Abismo hambriento

Abismo hambriento
Joya viridiana
Limitado a: 1
Con 5 objetos corruptos equipados: la absorción de vida se recupera en base a tu daño de caos
(Los frascos y las joyas no están equipados)
La Oscuridad nunca puede ser saciada.
Colócala en un engarce de joya del Árbol de habilidades pasivas. Haz clic derecho para retirarla del engarce.
Hungry Abyss
Abismo hambriento Attr /8
Mostrar descripciones completas
Limit「Drop disabled」Limited Drop
El MercadoEl Mercado
AcronymLeech, Corrupto
Release VersionWarbands and Tempest
BaseTypeJoya viridiana
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
Con 5 objetos corruptos equipados: la absorción de vida se recupera en base a tu daño de caos
DomainsJewel (10)
GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
Req. level1
  • life leech uses chaos damage when X corrupted items equipped Min: 5 Max: 5 Global
  • Craft Tagsresource life chaos
    { "w": 1, "h": 1, "icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvSmV3ZWxzL0dyZWVuQ29ycnVwdDMiLCJ3IjoxLCJoIjoxLCJzY2FsZSI6MX1d/f7189c154c/GreenCorrupt3.png", "league": "Standard", "name": "Hungry Abyss", "typeLine": "Viridian Jewel", "baseType": "Viridian Jewel", "ilvl": 33, "corrupted": true, "properties": [ { "name": "Limited to", "values": [ [ "1", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0 } ], "explicitMods": [ "With 5 Corrupted Items Equipped: Life Leech recovers based on your Chaos Damage instead" ], "descrText": "Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.", "flavourText": [ "Darkness can never be sated." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_4192058279", "min": 5, "max": 5 } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": null } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_4192058279", [ 0 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: Jewels
    Rarity: Unique
    Hungry Abyss
    Viridian Jewel
    Limited to: 1
    Item Level: 33
    With 5 Corrupted Items Equipped: Life Leech recovers based on your Chaos Damage instead
    Darkness can never be sated.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
    Note: ~b/o 2 alch
    " } }
    Mano secundaria · Carcajes · Escudos
    Joyería · Amuletos · Anillos · Cinturones · Abalorios

    Community Wiki


    Hungry Abyss


    Hungry Abyss does not change the source of leech. For example attack leech will not apply to spells with this jewel, a character using a spell such as Incinerate linked to Added Chaos Damage Support will not be able to make use of leech modifiers such as #% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life.

    Generic leech, such as Life Leech Support, is changed to chaos damage only.

    Version history

  • The availability of existing Unique Jewels has been reviewed, and many (including Replica versions) can no longer be obtained.
  • 2.5.0d
  • Fixed a bug with the Hungry Abyss unique Jewel where it was granting too much Life Leech when converting from generic sources of Life Leech.
  • 2.0.0
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.