Settlers Item /195
An Audience With The King
Portal: Crux of Nothingness
Area Level: 83
Ancient Mask
Evasion Rating: 308–355
Energy Shield: 62–71
Requires Level 78, 116 Dex, 116 Int
Arcane Vestment
Energy Shield: 196–225
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 73, 222 Int
Ashbark Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.60 Seconds
7 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 32
25% chance to Ignite with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons
Astral Leather
Evasion Rating: 1037–1193
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 78, 254 Dex
Avian Pursuit
Stack Size: 1 / 3
Einhar's Memory of Harvest Beasts
Monster Category:

Creates moving Cursed Ground
Uses Smite
Blight Scarab of the Blightheart
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
Blight Encounters in Area have one Blighted Chest
Blight Encounters in Area spawn many more waves of Enemies
Blighted Chests in Area grow larger and more
rewarding the more Blighted Enemies are slain
Blight Encounters in Area spawn many more waves of Enemies
Blighted Chests in Area grow larger and more
rewarding the more Blighted Enemies are slain
Blood Demon
Monster Category:

Vomits Blood
Applies Corrupting Blood
Absorbs Corrupting Blood, exploding it and dealing Physical Damage based on the damage of the Corrupting Blood
Blood Sap Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.70 Seconds
6 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 45
20% chance to cause Bleeding with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Bleeding from Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Bleeding from Melee Weapons
Borealwood Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.60 Seconds
7 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 32
25% chance to Freeze with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Chill from Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Chill from Melee Weapons

Stack Size: 1 / 250

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Cartography Scarab of Escalation
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
10% increased Maps found in Area for each Map Modifier affecting Area
Cartography Scarab of Risk
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 5
Area has an additional random Modifier
Cartography Scarab of the Multitude
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 3
Area contains 8 to 12 additional packs of
Difficult and Rewarding Monsters which drop 300% increased Maps
Difficult and Rewarding Monsters which drop 300% increased Maps
Chimerascale Boots
Armour: 176–203
Evasion Rating: 176–203
Requires Level 78, 85 Str, 85 Dex
Conqueror's Helmet
Armour: 501–576
Requires Level 78, 194 Str
Conquest Helmet
Armour: 308–355
Evasion Rating: 308–355
Requires Level 78, 116 Str, 116 Dex
Conquest Lamellar
Armour: 723–831
Evasion Rating: 723–831
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 84, 173 Str, 173 Dex
Dancing Sword
Monster Category:

Rains down blades
Nearby allies have 20% chance to Impale with Attacks
Dark Marionette
Monster Category:

Reforms after being killed
Explodes on death for 5% of life as Physical, Fire, and Lightning Damage
Dark Reaper
Monster Category:

Causes Bleeding
Nearby enemies have 50% reduced Life Regeneration rate
Dire Pelt
Evasion Rating: 431–496
Requires Level 73, 170 Dex
Divination Scarab of Pilfering
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
Divination Cards which drop in Area are stolen by a Final Map Boss
That Final Map Boss becomes more Difficult and deals
increased Damage the more Divination Cards they have stolen
That Final Map Boss duplicates all stolen Divination Cards when defeated
That Final Map Boss becomes more Difficult and deals
increased Damage the more Divination Cards they have stolen
That Final Map Boss duplicates all stolen Divination Cards when defeated
Divination Scarab of Plenty
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 3 additional Packs of Magic Monsters that
have 800% increased chance to drop Divination Cards
have 800% increased chance to drop Divination Cards
Divination Scarab of The Cloister
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 5
Area contains 8 to 12 additional packs of Doedre's Devoted
Doedre's Devoted have 1% additional chance to drop a Stacked Deck
Doedre's Devoted have 1% additional chance to drop a Stacked Deck
Divine Crown
Armour: 355–409
Energy Shield: 71–82
Requires Level 84, 132 Str, 132 Int
Domination Scarab of Apparitions
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
Area contains 2 additional Apparition Shrines
Domination Scarab of Evolution
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 2
Area contains an additional Evolving Shrine
Druidic Alchemist
Monster Category:

