Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Rune Daggers / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
108008112resourcemana# to maximum Mana
3775838damagephysicalattack#% increased Physical Damage
# to Accuracy Rating
3775838damagephysicalattack#% increased Physical Damage
7000779damagephysicalattackAdds # to # Physical Damage
98888210damageelementalfireattackAdds # to # Fire Damage
98888210damageelementalcoldattackAdds # to # Cold Damage
98888210damageelementallightningattackAdds # to # Lightning Damage
5670848damagecaster#% increased Spell Damage
3375807resourcemanadamagecaster#% increased Spell Damage
# to maximum Mana
1800866damageelementalattack#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
50551castergem+1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems
3150637elementalfirecastergem# to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Lightning Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Chaos Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Physical Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
1750703resourcelifephysicalattack#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
1000501resourcemanaphysicalattack(0.2–0.4)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
216007427damageelementalfirecasterAdds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
600831damagechaosattackAdds (56–87) to (105–160) Chaos Damage
9000829attribute# to Dexterity
9000829attribute# to Intelligence
5750837casterspeed#% increased Cast Speed
8000778attackspeed#% increased Attack Speed
6000796resourcemana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
4000848elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
4000848elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
4000848elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
750816chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
5000585#% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
6000766castercritical#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
4000404resourcelifeattackGrants # Life per Enemy Hit
3000403resourcelifeGain # Life per Enemy Killed
3000403resourcemanaGain # Mana per Enemy Killed
6000736attackcritical#% increased Critical Strike Chance
6000736damagecritical#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
5000755attack# to Accuracy Rating
2000602#% reduced Attribute Requirements
1500303attack#% increased Global Accuracy Rating
#% increased Light Radius
1500825damage#% to Damage over Time Multiplier
18157810damagechaos#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
The Shaper Prefix
700803damagephysicalelementalfireattackgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Fire Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
1000752damageelementalattackgemSocketed Gems are supported by Level # Elemental Damage with Attacks
#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
3000803damagephysicalelementalcoldGain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
3000803damagephysicalelementallightningGain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
3000833damageelementalDamage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances
500831damageattackgemSocketed Skills deal 40% more Attack Damage
500831damagecastergemSocketed Skills deal 40% more Spell Damage
200681damageelementalcoldattackAdds (1–2) to (3–4) Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity
200681damageelementallightningattackAdds 1 to (5–6) Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Intelligence
2100809damagecastergemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Controlled Destruction
#% increased Spell Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cold Penetration
#% increased Cold Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lightning Penetration
#% increased Lightning Damage
2000852damageelementalchaosGain #% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
The Shaper Suffix
3000803gemSocketed Gems are supported by Level # Melee Splash
#% increased Area Damage
2000752attackspeedgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Attacks
#% increased Attack Speed
4000754attackcriticalgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Critical Strikes
#% increased Critical Strike Chance
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Critical Strikes
#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
2000752attackgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Maim
#% chance to Maim on Hit
1500752casterspeedgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Casting
#% increased Cast Speed
2000752poisondamagechaosailmentgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance to Poison
#% increased Damage with Poison
3000803gemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Cascade
#% increased Area of Effect
1000681damagecritical+(50–60)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Life
The Elder Prefix
2100809damagephysicalattackgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Melee Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Brutality
#% increased Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ruthless
#% increased Physical Damage
1500833bleedphysicalattackailment#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Hits with this Weapon
1500833poisonchaosattackailment#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison inflicted with this Weapon
700803damagecastergemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Efficacy
#% increased Spell Damage
3000843damagephysicalcasterAdds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
3000853damagechaoscasterAdds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
400681damagecaster1% increased Spell Damage per 16 Dexterity
400681damagecaster1% increased Spell Damage per 16 Intelligence
The Elder Suffix
3000803gemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ancestral Call
#% increased Area of Effect
2000752attackspeedgemSocketed Gems are supported by Level # Multistrike
#% increased Attack Speed
2000752damageattackcriticalgemSocketed Gems are supported by Level # Increased Critical Damage
#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
2000752bleedphysicalattackailmentgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance To Bleed
#% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
3000853damagephysicalchaos#% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
1500752casterspeedgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Echo
#% increased Cast Speed
2000752poisonchaosailmentgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Critical Strike Affliction
#% increased Poison Duration
3000803damagegemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Area of Effect
#% increased Area Damage
1000681critical(80–100)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Poisoned Enemies
