Arpa de la muerte

Arpa de la muerte
Arco mortal
Calidad: +20%
Daño físico: (59-63) to (153-164)
Probabilidad de golpe crítico: 5%
Ataques por segundo: 1.32
Requiere Nivel 32, 107 Des
Probabilidad de golpe crítico aumentada un (30–50)%
Daño físico aumentado un (90–105)%
Velocidad de ataque aumentada un 10%
+50% al multiplicador global de golpe crítico
Los ataques con arco disparan 2 flechas adicionales
La apenada música de las cuerdas,
El arco cruje, la flecha canta.
Un grito ahogado, un suspiro agitado,
La Canción de la Parca, el Arpa de la Muerte.
Death's Harp
Arpa de la muerte Attr /7
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El MercadoEl Mercado
RelatedOpus de la muerte
Release Version0.9.5
BaseTypeArco mortal, Community Wiki
Probabilidad de golpe crítico aumentada un (30–50)%
DomainsObjeto (1)
GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
Req. level1
  • local critical strike chance +% Min: 30 Max: 50 Local
  • Adds Tagshas_attack_mod
    Craft Tagsattack critical
    Daño físico aumentado un (90–105)%
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local physical damage +% Min: 90 Max: 105 Local
  • Adds Tagshas_attack_mod
    Craft Tagsphysical_damage damage physical attack
    Velocidad de ataque aumentada un 10%
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local attack speed +% Min: 10 Max: 10 Local
  • Adds Tagshas_attack_mod
    Craft Tagsattack speed
    +50% al multiplicador global de golpe crítico
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • base critical strike multiplier + Min: 50 Max: 50 Global
  • Craft Tagsdamage critical
    Los ataques con arco disparan 2 flechas adicionales
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • number of additional arrows Min: 2 Max: 2 Global
  • Craft Tagsattack
    { "w": 2, "h": 4, "icon": "", "league": "Settlers", "name": "Death's Harp", "typeLine": "Death Bow", "baseType": "Death Bow", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 85, "properties": [ { "name": "Bow", "values": [], "displayMode": 0 }, { "name": "Physical Damage", "values": [ [ "56-147", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 9 }, { "name": "Critical Strike Chance", "values": [ [ "6.55%", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 12 }, { "name": "Attacks per Second", "values": [ [ "1.32", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 13 } ], "requirements": [ { "name": "Level", "values": [ [ "32", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 62 }, { "name": "Dex", "values": [ [ "107", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 1, "type": 64 } ], "implicitMods": [ "31% increased Critical Strike Chance" ], "explicitMods": [ "101% increased Physical Damage", "10% increased Attack Speed", "+50% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier", "Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows" ], "flavourText": [ "The mournful music of the strings,\r", "The creaking arch, the arrow sings.\r", "A choking cry, a rattled breath,\r", "The Reaper's Song, the Harp of Death." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "dps": 161.04, "pdps": 161.04, "edps": 0, "dps_aug": true, "pdps_aug": true, "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_1509134228", "min": "90", "max": "105" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3556824919", "min": "50", "max": "50" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3885405204", "min": "2", "max": "2" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_210067635", "min": "10", "max": "10" } ] } ], "implicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "implicit.stat_2375316951", "min": "30", "max": "50" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_1509134228", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_210067635", [ 3 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3556824919", [ 1 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3885405204", [ 2 ] ] ], "implicit": [ [ "implicit.stat_2375316951", [ 0 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: Bows
    Rarity: Unique
    Death's Harp
    Death Bow
    Physical Damage: 56-147 (augmented)
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.55% (augmented)
    Attacks per Second: 1.32 (augmented)
    Level: 32
    Dex: 107
    Sockets: R G
    Item Level: 85
    31% increased Critical Strike Chance (implicit)
    101% increased Physical Damage
    10% increased Attack Speed
    +50% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
    Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows
    The mournful music of the strings,
    The creaking arch, the arrow sings.
    A choking cry, a rattled breath,
    The Reaper's Song, the Harp of Death.
    " } }
    Mano secundaria · Carcajes · Escudos
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    Alternate Artwork /1

    Community Wiki


    Death's Harp

    Death's Harp is a unique Death Bow .


    Additional Arrow: Attacks made with Death's Harp fire one additional projectile, causing the total number of arrows fired to be an even number. Since the targeted point will be between two arrows, this may potentially result in missed shots.

    Item acquisition

    ###Upgrade paths

    This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

    General Notes
    1 The Vanguard Prophecy reward Manual
    8 Hunter's Resolve random bow Automatic
    1 Atziri's Arsenal random corrupted weapon Automatic
    7 Prejudice random influenced item Automatic
    8 Arrogance of the Vaal random two-implicit corrupted item Automatic
    4 Jack in the Box random item Automatic
    1 Singular Incubator random item Automatic
    1 The Void random divination card set exchange Automatic

    Usage in upgrade paths

    This item is used by upgrade paths or vendor recipes to create the following items:

    Ingredient Notes
    General Notes

    Death's Opus
    1The Bowstring's MusicN/A
    Prophecy reward

    1Death's HarpCannot use corrupted item

    Version history

  • '''A Divine Orb can be used to obtain the new values of modifiers, but cannot be used to gain new modifiers:'''
  • Now has Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows.
  • 3.17.0
  • Death's Harp's basetype Death Bow now has 28-73 Physical Damage (previously 20-53).
  • Death's Harp now has 90-105% increased Physical Damage (previously 100-125%).
  • Existing items can be made worse with a Divine Orb, and a momentary lapse of reason.
  • 3.10.0
  • Death's Harp now grants +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier (from +100%). You can use a Divine Orb to ruin it, and any existing Death's Opus.
  • 3.0.0
  • Global Critical Strike Multiplier has been reduced to 100%.
  • 2.2.0
  • All sources of increased Critical Strike Multiplier have been changed to additional Critical Strike Multiplier. This change brings the functionality in line with how most players think it works.
  • Because of this, all items, passives and some skills/support gems that used to have increased Critical Strike Multiplier are now 33% less effective on players, despite having the same value. A number of these have been adjusted in value to maintain similar effectiveness.{{efn|name=Critical strike rework}}
  • Divine Orbs are required to update the following to their new values: All craftable Jewel mods which grant Critical Strike Multiplier, Facebreaker, Marylene's Fallacy, Fragment of Eternity (the Descent: Champions Unique), Bino's Kitchen Knife, Romira's Banquet, Shadows and Dust, Ungil's Harmony, Eclipse Solaris, '''Death's Harp''', Mortem Morsu, The Goddess Scorned and Abyssus.
  • 1.2.0
  • The Decimation Bow and Death Bow have been given the same Increased Critical Strike Chance implicit mod as the Harbinger Bow.
  • 0.10.1
  • The Unique bow Death's Harp now has a particle effect for its custom art.
  • 0.10.0
  • Critical multiplier mods on weapons are now global, not local, so that if you have it on one weapon, it'll affect all skills, not just attacks with that weapon. This means that they are no longer multiplicative with the rest of your critical multiplier values.
  • Existing unique are destroyed due to the fresh start of open beta. Now on Death Bow basetype (was Composite Bow)
  • 0.9.5
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.