Throws Poisonous Concoction
200% increased effect of flasks
Eldritch Eye
Monster Category:

Casts channelled Lightning Beam
Cannot inflict Shock
Removes Shock on hit to trigger Lightning Explosion
Faithful Helmet
Armour: 268–308
Energy Shield: 54–62
Requires Level 73, 101 Str, 101 Int
Father's Love
Stack Size: 1 / 2
Sublime Vision
Fiery Cannibal
Monster Category:

Casts Firestorm
Casts Flame Dash
Becomes Empowered if allied Frozen Cannibal nearby
Casts Cremation while Empowered
Uses Molten Strike while Empowered
Forest Tiger
Monster Category:

5% increased Attack Damage per 450 Evasion Rating
5% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
Forest Warrior
Monster Category:

Uses Molten Fissure
Culling Strike
Stack Size: 1 / 3
Aul's Uprising
Frozen Cannibal
Monster Category:

Casts Glacial Cascade
Casts Arctic Armour
Uses Glacial Hammer
Becomes Empowered if Allied Fiery Cannibal nearby
Glacial Cascade Triggers Ice Nova on hit while Empowered
Glacial Hammer Triggers Ice Crash on hit while Empowered
Fulgurite Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.60 Seconds
7 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 32
25% chance to Shock with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Shock from Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Shock from Melee Weapons
Full Wyvernscale
Armour: 545–627
Evasion Rating: 545–627
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 73, 133 Str, 133 Dex
General's Helmet
Armour: 431–496
Requires Level 73, 170 Str
Giantslayer Helmet
Armour: 582–669
Requires Level 84, 224 Str
Stack Size: 1 / 50000
Used as Currency in Kingsmarch
Grand Ringmail
Armour: 545–627
Energy Shield: 110–127
Movement Speed: -0.05%
Requires Level 73, 133 Str, 133 Int
Grizzly Pelt
Evasion Rating: 501–576
Requires Level 78, 194 Dex
Guardian Turtle
Monster Category:

Buffs Owner with Rongokurai's Boon
Owner gains 3% Physical Damage Reduction
Half-remembered Goliath
Monster Category:

Must be Linked to be powered
50% effects of Links on this
Harbinger Scarab of Obelisks
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
Harbingers in Area spawn Empowered Obelisks
Empowered Obelisks drop Currency Shards when defeated
Empowered Obelisks drop Currency Shards when defeated
Harpyskin Boots
Evasion Rating: 307–353
Requires Level 78, 153 Dex
Haunted Bascinet
Armour: 355–409
Evasion Rating: 355–409
Requires Level 84, 132 Str, 132 Dex
Hulking Miscreation
Monster Category:

Summons Constructs
5% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armour
Buffs nearby Constructs with 100% increased Damage and 30% Attack and Cast Speed
Monster Category:

Fires Barrage of Arrows
Fires Hail of Arrows
Fires Forking Arrow
Imperfect Blasphemer
Monster Category:

Creates moving Cursed Ground
Imperfect Blood Demon
Monster Category:

Vomits Blood
Applies Corrupting Blood
Imperfect Dancing Sword
Monster Category:

Rains down blades
Imperfect Dark Marionette
Monster Category:

Reforms after being killed
Imperfect Dark Reaper
Monster Category:

Causes Bleeding
Imperfect Druidic Alchemist
Monster Category:

Throws Poisonous Concoction
Imperfect Eldritch Eye
Monster Category:

Casts channelled Lightning Beam
Cannot inflict Shock
Imperfect Fiery Cannibal
Monster Category:

Casts Firestorm
Casts Flame Dash
Becomes Empowered if allied Frozen Cannibal nearby
Casts Cremation while Empowered
Imperfect Forest Tiger
Monster Category:

5% increased Attack Damage per 450 Evasion Rating
Imperfect Forest Warrior
Monster Category:

Uses Molten Fissure
Imperfect Frozen Cannibal
Monster Category:

Casts Glacial Cascade
Casts Arctic Armour
Uses Glacial Hammer
Becomes Empowered if Allied Fiery Cannibal nearby
Glacial Cascade Triggers Ice Nova on hit while Empowered
Imperfect Guardian Turtle
Monster Category:

Buffs Owner with Rongokurai's Boon
Imperfect Half-remembered Goliath
Monster Category:

Must be linked to be powered
Imperfect Hulking Miscreation
Monster Category:

Summons Constructs
5% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armour
Imperfect Hydra
Monster Category:

Fires Barrage of Arrows
Fires Hail of Arrows
Imperfect Judgemental Spirit
Monster Category:

Summons skeletons
Fires mortars
Creates Chaos Offering
Creates Fire Offering
Imperfect Meatsack
Monster Category:

High Life
Imperfect Naval Officer
Monster Category:

Casts Cannon Barrage
Casts Tidal Wave
Summons Geysers
Imperfect Needle Horror
Monster Category:

Throws Physical Projectiles
Imperfect Pain Artist
Monster Category:

Spells have 1% base Critical Strike Chance
Has 400% base Critical Strike Multiplier
Imperfect Primal Demiurge
Monster Category:

Casts Lightning Burst
Imperfect Primal Thunderbird
Monster Category:

Casts Dash of Destruction
Casts Screech of Splendor
Imperfect Runic Skeleton
Monster Category:

20% increased Physical Weapon Damage per 10 Strength
Imperfect Sanguimancer Demon
Monster Category:

Loses a percentage of Life when casting spells
Upon reaching 20% Life, stops casting to recover to Full Life
Imperfect Sawblade Horror
Monster Category:

Imperfect Serpent Warrior
Monster Category:

Attacks with swords when not Defensive
Fires Mortars when Defensive
Imperfect Shadow Construct
Monster Category:

Fires Lightning Beams
Fires Chilling Blasts
Rain of Boulders
Imperfect Slashing Horror
Monster Category:

Attacks with Dualstrike
Periodically enrages
Imperfect Spider Matriarch
Monster Category:

Summons Spiders
Imperfect Spirit of Fortune
Monster Category:

Casts Shock Nova
Casts Spark
Casts Lightning Warp
Imperfect Warlord
Monster Category:

Uses Leap Slam
Uses Sweep
Uses Enduring Cry
Uses Immortal call
Infiltrator Boots
Evasion Rating: 176–203
Energy Shield: 35–41
Requires Level 78, 85 Dex, 85 Int
Ironwood Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.90 Seconds
10 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 18
40% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with Melee Weapons
(15–25)% increased Stun Duration with Melee Weapons
(15–25)% increased Stun Duration with Melee Weapons
Jester Mask
Evasion Rating: 268–308
Energy Shield: 54–62
Requires Level 73, 101 Dex, 101 Int

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Judgemental Spirit
Monster Category:

Summons skeletons
Fires mortars
Creates Chaos Offering
Creates Fire Offering
Ally skeletons deal additional fire and chaos damage with attacks
Knight Helm
Armour: 268–308
Evasion Rating: 268–308
Requires Level 73, 101 Str, 101 Dex
Legion Plate
Armour: 1018–1171
Movement Speed: -0.05%
Requires Level 78, 254 Str
Leviathan Greaves
Armour: 359–413
Requires Level 84, 177 Str
Lich's Circlet
Energy Shield: 117–134
Requires Level 84, 224 Int

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Lonely Warrior
Stack Size: 1 / 10
Defiance of Destiny
Majestic Pelt
Evasion Rating: 582–669
Requires Level 84, 224 Dex
Marshall's Brigandine
Armour: 627–721
Evasion Rating: 627–721
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 78, 151 Str, 151 Dex
Martyr Boots
Armour: 176–203
Energy Shield: 35–41
Requires Level 78, 85 Str, 85 Int

Stack Size: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a map enhancing Currency found
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types

Stack Size: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a map enhancing Divination Cards found
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types

Stack Size: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a map enhancing Item Rarity
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types

Stack Size: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a map enhancing Pack Size
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types

Stack Size: 1 / 20
Improves the quality of a map enhancing Scarabs found
Replaces other quality types
Replaces other quality types
Monster Category:

Higher Life
Releases a caustic cloud when hit
Moonlit Circlet
Energy Shield: 87–100
Requires Level 73, 170 Int
More is Never Enough
Stack Size: 1 / 7
4x Scarab

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Nameless Ring
Requires Level 68
50% increased Elemental Ailment Duration on you
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Naval Officer
Monster Category:

Casts Cannon Barrage
Casts Tidal Wave
Summons Geysers
Necrotic Armour
Evasion Rating: 723–831
Energy Shield: 145–167
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 84, 173 Dex, 173 Int
Needle Horror
Monster Category:

Throws Physical Projectiles
100% increased Impale Effect
Nightweave Robe
Energy Shield: 227–260
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 78, 254 Int
Oakbranch Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.50 Seconds
8 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 60
Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon Hit
Pain Artist
Monster Category:

Spells have 1% base Critical Strike Chance
Has 400% base Critical Strike Multiplier
Nearby allies have +30% Critical Strike Multiplier
Paladin Boots
Armour: 205–236
Energy Shield: 41–47
Requires Level 84, 98 Str, 98 Int
Paladin Crown
Armour: 308–355
Energy Shield: 62–71
Requires Level 78, 116 Str, 116 Int
Paladin's Hauberk
Armour: 627–721
Energy Shield: 126–145
Movement Speed: -0.05%
Requires Level 78, 151 Str, 151 Int
Perfect Blasphemer
Monster Category:

Creates moving Cursed Ground
Uses Smite
Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies
Perfect Blood Demon
Monster Category:

Vomits Blood
Applies Corrupting Blood
Absorbs Corrupting Blood, exploding it and dealing Physical Damage based on the damage of the Corrupting Blood
Casts Pride
Perfect Dancing Sword
Monster Category:

Rains down blades
Nearby allies have 20% chance to Impale with Attacks
Nearby allies have 30% increased Impale Effect
Perfect Dark Marionette
Monster Category:

Reforms after being killed
Explodes on death for 5% of life as Physical, Fire, and Lightning Damage
Explosion Scorches
Perfect Dark Reaper
Monster Category:

Causes Bleeding
Nearby enemies have 50% reduced Life Regeneration rate
Can inflict Bleeding on an Enemy up to 16 times
Bleeding does not deal extra Damage while the enemy is moving
Perfect Druidic Alchemist
Monster Category:

Throws Poisonous Concoction
200% increased effect of flasks
Owner gains 1 life flask charge every 3 seconds
Perfect Eldritch Eye
Monster Category:

Casts channelled Lightning Beam
Cannot inflict Shock
Removes Shock on hit to trigger Lightning Explosion
Casts Purity of Lightning
Perfect Fiery Cannibal
Monster Category:

Casts Firestorm
Casts Flame Dash
Becomes Empowered if allied Frozen Cannibal nearby
Casts Cremation while Empowered
Uses Molten Strike while Empowered
Casts Purity of Fire
Perfect Forest Tiger
Monster Category:

5% increased Attack Damage per 450 Evasion Rating
5% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
Casts Haste
Perfect Forest Warrior
Monster Category:

Uses Molten Fissure
Culling Strike
Nearby allies have Onslaught
Perfect Frozen Cannibal
Monster Category:

Casts Glacial Cascade
Casts Arctic Armour
Uses Glacial Hammer
Becomes Empowered if Allied Fiery Cannibal nearby
Glacial Cascade Triggers Ice Nova on hit while Empowered
Glacial Hammer Triggers Ice Crash on hit while Empowered
Casts Purity of Ice
Perfect Guardian Turtle
Monster Category:

Buffs Owner with Rongokurai's Boon
Owner gains 5% Physical Damage Reduction
Casts Determination
Perfect Half-remembered Goliath
Monster Category:

Must be Linked to be powered
100% effects of Links on this
Perfect Hulking Miscreation
Monster Category:

Summons Constructs
8% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armour
Buffs nearby Constructs with 100% increased Damage and 30% Attack and Cast Speed
Perfect Hydra
Monster Category:

Fires Barrage of Arrows
Fires Hail of Arrows
Fires Forking Arrow
Casts Hatred
Perfect Judgemental Spirit
Monster Category:

Summons skeletons
Fires mortars
Creates Chaos Offering
Creates Fire Offering
Ally skeletons deal additional fire and chaos damage with attacks
Casts Discipline
Perfect Meatsack
Monster Category:

Highest Life
Releases a caustic cloud when hit
Taunts on Hit
Perfect Naval Officer
Monster Category:

Casts Cannon Barrage
Casts Tidal Wave
Summons Geysers
Nearby Allies take reduced Cold Damage
Perfect Needle Horror
Monster Category:

Throws Physical Projectiles
100% increased Impale Effect
Owner gains 10% increased Impale Effect
Perfect Pain Artist
Monster Category:

Spells have 1% base Critical Strike Chance
Has 400% base Critical Strike Multiplier
Nearby allies have +30% Critical Strike Multiplier
Casts Zealotry
Perfect Primal Demiurge
Monster Category:

Casts Lightning Burst inflicting Sap on Hit
Casts Clarity
Perfect Primal Thunderbird
Monster Category:

Casts Dash of Destruction
Casts Screech of Splendor
Screech of Splendor inflicts Lightning Exposure
Casts Grace
Perfect Runic Skeleton
Monster Category:

20% increased Physical Weapon Damage per 10 Strength
Crushes on Hit
Owner gains 5% More Physical Attack Damage
Perfect Sanguimancer Demon
Monster Category:

Loses a percentage of Life when casting spells
Upon reaching 20% Life, stops casting to recover to Full Life
Heals nearby allies for 10% of the Life spent
While on Low Life nearby allies gain spell damage
Perfect Sawblade Horror
Monster Category:

Maims on hit
Owner gains 10% increased Effect of Maim
Perfect Serpent Warrior
Monster Category:

Attacks with swords when not Defensive
Fires Mortars when Defensive
Inflicts Withered for 2 seconds on Hit
Creates Aura of Chaos when hitting Poisoned enemies
Perfect Shadow Construct
Monster Category:

Fires Lightning Beams
Fires Chilling Blasts
Rain of Boulders
Slam deals 500% more Damage with Ignite
Lightning Beam has 20% Maximum Effect of Shock
Perfect Slashing Horror
Monster Category:

Attacks with Dualstrike
Periodically enrages
Affected by Owner's Rage
Owner gains 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Perfect Spider Matriarch
Monster Category:

Summons Spiders
Ally Spiders deal additional chaos damage with attacks
Owner gains 10% increased Effect of Withered
Perfect Spirit of Fortune
Monster Category:

Casts Shock Nova
Casts Spark
Casts Lightning Warp
Casts Wrath
Lightning Damage of nearby allies is Lucky
Perfect Warlord
Monster Category:

Uses Leap Slam
Uses Sweep
Uses Enduring Cry
Uses Immortal call
Casts Vitality
Shares Endurance Charges with allies
Phantom Boots
Evasion Rating: 205–236
Energy Shield: 41–47
Requires Level 84, 98 Dex, 98 Int
Poisonberry Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.70 Seconds
6 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 45
20% chance to Poison with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Poison from Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Poison from Melee Weapons

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Precursor Greaves
Armour: 307–353
Requires Level 78, 153 Str
Primal Demiurge
Monster Category:

Casts Lightning Burst
Casts Clarity
Primal Thunderbird
Monster Category:

Casts Dash of Destruction
Casts Screech of Splendor
Screech of Splendor inflicts Lightning Exposure

Stack Size: 1 / 10
Prismatic Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.70 Seconds
8 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 18
(70–100)% increased Elemental Damage with Melee Weapons
Rebirth and Renewal
Stack Size: 1 / 4
Horned Scarab

Stack Size: 1 / 10
Unpredictably reflects a rare amulet or ring, breaking it
into two mirrored halves with reflected modifiers
into two mirrored halves with reflected modifiers
Ritual Scarab of Wisps
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
Ritual Altars in Area spawn a Wildwood Wisp
Wildwood Wisps grant 70% increased Tribute Gained to nearby Players
Wildwood Wisps grant 70% increased Tribute Gained to nearby Players

