技能寶石 /75
物品 詞綴 /5
名字 | 等級 | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
尊師之 | 68 | 後綴 | 當你擊殺稀有怪物,有 (15–20)% 機率獲得它其中 1 個詞綴,持續 10 秒 | claw_elder 1000 普通 0 |
征服之 | 68 | 後綴 | 當你擊殺稀有怪物,有 (21–30)% 機率獲得它其中 1 個詞綴,持續 10 秒 | claw_adjudicator 500 普通 0 |
征服之 | 73 | 後綴 | 當你擊殺稀有怪物,有 (31–40)% 機率獲得它其中 1 個詞綴,持續 10 秒 | claw_adjudicator 500 普通 0 |
1 | WeaponTree | 火球和熔岩翻騰有 100% 更多範圍效果 投射物數量詞綴不會套用至火球和熔岩翻騰 | 雙手武器 0 caster_unique_weapon 1000 attack_staff 0 attack_dagger 0 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 0 法杖 1000 長杖 1000 匕首 1000 權杖 1000 盾 500 普通 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | 火球和熔岩翻騰有 200% 更多範圍效果 投射物數量詞綴不會套用至火球和熔岩翻騰 | 單手武器 0 caster_unique_weapon 1000 attack_staff 0 attack_dagger 0 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 0 法杖 1000 長杖 1000 匕首 1000 權杖 1000 普通 0 |
怪物 詞綴 /2
名字 | 等級 | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
1 | 傳奇 | 不能被擊退 不會被暈眩 not affected by action speed modifiers [1] | ||
1 | 傳奇 | unaffected by life modifiers [1] 生命魔力 生命 |
地圖 詞綴 /2
名字 | 等級 | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
對抗之 | 69 | 後綴 | 增加 (20–30)% 稀有怪物的數量 每個稀有怪物有 2 個額外詞綴 | uber_tier_map 0 腐化地區 1000 普通 0 |
軌跡之 | 74 | 後綴 | 瓦爾容器包含 1 格額外有兩個固定詞綴的已汙染傳奇道具 | uber_tier_map 0 map_device 0 腐化地區 20 普通 0 |
工藝台 /3
其他屬性 詞綴 /27
名字 | 等級 | Domain | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
1 | Jewel | 傳奇 | 範圍內配置 4 個核心天賦,當你擊殺稀有怪物時,你會獲得它其中 1 個詞綴 20 秒 local jewel effect base radius [800] | ||
1 | Jewel | 傳奇 | 範圍內近戰和近戰武器加成轉換成弓類武器加成 local jewel effect base radius [1200] 攻擊 | ||
1 | Jewel | 傳奇 | 你身上點燃持續時間詞綴套用至全部元素異常狀態 | ||
1 | Jewel | 傳奇 | 避免被感電機率的詞綴套用至全部元素異常狀態 | ||
1 | Atlas | 前綴 | 你地圖中掉落的地圖為有 8 個詞綴的已汙染地圖 剩 3 次使用 | 普通 50 | |
1 | Atlas | 前綴 | 你地圖中掉落的地圖為有 8 個詞綴的已汙染地圖 剩 15 次使用 | 普通 50 | |
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 區域中掉落的非傳奇地圖為已汙染且有 8 個詞綴 | ||
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 傳奇怪物有 2 個額外怪物詞綴 | ||
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 保險箱的隨機屬性詞綴效果增加 75% | ||