The Crusader Prefix
1050805damagephysicalattackcritical#% increased Physical Damage
#% increased Critical Strike Chance
1900805damageelementallightningattackAdds # to # Lightning Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Lightning Resistance
2200805damageelementallightningcasterAdds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
2400786damageelementallightningattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Lightning Resistance
Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
1200783damagephysicalelementallightningGain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
The Crusader Suffix
1500753physical#% increased Impale Effect
1000712damagephysicalelementalcold#% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
1000712damagephysicalelementallightning#% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
1000802#% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
1000732damage#% increased Damage per Power Charge
2000804auraWrath has #% increased Aura Effect
Zealotry has #% increased Aura Effect
1000732critical#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you have Killed Recently
The Redeemer Prefix
500802#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
500802#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
1900805damageelementalcoldattackAdds # to # Cold Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Cold Resistance
2200805damageelementalcoldcasterAdds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
2400786damageelementalcoldattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Cold Resistance
Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
1200783damagephysicalelementalcoldGain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
The Redeemer Suffix
1000802#% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
400821damageauraAuras from your Skills grant 2% increased Damage to you and Allies
1500733attack#% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
1500733#% chance to gain Onslaught for # seconds on Kill
1500733#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
1000802damagecasterSpells have a #% chance to deal Double Damage
1000732damage#% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
1000802auraHatred has #% increased Aura Effect
1000732casterspeed#% increased Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
The Hunter Prefix
1900805damagechaosattackAdds # to # Chaos Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Chaos Resistance
900783damagechaosattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Chaos Resistance
2400786damageelementalattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Elemental Resistances
Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances
200681damageelementalcoldattackAdds (1–2) to (3–4) Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity
200681damageelementallightningattackAdds 1 to (5–6) Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Intelligence
200681damagecaster1% increased Spell Damage per 16 Dexterity
200681damagecaster1% increased Spell Damage per 16 Intelligence
1000784poisondamagechaosailment#% increased Chaos Damage over Time
The Hunter Suffix
1000732poisondamagechaosailmentPoisons you inflict deal Damage #% faster
700712damagephysicalchaos#% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
2000714damagephysicalattackHits with this Weapon have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Hits have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
1000812#% chance to Unnerve Enemies for # seconds on Hit
1000812attack#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for # seconds on Hit
1000802auraMalevolence has #% increased Aura Effect
The Warlord Prefix
1050805damagephysicalattackcritical#% increased Physical Damage
#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
1900805damageelementalfireattackAdds # to # Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Fire Resistance
2200805damageelementalfirecasterAdds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
2400786damageelementalfireattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Fire Resistance
Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
The Warlord Suffix
1000802#% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
1500733damagephysicalattack#% increased Physical Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
1000732resourcemanaRegenerate #% of Mana per second
1000802auraAnger has #% increased Aura Effect
1000732damagecritical#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Killed Recently
1000732damagecritical#% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Life
Delve Prefix
200011damageelementalfireDamage Penetrates (5–7)% Fire Resistance
200011damageelementalcoldDamage Penetrates (5–7)% Cold Resistance
200011damageelementallightningDamage Penetrates (5–7)% Lightning Resistance
200011poisondamagechaosattackailment60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
200011bleeddamagephysicalattackailment60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
100011damageelementalattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate (9–12)% Elemental Resistances
4000754damageelemental#% increased Elemental Damage
200011damagecastergemSocketed Skills deal 40% more Spell Damage
200011damageattackgemSocketed Skills deal 40% more Attack Damage
5500754damageminionMinions deal #% increased Damage
0601damagechaosattack(15–30)% increased Chaos Damage
Adds (18–28) to (39–49) Chaos Damage
0601damageelementalcoldattack(20–40)% increased Cold Damage
Adds (15–20) to (30–35) Cold Damage
0601damageelementalfireattack(20–40)% increased Fire Damage
Adds (18–24) to (36–42) Fire Damage
0601damageelementallightningattack(20–40)% increased Lightning Damage
Adds (2–5) to (63–66) Lightning Damage
0601damagechaoscaster(15–30)% increased Chaos Damage
Adds (11–15) to (23–26) Chaos Damage to Spells
0601damageelementalcoldcaster(20–40)% increased Cold Damage
Adds (12–16) to (24–28) Cold Damage to Spells
0601damageelementalfirecaster(20–40)% increased Fire Damage
Adds (14–20) to (29–34) Fire Damage to Spells
0601damageelementallightningcaster(20–40)% increased Lightning Damage
Adds (1–4) to (50–53) Lightning Damage to Spells
0601damagephysicalcaster(20–40)% increased Global Physical Damage
Adds (11–15) to (23–26) Physical Damage to Spells
Delve Suffix
200011attack15% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit
200012castercurseCurse Enemies with Despair on Hit
400012damage#% increased Damage when on Full Life
160011defences+500 to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recently
160011defencesRegenerate 0.5% of Energy Shield per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently
200011resourcemanaRegenerate 0.4% of Mana per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently
