistances. This is solely a description update.
  • 3.11.0
  • The visual effects have been improved.
  • Now taunts all nearby enemies to attack the user, and grants endurance charges. Gives a brief burst of life regeneration, as well as a buff which grants resistances and physical damage reduction based on your endurance charges.
  • Now has a base duration of 2 seconds.
  • Now grants 1 endurance charge per 5 power, with a minium of 1 charge.
  • Buff grants +2% to all resistances and 2% additional Physical Damage reduction per endurance charge.
  • Now causes you to regenerate 120 life over 1 second at gem level 1, up to 1976 at gem level 20.
  • Labyrinth helmet enchantments that granted increased buff effect for Enduring Cry now grant increased cooldown reduction instead, and can no longer be obtained. This affects all existing items with this enchantment.
  • 3.6.0
  • Mana Cost at gem level 1 is now 7 (was 17).
  • Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 16 (was 21).
  • 3.5.0
  • Added physics interactions.
  • 2.0.2
  • Enduring Cry has received updated effects.
  • 2.0.0
  • Enduring Cry is now a warcry rather than a spell. It now grants some life regeneration on use and grants 3% increased Area of Effect per 1% quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
  • 0.11.5
  • The number of charges produced by Enduring Cry has been increased at all levels.
  • 0.10.5
  • ''(Unofficial)'' Cast time has been reduced from 0.7 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • 0.10.0
  • The number of charges gained has been reduced at higher levels.
    It produces the same amount at level 1, and progresses to being 40% less effective by level 20.
  • 0.9.11
  • Now has a cooldown.
  • 0.8.4
  • Added new skill prototype: Enduring Cry

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.