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 遺跡有 2 個額外後綴 遺跡有 2 個額外前綴 | ||
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 區域中的神殿由一個輿圖頭目守衛著 最終地圖頭目的詞綴也會套用在這些輿圖頭目上 | ||
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 每個稀有怪物有 2 個額外詞綴 | ||
1 | MapDevice | 傳奇 | 區域中的怪物群有 15% 機率取代為隨機輿圖頭目 透過此方式新增的輿圖頭目將被計為最終地圖頭目 | ||
碎顱之 | 1 | Sentinel | 後綴 | 當角色擊殺賦予稀有怪物時, 有 50% 機率獲得它的詞綴 20 秒 | special_sentinel_mod 0 普通 20 |
1 | Sentinel | 傳奇 | 當角色擊殺賦予稀有怪物時, 獲得它的詞綴 20 秒 | ||
不可預測的 | 1 | CrucibleMap | 前綴 | 鍛造物品的詞綴數值為隨機 | uber_tier_map 0 crucible_map_low 25 crucible_map_high 250 普通 0 |
致命的 | 1 | CrucibleMap | 前綴 | 每個稀有怪物有 2 個額外詞綴 | uber_tier_map 0 crucible_map_high 1000 普通 0 |
反抗者的 | 1 | UberMap | 前綴 | 增加 (35–45)% 稀有怪物的數量 每個稀有怪物有 2 個額外詞綴 增加 20% 此區域物品數量 增加 6% 怪物群大小 | uber_tier_map 30 普通 0 |
深淵之 | 68 | MapRelic | 後綴 | 你地圖中深淵保險箱或冥河之尖掉落的深淵珠寶,有 (15–25)% 機率為已汙染且有 5 或 6 個隨機詞綴 | atlas_relic_very_large 200 普通 0 |
製圖的 | 68 | MapRelic | 前綴 | 增加 (8–12)% 你地圖上變動詞綴的效果 | atlas_relic_large 1000 普通 0 |
製圖的 | 68 | MapRelic | 前綴 | 根據每 5% 地圖品質,增加 (3–5)% 你地圖上變動詞綴的效果 | atlas_relic_very_large 1000 普通 0 |
製圖的 | 68 | MapRelic | 前綴 | 根據每個變動詞綴,增加 (2–3)% 你地圖上變動詞綴的效果 | atlas_relic_very_large 1000 普通 0 |
1 | MapRelic | 傳奇 | 你的已汙染稀有地圖和任何套用的地圖工藝選項 在打開時會隨機調整 因此受影響的地圖會有 1 到 3 個隨機地圖詞綴 | ||
1 | MapRelic | 傳奇 | 你地圖的物品掉落數量詞綴,以 300% 它們的值套用至物品掉落稀有度 | ||
1 | MapRelic | 傳奇 | 當見證地圖頭目時,釋界施放災害上升, 召喚 1 至 3 個額外輿圖頭目 地圖中剩餘的怪物較少時 召喚的額外頭目數量較多 每張地圖最終地圖頭目的詞綴,同時套用至這些召喚的頭目 | ||
1 | MapRelic | 傳奇 | 你地圖中的通牒怪物使用它們特殊能力套用毀滅 到達 7 層毀滅時失敗 你地圖中的通牒怪物和詞綴,造成 (50–60)% 更少傷害 | ||
1 | MapRelic | 傳奇 | 你地圖中的通牒詞綴,如果可能以高 1 階級開始 你地圖中的最後通牒事件,每回合減少 3% 範圍 |
物品 /100

















地圖階級: 14 至 16
詞綴: 8
地圖階級: 15
詞綴: 8
地圖階級: 13
品質: +13%
譫妄: 100%
詞綴: 8






















允許後綴 +1
增加 25% 後綴大小
允許後綴 -1
增加 25% 前綴大小
允許後綴 -3
允許後綴 -2
增加 50% 前綴大小
允許後綴 +3
允許後綴 +1
增加 50% 後綴大小
允許後綴 -1
增加 100% 變動詞綴大小
允許後綴 -2
增加 100% 變動詞綴大小
傳奇 /36
召喚 1 至 3 個額外輿圖頭目
天賦 /10
最大躲避法術擊中率為 75%
召喚 1 至 3 個額外輿圖頭目
數值和詞綴 I 幫助面板
數值和詞綴 I 幫助面板
數值和詞綴 I:如何計算?