20001110% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
200011damageauraAuras from your Skills grant 2% increased Damage to you and Allies
75011attributegem+1 to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
100011attributegem+1 to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
100011attributegem+1 to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
200011Has 1 Abyssal Socket
200011Non-Aura Vaal Skills require 20% reduced Souls Per Use
Incursion Prefix
0501damageelementalcoldattackAdds (37–50) to (74–87) Cold Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5–7)% Cold Resistance
0501damageelementalfireattackAdds (45–61) to (91–106) Fire Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5–7)% Fire Resistance
0501damageelementallightningattackAdds (4–13) to (158–166) Lightning Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (5–7)% Lightning Resistance
0502damagephysicalchaosattack#% increased Physical Damage
Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
0503damage#% increased Mine Damage
#% increased Spell Damage
Gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
#% increased Trap Damage
Incursion Suffix
0501poisondamagechaosattackailment(26–30)% increased Chaos Damage
30% chance to Poison on Hit
0503damagechaoscasterspeedAdds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
#% increased Cast Speed
#% increased Mine Throwing Speed
#% increased Trap Throwing Speed
0501damagechaosattackspeedAdds (23–36) to (49–61) Chaos Damage
(26–27)% increased Attack Speed
0502Skills used by Mines have #% increased Area of Effect
Skills used by Traps have #% increased Area of Effect
0501speed(17–20)% increased Mine Duration
Mines have (14–15)% increased Detonation Speed
0502poisondamagechaosattackailmentAdds # to # Chaos Damage
#% increased Damage with Poison
Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
#% increased Damage with Poison
0501poisondamagechaosailment(26–30)% increased Chaos Damage
(13–18)% increased Poison Duration
0501(17–20)% increased Trap Duration
(14–15)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for throwing Traps
Veiled Prefix
2000604damagephysicalattack#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to Poison on Hit
500601damageelementalattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14–16)% Elemental Resistances
500601damagechaosattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14–16)% Chaos Resistance
7000607damageelementalfireailment#% increased Fire Damage
#% chance to Ignite
#% increased Cold Damage
#% chance to Freeze
#% increased Lightning Damage
#% chance to Shock
#% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have #% increased Skill Effect Duration
#% increased Spell Damage
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
#% increased Spell Damage
Gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Minions deal #% increased Damage
2000601gem+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+(5–8)% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems
2000601gem+(9–10)% to Quality of Socketed Gems
2000601bleeddamagephysicalattackailmentAdds (12–14) to (18–20) Physical Damage
40% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
2000601attackHits can't be Evaded
8000604damageelementalfirechaosGain #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Gain #% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Gain #% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Veiled Suffix
1000601damage(6–7)% chance to deal Double Damage
1000601attackcasterspeedminionMinions have (18–20)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (18–20)% increased Cast Speed
3400604damagechaos#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
3000603damage#% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
#% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
#% increased Damage per Power Charge
1000601damagecritical+(36–40)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
1000601attackspeed(12–15)% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
1000601damage(18–20)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
2000602attackspeedattribute# to Dexterity and Intelligence
#% increased Attack Speed
#% chance to Trigger Level # Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
#% increased Attack Speed
1000601attackcriticalattribute+(25–28) to Strength and Intelligence
(28–32)% increased Critical Strike Chance
1000601attackattribute+(25–28) to Strength and Dexterity
+(311–350) to Accuracy Rating
1000601casterspeed(18–22)% increased Cast Speed
15% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
Crafting Bench Prefix
0502resourcelifephysicalattack#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
0701resourcemanaphysicalattack(0.2–0.4)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
0754resourcemana# to maximum Mana
08116damagephysicalattack#% increased Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
#% increased Physical Damage
#% chance to Poison on Hit
08144damagecaster#% increased Spell Damage
#% increased Fire Damage
#% increased Cold Damage
#% increased Lightning Damage
#% increased Chaos Damage
Minions deal #% increased Damage
#% increased Trap Damage
#% increased Mine Damage
#% increased Fire Damage
#% chance to Ignite
#% increased Cold Damage
#% chance to Freeze
#% increased Lightning Damage
#% chance to Shock
#% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have #% increased Skill Effect Duration
#% increased Spell Damage
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
#% increased Spell Damage
Gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Minions deal #% increased Damage
0502damage#% increased Damage over Time
0502damageelementalattack#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
0683damageelementalfireattackAdds # to # Fire Damage
0683damageelementalcoldattackAdds # to # Cold Damage
0683damageelementallightningattackAdds # to # Lightning Damage
0815damagephysicalattackAdds # to # Physical Damage
Adds # to # Physical Damage
#% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
0689damageelementalfirecasterAdds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
0813damageelementalattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Elemental Resistances
0813damagechaosattackAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Chaos Resistance
0802gem# to Level of Socketed Support Gems
0812gem#% to Quality of Socketed Gems
0601attackHits can't be Evaded
0818damageelementalfirechaosGain #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Gain #% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Gain #% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
011Suffixes Cannot Be Changed
Crafting Bench Suffix
0503elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
0503elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
