Blight Monster /170
Tower FoundationN
Chilling Tower Mk Iblight tower damage +% final vs cold monster [-99]N
Chilling Tower Mk IIblight tower damage +% final vs cold monster [-99]N
Chilling Tower Mk IIIblight tower damage +% final vs cold monster [-99]N
Freezebolt Towerblight tower damage +% final vs cold monster [-99]N
Glacial Cage Towerblight tower damage +% final vs cold monster [-99]N
Shock Nova Tower Mk Iblight tower damage +% final vs lightning monster [-99]N
Shock Nova Tower Mk IIblight tower damage +% final vs lightning monster [-99]N
Shock Nova Tower Mk IIIblight tower damage +% final vs lightning monster [-99]N
Lightning Storm Towerblight tower damage +% final vs lightning monster [-99]N
Arc Towerblight tower damage +% final vs lightning monster [-99]N
Empowering Tower Mk IN
Empowering Tower Mk IIN
Empowering Tower Mk IIIN
Imbuing TowerN
Smothering TowerN
Seismic Tower Mk Iblight tower damage +% final vs physical monster [-99]N
Seismic Tower Mk IIblight tower damage +% final vs physical monster [-99]N
Seismic Tower Mk IIIblight tower damage +% final vs physical monster [-99]N
Temporal Towerblight tower damage +% final vs physical monster [-99]N
Stone Gaze Towerblight tower damage +% final vs physical monster [-99]N
Summoning Tower Mk IN
Summoning Tower Mk IIN
Summoning Tower Mk IIIN
Scout TowerN
Sentinel TowerN
Fireball Tower Mk Iblight tower damage +% final vs fire monster [-99]N
Fireball Tower Mk IIblight tower damage +% final vs fire monster [-99]N
Fireball Tower Mk IIIblight tower damage +% final vs fire monster [-99]N
Flamethrower Towerblight tower damage +% final vs fire monster [-99]N
Meteor Towerblight tower damage +% final vs fire monster [-99]N
Summoned SoldierN
Summoned ScoutN
Summoned SentinelN
Blighted HellionResilient to Fire TowersN
Blighted Burned HellionResilient to Fire TowersN
KnucklegnawResilient to Fire Towers
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted FrenzyhoundResilient to Fire TowersN
Blighted PetrelPhasing
suppress phasing visual [1]
Resilient to Fire Towers
Blighted FireResilient to Fire TowersN
Blighted FireN
Blighted Cinder ElementalResilient to Fire TowersN
SporeplumeResilient to Fire Towers
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
cannot have affliction mods [1]
Blighted Incineratormonster explodes on its target text [2]
Resilient to Fire Towers
Hazarat, the Propagatormonster explodes on its target text [2]
Resilient to Fire Towers
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted BrineResilient to Cold TowersN
Blighted Icy ManifestationResilient to Cold TowersN
Blighted MaelströmResilient to Cold TowersN
Blighted Frozen TitanResilient to Cold TowersN
SharnathResilient to Cold Towers
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted FrostwingPhasing
suppress phasing visual [1]
Resilient to Cold Towers
Avoids Ignited
100% chance to Avoid being Chilled
100% chance to Avoid being Frozen
Unaffected by Shock
Blighted Wolf AlphaResilient to Cold Towers
Avoids Ignited
100% chance to Avoid being Chilled
100% chance to Avoid being Frozen
Unaffected by Shock
Ystral, Winter StalkerResilient to Cold Towers
Avoids Ignited
100% chance to Avoid being Chilled
100% chance to Avoid being Frozen
Unaffected by Shock
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted RattlerResilient to Lightning Towers
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Blighted RumblerResilient to Lightning Towers
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Blighted ThundercallerResilient to Lightning Towers
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Blighted CondemnedResilient to Lightning Towers
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Blighted TangleResilient to Lightning Towers
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Ephrexis, Blight Stridermonster raises undead text [1]
Resilient to Lightning Towers
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted DreadwheelResilient to Lightning Towers
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Avoids Frozen
Avoids Chilled
Avoids Ignited
Unaffected by Shock
Blighted MinerResilient to Physical Towers
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Blighted LanternbearerResilient to Physical Towers
ignite art variation [1]
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Blighted GoliathResilient to Physical Towers
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Blighted BeastResilient to Physical Towers
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Scree, the InfectedResilient to Physical Towers
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Blighted ShardResilient to Physical Towers
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Blighted ShriekerResilient to Physical Towers
suppress phasing visual [1]
Cannot be Knocked Back
immune to petrification [1]
unaffected by temporal tower [1]
Blighted RisenN
Blighted RisenSpreads Caustic Ground on Death
monster caustic cloud on death base area of effect radius [12]
monster ground effect on death base duration ms [3000]
Blighted FreakN
Blighted DeadN
Lathaniel, the MindlessMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted Rhoa ScavengerN
Blighted Great RhoaN
Blighted Murk RunnerN
Blighted Bone RhoaN