全域 VS 區域:

物品上有增加護甲詞綴和增加閃避詞綴就是直接增加護甲和閃避。 例如「增加攻擊速度」詞綴會出現在武器和護甲上。像增加物理傷害詞綴,武器上的增加攻擊速度詞綴,只會作用於此武器上改變武器的攻擊速度。手套若是有增加攻擊速度詞綴,他們會作用於任何你裝備的武器,並且將計算出來的攻擊速度呈現在武器上。

手套上攻擊速度詞綴是全域詞綴,所以它會先與其他的全域增加攻擊速度詞綴加總,包括在天賦樹上的詞綴。 一般來說(雖然會有些例外:P),

數值和詞綴 II 幫助面板
數值和詞綴 II 幫助面板
數值和詞綴 II:到底該留意些甚麼

除非你時常和親朋好友組成特殊隊伍,否則幾乎每個角色都需要利用某種方式殺死怪物。找出造成傷害的方法,接著收集可以加強它的道具。如果你想遠遠的對敵人發射箭矢,一把攻擊力高的弓和加強弓系傷害的天賦幾乎可以說是必備的。 如果你想施放法術,那麼你可以嘗試尋找有「增加法術傷害」的武器。如果你對火屬性情有獨鍾,那麼你也可以把焦點擺在火屬性傷害加成的道具。舉例來說「火球」,它不僅可以被「增加火焰傷害」影響,也能夠受到「增加法術傷害」、「增加投射物傷害」的影響。一位想要使用單手錘打扁怪物的角色,可以把焦點擺在「單手武器傷害」、「單手錘傷害」、「攻擊傷害」、「近戰傷害」相關的詞綴。

不論你再怎麼厲害,死了一切都是浮雲。在提升角色能力的同時,你也可以多多研究你的防禦手段。大多角色選擇使用護甲、能量護盾、閃避、或者混搭。同時基礎生命和增加生命相關的來源也非常受歡迎,但最有效的方式就是在傷害還沒碰到你的生命池前就已經被減免緩和了。 火焰傷害,可以透過「火焰抗性」來減免。莫薇爾的法術造成冰冷傷害,所以「冰冷抗性」對付她非常有效。如果遊戲中突然發現某些技能對你的角色造成特別多傷害,可能是因為你對應的抗性過低。如果你不確定接下來的天賦該往何處發展,防禦手段幾乎都是不錯的選擇。

Community Wiki
詞綴通常會各方面改變影響的物品,附加統計數據為最常見的詞綴,也可以附加增益或技能, 經常在物品、 怪物、保險箱或各區域看到。
A modifier applies statistics, a buff or grants a skill to an entity. Modifiers are specific to items, monsters, strongboxes or areas.
Since not all statistics have a visible text, it is possible that some effects are granted by the modifier but are not visible to the player. On the wiki, some of these effects have a custom text specific to the wiki and are noted with (HIDDEN) in the description. In particular area and monster effects may be hidden from the player.
Modifiers can either be innately applied (as "implicit" modifier) to entities, be granted under specific conditions or randomly generated.
Some specific circumstances like the rarity of a monster, being touched or possessed by a Tormented Spirit, etc can also apply modifiers innately without them being randomly generated.
Modifier generation is gated by specific conditions that govern if and how likely a modifier is going to appear:
- Mod domain governs the type of entity the modifier is going to appear and may confer some specific rules (such as the number of affixes).
- mod generation type determines how the modifier is generated, for example whether it's a prefix, suffix, corrupted or always applied (like on unique items)
- Mod level governs the minimum required level of the entity for a modifier to appear (i.e. the item level, monster level, area level), and for items only raises the item's level requirement to 80% of it's value
- Mod group (mod family) prevents other modifiers from the same family to be randomly generated on the same entity
- Tags in conjunction with weights are used to further restrict the types of modifiers that can appear and set the relative chance to be randomly applied. (for example, shaper and elder get a corresponding tag)
The values of stats include a minimum and maximum value, which is most commonly used on items - the actual value of the stat in the cases where minimum and maximum are not the same will be randomized within with equal chances, so for example a Stat with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 3, can either be 1, 2 or 3 at 1/3 chance for each value.
If a buff is specified, Modifiers also include a value for the buff, but unlike for Stats it is not randomized and fixed.
If a skill is specified, the specified skill (at the specified level) will be granted to the relevant entity. The modifier does not include values for the skill other then the level as they're defined by the skill itself. Often this is found on items, where they grant skills, such as 冰點低語 unique item.
In general modifiers are referred to as such, however there are many special cases of modifiers that correspond to specific sets and Modifiers#Conditions :
術語 |
解釋 |
固定 |
隨機 |
前綴 |
後綴 |
腐化 | |
附魔 | |
聖戰士 |
狩獵者 |
救贖者 |
總督軍 |
異界尊師 |
塑界者 |
掘獄 |
隱匿 |
破裂 |
追憶 |
複合 |
區域 |
全域 |
Implicit modifiersalways spawn on entities before the addition or change of additional modifiers (for example by changing the rarity).
On monsters, implicit modifiers can be very commonly found. For example, some monsters are granted damage conversion which converts their inherent damage to that of another element. However, on unique monsters and bosses implicits are most notable - for example most bosses are granted a boost to their item rarity and item quantity as well as other bonuses such as on Atziri.
祝福石 - rerolls the range of the stats found on the implicit modifiers.
