第1章 Area /15
Act | 名前 | レベル | ボス |
1 | ライオンアイの見張り場 | 13 ![]() ![]() | |
1 | 黄昏の岸辺 | 1 | ヒロック |
1 | 海岸 | 2 ![]() | 火の怒り · サベージクラブ |
1 | 陸続きの島 | 3 | ヘイルレイク · サベージクラブ |
1 | ぬかるみの干潟 | 4 | ウーズバック・ブルーム |
1 | 悪臭を放つ池 | 5 | 冒涜者、カダヴラス |
1 | 水没した海底洞窟 | 6 | 海の住人 |
1 | 海底通路 | 5 ![]() | ブルードプリンセス |
1 | 岩棚 | 6 ![]() | 邪神、クドゥク · フォーン · グリニングトーテム · グリニングトーテム · グリニングトーテム · グリニングトーテム |
1 | 険しい山道 | 7 ![]() | 見捨てられしアイアンポイント |
1 | 牢獄 -下層- 牢獄 -上層- | 8 ![]() ![]() 9 | チャターズ · ディアボリスト 外科医 · 投獄卿、ブルータス · ディアボリスト |
1 | 囚人の門 | 10 ![]() | アングラス · 燃え盛る脅威 |
1 | 船の墓場 | 11 ![]() | フェアグレーヴズ船長 |
1 | 船の墓場の洞窟 | 12 | ストラングルチャーム |
1 | 憤怒の洞窟 怒りの洞窟 | 12 ![]() 13 | マーヴェイルの娘、アマリッサ マーヴェイルの娘、アンブロシア · セイレーン、マーヴェイル |
第1章 クエスト /28
Community Wiki
Act 1
Act. 1 (about 30 minutes with minimal practice)
Kill Hillock
Check Nessa / Tarkleigh for your Links, Gems and movement Speed boots
Go Through "The Coast" and get the waypoint.
Continue onwards to "The Mud Flats" and get the 3 glyphs into "The Submerged Passage" waypoint
Take that Waypoint back to The Coast and proceed to "The Tidal Island"
Kill Hailrake and logout
Check Nessa / Tarkleigh for your Links, Gems and movement Speed boots (again) - Don't forget your movement ability for 2nd Tarkleigh Reward and Quicksilver Flask from Nessa
Go back to "The Submerged Passage" until you find the Bridge. OPEN A PORTAL and Keep going towards "The Ledge"。
Go through "The Ledge" and through The Climb" until you reach the waypoint in the " The Lower Prison"
Take that The Lower Prison and enter your Lioneye's Watch from earlier (to the "The Submerged Passage" ).
Find "The Flooded Depths" and go kill the The Dweller of the Deep and log out afterwards.
Check Nessa / Tarkleigh for any missing Links, Gems and movement Speed boots (again) - Also grab your Skill point from Tarkleigh
Head back to "The Lower Prison" and find your Trial of ascendancy, complete it and keep going towards "The Upper Prison"
Find and Kill Brutus and log out. Prioritize picking up Rare items since they sell for more Alteration Shards when identified, compared to magic items.
Check Nessa / Tarkleigh for your Links, Gems and movement Speed boots (again) - Don't forget your upgraded Movement Ability from Tarkleigh
Take the waypoint to "Prisoner's Gate" and head over to "The Ship Graveyard"。
Find the Waypoint for "The Ship Graveyard", it's typically very close to the entrance.
Find "The Ship Graveyard Cave" and go through it in order to find the Allflame.
Come out of the Cave and keep going until you find the entrance to "The Cavern of Wrath"
Take the waypoint from "The Cavern of Wrath" back to "The Ship Graveyard" waypoint and find Fairgraves
Kill Fairgraves and Logout
Talk to Bestel for your Skillpoint and maybe have another quick look for any missing Links or movement speed boots from Tarkleigh.
Take your waypoint back to "The Cavern of Wrath" and make your way to Merveil, the Siren.
Kill Merveil!
Prioritize picking up Rare items once again! Also Prioritize BOOTS. Early movement speed feels really good!
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