Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec

Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec
Crypte à ossements, Carte
Palier de Carte: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16
Éditeur de tag: V
(40–50)% Davantage de Vie des Monstres
(30–40)% d'Augmentation des Dégâts des Monstres
Le Boss final cède des Objets de Niveau plus élevé
(120–200)% d'Augmentation de la Quantité d'Objets cédés dans cette Zone
Ils fuirent, bondirent et grimpèrent,
Ils rampèrent, nagèrent et se faufilèrent.
Ses secrets anciens persistent encore
Et de ce temple caché ne restent que des contes de folklore.
Rendez-vous dans cette Carte en l'utilisant dans votre Dispositif cartographique. Les Cartes se consomment à l'utilisation.
Olmec's Sanctum
Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec Attr /6
NomDescriptions détaillées
Le MarchéLe Marché
Release Version1.0.2
BaseTypeCrypte à ossements, Carte
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
(40–50)% Davantage de Vie des Monstres
(120–200)% d'Augmentation de la Quantité d'Objets cédés dans cette Zone
DomainsArea (5)
GenerationTypeUnique (3)
Req. level1
  • map monsters life +% Min: 40 Max: 50 Global
  • map item drop quantity +% Min: 120 Max: 200 Global
  • Craft Tagsresource life
    (30–40)% d'Augmentation des Dégâts des Monstres
    DomainsArea (5)
    GenerationTypeUnique (3)
    Req. level1
  • map monsters damage +% Min: 30 Max: 40 Global
  • map item drop quantity +% Min: 0 Max: 0 Global
  • Craft Tagsdamage
    Le Boss final cède des Objets de Niveau plus élevé
    DomainsArea (5)
    GenerationTypeUnique (3)
    Req. level1
  • display map final boss drops higher level gear Min: 4 Max: 4 Global
  • { "w": 1, "h": 1, "icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI4LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvTWFwcy9vbG1lYyIsInciOjEsImgiOjEsInNjYWxlIjoxfV0/844fea2e54/olmec.png", "league": "Settlers", "name": "Olmec's Sanctum", "typeLine": "Bone Crypt Map", "baseType": "Bone Crypt Map", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 84, "properties": [ { "name": "Map Tier", "values": [ [ "16", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 1 }, { "name": "Item Quantity", "values": [ [ "+152%", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 2 } ], "explicitMods": [ "46% more Monster Life", "33% increased Monster Damage", "Final Boss drops higher Level Items" ], "descrText": "Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.", "flavourText": [ "They flew, and leapt, and clambered over,\r", "They crawled, and swam, and slithered under.\r", "Still its ancient secrets await unclaimed\r", "And of this hidden temple, only legends remain." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_95249895", "min": "40", "max": "50" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_1890519597", "min": "30", "max": "40" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_2689259705", "min": "4", "max": "4" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_95249895", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_1890519597", [ 1 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_2689259705", [ 2 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: Maps
    Rarity: Unique
    Olmec's Sanctum
    Bone Crypt Map
    Map Tier: 16
    Item Quantity: +152% (augmented)
    Item Level: 84
    Monster Level: 83
    46% more Monster Life
    33% increased Monster Damage
    Final Boss drops higher Level Items
    They flew, and leapt, and clambered over,
    They crawled, and swam, and slithered under.
    Still its ancient secrets await unclaimed
    And of this hidden temple, only legends remain.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    " } }
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    Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec

    Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec
    Id: MapWorldsBoneCryptUnique
    Act: 11
    Niveau de la Zone : 68
    Combats de boss: Olmec, l'Omniroc
    La Zone a une Augmentation de la variété des Monstres
    Olmec's Sanctum
    Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec Attr /9
    NomDescriptions détaillées
    Niveau 68
    BossOlmec, l'Omniroc
    Tagsdungeon, temple, indoors_area, unique_map, Cartes, limited_tempests, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_sanctuary
    ModsLa Zone a une Augmentation de la variété des Monstres
    Atlas LinkedCrypte à ossements, Carte
    Divination CardLe Déluge chaotique
    Les Ténèbres envahissantes
    Le Moissonneur
    L'Éveillé (tier 13+)
    Niveau NomExpérienceDamageAttack TimeVieArmureÉvasionBouclier d'énergie
    68Olmec, l'Omniroc169,2085871.0053,344,31357,58040404025
    68Archer d'élite d'Alira12,3065381.9956,94835,9880000
    68Garde sanguinaire d'Alira10,2555231.357,39828,7900000
    68Diable barbu11,2816161.27,07728,79040000
    68Chaman homme-bouc10,2555601.1253,21728,7903,06475000
    68Chaman barbu10,2555601.1253,21728,7903,06400750
    68Fabrication vaal10,2556281.323,82828,7903,64600040
    68Infernaire enflammé10,2556911.56,43328,79040000
    68Givregarde d'Axiom12,3062241.605028,7905,14704000
    68Incendiaire frêle12,3062241.605035,9885,14740000
    68Foudregarde d'Axiom12,3062241.605028,7905,14700400
    68Champion du tonnerre12,3062241.605028,7905,14700400
    68Mage crépitant12,3062241.605028,7905,14700400
    68Gardien du givre12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30904000
    68Gardien des flammes12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30940000
    68Champion des flammes12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30940000
    68Gardien des ossements12,3065381.6052,43235,9884,30100400
    68Cobra des ronces12,8193741.0956,04728,790300030
    68Embruns bouillonnants13,8446051.53,47428,7903,30940000
    68Difforme éléctrocuté10,2555041.56,43328,79000400
    68Coasseuse chimérique10,2553741.0056,43328,790030300
    68Ruban galvanisant12,3066721.5028,79011,02908500
    68Élémentaire de braises15,3839531.1717,37043,18540000
    68Évêque de la mort15,3835041.17028,79014,70500750
    68Incinérateur nonmourant10,2553741.56,43328,79075000
    68Alchimiste nonmourant10,2553741.56,43328,79075000
    68Rampant toxique10,2553360.994,50328,79000400
    68Mage incinéré12,3062241.605035,9885,14740000
    68Vicaire illuminé12,3062241.605028,7905,14704000
    68Aspirant lugubre12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30904000
    68Archère frêle12,3062691.9959,26443,1850000
    68Archiviste nonmourant10,2554671.2456,43328,7902020200

    Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec

    Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec
    Id: MapWorldsBoneCryptUnique
    Act: 11
    Niveau de la Zone : 68
    Combats de boss: Olmec, l'Omniroc
    La Zone a une Augmentation de la variété des Monstres
    Olmec's Sanctum
    Le Sanctuaire d'Olmec Attr /9
    NomDescriptions détaillées
    Niveau 68
    BossOlmec, l'Omniroc
    Tagsdungeon, temple, indoors_area, unique_map, Cartes, limited_tempests, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_sanctuary
    ModsLa Zone a une Augmentation de la variété des Monstres
    Atlas LinkedCrypte à ossements, Carte
    Divination CardLe Déluge chaotique
    Les Ténèbres envahissantes
    Le Moissonneur
    L'Éveillé (tier 13+)
    Niveau NomExpérienceDamageAttack TimeVieArmureÉvasionBouclier d'énergie
    68Olmec, l'Omniroc169,2085871.0053,344,31357,58040404025
    68Archer d'élite d'Alira12,3065381.9956,94835,9880000
    68Garde sanguinaire d'Alira10,2555231.357,39828,7900000
    68Diable barbu11,2816161.27,07728,79040000
    68Chaman homme-bouc10,2555601.1253,21728,7903,06475000
    68Chaman barbu10,2555601.1253,21728,7903,06400750
    68Fabrication vaal10,2556281.323,82828,7903,64600040
    68Infernaire enflammé10,2556911.56,43328,79040000
    68Givregarde d'Axiom12,3062241.605028,7905,14704000
    68Incendiaire frêle12,3062241.605035,9885,14740000
    68Foudregarde d'Axiom12,3062241.605028,7905,14700400
    68Champion du tonnerre12,3062241.605028,7905,14700400
    68Mage crépitant12,3062241.605028,7905,14700400
    68Gardien du givre12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30904000
    68Gardien des flammes12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30940000
    68Champion des flammes12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30940000
    68Gardien des ossements12,3065381.6052,43235,9884,30100400
    68Cobra des ronces12,8193741.0956,04728,790300030
    68Embruns bouillonnants13,8446051.53,47428,7903,30940000
    68Difforme éléctrocuté10,2555041.56,43328,79000400
    68Coasseuse chimérique10,2553741.0056,43328,790030300
    68Ruban galvanisant12,3066721.5028,79011,02908500
    68Élémentaire de braises15,3839531.1717,37043,18540000
    68Évêque de la mort15,3835041.17028,79014,70500750
    68Incinérateur nonmourant10,2553741.56,43328,79075000
    68Alchimiste nonmourant10,2553741.56,43328,79075000
    68Rampant toxique10,2553360.994,50328,79000400
    68Mage incinéré12,3062241.605035,9885,14740000
    68Vicaire illuminé12,3062241.605028,7905,14704000
    68Aspirant lugubre12,3065381.6053,47435,9883,30904000
    68Archère frêle12,3062691.9959,26443,1850000
    68Archiviste nonmourant10,2554671.2456,43328,7902020200