瓦爾寶珠- Corruption can add or replace an implicit modifier depending on the item type.
- Using a Resonator with a
鑲金化石will add an Item sells for much more to vendors implicit to the item. This does not overwrite or affect the item's current implicit modifier.
- Certain 豐收 crafting options allows you to set a new implicit modifier on jewels.
Certain unique items also have special interactions with implicits:
Enchantments are similar to implicit modifiers, but are granted to the item by specific means. Enchantments have their own mod slot on items and do not use the implicit mod slot. Most items can have up to one enchantment at a time. Any level of rarity, even unique items, can be enchanted. Mirrored or corrupted items cannot receive an enchantment. They are always fixed values, so
Blessed Orbs have no effect on them. Applying an enchantment on an already enchanted item replaces the old enchantment with the new one. This does not include maps, they can only be enchanted once.
- Using an
滴注石 on a flask adds an enchantment which causes the flask to be automatically used when a certain condition is met.
- Labyrinth Enchantments are obtained from the Divine Font at the end of the Labyrinth. Gloves, Boots, and Helmets can receive Labyrinth enchantments. Belts could also be given enchantments in the Eternal Labyrinth of Potential.
- Rings, Amulets, and certain Blight league uniques can be Anointed with Oils to give it an enchantment.
- 星團珠寶s have two (for legacy bases) or three enchantments: One that determines what stat the small passives gives (which determine what mods the jewel can roll), one that determines how many passive skills are in the cluster, and one that determines how many jewel sockets it has (for Large and Medium Cluster Jewels).
- Certain Harvest crafting options allows you to add enchantments to weapons, body armours, maps and flasks. Read Wild Brambleback Bulb, Primal Cystcaller Bulb, Vivid Nestback Grain and Vivid Striketail Grain for details.
- Weapons and body armour with enchantments are possible rewards in Grand Heists. The enchantments can be added by using
裁縫石 or
淬鍊石 which drops from 劫盜同盟.
- Jewels with enchantments can be found in Heists. The enchantment modifiers pool apparently the same as Harvest jewel implicit.
Explicit modifiers are generally dynamically generated by changing the rarity of the entity or by other modification.
The number of affixes given by 稀有度 depends on the rarity class:
- 魔法- random modifiers based on conditions: (0 to 1) prefix and (0 to 1) suffix
- 稀有 - random modifiers based on conditions: (1 to 3) prefixes and (1 to 3) suffixes (but always at least 3) with the exception of jewels which can only have (1 to 2) prefixes and (1 to 2) suffixes
- 傳奇- non-random, fixed modifiers based on the unique entity
Monsters have additional means of receiving modifiers:
- 魔法 packs of monsters may receive a 血族modifier
- 稀有monsters may receive a 復仇 modifier
- 普通 and 魔法monsters may be touched by a 苦痛, giving a Torment 'Touch' modifier
- 稀有and 傳奇monsters may be possessed by a 苦痛, giving a Torment 'Possession' modifier
- Picking up a 魔符 gives monsters a Talisman modifier
- 稀有Beasts, which are found in Einhar missions, can have one or two Bestiary mods.
On items, modifiers can be changed by spending currency:
神聖石 rerolls the value of any stats on explicit modifiers on the item
富豪石, and
古變石 may be used to alter the rarity of an item (adding/removing mods in the process)
改造石 and
混沌石 may be used to re-roll the modifiers on Magic and Rare items respectively
增幅石 and
崇高石 may be used to add a random modifier on Magic and Rare items respectively
瓦爾寶珠 has a chance to change the rarity or create maps with 8 Modifiers
無效石 removes a random modifier from an item
Areas may receive modifiers depending on how they were created unlike items, monsters or strongboxes:
- Corrupted areas as they have the 'secret_area' tag will receive (0 to 1) prefixes and (0 to 1) suffixes that satisfy that tag
- Areas created with Map items receive the modifiers on the map they were created with
- Areas created through a Map device may receive mods from placing map fragments in the device
- The current league(s) or other server-wide effects (from races for example)
- With Tempest active in the area, the area may receive a tempest modifier
Modifiers usually include conditions which are used to determine how they appear. These are generally used to govern the creation of explicit modifiers on entities.
Mod Domain
The mod generation determines what entity the mod applies to. The domains are primarily reverse engineered, as detailed information has been removed from the game files.