0503elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
0403attribute# to Strength
0403attribute# to Dexterity
0403attribute# to Intelligence
0753elementalfirecoldresistance#% to Fire and Cold Resistances
0753elementalcoldlightningresistance#% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
0753elementalfirelightningresistance#% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
0502attribute# to all Attributes
0502resourcemana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
0757attackspeed#% increased Attack Speed
# to Dexterity and Intelligence
#% increased Attack Speed
#% chance to Trigger Level # Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
#% increased Attack Speed
08110casterspeed#% increased Cast Speed
#% increased Trap Throwing Speed
#% increased Mine Throwing Speed
#% increased Cast Speed
#% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
0402damageelementalfire#% increased Fire Damage
0402damageelementalcold#% increased Cold Damage
0402damageelementallightning#% increased Lightning Damage
0502damagechaos#% increased Chaos Damage
0755attack# to Accuracy Rating
# to Strength and Dexterity
# to Accuracy Rating
0755attackcritical#% increased Critical Strike Chance
# to Strength and Intelligence
#% increased Critical Strike Chance
0753damagecritical#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
0602castercritical#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
0751castergemTrigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown
Spells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost
0813attackcasterspeedminionMinions have #% increased Attack Speed
Minions have #% increased Cast Speed
08112damagechaos#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
0722damage#% chance to deal Double Damage
0603damage#% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
#% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
#% increased Damage per Power Charge
0813damagecritical#% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
0813attackspeed#% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
0813damage#% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
grant focus skill [#]
0813elementalfirechaosresistance#% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
0813elementallightningchaosresistance#% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
0813elementalcoldchaosresistance#% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
011Prefixes Cannot Be Changed
011Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
011Cannot roll Attack Modifiers
011Cannot roll Caster Modifiers
Essence Prefix
0827damageelementalcoldattackAdds # to # Cold Damage
08213damagecaster#% increased Spell Damage
Minions deal #% increased Damage
0827resourcelifephysicalattack#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
0827damagephysicalattackAdds # to # Physical Damage
0826damageelementalcoldDamage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
0826damageelementalfireattackAdds # to # Fire Damage
07415damageelementallightningcasterAdds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
0825damageelementalfireDamage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
0825damageelementallightningattackAdds # to # Lightning Damage
0824damageelementallightningDamage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
0823damagechaosattackAdds # to # Chaos Damage
Essence Suffix
0855attack# to Accuracy Rating
0734attackcritical#% increased Critical Strike Chance
0824attackspeed#% increased Attack Speed
0833casterspeed#% increased Cast Speed
0823physical#% increased Impale Effect
0823castercritical#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
0631attackCast Level 20 Fire Burst on Hit
0631minionTriggers Level 20 Spectral Spirits when Equipped
+3 to maximum number of Spectral Spirits
063116% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill
0631damagechaosYour Hits inflict Decay, dealing 700 Chaos Damage per second for 8 seconds
Bestiary Prefix
Bestiary Suffix
0204Grants Level # Aspect of the Avian Skill
Grants Level # Aspect of the Cat Skill
Grants Level # Aspect of the Crab Skill
Grants Level # Aspect of the Spider Skill
Scourge Beneficial Prefix
Scourge Beneficial Suffix
1500683damage#% chance to deal Triple Damage
1000682gem#% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems
1200684elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
1200684elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
1200684elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
300684chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
4000684damageelementalcoldattackAdds # to # Cold Damage
4000684damageelementalfireattackAdds # to # Fire Damage
4000684damageelementallightningattackAdds # to # Lightning Damage
4000684damagephysicalattackAdds # to # Physical Damage
2000684damagechaosattackAdds # to # Chaos Damage
120006812damageelementalcoldcasterAdds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
4000684damagephysicalcasterAdds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
1200686damagecaster#% increased Spell Damage
6000686damageelementalcold#% increased Cold Damage
6000686damageelementalfire#% increased Fire Damage
6000686damageelementallightning#% increased Lightning Damage
6000686damagephysical#% increased Global Physical Damage
1998686damageelemental#% increased Elemental Damage
3000686damagechaos#% increased Chaos Damage
250685chaoscastergem# to Level of all Chaos Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Lightning Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems
# to Level of all Physical Spell Skill Gems
800684attack# metres to Weapon Range
1500683#% reduced Attribute Requirements
2500686resourcemana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
3000683#% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
2000684attribute# to Dexterity
2000684attribute# to Intelligence
3000683damageelementalcoldDamage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
3000683damageelementalfireDamage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
3000683damageelementallightningDamage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
750683Damage Penetrates #% Chaos Resistance
10011Culling Strike
1500683poisondamagechaosailmentPoisons you inflict deal Damage #% faster
3000683physical#% increased Impale Effect
4500689#% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
#% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
#% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
Scourge Detrimental Prefix
Scourge Detrimental Suffix
4000684# Dexterity Requirement
4000684# Intelligence Requirement
2750684elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
2750684elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
2750684elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