    Community Wiki


    Olmec's Sanctum

    Olmec's Sanctum is a unique Bone Crypt Map.

    The Final Boss drops higher Level Items mod means that Olmec, the All Stone drops items with +4 item level. This means in a 74 level version of the map those items will have level 80 (+2 for being unique, +4 from the mod). The other monsters follow the regular drop rules.


    The map is shaped like an X, with each leg resembling a type of damage. At the end of each leg there is a boss room with a boss totem. When the boss is killed, the player goes back to the middle of the X and can then travel to another leg. When the fourth boss is killed, the final boss called Olmec, the All Stone appears in the middle of the map and the doors close for the duration of the fight. He is a totem as well, dealing all forms of damage. The four previous totems also reappear and fight by his side, and will respawn if killed before Olmec falls. To fully complete the map, a minimum of 9 bosses have to be defeated.

    Boss name Damage type Skills
    Achioc, the Glacier Cold Damage GMP Arctic Breath/Cold Snap/Frost Wall
    Zorioc, the Storm Lightning Damage SparkStorm Call
    Levioc, the Volcano Fire Damage FirestormIncinerateRighteous Fire
    Izioc, the Abyss Chaos Damage Caustic ArrowEthereal Knives
    Olmec, the All Stone Mixed Damage Shock NovaCaustic ArrowSearing BondCold Snap


    Each arm first has several rooms with elementally themed monsters:





    When Olmec spawns in the central room, monsters from any of these groups can spawn with him. Additionally, monsters spawned by strongboxes can come from any of the above regardless of which arm the box is in.

    Version history

  • Map tiers and locations have been shuffled (though the "pin" locations for maps have not changed). Most maps are now initially found at a different tier.
  • 3.14.0
  • (In [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3079980 item filter announcement]) There has not been a shuffle of the Atlas for Ultimatum. Map tiers are unchanged from Ritual.
  • 3.13.0
  • Map tiers and locations have been shuffled (though the 'pin' locations for maps has not changed). Most maps are now initially found at a different tier. Unique maps have not moved or changed tiers.
  • 3.12.0
  • Map tiers and locations have been shuffled (though the 'pin' locations for maps has not changed). Most maps are now initially found at a different tier. Unique maps have not moved or changed tiers.
  • 3.11.0
  • Map tiers and locations have been shuffled (though the 'pin' locations for maps has not changed). Most maps are now initially found at a different tier. Unique maps have not moved or changed tiers.
  • 3.9.0
  • Added a new mechanic - Watchstones: These can only be obtained by defeating one of the new Atlas bosses. They can be used to raise the tier of all maps in a particular region of the Atlas, causing all maps of those base types to drop at the new higher tier.
  • Unique maps can now drop with varied tiers based on the state of your Atlas. Maps that previously had monster level overrides (such as Hallowed Ground) now instead rely on the variable tier.
  • 3.5.0
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
  • (Not in patch notes) The Atlas will now be shuffled every league, unless otherwise stated.
  • 2.0.0
  • (Not documented in patch notes) The basetype of this map has changed to Catacomb Map (now known as Bone Crypt Map) following the map-system rework.
  • 1.1.4
  • Increased the rewards from Olmec's Sanctum and Acton's Nightmare, to help bring them in line with the rewards gained from other unique maps.
  • 1.0.2
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.