Aliento de escarcha

Aliento de escarcha
Maza ornamentada
Maza a una mano
Calidad: +20%
Daño físico: (95-102) to (124-131)
Probabilidad de golpe crítico: 5%
Ataques por segundo: (1.3-1.37)
Alcance de arma: 1.1 metros
Requiere Nivel 50, 161 Fue
Umbral de aturdimiento de los enemigos reducido un 15%
Agrega de (26–32) a (36–42) de daño físico
Agrega de (26–32) a (36–42) de daño de hielo
Velocidad de ataque aumentada un (8–14)%
+(40–50)% de resistencia al fuego
Duración del escarchamiento en los enemigos aumentada un (35–50)%
Los ataques con esta arma infligen daño doble a los enemigos escarchados
Un asesino misericordioso paseaba por las calles de Sarn
Robando el aliento de los débiles y los inútiles.
Aliento de escarcha Attr /8
Mostrar descripciones completas
El MercadoEl Mercado
AcronymArma, Duración, Resistencia, Chill
RelatedAliento de escarcha (réplica)
Release VersionPerandus
BaseTypeMaza ornamentada, Community Wiki
Umbral de aturdimiento de los enemigos reducido un 15%
DomainsObjeto (1)
GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
Req. level1
  • base stun threshold reduction +% Min: 15 Max: 15 Global
  • Agrega de (26–32) a (36–42) de daño físico
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local maximum added physical damage Min: 36 Max: 42 Local
  • local minimum added physical damage Min: 26 Max: 32 Local
  • Adds Tagshas_attack_mod
    Craft Tagsphysical_damage damage physical attack
    Agrega de (26–32) a (36–42) de daño de hielo
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local maximum added cold damage Min: 36 Max: 42 Local
  • local minimum added cold damage Min: 26 Max: 32 Local
  • Adds Tagshas_attack_mod
    Craft Tagselemental_damage damage elemental cold attack
    Velocidad de ataque aumentada un (8–14)%
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local attack speed +% Min: 8 Max: 14 Local
  • Adds Tagshas_attack_mod
    Craft Tagsattack speed
    +(40–50)% de resistencia al fuego
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • base fire damage resistance % Min: 40 Max: 50 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental fire resistance
    Duración del escarchamiento en los enemigos aumentada un (35–50)%
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • chill duration +% Min: 35 Max: 50 Global
  • Craft Tagselemental cold ailment
    Los ataques con esta arma infligen daño doble a los enemigos escarchados
    DomainsObjeto (1)
    GenerationTypeÚnico (3)
    Req. level1
  • local double damage to chilled enemies Min: 1 Max: 1 Local
  • Craft Tagsdamage attack
    { "w": 2, "h": 3, "icon": "", "league": "Settlers", "name": "Frostbreath", "typeLine": "Ornate Mace", "baseType": "Ornate Mace", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 58, "properties": [ { "name": "One Handed Mace", "values": [], "displayMode": 0 }, { "name": "Physical Damage", "values": [ [ "85-105", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 9 }, { "name": "Elemental Damage", "values": [ [ "26-39", 5 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 10 }, { "name": "Critical Strike Chance", "values": [ [ "5.00%", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 12 }, { "name": "Attacks per Second", "values": [ [ "1.35", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 13 }, { "name": "Weapon Range: {0} metres", "values": [ [ "1.1", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 3, "type": 14 } ], "requirements": [ { "name": "Level", "values": [ [ "50", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 62 }, { "name": "Str", "values": [ [ "161", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 1, "type": 63 } ], "implicitMods": [ "15% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold" ], "explicitMods": [ "Adds 32 to 38 Physical Damage", "Adds 26 to 39 Cold Damage", "12% increased Attack Speed", "+46% to Fire Resistance", "39% increased Chill Duration on Enemies", "Attacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage to Chilled Enemies" ], "flavourText": [ "A merciful murderer swept through the streets of Sarn\r", "Robbing breath from the weak and worthless." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "dps": 197.78, "pdps": 153.9, "edps": 43.88, "dps_aug": true, "pdps_aug": true, "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_1037193709", "min": "26", "max": "32" }, { "hash": "explicit.stat_1037193709", "min": "36", "max": "42" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_1940865751", "min": "26", "max": "32" }, { "hash": "explicit.stat_1940865751", "min": "36", "max": "42" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_210067635", "min": "8", "max": "14" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3485067555", "min": "35", "max": "50" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3372524247", "min": "40", "max": "50" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_625037258", "min": "1", "max": "1" } ] } ], "implicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "implicit.stat_1443060084", "min": "15", "max": "15" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_1940865751", [ 1 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_1037193709", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_210067635", [ 2 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3372524247", [ 4 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3485067555", [ 3 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_625037258", [ 5 ] ] ], "implicit": [ [ "implicit.stat_1443060084", [ 0 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: One Hand Maces
    Rarity: Unique
    Ornate Mace
    One Handed Mace
    Physical Damage: 85-105 (augmented)
    Elemental Damage: 26-39 (augmented)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: 1.35 (augmented)
    Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
    Level: 50
    Str: 161
    Sockets: R R
    Item Level: 58
    15% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold (implicit)
    Adds 32 to 38 Physical Damage
    Adds 26 to 39 Cold Damage
    12% increased Attack Speed
    +46% to Fire Resistance
    39% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
    Attacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage to Chilled Enemies
    A merciful murderer swept through the streets of Sarn
    Robbing breath from the weak and worthless.
    Note: ~price 1 alch
    " } }
    Mano secundaria · Carcajes · Escudos
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    Community Wiki




    Dual Wielding: When using a skill that deals damage with both weapons (such as Dual Strike ), weapons calculate damage separately, then the results are summed together. So against a chilled enemy, each hand's damage would independently be doubled, then added together to get the combined hit value for that attack.

    Version history

  • Now has (26-32) to (36-42) added Physical Damage, and (26-32) to (36-42) added Cold Damage.
  • 2.6.0
  • Base type implicit mod changed to 15% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold (previously 40% increased Stun Duration on Enemies).
  • Base type damage increased to 53-67 (up from 42-53).
  • 2.4.0
  • 3D art added.
  • 2.2.0
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.