2750684chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
6000686damagecaster#% reduced Spell Damage
1998686damageelementalcold#% reduced Cold Damage
1998686damageelementalfire#% reduced Fire Damage
1998686damageelementallightning#% reduced Lightning Damage
1998686damagephysical#% reduced Global Physical Damage
6000686damageelemental#% reduced Elemental Damage
1500686damagechaos#% reduced Chaos Damage
500681castergem-2 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems
5000686resourcemana#% reduced Mana Regeneration Rate
400682damageelementalcoldYour Hits treat Cold Resistance as #% higher than actual value
400682damageelementalfireYour Hits treat Fire Resistance as #% higher than actual value
400682damageelementallightningYour Hits treat Lightning Resistance as #% higher than actual value
400682Your Hits treat Chaos Resistance as #% higher than actual value
50011damagephysicalDeal no Physical Damage
50011Deal no Fire Damage
50011damageelementalcoldDeal no Cold Damage
50011Deal no Lightning Damage
50011damagechaosDeal no Chaos Damage
Vaal Orb Corrupted Implicit /20
111000#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
111000critical#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
111000#% chance to gain Unholy Might for # seconds on Kill
111000damage critical+#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
111000damage#% increased Damage over Time
3842250damage chaos attackAdds # to # Chaos Damage
3842250damage elemental cold attackAdds # to # Cold Damage
3842250damage elemental fire attackAdds # to # Fire Damage
3842250damage elemental lightning attackAdds # to # Lightning Damage
111000attack speed#% increased Attack Speed
111000attack critical#% increased Critical Strike Chance
111000damage caster#% increased Spell Damage
Rune Daggers Unique /14
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
+(10–20) to Dexterity
(80–100)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 3 to 30 Lightning Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
+(10–20) to Dexterity
10% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Chill Attackers for 4 seconds on Block
Shock Attackers for 4 seconds on Block
(Chill reduces Enemy Action Speed by 10%)
(Shock increases Damage taken by 15%)
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Adds (35–40) to (55–60) Physical Damage
(22–30)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(30–40)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
1% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life on Critical Strike
100% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life
(Leeched Life is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(60–70)% increased Spell Damage
(40–80)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
+(60–100) to maximum Mana
Your Spells have Culling Strike
(Culling Strike means enemies that are on 10% or lower life after your Hit are Killed)
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(60–70)% increased Spell Damage
(40–80)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
+(30–50) to maximum Life
20% increased Impale Effect
20% chance to Impale on Spell Hit
(When an Impaled enemy is hit, the Impale reflects 10% of the physical damage of the Impaling hit to that enemy. Impale lasts for 5 hits or 8 seconds)
40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(20–40) to Intelligence
(40–60)% increased Fire Damage
+1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems
30% of Fire Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Your Chaos Damage has 60% chance to Poison Enemies
(Poison deals Chaos Damage over time, based on the base Physical and Chaos Damage of the Skill. Multiple instances of Poison stack)
40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
100% chance to Trigger Level 1 Raise Spiders on Kill
(170–200)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (8–13) to (20–30) Physical Damage
Adds 1 to 59 Chaos Damage
15% chance to Poison on Hit
(Poison deals Chaos Damage over time, based on the base Physical and Chaos Damage of the Skill. Multiple instances of Poison stack)
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Adds (140–155) to (210–235) Physical Damage
(40–50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(15–25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(8–12)% to Chaos Resistance
On Killing a Poisoned Enemy, nearby Enemies are Poisoned
and nearby Allies Regenerate 200 Life per second
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+3 to Level of all Physical Spell Skill Gems
Deal no Elemental Damage
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+3 to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems
Deal no Cold Damage
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+5% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
(250–270)% increased Physical Damage
10% reduced Attack Speed
+(6–10)% to all Elemental Resistances
50% chance to Cause Bleeding on Critical Strike
50% chance to Cause Poison on Critical Strike
(Bleeding deals Physical Damage over time, based on the base Physical Damage of the Skill. Damage is 200% higher while moving)
(Poison deals Chaos Damage over time, based on the base Physical and Chaos Damage of the Skill. Multiple instances of Poison stack)
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(150–200)% increased Spell Damage
Gain (100–200) Life per Enemy Killed
Gain (50–100) Mana per Enemy Killed
30% increased Area of Effect
(200–250)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells if you've Killed Recently
+(60–100)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells if you haven't Killed Recently
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Adds (160–190) to (280–320) Cold Damage
(10–15)% increased Attack Speed
+(1000–1500) to Evasion Rating
(100–200)% increased Cold Damage while your Off Hand is empty
+(30–40)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while your Off Hand is empty
(50% of Damage from Suppressed Hits and Ailments they inflict is prevented)
40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Adds (85–110) to (135–150) Physical Damage
Adds (130–160) to (220–240) Fire Damage
50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(70–100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70–100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds
(160–200)% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire
+2000 Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire
(Bleeding deals Physical Damage over time, based on the base Physical Damage of the Skill. Damage is 200% higher while moving)
(Ailments that deal Damage are Bleeding, Ignited, and Poisoned)
(50% of Physical, Cold and Lightning Damage Converted to Fire Damage.
Deal no Non-Fire Damage)
Rune Daggers Item /18
Carving Knife
Physical Damage: 3-26