Blighted Zombie RhoaN
Rattleback, Hollow MatriarchMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted Ink SpinnerIgnores Summoning TowersN
Blighted Cave ArachIgnores Summoning TowersN
Blighted TarantulaIgnores Summoning Towers
monster casts viper strike text [1]
Blighted Leaping SpiderIgnores Summoning Towers
monster uses flicker strike text [1]
Blighted Virulent SpiderIgnores Summoning TowersN
Blighted HatchlingIgnores Summoning TowersN
Blighted SwarmerIgnores Summoning TowersN
Mishne, StipecrawlerIgnores Summoning Towers
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
100% increased Poison Duration
Poison on Hit
Blighted ArachnidIgnores Summoning TowersN
Unstable Risenmonster no drops or experience [1]N
Blighted MiscreationN
Gangrel, the MangledMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted DevoteeN
Blighted Punisher50% chance to Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on HitN
Blighted Impaler50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
main hand base maximum attack distance [0,10]
Blighted Thug20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted Thugmonster casts puncture text [1]
20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted Highwayman20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted Snipermonster fires explosive arrows text [1]N
Blighted Deadeyemonster fires caustic arrows text [1]N
Blighted Martyrmonster explodes on its target text [1]N
Blighted Madmanmonster explodes on its target text [1]N
Stenly, the Rot-Headedmonster explodes on its target text [1]
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted SpawnN
Blighted Larvamonster explodes on its target text [1]N
Rosaria, Spore SirenMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted Stone Crab(0–20)% increased Movement SpeedN
Blighted Tidal Crab(0–20)% increased Movement SpeedN
Blighted Spray Crab(0–20)% increased Movement SpeedN
Blighted Spider Crab(0–20)% increased Movement SpeedN
Blighted Shield Crabadditional item drop slots when deleted on death [0]
monster inherent experience granted +% final if deleted on death [100]
Blighted PelterN
Blight LurcherN
ClobberclawMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted JusticarN
Blighted Ward20% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted GuardianN
Blighted Sisterignite art variation [1]N
Blighted StalkerN
Blighted RelicN
Beacon of InevitabilityMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted ShamanN
Blighted Fire-raiserN
Blighted DevilN
Blighted GoatmanN
Orolath, Slug CrusherAction Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value
Movement Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted Bonestalkerundead description [1]N
Blighted Ancient Archerundead description [1]N
Blighted Colossalundead description [1]N
Blighted Necromancermonster raises undead text [1]N
Sketh, Spore AmalgamationMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted Blood ApeN
Blighted Carnage ApeN
Blighted Chieftainmonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [22]N
Arduk, Spreader of Rotmonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [22]
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted UndyingN
Blighted OutcastN
Blighted EvangelistN
Blighted Cultistmonster casts freezing pulse text [1]
Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Blighted InitiateN
Jodin Dusk, Infected AdvocateMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted Scout30% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 15% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted EliteN
Blighted Mage20% Chance to Block Spell Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted Arcmage20% Chance to Block Spell Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted ExperimenterN
Raised ZombieN
Eden, Blightspeaker20% Chance to Block Spell Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted SerpentN
Blighted Bramble CobraN
Blighted Spine Construct30% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos DamageN
VilislathaMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted ViperN
Blighted ZealotN
Blighted RegurgitatorN
Blighted AssemblageN
Blight Heralddisplay monster may inflict bleeding [1]
monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
Banisher of the Cleansedmonster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
Monsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
Blighted CannibalN
Blighted Fire-eaterN
Ghroth, Sporebreath CorruptorMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back
80% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Blighted Pitbullmonster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [50]N
Blighted Fowlmonster casts viper strike text [1]N
Blighted FiendN
Blighted GladiatorN
Blighted Gladiator30% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 15% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Blighted BullockN
Blighted HoundBurns Ground on Death
monster ground effect on death base duration ms [6000]
monster ground fire on death base area of effect radius [16]
Axehorn, Earth FlattenerMonsters grant 100% increased Experience
% increased Rarity of Items Dropped
Cannot be Knocked Back

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