Scourge - Erobert den Atlas /3
Schließt jedes der folgenden Ziele in Eurem Atlas ab.
Vollständige Beschreibung zeigen
Schließt Karten-Bonusziele ab x100
Weist Atlas-Passive zu x40
Erreicht Erweckungsstufe 8

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Complete each of the following on your Atlas:

  • Complete 100 Map Bonus Objectives
    Obtain from completing maps with required rarity(magic rarity for white tier; rare rarity for yellow tier; corrupt and rare rarity for red tier).
  • Allocate 40 Atlas Passive Skills
    To gain atlas passive tree, you need to complete maps with Maven's Witness(can be toggled on/off on your map device), and Maven's Invitation will drop on the 3rd map boss you completed. This item is used to access Maven's Crucible where you can get your atlas passive tree by putting it in your map device then opening it. You can only get a total of 10 atlas passive points per region, thus you need to do 5 Maven's Crucible(2 points per match). The more points you want for your atlas passive, the bosses it requires for the Maven's Crucible(10 boss for last points). You can also respect your atlas passives by using Orb of Unmaking(only drop from maven's invitation fight) to gain a refund point for the atlas passive, only costing 1 point per passive. Note: You can't do Maven's Witness on the same map that Maven already witnessed, thus you can't have the same bosses in Maven's Crucible.
  • Reach 8 Awakening Level
    Level 8 awakening atlas means it requires 16 watchstone on your atlas, which also means it requires you to fully fill your citadels in your atlas with watchstones. There’s 3 types of watchstoes which challenge No.30 already explain all of them.

This is not too difficult as it requires progressing through the endgame mapping system, defeating all the conquerors and completing map bonuses. Using an Orb of Horizons on maps you have already completed can be a helpful way to complete the Atlas quickly.

An Orb of Horizons is an endgame currency that allows you to transform a map into a different map of the same tier.

For example, if the Tier 1 maps available are Beach, Factory and Atoll map; using a Horizon orb on a Beach map gives it a chance to either become a Factory map or an Atoll map.

You are unable to get every map at every tier due to how the Atlas of Worlds works, and are only able to get certain, naturally occurring maps at the tier at which they naturally spawn.

An example of a high tier map would be a Summit map, which only appears as a T16 map (cannot be found at lower tiers) and thus can be found by using a Horizon orb on a T16 map.

A helpful spreadsheet to tell you what maps can be gained from using an Orb of Horizons as well as Atlas passive skill tree and region information can be found here.

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Siege of the Atlas