Akt 4 Quest /11
Akt 4
Findet Deshrets Banner im verschwundenen See und benutzt es, um das Siegel in der Stadt zu brechen und den Weg in die Minen zu ebnen.
Akt 4
Dialla braucht das Auge des Zorns, um die Nadel der Entrückung zu aktivieren, doch es wird von König Kaom bewacht. Nehmt es ihm ab und bringt es Dialla.
Akt 4
Dialla braucht das Auge des Verlangens, um die Nadel der Entrückung zu aktivieren, doch es wird vom Schwertkönig Daresso bewacht. Nehmt es ihm ab und bringt es Dialla.
Akt 4
Piety braucht drei von Malachais Organen, um den Eingang zum schwarzen Kern zu öffnen. Findet sie und übergebt sie ihr.
Akt 4
Tasuni kann hören, wie Deshrets Seele verzweifelt nach ihm ruft. Helft ihr. Sucht ihre Seele in den Minen und befreit sie.
Akt 4
Besteht alle Aszendenzprüfungen, damit Euch der Zugang zum Labyrinth des Herrschers gewährt wird.
Akt 4
Beginnt den Aufstieg an der östlichen Seite von Hohenpforte, und erklimmt den Berg Veruso, um das Portal zurück nach Oriath zu finden.
Akt 4
Niko möchte, dass Ihr eine Ader voltaxischen Sulfits findet. Durchsucht dafür die Minen unter Hohenpforte.
Akt 4
Sammelt voltaxisches Sulfit für Niko.
Akt 4
Verwendet den Azurit am voltaxischen Generator, um im Minenlager eine Stange Dynamit und ein paar Fackeln herzustellen.
Text Audio /18
Act 4Dialla25
Act 4Kira42
Act 4Malachais Widmung1
Act 4Malachais Notizbuch1
Act 4Notiz1
Act 4Oyun46
Act 4Petarus und Vanja66
Act 4Piety83
Act 4Resonator-Instruktionen1
Act 4Tasuni75
Act 4Volls Geständnis1
Act 4König Kaom8
Act 4Barkhul
Act 4Maligaro der Inquisitor6
Act 4Shavronne3
Act 4Daresso8
Act 4Malachai13
Act 4Voll, Kaiser der Reinheit

Community Wiki


Act 4

Act. 4 (around 35 minutes including normal lab)

  1. Go through "The Aqueduct" and make your way to town.

  2. In town, go straight left to "The Dried Lake".

  3. This is a great zone to get a lot of experience so feel free to full clear it if you are more than 2 levels behind the zone level.

  4. Once we have the banner from killing the mini-boss Voll, go straight to "The Mines Level 1" until you reach "The Mines Level 2"。

  5. In "The Mines Level 2", there is a skill point quest from freeing the spirit of Deshret, you must find this before proceeding.
    IF you happen to find the exit to "The Crystal Veins" before you find the quest, open up a portal at the entrance and keep going.

  6. Make your way through "The Crystal Veins" until you reach the waypoint. IF you haven't gotten the Spirit of Deshret yet, take the waypoint back to town and enter your portal, find the Spirit.

  7. It's time to run your FIRST Lab! You should be somewhere around level 32-34 or so. Talk to Tasuni for your skill point and then take the waypoint back to Act 3 and walk up to the lab. Remember to click the waypoint in the Plaza so you can always come back.

    Before you start your lab, check out PoeLab for the Lab layout. Normal Lab is ALWAYS the same layout pretty much, but get accustomed to poelab either way.

  8. After Lab, head back to "The Crystal Veins" and go Right into "Daresso's Dream"

  9. Make your way through that zone until you reach "The Grand Arena", take the waypoint in that zone back to The Crystal Veins".

  10. This time go Left into "Kaom's Dream" and make your way through both levels and up to Kaoms, kill him and log out.

  11. Take the waypoint from Town back to "The Grand Arena" and make your way to Daresso, kill him and log out.

    The Reason why we do Half of Daresso, followed by Koams entirely and back to Daressos is to try to maximise exp gain by running both lower level zone in a row
    followed by both the higher level zones. This can give up an additional level to kill both bosses which can make it easier.

  12. Head back to "The Crystal Veins " and into "The Belly of the Beast Level 1", struggle for however long until you make your way up to Piety. Kill her and go forward to "The Harvest"
    Not much to say about "The Belly of the Beast Level 1", it's filled with dead ends and an overall aweful zone for experience as well. A "Sealing" flask helps A LOT in this zone because all the puncture mobs will cause bleeds which do more damage to you as you move.
    Such flask isn't NECESSARY at all and I wouldn't waste ressources trying to roll one, but if you are absolutely struggling, head over to your menagerie
    and craft on "Sealing" with 4 random rare beasts. Most of your flasks at that point in time will be replaced later so it's a bit of a waste.

    The Belly of the Beast Level 2

  13. In "The Harvest ", kill all three bosses (always one on the Right side and two on the Left side) and finally Malachai, The Nightmare, then log out.

  14. In town, talk to Dialla and Oyun for your rewards, this is where you unlock the last set of "endgame gems" such as Spell Echo Support or Greater Multiple Projectiles Support .

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