Chuva Ardente

Chuva Ardente
Anel de Opala
Qualidade: +20%
Requer Nível 80
Dano Elemental aumentado em (15–25)%
Regeneração de Mana aumentada em (40–45)%
+(20–30)% de Resistências a Fogo e Raio
Seu Dano de Raio pode Incendiar
Dano Ardente aumentado em (8–12)% para cada vez que você tiver Eletrizado um Inimigo Não-Eletrizado Recentemente, máximo de 120%
Adiciona (1–3) a (62–70) de Dano de Raio aos Acertos contra Inimigos Incendiados
(Recentemente se refere aos últimos 4 segundos)
Quando sua pele escurecer e seu sangue cozinhar,
você desejará que o raio o tivesse matado.
Chuva Ardente Attr /7
Exibir Descrições Completas
O MercadoO Mercado
AcronymHit, Burning, Regeneration, Resistência, Ignite, Shock, Recently
Release VersionBestiário
BaseTypeAnel de Opala, Community Wiki
Dano Elemental aumentado em (15–25)%
DomainsItem (1)
GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
Req. level100 (Effective: 80)
  • elemental damage +% Min: 15 Max: 25 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental_damage damage elemental
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Turbulento
    Regeneração de Mana aumentada em (40–45)%
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • mana regeneration rate +% Min: 40 Max: 45 Global
  • Craft Tagsresource mana
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Fértil
    +(20–30)% de Resistências a Fogo e Raio
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • fire and lightning damage resistance % Min: 20 Max: 30 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental fire lightning resistance
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Prismático
    Dano Ardente aumentado em (8–12)% para cada vez que você tiver Eletrizado um Inimigo Não-Eletrizado Recentemente, máximo de 120%
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • burning damage +% per non shocked enemy shocked recently up to 120% Min: 8 Max: 12 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental_damage damage elemental fire
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Turbulento
    Adiciona (1–3) a (62–70) de Dano de Raio aos Acertos contra Inimigos Incendiados
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • global maximum added lightning damage vs ignited enemies Min: 62 Max: 70 Global
  • global minimum added lightning damage vs ignited enemies Min: 1 Max: 3 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental_damage damage elemental lightning
    CatalisadoresCatalisador Turbulento
    Seu Dano de Raio pode Incendiar
    DomainsItem (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level100 (Effective: 80)
  • lightning damage can ignite Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental fire ailment
    { "w": 1, "h": 1, "icon": "", "league": "Settlers", "name": "Stormfire", "typeLine": "Opal Ring", "baseType": "Opal Ring", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 85, "requirements": [ { "name": "Level", "values": [ [ "80", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 62 } ], "implicitMods": [ "24% increased Elemental Damage" ], "explicitMods": [ "45% increased Mana Regeneration Rate", "+20% to Fire and Lightning Resistances", "12% increased Burning Damage for each time you have Shocked a Non-Shocked Enemy Recently, up to a maximum of 120%", "Adds 2 to 67 Lightning Damage to Hits against Ignited Enemies", "Your Lightning Damage can Ignite" ], "flavourText": [ "When your skin sloughs, and your blood cooks,\r", "you'll wish the lightning strike had killed you." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3441501978", "min": "20", "max": "30" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_789117908", "min": "40", "max": "45" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3285748758", "min": "8", "max": "12" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_2870108850", "min": "1", "max": "3" }, { "hash": "explicit.stat_2870108850", "min": "62", "max": "70" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 100, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3121133045", "min": "1", "max": "1" } ] } ], "implicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 100, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "implicit.stat_3141070085", "min": "15", "max": "25" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_789117908", [ 1 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3441501978", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3285748758", [ 2 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_2870108850", [ 3 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3121133045", [ 4 ] ] ], "implicit": [ [ "implicit.stat_3141070085", [ 0 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: Rings
    Rarity: Unique
    Opal Ring
    Level: 80
    Item Level: 85
    24% increased Elemental Damage (implicit)
    45% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    +20% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
    12% increased Burning Damage for each time you have Shocked a Non-Shocked Enemy Recently, up to a maximum of 120%
    Adds 2 to 67 Lightning Damage to Hits against Ignited Enemies
    Your Lightning Damage can Ignite
    When your skin sloughs, and your blood cooks,
    you'll wish the lightning strike had killed you.
    " } }

    Community Wiki




    • Your Lightning Damage can Ignite: Stormfire allows the character's lightning damage to ignite enemies, in addition to shocking. The burning damage from ignites caused by lightning damage is lightning damage that has been converted to fire, so it will follow the usual rules for damage conversion and can be affected by both lightning and fire modifiers (along with other usual modifiers to ignite).

    Version history

  • Update the Stormfire Unique Ring so the increased Burning Damage for each time you have Shocked a Non-Shocked Enemy Recently will be capped at 120%. To compensate, the base values of the damage increase will be raised to 8-12% increased Burning Damage. Existing items will be affected by this cap, but a Divine Orb will need to be used in order to update the increased Burning Damage values.
  • 3.3.0
  • The "increased Burning Damage for each Enemy you have Shocked Recently" mod now only applies to enemies that were not already shocked. The description has been updated to clarify this.
  • 3.2.0
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.