Id |
Type |
Description |
1 | Item | The mod is generated on items (but not jewels or flasks) |
2 | Flask | The mod is generated on flasks |
3 | Monster | The mod is generated on monsters |
4 | Chest | The mod is generated on Chests (i.e. Strongboxes) |
5 | Area | The mod is generated on maps and vaal side areas |
6 | Unknown | |
7 | Unknown | |
8 | Unknown | |
9 | Crafted | The mod is generated by crafting bench through bench crafting, including unlocked veiled modifier |
10 | Jewel | The mod is generated on jewels |
11 | Atlas | The mod is generated by Cartographer's Sextants. |
12 | Leaguestone | The mod is generated by leaguestones. |
13 | Abyss Jewel | The mod is generated by abyss jewels. |
14 | Map Device | |
16 | Delve Fossil | The mod is generated by Fossils (with some are disabled; read version 3.10.0 patch note). |
17 | Delve Area | The mod is generated on Azurite Mine areas |
18 | Synthesis Area | |
19 | Synthesis Area (Global) | The mod is generated on Synthesis unique map, due to the map item mod Map has # additional Synthesis Global Modifiers |
20 | Synthesis | |
21 | Cluster Jewel | The mod is generated on Cluster Jewels |
22 | Heist Area | The mod is generated on Contract and Blueprint |
23 | Heist Gear | The mod is generated on Heist NPC gear |
24 | Trinket | The mod is generated on Thief's Trinket |
25 | ||
26 | unveiled modifier | The mod is generated on item that drops from Immortal Syndicate and unveiled by Jun |
Mod Generation Type
The mod generation determines "how" the mod will be created on an item. The generation types are primarily reverse engineered, as detailed information has been removed from the game files.
Id |
Type |
Description |
1 | Prefix | The mod is generated as prefix, for example Item Prefix. |
2 | Suffix | The mod is generated as suffix, for example Item Suffix. |
3 | Unique | The mod is "unique" - it is given directly to the relevant entity and not generated normally. For example, the mods on unique items and implicit modifiers have this property. |
4 | Nemesis The mod is a Nemesis mod. | |
5 | Corrupted | The mod is a Corrupted mod and is given to the item upon corruption. |
6 | Bloodlines | The mod is a Bloodlines mod. |
7 | Torment | The mod is a Torment mod. |
8 | Tempest | The mod is a Tempest mod. |
9 | Talisman | The mod is a Talisman monster mod. |
10 | Enchantment | The mod is a mod granted by Enchantment. |
11 | Essence | The mod is a mod granted by Essences. |
13 | Bestiary | |
14 | Delve | Used for delve areas |
15 | Synthesis | |
16 | Synthesis | |
17 | Synthesis |
The required level of the relevant entity. For example, this can be the required item level or a monster level.
However, there are cases where this is not respected: in particular this is the case for any mods that are directly given to other entities, such as implicit mods including enchantments or monsters with innate mods.
The mod level is also a factor in calculating the level requirement of items; raising the level requirement up to 80% requirement of the mod (with the requirement rounded down to the nearest whole integer). In particular this is the case for mods on unique items and for enchantments
For example, 盟誓之跡 normally has a level requirement of 1, however putting the 0.5% of Damage Leeched as Life if you've Killed Recently enchantment from the 3rd labyrinth on it, will increase the level requirement to .
Mod Group
Mods have a single group associated with them. Only one mod from a group can appear at a time, as such all mods in specific group are mutually exclusive.
This system is used to group various types of modifiers together and to prevent the same modifiers to appear on items.
For example, on items this is used a lot for the prefix and suffix generation to create those group of modifiers that modify only a single or two stats. Together with the item level requirements, this creates the "tiered" system of modifiers.
This system was called "mod family" by the GGG, but has been referred to as mod group by the community.
Mods use the internal Tag system to determine on which entities they can appear and how likely they are to appear on entities. Tags are classified as spawn weight tag and mod tag:
Spawn weight tag
Spawn weight tag primarily functions like this:
- Find the Tags on the basetype.
- Match the Tags against the mod's list of tags.
- For the found mods get the associated spawn weighting of the tag.
- If the spawn weighting is zero, discard the mod, otherwise use it.
- If multiple tags apply, the left-most tags are most important, where the right most tags are the least.
So, for example:
- 榮耀戰鎧 has the tags str_armour • body_armour • armour • default.
- 刺殺者之裝 has the tags dex_armour • body_armour • armour • default.
- The mod Impregnable has the spawn weights str_armour 1000、 default 0.
- Result for 榮耀戰鎧: The mod can spawn because it has the tag str_armour and a positive spawn weight.
