Sed de alma
Sed de alma
Cinturón de tela
Calidad: +20%
Requiere Nivel 45
Recuperación del aturdimiento y del bloqueo aumentada un (15–25)%
+(60–80) de vida máxima
+15% a todas las resistencias elementales
Recuperación de maná con frascos aumentada un (20–30)%
Duración del efecto de los frascos reducida un (20–30)%
Ganas Devorador de almas durante cualquier efecto de frasco
Pierdes todas las almas devoradas cuando usas un frasco
(Mientras tengas Devorador de almas, consumes las almas de cualquier cosa que haya muerto a tu alrededor y ganas velocidades de ataque y de lanzamiento de hechizos aumentadas un 5% por cada una. Pierdes 1 alma cada 0.5 segundos si no has obtenido ningún alma recientemente. Puedes consumir un máximo de 45 almas.)
"Dicen que unos espíritus benévolos mantendrán alejados
a los elementos y traerán una vida más larga y feliz.
Me he encontrado con que esto es cierto en todos los aspectos."
- Zerphi de los Vaal
a los elementos y traerán una vida más larga y feliz.
Me he encontrado con que esto es cierto en todos los aspectos."
- Zerphi de los Vaal

Sed de alma Attr /7
Nombre | Mostrar descripciones
completas |
El Mercado | El Mercado |
Acronym | Duración, Cast speed, Recovery, Resistencia, Soul Eater, Recently |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Belts/Soulthirst |
Icon | ![]() |
Release Version | Warbands and Tempest |
BaseType | Cinturón de tela |
Reference | ![]() |
Recuperación del aturdimiento y del bloqueo aumentada un (15–25)%
Family | StunRecovery |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 20 (Effective: 16) |
Stats |
+(60–80) de vida máxima
Family | IncreasedLife |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | resource life |
Catalizadores | ![]() |
+15% a todas las resistencias elementales
Family | AllResistances |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental resistance |
Catalizadores | ![]() |
Recuperación de maná con frascos aumentada un (20–30)%
Family | BeltFlaskRecovery |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask resource mana |
Catalizadores | ![]() |
Duración del efecto de los frascos reducida un (20–30)%
Family | BeltFlaskDuration |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask |
Ganas Devorador de almas durante cualquier efecto de frasco
Family | BeltSoulEaterDuringFlaskEffect |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 57 (Effective: 45) |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask |
Pierdes todas las almas devoradas cuando usas un frasco
Family | BeltSoulsRemovedOnFlaskUse |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask |
"w": 2,
"h": 1,
"icon": "",
"league": "Settlers",
"name": "Soulthirst",
"typeLine": "Cloth Belt",
"baseType": "Cloth Belt",
"rarity": "Unique",
"ilvl": 73,
"requirements": [
"name": "Level",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 62
"implicitMods": [
"25% increased Stun and Block Recovery"
"explicitMods": [
"+66 to maximum Life",
"+15% to all Elemental Resistances",
"20% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks",
"27% reduced Flask Effect Duration",
"Gain Soul Eater during any Flask Effect",
"Lose all Eaten Souls when you use a Flask"
"flavourText": [
"\"They say a draught of fine spirits will ward off\r",
"the elements and promote a longer, merrier life.\r",
"I have found this to be true on all counts.\" \r",
"- Zerphi of the Vaal"
"frameType": 3,
"extended": {
"mods": {
"explicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3299347043",
"min": "60",
"max": "80"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3741323227",
"min": "-30",
"max": "-20"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_2901986750",
"min": "15",
"max": "15"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 57,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3968454273",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3577316952",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_2222186378",
"min": "20",
"max": "30"
"implicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 20,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "implicit.stat_2511217560",
"min": "15",
"max": "25"
"hashes": {
"explicit": [
"implicit": [
"text": "Item Class: Belts
Rarity: Unique
Cloth Belt
Level: 45
Item Level: 73
25% increased Stun and Block Recovery (implicit)
+66 to maximum Life
+15% to all Elemental Resistances
20% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
27% reduced Flask Effect Duration
Gain Soul Eater during any Flask Effect
Lose all Eaten Souls when you use a Flask
\"They say a draught of fine spirits will ward off
the elements and promote a longer, merrier life.
I have found this to be true on all counts.\"
- Zerphi of the Vaal
Note: ~b/o 2 alch
" } }
Rarity: Unique
Cloth Belt
Level: 45
Item Level: 73
25% increased Stun and Block Recovery (implicit)
+66 to maximum Life
+15% to all Elemental Resistances
20% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
27% reduced Flask Effect Duration
Gain Soul Eater during any Flask Effect
Lose all Eaten Souls when you use a Flask
\"They say a draught of fine spirits will ward off
the elements and promote a longer, merrier life.
I have found this to be true on all counts.\"
- Zerphi of the Vaal
Note: ~b/o 2 alch
" } }
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Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
- Gain Soul Eater during any Flask Effect - Soul Eater only stacks its buff count for kills during the effect of flasks with duration. The first flask used will give the soul eater buff. When using multiple flasks, using the longest duration flask first will provide the longest soul eater buff.
- Lose Souls gained from Soul Eater when you use a Flask Using any flask while the Soul Eater buff if active will remove all buff stacks, but not the buff itself.
Flask Duration - Increasing the flask duration, will increase the soul eater buff duration. Some examples of increased flask duration include:
- Cluster Jewels - Medium Cluster Jewelers can have 4-6 small passives with 6% increased flask effect duration. These small passives can be increased by Added Small Passive Skills have 35% increased Effect, for a total of 8% increased flask effect duration. These jewels can have a notable passive called distilled perfection that gives 20% increased flask effect duration.
- Example - 2 Medium cluster jewels with the best modifiers for maximum flask effect duration give, (8 x 4) + 20 = 52 x 2 = 104 total.
- Buff expiration - Being cursed with Temporal Chains and having the Shaper's Presence buff can make Other effects on Cursed enemies expire % slower. These 2 mods are additive with one another and capped at 75%.
- Example At 50% effect all flasks last 2 times as long. This is equivalent too 100% more flask duration for calculations.
- Cluster Jewels - Medium Cluster Jewelers can have 4-6 small passives with 6% increased flask effect duration. These small passives can be increased by Added Small Passive Skills have 35% increased Effect, for a total of 8% increased flask effect duration. These jewels can have a notable passive called distilled perfection that gives 20% increased flask effect duration.
Longer Flasks - Some flasks have a longer duration than others. Some examples of long duration flasks include:
Eternal Mana Flask with 33% reduced Recovery rate
Version history
Version | Changes |
2.1.1 |
2.0.5b |
2.0.5 |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.