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 10, 18 Dex, 26 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Boot Knife
Physical Damage: 8-34
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 20, 31 Dex, 45 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Copper Kris
Physical Damage: 10-41
Critical Strike Chance: 8.5%
Attacks per Second: 1.3
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 24, 28 Dex, 60 Int
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Physical Damage: 11-43
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 28, 42 Dex, 60 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Imp Dagger
Physical Damage: 15-59
Critical Strike Chance: 8.5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 32, 36 Dex, 78 Int
40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Butcher Knife
Physical Damage: 7-62
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.4
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 38, 55 Dex, 79 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Boot Blade
Physical Damage: 15-59
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.4
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 44, 63 Dex, 90 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Golden Kris
Physical Damage: 19-75
Critical Strike Chance: 8.5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 47, 51 Dex, 110 Int
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Royal Skean
Physical Damage: 16-64
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 50, 71 Dex, 102 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Fiend Dagger
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 8.5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 53, 58 Dex, 123 Int
40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Slaughter Knife
Physical Damage: 10-86
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.4
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 58, 81 Dex, 117 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Ezomyte Dagger
Physical Damage: 20-79
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.4
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 62, 95 Dex, 131 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Platinum Kris
Physical Damage: 24-95
Critical Strike Chance: 8.5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 64, 76 Dex, 149 Int
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Imperial Skean
Physical Damage: 18-73
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.5
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 66, 95 Dex, 131 Int
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Demon Dagger
Physical Damage: 24-97
Critical Strike Chance: 8.5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 68, 76 Dex, 149 Int
40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Flickerflame Blade
Physical Damage: 12-47
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 30, 54 Dex, 54 Int
Trigger Level 10 Flame Dash when you use a Socketed Skill
local skills granted by item are supported by level x unique trigger support [2]
Flashfire Blade
Physical Damage: 18-73
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 50, 86 Dex, 86 Int
Trigger Level 20 Flame Dash when you use a Socketed Skill
20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills
local skills granted by item are supported by level x unique trigger support [2]
Infernal Blade
Physical Damage: 21-85
Critical Strike Chance: 8%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1 metres
Requires Level 70, 121 Dex, 121 Int
Trigger Level 30 Flame Dash when you use a Socketed Skill
40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills
local skills granted by item are supported by level x unique trigger support [2]
Dagger and Rune Dagger Crafting Bench /48
Adds (8–10) to (15–18) Fire Damage1x Sun Rune
Adds (12–17) to (25–29) Fire Damage8x Sun Rune
Adds (17–24) to (35–41) Fire Damage55x Sun Rune
(10–15)% chance to Ignite1x Sun Rune
Cast Level 10 Fire Burst on Hit12x Sun Rune
Adds 2 to (25–29) Lightning Damage1x Bound Rune
Adds 2 to (41–48) Lightning Damage8x Bound Rune
Adds 3 to (57–67) Lightning Damage55x Bound Rune
(10–15)% chance to Shock1x Bound Rune
Trigger Level 5 Lightning Bolt when you deal a Critical Strike10x Bound Rune
(10–19)% increased Spell Damage1x Life Rune
(20–29)% increased Spell Damage6x Life Rune
(30–39)% increased Spell Damage45x Life Rune
Minions deal (10–19)% increased Damage1x Life Rune
Minions deal (20–29)% increased Damage6x Life Rune
Minions deal (30–39)% increased Damage45x Life Rune
(20–25)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance20x Life Rune
15x Bound Rune
Trigger Level 10 Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill11x Life Rune
Your Minions spread Burning Ground on Death, dealing 10% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage per second25x Life Rune
15x Sun Rune
(11–15)% increased Physical Damage3x War Rune
(16–20)% increased Physical Damage10x War Rune
(21–25)% increased Physical Damage50x War Rune
Adds (7–9) to (14–16) Chaos Damage1x War Rune
1x Life Rune
Adds (11–15) to (23–26) Chaos Damage5x War Rune
5x Life Rune
Adds (16–21) to (31–37) Chaos Damage25x War Rune
25x Life Rune
(21–25)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon8x War Rune
10% chance to Poison on Hit10x War Rune
10% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit10x War Rune
(0.2–0.3)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life20x War Rune
30x Sun Rune
(0.2–0.3)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana20x War Rune
30x Bound Rune
(5–7)% increased Critical Strike Chance35x War Rune
30x Bound Rune
Grants Level 1 Envy Skill8x War Rune
(7–13)% chance to gain Chaotic Might for 10 seconds on Kill7x War Rune
6x Sun Rune
Adds (7–9) to (14–16) Cold Damage1x River Rune
Adds (11–15) to (23–26) Cold Damage5x River Rune
Adds (16–21) to (31–37) Cold Damage40x River Rune
(10–15)% chance to Freeze5x River Rune
(3–6)% increased Attack Speed25x River Rune
20x War Rune
(6–10)% increased Cast Speed26x River Rune
22x Life Rune
(10–15)% chance to create Chilled Ground when you Freeze an Enemy8x River Rune
(20–30)% chance to Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness on Hit44x Sun Rune
44x Bound Rune
44x River Rune
Your Hits against Marked Enemy cannot be Blocked or Suppressed20x Bounty Rune
20x Life Rune
20x River Rune
Melee Hits Fortify37x Mountain Rune
24x War Rune
32x Life Rune
(10–20)% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage133x Mountain Rune
88x War Rune
88x Bounty Rune
101x Sun Rune
(10–20)% chance to inflict Corrosion on Hit with Spells11x Time Rune
75x Sun Rune
(20–25)% of Cold Damage Converted to Chaos Damage15x Time Rune
15x River Rune
45x War Rune
Socketed Vaal Skills do not apply Soul Gain Prevention15x Power Rune
90x Life Rune