- Result for 刺殺者之裝: The mod can not spawn because only default matches and its spawn weight is 0.
Mod tag
Mods are tagged with mod tag such as "attack", "caster", "elemental", "damage", "curse", "gem", "cold", "fire" and "lightning" etc. Some mod did not have any tag. Those tag can interact with Catalyst and Fossil, , Harvest crafting and several enchantments.
Currency such as 崇高石, as well as beastcrafting recipes "add affix, remove affix", interact with item which has metamod of Spellcraft - Cannot roll Attack Modifiers (Suffix) or of Weaponcraft - Cannot roll Caster Modifiers (Suffix). Which Exalted Orb would not add mod to the item with attack mod tag (of Spellcraft) or caster mod tag (of Weaponcraft). However, essence,
喚醒者之玉 ignore aforementioned metamod.
The Catalyst will increase the value of mod that matching the catalyst used. For example, 充能的催化劑 will add quality to the item which the quality will increase the numeric value of caster mod. It also increase the likelihood to add caster mod to the item if using the currency, and consume the quality depends on which currency is used.
Fossil multiply the spawn weight of mod that matching the fossil, For example, 斑駁化石 multiply the spawn weight of mod that have "physical and Ailment" or "Chaos and Ailment" tags by 10, and multiply the spawn weight of the mod with "elemental" tag by 0.
Some enchantments, such as (5–8)% increased maximum Life on body armor, will affect the mod with "life" mod tag.
- 魔法物品最多一隨機前綴一隨機後綴
- 稀有物品最多三隨機前綴三隨機後綴
- 傳奇物品不受前後綴的數量限制
- 從怪物掉落的稀有物品必定四詞綴以上, 只有製作的物品才會有2-3詞綴稀有物品
- 藥劑因為只有魔法物品, 所以最多一隨機前綴一隨機後綴
- 部分物品會有固定詞綴, 例如 拳釘 的 +3 擊中回復生命, 固定詞綴不受前後綴的數量限制
- 詞綴也分為區域和全域詞綴, 區域詞綴表示只影響該物品的屬性, 而全域詞綴表示影響角色的屬性.
- 我們會用 T1~T7 來表示詞綴的優劣, 而 T1 表示最佳的詞綴, 例如匕首的增加 X% 物理傷害 (區域) 等級1-73 範圍20-169內的強橫的(Tyrannical)為T1詞綴.
- 物品等級會影響詞綴, 例如匕首的增加 X% 物理傷害 (區域) 等級1-73 範圍20-169內的強橫的(Tyrannical)T1詞綴, 必定要物品等級大於或等於73才能獲得.
- 前後綴內容相同的將會合併, 例如 金光戒指 有固定詞綴 增加 (6 to 15)% 物品稀有度, 而在詞綴表的戒指區, 有前綴 增加 X% 物品稀有度 (全域) 等級20-62 範圍8-24 和後綴 增加 X% 物品稀有度 (全域) 等級3-75 範圍6-26, 所以他金光戒指在稀有度上最大值會是
- 固定詞綴: 增加 15% 物品稀有度
- 隨機詞綴: 增加 50% 物品稀有度
- 詞綴表內的每個分類只會出現一次, 大師在附加詞綴時也遵守此規定
- 複合詞綴為單一條詞綴有兩個屬性, 例如匕首的前綴有 增加 X% 物理傷害 (區域), X 點命中 (區域) 等級1-73 範圍10-80 3-135, 表示該詞綴同時具備增加 X% 物理傷害和X 點命中兩個屬性
- 複合詞綴內的兩個屬性必定在同一個區間, 也就是如果該詞綴帝王的(Emperor's), 那該物品等級必定大於或等於 73, 且增加 X% 物理傷害的屬性範圍必定在 75-80, X 點命中的屬性範圍必定在 100-135
- 當複合詞綴內的屬性和其他詞綴的屬性有相同時, 亦會合併顯示, 例如匕首的前綴增加 X% 物理傷害 (區域), X 點命中 (區域) 等級1-73 範 圍10-80 3-135出現帝王的(Emperor's)和前綴增加 X% 物理傷害 (區域) 等級1-73 範圍20-169出現強橫的(Tyrannical)時, 可能會有最大的增加 249% 物理傷害 (區域)
- 同樣詞綴的T1不一定相同, 例如+X 最大能量護盾在頭部的T1會是136-145, 但是在盾牌T1會只有107-135
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