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Rosethorn Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.70 Seconds
8 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 18
(100–150)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Melee Weapons
Royal Plate
Armour: 1183–1360
Movement Speed: -0.05%
Requires Level 84, 293 Str
Runic Skeleton
Monster Category:

20% increased Physical Weapon Damage per 10 Strength
Crushes on Hit
Sacred Chainmail
Armour: 723–831
Energy Shield: 145–167
Movement Speed: -0.05%
Requires Level 84, 173 Str, 173 Int
Sage Slippers
Energy Shield: 62–71
Requires Level 78, 153 Int
Sanguimancer Demon
Monster Category:

Loses a percentage of Life when casting spells
Upon reaching 20% Life, stops casting to recover to Full Life
Heals nearby allies for 10% of the Life spent
Sanguine Raiment
Evasion Rating: 545–627
Energy Shield: 110–127
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 73, 133 Dex, 133 Int
Sawblade Horror
Monster Category:

Maims on hit
Scarab of Bisection
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 1
You can select the Nullify Prefixes or Nullify Suffixes crafting options on the Map Device
Scarab of Divinity
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 2
Up to 2 additional Rare Monsters in Area will be Pantheon-Touched
Apparitions spawned by Pantheon-Touched Monsters deal 100% increased damage
Apparitions spawned by Pantheon-Touched Monsters deal 100% increased damage
Serpent Warrior
Monster Category:

Attacks with swords when not Defensive
Fires Mortars when Defensive
Inflicts Withered for 2 seconds on Hit
Shadow Construct
Monster Category:

Fires Lightning Beams
Fires Chilling Blasts
Rain of Boulders
Slam deals 500% more Damage with Ignite
Slashing Horror
Monster Category:

Attacks with Dualstrike
Periodically enrages
Affected by Owner's Rage
Spider Matriarch
Monster Category:

Summons Spiders
Ally Spiders deal additional chaos damage with attacks
Spirit of Fortune
Monster Category:

Casts Shock Nova
Casts Spark
Casts Lightning Warp
Casts Wrath
Sporebloom Tincture
Inflicts Mana Burn every 0.90 Seconds
8 Second Cooldown when Deactivated
Requires Level 52
25% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Blind from Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Blind from Melee Weapons

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Sunfire Circlet
Energy Shield: 101–116
Requires Level 78, 194 Int
Supreme Leather
Evasion Rating: 894–1028
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 73, 222 Dex
Syndicate's Garb
Evasion Rating: 1205–1386
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 84, 293 Dex
Stack Size: 1 / 4
Item Level: 83
Item Level: 83
The Long Watch
Stack Size: 1 / 3
The Fourth Vow

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Titan Plate
Armour: 877–1009
Movement Speed: -0.05%
Requires Level 73, 222 Str
Titanic Scarab of Legend
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 2
Unique Monsters in Area have 2 additional Monster Modifiers
Titanic Scarab of Treasures
Stack Size: 1 / 20
Limit: 3
Unique Monsters in Area have 2 additional Rewards
Unique Monsters in Area have 30% increased Toughness
Unique Monsters in Area have 30% increased Toughness
Torturer Garb
Evasion Rating: 627–721
Energy Shield: 126–145
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 78, 151 Dex, 151 Int
Torturer's Mask
Evasion Rating: 355–409
Energy Shield: 71–82
Requires Level 84, 132 Dex, 132 Int
Toxic Tidings
Stack Size: 1 / 5
Twilight Regalia
Energy Shield: 262–302
Movement Speed: -0.03%
Requires Level 84, 293 Int
Velour Boots
Evasion Rating: 359–413
Requires Level 84, 177 Dex

Stack Size: 1 / 250
Warlock Boots
Energy Shield: 72–83
Requires Level 84, 177 Int
Monster Category:

Uses Leap Slam
Uses Sweep
Uses Enduring Cry
Uses Immortal call
Casts Vitality
Wyvernscale Boots
Armour: 205–236
Evasion Rating: 205–236
Requires Level 84, 98 Str, 98 Dex
History /158
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.