Faixa da Lâmina Vermelha

Faixa da Lâmina Vermelha
Anel Desmontado
Qualidade: +20%
Requer Nível 44
Possui 1 Encaixe
Habilidades de Golens Encaixadas têm 25% de chance de Provocar ao Acertar
Habilidades de Golem Encaixadas fazem com que os Lacaios Regenerem 5% da Vida por segundo
+3 ao Nível das Gemas de Golem Encaixadas
+(30–40) de Força
Dano de Fogo aumentado em (20–30)%
+(30–40) de Vida máxima
Para alcançar a liderança, o filho de um senhor da guerra Lâmina Vermelha
deve puxar a faixa das cinzas
ardentes do seu pai.
Redblade Band
Faixa da Lâmina Vermelha Attr /8
Exibir Descrições Completas
LimitMapa: Torre do Farol」Limited Drop
O MercadoO Mercado
AcronymHit, Lacaio, Golem, Taunt
Release VersionWarbands and Tempest
BaseTypeAnel Desmontado
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
Possui 1 Encaixe
DomainsItem (1)
GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
Req. level7 (Effective: 5)
  • local has X sockets Min: 1 Max: 1 Local
  • +(30–40) de Força
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • additional strength Min: 30 Max: 40 Global
  • Craft Tagsattribute
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Intrínseco
    Dano de Fogo aumentado em (20–30)%
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • fire damage +% Min: 20 Max: 30 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental_damage damage elemental fire
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Turbulento
    +3 ao Nível das Gemas de Golem Encaixadas
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level55 (Effective: 44)
  • local socketed golem gem level + Min: 3 Max: 3 Local
  • Craft Tagsgem
    +(30–40) de Vida máxima
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • base maximum life Min: 30 Max: 40 Global
  • Craft Tagsresource life
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Fértil
    Habilidades de Golens Encaixadas têm 25% de chance de Provocar ao Acertar
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local display socketed golem chance to taunt % Min: 25 Max: 25 Local
  • Craft Tagsskill minion gem
    Nível: 1
    Requer Nível 1
    25% de chance de Provocar ao Acertar
    Habilidades de Golem Encaixadas fazem com que os Lacaios Regenerem 5% da Vida por segundo
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local display socketed golem life regeneration rate per minute % Min: 300 Max: 300 Local
  • Craft Tagsskill resource life minion gem
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Fértil
    Nível: 1
    Requer Nível 1
    Regenera 5% da Vida por segundo
    { "w": 1, "h": 1, "icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvUmluZ3MvUmVkYmxhZGUiLCJ3IjoxLCJoIjoxLCJzY2FsZSI6MX1d/cf85c48dff/Redblade.png", "league": "Settlers", "name": "Redblade Band", "typeLine": "Unset Ring", "baseType": "Unset Ring", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 73, "requirements": [ { "name": "Level", "values": [ [ "44", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 62 } ], "implicitMods": [ "Has 1 Socket" ], "explicitMods": [ "Socketed Golem Skills have 25% chance to Taunt on Hit", "Socketed Golem Skills have Minions Regenerate 5% of Life per second", "+3 to Level of Socketed Golem Gems", "+36 to Strength", "27% increased Fire Damage", "+30 to maximum Life" ], "flavourText": [ "To ascend to leadership, the child of a Redblade warlord\r", "must pull the band from the still-hot\r", "ashes of their father." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 55, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3448743676", "min": "3", "max": "3" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_4080418644", "min": "30", "max": "40" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3962278098", "min": "20", "max": "30" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3299347043", "min": "30", "max": "40" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_178057093", "min": "25", "max": "25" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_693460617", "min": "5", "max": "5" } ] } ], "implicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 7, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "implicit.stat_4077843608", "min": "1", "max": "1" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_178057093", [ 4 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_693460617", [ 5 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3448743676", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_4080418644", [ 1 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3962278098", [ 2 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3299347043", [ 3 ] ] ], "implicit": [ [ "implicit.stat_4077843608", [ 0 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: Rings
    Rarity: Unique
    Redblade Band
    Unset Ring
    Level: 44
    Sockets: B
    Item Level: 73
    Has 1 Socket (implicit)
    Socketed Golem Skills have 25% chance to Taunt on Hit
    Socketed Golem Skills have Minions Regenerate 5% of Life per second
    +3 to Level of Socketed Golem Gems
    +36 to Strength
    27% increased Fire Damage
    +30 to maximum Life
    To ascend to leadership, the child of a Redblade warlord
    must pull the band from the still-hot
    ashes of their father.
    " } }

    Community Wiki


    Redblade Band

    Item acquisition

    Redblade unique items are dropped from Redblade Warbands (some items are restricted to Redblade bosses only). Redblade Warbands can be encountered in Lighthouse Map or specific unique strongbox. There are additional ways to spawn random Warbands, read the article for details.

    Monster restrictions

    This item can be acquired from the following monsters:

    Version history

    2.6.0 '''The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a Divine Orb''':
  • No longer is supported by level 12 Lesser Multiple Projectiles.
  • No longer is supported by level 17 increased minion damage.
  • No longer has (8-12) to (20-30) fire damage to attacks.
  • Now has Maximum Life of 30-40.
  • Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3.
  • Now socketed golem gems have a 25% chance to taunt on hit.
  • Now socketed golem gems have 5% life regenerated per second.
  • 2.0.0
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.