90x Bounty Rune
Chaos Damage with Hits is Lucky4x Power Rune
23x Journey Rune
29x Bound Rune
One Hand Melee Crafting Bench /258
Two Sockets1x Jeweller's OrbThe Grand Arena
Three Sockets3x Jeweller's OrbThe Grand Arena
Four Sockets10x Jeweller's OrbThe Grand Arena
Five Sockets70x Jeweller's OrbArachnid Tomb Map
Six Sockets350x Jeweller's OrbPier Map
Two Linked Sockets1x Orb of FusingKaom's Stronghold
Three Linked Sockets3x Orb of FusingKaom's Stronghold
Four Linked Sockets5x Orb of FusingKaom's Stronghold
Five Linked Sockets150x Orb of FusingInfested Valley Map
Six Linked Sockets1500x Orb of FusingLighthouse Map
At Least One Red Socket4x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Red Sockets25x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Three Red Sockets120x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least One Green Socket4x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Green Sockets25x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Three Green Sockets120x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least One Blue Socket4x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Blue Sockets25x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Three Blue Sockets120x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least One Red and One Green Socket15x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least One Red and One Blue Socket15x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least One Green and One Blue Socket15x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Red and One Green Socket100x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Red and One Blue Socket100x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Green and One Red Socket100x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Green and One Blue Socket100x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Blue and One Green Socket100x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
At Least Two Blue and One Red Socket100x Chromatic OrbThe Mines Level 1
+(16–20)% to Fire Resistance1x Orb of TransmutationDefault
+(16–20)% to Cold Resistance1x Orb of TransmutationDefault
+(16–20)% to Lightning Resistance1x Orb of TransmutationDefault
+(15–20) to Strength1x Orb of AugmentationDefault
+(15–20) to Dexterity1x Orb of AugmentationDefault
+(15–20) to Intelligence1x Orb of AugmentationDefault
Remove Crafted Mods1x Orb of ScouringDefault
+(21–28)% to Fire Resistance1x Orb of AlchemyThe Belly of the Beast Level 2
+(29–35)% to Fire Resistance3x Chaos OrbDoedre's Cesspool
+(21–28)% to Cold Resistance1x Orb of AlchemyThe Belly of the Beast Level 2
+(29–35)% to Cold Resistance3x Chaos OrbDoedre's Cesspool
+(21–28)% to Lightning Resistance1x Orb of AlchemyThe Belly of the Beast Level 2
+(29–35)% to Lightning Resistance3x Chaos OrbDoedre's Cesspool
+(10–12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances6x Orb of TransmutationLabyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison
+(13–16)% to Fire and Cold Resistances1x Orb of AlchemyCruel Aspirant's Trial
+(17–20)% to Fire and Cold Resistances3x Chaos OrbMerciless Aspirant's Trial
+(10–12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances6x Orb of TransmutationLabyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison
+(13–16)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances1x Orb of AlchemyCruel Aspirant's Trial
+(17–20)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances3x Chaos OrbMerciless Aspirant's Trial
+(10–12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances6x Orb of TransmutationLabyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison
+(13–16)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances1x Orb of AlchemyCruel Aspirant's Trial
+(17–20)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances3x Chaos OrbMerciless Aspirant's Trial
+(21–25) to Strength2x Orb of AlchemyThe Western Forest
+(26–30) to Strength2x Chaos OrbGraveyard Map
+(21–25) to Dexterity2x Orb of AlchemyThe Western Forest
+(26–30) to Dexterity2x Chaos OrbGraveyard Map
+(21–25) to Intelligence2x Orb of AlchemyThe Western Forest
+(26–30) to Intelligence2x Chaos OrbGraveyard Map
+(6–9) to all Attributes3x Orb of ChanceLabyrinth Trial in The Imperial Gardens
+(10–13) to all Attributes6x Orb of ChanceLabyrinth Trial in The Tunnel
(0.3–0.5)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life3x Orb of ChanceCells Map
(0.5–0.8)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life4x Orb of ChanceBasilica Map
(0.2–0.4)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana1x Regal OrbBasilica Map
+(35–44) to maximum Mana3x Orb of AugmentationDefault
+(45–54) to maximum Mana6x Orb of AugmentationThe Beacon
+(55–64) to maximum Mana2x Chaos OrbThe Feeding Trough
+(65–74) to maximum Mana4x Chaos OrbFungal Hollow Map
(20–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate6x Orb of AlterationLabyrinth Trial in The Chamber of Sins Level 2
(31–40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate2x Orb of AlchemyEstuary Map
(40–59)% increased Physical Damage4x Orb of AlterationThe Sewers
(60–79)% increased Physical Damage8x Orb of AlterationThe Ossuary
(80–99)% increased Physical Damage4x Chaos OrbThe Quarry
(100–129)% increased Physical Damage1x Exalted OrbPort Map
(25–34)% increased Spell Damage4x Orb of AlterationThe Ancient Pyramid
(35–44)% increased Spell Damage8x Orb of AlterationShavronne's Tower
(45–54)% increased Spell Damage4x Chaos OrbThe Boiling Lake
(55–66)% increased Spell Damage1x Exalted OrbMuseum Map
(11–20)% increased Damage over Time6x Orb of AlterationLabyrinth Trial in The Crypt
(21–30)% increased Damage over Time2x Chaos OrbShore Map
(15–23)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills6x Orb of AlterationLabyrinth Trial in The Catacombs
(24–32)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills4x Orb of AlchemyMarshes Map
(8–10)% increased Attack Speed6x Orb of AlterationThe Dried Lake
(11–15)% increased Attack Speed2x Chaos OrbThe Vastiri Desert
(16–20)% increased Attack Speed1x Exalted OrbGlacier Map
(10–13)% increased Cast Speed6x Orb of AlterationThe Dried Lake
(14–17)% increased Cast Speed2x Chaos OrbThe Vastiri Desert
(18–21)% increased Cast Speed1x Exalted OrbGlacier Map
(25–34)% increased Fire Damage4x Orb of AlterationThe Solaris Temple Level 2
(35–44)% increased Fire Damage8x Orb of AlterationThe Dread Thicket
(45–54)% increased Fire Damage4x Chaos OrbSilo Map
(9–12)% increased Fire Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Solaris Temple Level 2
(13–16)% increased Fire Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Dread Thicket
(25–34)% increased Cold Damage4x Orb of AlterationThe Crystal Veins
(35–44)% increased Cold Damage8x Orb of AlterationThe Causeway
(45–54)% increased Cold Damage4x Chaos OrbCold River Map
