- The War for the Atlas
These worlds, they've changed since last I remember. They've become darker, more... twisted in a way that betrays their true origin.
I no longer believe these are realms of chance, rather, they must have been formulated by a sentient mind... a designer or architect. Every shadow in this place creeps about with an unforeseen purpose.
Whatever is out there forming these worlds concerns me. We should find the source of the darkness and put an end to it before something leaks out into our reality. - Zana Caeserius and the Map Device
My mother died not long after I was born, and my father, too, was gone only a handful of years later. Orphaned, my family's assets were seized and I was handed off to a series of well-off foster homes as an indentured servant.
But children are curious creatures, and even by those standards I was extremely curious indeed. I grew up reading everything I could get my hands on, and questioning everything they tried to teach me. I was too smart for my own good, I suppose, because eventually, I started drawing the attention of the Templar.
Luckily for me, Dominus was much less subtle than the previous High Templars, so I managed to leave Oriath on my own terms, mostly, before my impending exile. -
I returned to Oriath with one of the early survivor fleets, excited to finally have the opportunity to put my knowledge to good use. During the rebuilding effort, we stumbled across the golden device -- a device I later learned once belonged to my father.
I'd hoped that it might be useful in the resettlement effort at first, but when we discovered the Elder, it became clear that what lay beyond the device's portals was more likely to harm than help. I assembled a team in absolute secrecy, comprised of exiles who had proved their combat know-how in Wraeclast, and set to work sealing the Elder away. We were successful. The relief I felt... it was indescribable. But...
The Atlas is a dangerous place. It assaults both body and mind. It makes Wraeclast seem positively tame. My team, my friends, they were deeply affected by the journey. The allure of power finally caused them to lose their grip on reality.
And it was only a matter of time until I joined them. -
This map device is a miracle of both engineering and thaumaturgy. It's truly astounding.
Given the right coordinates from a map, this device can take you to places that... well, honestly I think it's easier for you to see for yourself just what it is capable of.
What lies beyond is dangerous, but so are you. Yet even the godslayer may not be dangerous enough.
Take a Map and use it in this device. I'll wait for you on the other side. -
How fares your mind? Everything still intact? Good. Then there's something I need to show you. I've spent some time out there, exploring the maps, and despite their apparent randomness, there are threads that connect them. Threads we should follow.
The more we understand these connections, the more each of these maps can offer us, and the closer we'll be to finding out the secrets that twist them.
This is the Atlas of Worlds, and we can use it to track these connections; we can use it to chart a path. -
I first started exploring the Atlas as a way to grow closer to my estranged father. I had no idea just how close I would get to him, though there was not much left of his mind by then...
Looking back, I think I was overly optimistic about what the Atlas could mean for... well, for everyone. Imagine limitless worlds, limitless resources, limitless open space in which to live.
But now I understand that it all comes at an insurmountable price. To dwell there is to leave yourself vulnerable to unspeakable madness. It's inescapable and insidious. It taps into your greatest desires, offering you a glimpse of what might be, and that temptation... it's all I could do to stop myself from falling into the same patterns as my friends...
The work we're doing is important, but it's also risky. Please, if you start to feel your sanity slip away, you need to tell me. - Recruting Exiles
I returned to Oriath with one of the early survivor fleets, excited to finally have the opportunity to put my knowledge to good use. During the rebuilding effort, we stumbled across the golden device -- a device I later learned once belonged to my father.
I'd hoped that it might be useful in the resettlement effort at first, but when we discovered the Elder, it became clear that what lay beyond the device's portals was more likely to harm than help. I assembled a team in absolute secrecy, comprised of exiles who had proved their combat know-how in Wraeclast, and set to work sealing the Elder away. We were successful. The relief I felt... it was indescribable. But...
The Atlas is a dangerous place. It assaults both body and mind. It makes Wraeclast seem positively tame. My team, my friends, they were deeply affected by the journey. The allure of power finally caused them to lose their grip on reality.
And it was only a matter of time until I joined them. -
バラン: 祈りが彼の修行の中心だ。食事や睡眠も含めて他の活動は自由だが、祈りの時間は絶対にずらさない、膝が悪い。
ヴェリタニア: 毎晩のように読書に勤しむ。どこで本を手に入れたかは不明。どうでもいいか。寝言を言う。ただの音だけで聞き取れる言葉はない。
ザナ: 何か重要なことを隠している。まだ何かはわからない。おそらく、前のグループに起こったことに関係しているのだろう。私たちをチェックし続けている。
ドロックス: うるさい奴だ。夜遅くまで武器の訓練をしている。早朝にキャンプ周辺をパトロールしている音を聞くこともある。寝ているはずだが、いつ寝ているかはわからない。 -
No... Sirus is still alive? Gods, I thought he was dead! He took the brunt of the energy released when we sealed the Elder. How did he survive?
