Estratagema de Kongming
Estratagema de Kongming
Escudo espiritual antiguo
Calidad: +20%
Probabilidad de bloqueo: 24%
Escudo de energía: (140-189)
Velocidad de movimiento: -3%
Requiere Nivel 41, 110 Int
Daño de hechizos aumentado un (5–10)%
Activa Niebla de guerra de nivel 20 cuando tu trampa se activa
+(20–30) de inteligencia
Escudo de energía aumentado un (250–300)%
Daño de fuego con golpes y estados alterados aumentado un (30–50)% contra los enemigos cegados
Daño de hechizos recibido de los enemigos cegados reducido un 30%
No tiene probabilidad de bloqueo
(Los estados alterados dañinos, o estados alterados que infligen daño, son sangrado, quemado y envenenado)
Aquellos que son hábiles en el combate no se enfurecen.
Aquellos que son hábiles ganando no temen.
Por lo que los sabios ganan antes de combatir,
mientras que los ignorantes luchan para ganar.
Aquellos que son hábiles ganando no temen.
Por lo que los sabios ganan antes de combatir,
mientras que los ignorantes luchan para ganar.
Kongming's Stratagem

Estratagema de Kongming Attr /8
Nombre | Mostrar descripciones
completas |
El Mercado | El Mercado |
Acronym | Hit, Activación, Trampa, Block, Damage taken, Blind, Estado alterado, Ignite, Poison, Sangrado |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Armours/Shields/KongmingsStratagem |
Icon | ![]() |
Release Version | Talisman |
BaseType | Escudo espiritual antiguo |
Skill | Niebla de guerra |
Reference | ![]() |
Daño de hechizos aumentado un (5–10)%
Family | SpellDamage |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | has_caster_mod |
Craft Tags | caster_damage damage caster |
Activa Niebla de guerra de nivel 20 cuando tu trampa se activa
Family | CreateSmokeCloudWhenTrapTriggered |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | skill |
Niebla de guerra
Nivel: 20
Tiempo de recarga: 1.00 seg
Tiempo de lanzamiento: 1.00 seg
Requiere Nivel 65
Crea una nube de humo en un área que ciega a los enemigos dentro de ella.
La duración base es de 3 segundos
Este hechizo se activa cuando se activa una de tus trampas
Fog of War

+(20–30) de inteligencia
Family | Intelligence |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attribute |
Escudo de energía aumentado un (250–300)%
Family | DefencesPercent |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | defences energy_shield |
Daño de fuego con golpes y estados alterados aumentado un (30–50)% contra los enemigos cegados
Family | FireDamageToBlindEnemies |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental_damage damage elemental fire |
Daño de hechizos recibido de los enemigos cegados reducido un 30%
Family | SpellDamageTakenFromBlindEnemies |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | caster |
No tiene probabilidad de bloqueo
Family | LocalShieldHasNoBlockChance |
Domains | Objeto (1) |
GenerationType | Único (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | block |
"w": 2,
"h": 2,
"icon": "",
"league": "Settlers",
"name": "Kongming's Stratagem",
"typeLine": "Ancient Spirit Shield",
"baseType": "Ancient Spirit Shield",
"rarity": "Unique",
"ilvl": 74,
"properties": [
"name": "Energy Shield",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 18
"requirements": [
"name": "Level",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 62
"name": "Int",
"values": [
"displayMode": 1,
"type": 65
"implicitMods": [
"5% increased Spell Damage"
"explicitMods": [
"Trigger Level 20 Fog of War when your Trap is triggered",
"+28 to Intelligence",
"283% increased Energy Shield",
"50% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies",
"30% reduced Spell Damage taken from Blinded Enemies",
"No Chance to Block"
"flavourText": [
"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.\r",
"Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. \r",
"Thus the wise win before they fight, \r",
"while the ignorant fight to win."
"frameType": 3,
"extended": {
"base_defence_percentile": 100,
"es": 207,
"es_aug": true,
"mods": {
"explicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_1601181226",
"min": "30",
"max": "50"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_1165847826",
"min": "30",
"max": "30"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_328541901",
"min": "20",
"max": "30"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_4015621042",
"min": "250",
"max": "300"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_1023752508",
"min": "1",
"max": "1"
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_208447205",
"min": "20",
"max": "20"
"implicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "implicit.stat_2974417149",
"min": "5",
"max": "10"
"hashes": {
"explicit": [
"implicit": [
"text": "Item Class: Shields
Rarity: Unique
Kongming's Stratagem
Ancient Spirit Shield
Energy Shield: 172 (augmented)
Level: 45
Int: 110
Sockets: B-G-B
Item Level: 74
5% increased Spell Damage (implicit)
Trigger Level 20 Fog of War when your Trap is triggered
+28 to Intelligence
283% increased Energy Shield
50% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
30% reduced Spell Damage taken from Blinded Enemies
No Chance to Block
Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.
Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before they fight,
while the ignorant fight to win.
" } }
Rarity: Unique
Kongming's Stratagem
Ancient Spirit Shield
Energy Shield: 172 (augmented)
Level: 45
Int: 110
Sockets: B-G-B
Item Level: 74
5% increased Spell Damage (implicit)
Trigger Level 20 Fog of War when your Trap is triggered
+28 to Intelligence
283% increased Energy Shield
50% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
30% reduced Spell Damage taken from Blinded Enemies
No Chance to Block
Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.
Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before they fight,
while the ignorant fight to win.
" } }
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Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Kongming's Stratagem
Kongming's Stratagem triggers level 20 Fog of War, which is affected by socketed support gems regardless of whether they are linked. However, since Fog of War is not granted by a skill gem, it cannot be supported by Empower Support, Enhance Support or Enlighten Support. Fog of War creates a smoke cloud in an area when triggered that lasts for a base duration of 3 seconds. It can be compared to a Stibnite Flask. Fog of War can be supported by area and duration support gems such as Increased Area of Effect Support and Increased Duration Support, while its trigger cooldown can be modified by items like The Flow Untethered.
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.19.0 |
3.11.0 |
3.1.0 |
2.1.0 |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.