Sirus was the leader of the group of Exiles I recruited. Brilliant and determined, and a force to be reckoned with even before we travelled the Atlas together. We... grew close. I was distraught when he vanished with the Elder. At first I thought the other Exiles were looking for him as I was, but perhaps they knew he was still alive...
I have a terrible feeling that Sirus may be tied to the madness of the others. Or perhaps he is just as mad as they are. We need to find and stop him -- if the others are looking for a way out, I'm certain he is too. -
I'll come right out with it, Godslayer. I have a problem, and you may be the only one that can help.
My younger brother, Baran, fell in with a radical by the name of Zana Caeserius some time ago. She's a bit of a famous one in certain parts. Many who have worked with her have ended up two pews short of a congregation, ranting and raving on street corners or accosting random citizens... you can see the cause for my concern. I've reason to believe she was working out of an old Templar Laboratory off the Square. Head there with me now. - Pursuing the Shaper
That creature you encountered out in the maps, he was... shaping things. Perhaps he's the architect we seek.
There was something off about him exile, something I can't place... Perhaps... no. This "Shaper" may have the answers.
Continue in your explorations, track this mystery man down once more and question him, so that we might be able to learn what exactly these worlds are for. -
My dearest Zana,
Where are you now? I hope, as a father often does, that you are happy and tucked away in the safest of places. I hope you grow up kind and strong, that you love and are loved. It is my life's greatest regret that I will not see you again, but I must do what I can to protect you from the evils of this outer dark.
I have failed against the Elder. To be honest, I never had a chance. The creature was too strong, too well versed in the shaping ways. If Venarius had not damaged the weapon I built, that day he arrested me in my study, then perhaps I could've opened a void, forced it from its physical shell and out of this reality. But I no longer possess such a device and the Elder has suckled at my mind so many times now, that I fear I could not remember how to rebuild it, even if I tried.
My war with the creature is far from over however. I've no upper hand. But like a cornered animal, I will bite until I am gone. I've attempted to sleep and awaken in Oriath, many times. Hoped that one night I might get to hold you in my arms once again. But instead of my study, I dream of nothing.
I know this letter might never reach you, but I write it anyway – if not for you, then for the sake of my own fragile wits. I love you my darling daughter, and hope the best for you, far away from all this... cosmic darkness. You've made me very proud, and I've considered each day a blessing that I've been able to call you my daughter...
I must keep moving. I must keep fighting. Perhaps one day, if the gods allow it, we shall see each other once more. I love you greatly.
Your Papa, Valdo Caeserius記憶の本, "ページ 16"
I've not been entirely honest... I'd suspected my father was involved in all this, now this memory fragment proves his engagement in ways I hadn't anticipated... I'm sorry for keeping the truth from you. I was worried that, had you known the truth, you would not have followed me into this nightmare...
Let's start over. I need your help. My memory is cloudy, but I'll tell you all I can recall. When I was a child, my father and I, we were... separated. I was told he was lost to that unearthly realm when the Atlas closed, and the men who feared it took it apart. I spent my whole life trying to track down its pieces and repair his machine. A few years ago, I did just that. But now that we've found him, something is not right... My father was a kind, temperate man. A good person and a loving human being. Nothing like that... thing you just saw!
Please, take this. I found it while exploring. Hopefully it will help smooth things over... and if you continue to help me, I promise I'll find a way to make it all worth your while. - Investigating the Elder
It appears my Father encountered this "Elder" sometime before his entrapment in its lair. Many of his most recent diaries make reference to the creature and his learnings around it. There wasn't much, just second-hand myths from the research journals of the Watchers of Decay.
One concept however, came up time and time again. This Elder is not a lord unto itself. It serves a greater master, or... a greater purpose... I'm unsure. It's confusing; both my father and the Watchers refer to the Elder as "coming from the nothing" while also being "a carrier for the nothing." There are also mentions of an unholy desire to spoil and decay... perhaps it all relates somehow to those fungal growths we've seen in the maps... -
This... thing, it appears to have been feeding on my father's memories. Should it eat its fill, he will be merely a hollowed out husk... A wraith and nothing more. Unless... If we were to locate more of these memory fragments, then perhaps we could restore his mind to him and free him from this nightmare.
This other creature complicates things however... It is alien, yet to me, it seems somehow familiar, like a bad dream once forgotten. All I remember is a sense of malevolent dread...
It must be stopped, whatever it is. It seems to bleed Decay into the surrounding areas. If that voracious... mould that grows from its very shadow were to ever find its way into Oriath or Wraeclast... We cannot let that happen. -
I've been doing more research into the Elder and its battle with the Watchers of Decay. It's truly mortifying the things they've endured at the creature's hands.
These Watchers, they were all... parents. It seems the Elder prefers its prey young. These men and women fought tooth and nail to avenge their children, perhaps even succeeding for a time... But the Elder has been free for the better part of two decades. Its taste in food could explain the steady disappearance of children in the upper class of Oriath.
What if those children are still here, in this place? Twisted, tormented creatures, clinging to whatever fragments of happy memories they've left... We must alleviate their sufferings. -
俺の負けだ。やつの勝ち。俺はベッドで寝る。 - Attempting to Save The Shaper
Exile, it is time to make our move. We must save my father. These memories were sundered from his mind in a moment of great violence. I fear only great violence will provide us the opportunity to return them.
I've scouted these worlds and I'm certain my father lies deep within the centre of the Atlas, but as suspected, he does not reside there unguarded. Four great brutes surround him, unpassable by me. If you were to go on ahead and remove those threats, then we will have a clear path to my father, and our little "operation" can begin. -
エグザイル、父の記憶を準備するわ。あなたは先へ進んで、この場所を調べて、父を見つけて、でもこの邪悪な装置の腹の中にいるであろう恐ろしいものたちに気をつけて。 -
The way is clear. Though our agenda won't be without difficulty, exile. My father was a kind but stubborn man. If any of that stubbornness has survived, then restoring his memories will be no easy task.
We must enter this new realm of shadows at the centre of the Atlas and beat his madness into submission. Only then will his mind be pliable enough to remember these fragments as they are returned to his flesh. - The Final Battle
今すぐ帰りましょう。テオポリスへ向かい、この手がかりを調べましょう。お願い、あなたに心があるのなら、準備ができたらそこにいる私に会いに来て、私たちの攻撃の計画を立てましょう。 -
その姿というのは、父の言葉を借りると、非実体だということがわかっているわ。要するに……実体を持たないものは物理的な次元に存在することはできない。奴はいるべき場所へ追放され、うまくいけば戻って来ることもできなくなる。前にも言った通り、危うい策だけれど、私は父を信用しているし、私たちにはこれしか希望がない。 -
今や危険がどれほど大きいか理解することができた。私は目的が欲しかった...今、私はそれを手に入れたのだ。 -
長い間、富と名声を追い求めてきた... 神よ、時間を巻き戻せたらいいのに。意味もなく、自分の利己主義を凌駕する目的もないまま... あまりに多くの時間を無駄にしてしまった。
もし明日生き残ることができたら、彼女に私の気持ちを伝えようと思う。 -
ガルハドの息子バラン -
彼を食べた悪魔は計り知れないほどの力を持ち、私たちが発見した「腐敗」と呼ばれるものを広めるという欲望に揺るぎはなかった。どれだけの期間、悪魔を追い続けたかは知らない。私の仲間が狂気の兆候を見せ始めたほどだ。シラスの勇敢なリーダーシップと... 犠牲がなければ、我々は間違いなく悪魔に敗北していただろう。
何度やっても悪魔を倒せず... ヴァルドの娘が悪魔を封じる方法を見つけたが...そのためにザナの父親が犠牲になった。彼の魂に安息あれ。シラスがいなければ、我々の作戦は失敗していた。悪魔は屈せず、ザナの装置から這い上がってきた。シラスは... その上に飛び乗った。悪魔が彼の身体を掴み、装置を掴んでいた手を離した。シラスと悪魔は罠に捕まり、この現実から消え去った。二人共この世界からいなくなった。
信仰無き者バラン -
覚えているのは... ガラスだ。ガラスに包まれていた。動くことも話すこともできなかった。だが全てを見ることはできた。私は全てを見たんだ。皆を見たんだ。彼らが去っていくのを見た。彼女が去るのを見た。全てがとても素早かった。千の昼と夜が一瞬で過ぎ去った。それから...
「無」だ。 -
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