(9–12)% increased Cold Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Crystal Veins
(13–16)% increased Cold Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Causeway
(25–34)% increased Lightning Damage4x Orb of AlterationThe Lunaris Temple Level 2
(35–44)% increased Lightning Damage8x Orb of AlterationThe Chamber of Sins Level 1
(45–54)% increased Lightning Damage4x Chaos OrbDesert Map
(9–12)% increased Lightning Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Lunaris Temple Level 2
(13–16)% increased Lightning Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Chamber of Sins Level 1
(25–34)% increased Chaos Damage2x Orb of ChanceThe Temple of Decay Level 2
(35–44)% increased Chaos Damage4x Orb of ChanceThe Ossuary
(45–54)% increased Chaos Damage3x Regal OrbSulphur Vents Map
(9–12)% increased Chaos Damage3x Orb of ChanceThe Temple of Decay Level 2
(13–16)% increased Chaos Damage3x Orb of AlchemyThe Ossuary
+(91–120) to Accuracy Rating4x Orb of TransmutationThe Reliquary
+(121–200) to Accuracy Rating2x Orb of AlchemyThe Desecrated Chambers
+(201–300) to Accuracy Rating2x Chaos OrbCourtyard Map
Adds (11–12) to (19–23) Fire Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Solaris Temple Level 2
Adds (22–27) to (42–49) Fire Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Dread Thicket
Adds (35–41) to (63–73) Fire Damage4x Chaos OrbSilo Map
Adds (11–12) to (19–23) Cold Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Crystal Veins
Adds (22–27) to (42–49) Cold Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Causeway
Adds (35–41) to (63–73) Cold Damage4x Chaos OrbCold River Map
Adds (1–3) to (27–37) Lightning Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Lunaris Temple Level 2
Adds (3–5) to (60–80) Lightning Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Chamber of Sins Level 1
Adds (6–8) to (100–113) Lightning Damage4x Chaos OrbDesert Map
Adds (6–8) to (13–15) Physical Damage4x Orb of TransmutationThe Sewers
Adds (7–11) to (16–19) Physical Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Ossuary
Adds (13–17) to (26–30) Physical Damage4x Chaos OrbThe Quarry
Adds (12–16) to (23–27) Fire Damage to Spells4x Orb of TransmutationThe Solaris Temple Level 2
Adds (21–28) to (42–49) Fire Damage to Spells2x Orb of AlchemyThe Dread Thicket
Adds (31–41) to (61–71) Fire Damage to Spells4x Chaos OrbSilo Map
Adds (10–13) to (19–22) Cold Damage to Spells4x Orb of TransmutationThe Crystal Veins
Adds (17–23) to (34–40) Cold Damage to Spells2x Orb of AlchemyThe Causeway
Adds (25–33) to (50–58) Cold Damage to Spells4x Chaos OrbCold River Map
Adds (1–4) to (39–42) Lightning Damage to Spells4x Orb of TransmutationThe Lunaris Temple Level 2
Adds (2–6) to (73–77) Lightning Damage to Spells2x Orb of AlchemyThe Chamber of Sins Level 1
Adds (3–9) to (106–112) Lightning Damage to Spells4x Chaos OrbDesert Map
(17–19)% increased Critical Strike Chance6x Orb of AlterationCemetery Map
(20–24)% increased Critical Strike Chance2x Orb of AlchemyJungle Valley Map
(25–27)% increased Critical Strike Chance4x Chaos OrbMaze Map
+(17–19)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier6x Orb of AlterationCemetery Map
+(20–24)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier2x Orb of AlchemyJungle Valley Map
+(25–28)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier4x Chaos OrbMaze Map
(30–49)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance6x Orb of AlterationCemetery Map
(50–69)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance3x Chaos OrbJungle Valley Map
Minions deal (25–34)% increased Damage4x Orb of AugmentationThe Lunaris Temple Level 2
Minions deal (35–44)% increased Damage2x Orb of AlchemyPromenade Map
Minions deal (45–54)% increased Damage4x Chaos OrbArcade Map
(35–44)% increased Trap Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Solaris Temple Level 2
(45–54)% increased Trap Damage4x Chaos OrbFields Map
(35–44)% increased Mine Damage2x Orb of AlchemyThe Solaris Temple Level 2
(45–54)% increased Mine Damage4x Chaos OrbFields Map
(9–12)% increased Trap Throwing Speed6x Orb of AugmentationThe Solaris Temple Level 2
(13–15)% increased Trap Throwing Speed2x Orb of AlchemyFields Map
(9–12)% increased Mine Throwing Speed6x Orb of AugmentationThe Solaris Temple Level 2
(13–15)% increased Mine Throwing Speed2x Orb of AlchemyFields Map
Remove Enchantments3x Orb of ScouringDefault
Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown
Spells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost
3x Chaos OrbThe Refinery
(81–85)% increased Physical Damage
(13–15)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(86–94)% increased Physical Damage
(16–17)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(95–105)% increased Physical Damage
(18–20)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(81–85)% increased Physical Damage
(13–15)% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(86–94)% increased Physical Damage
(16–17)% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(95–105)% increased Physical Damage
(18–20)% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(81–85)% increased Physical Damage
(13–15)% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(86–94)% increased Physical Damage
(16–17)% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(95–105)% increased Physical Damage
(18–20)% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(81–85)% increased Physical Damage
(13–15)% chance to Poison on Hit
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(86–94)% increased Physical Damage
(16–17)% chance to Poison on Hit
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(95–105)% increased Physical Damage
(18–20)% chance to Poison on Hit
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(36–41)% increased Fire Damage
(13–15)% chance to Ignite
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(42–50)% increased Fire Damage
(16–17)% chance to Ignite
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(51–60)% increased Fire Damage
(18–20)% chance to Ignite
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(36–41)% increased Cold Damage
(13–15)% chance to Freeze
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(42–50)% increased Cold Damage
(16–17)% chance to Freeze
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(51–60)% increased Cold Damage
(18–20)% chance to Freeze
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(36–41)% increased Lightning Damage
(13–15)% chance to Shock
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(42–50)% increased Lightning Damage
(16–17)% chance to Shock
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(51–60)% increased Lightning Damage
(18–20)% chance to Shock
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(35–39)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (7–8)% increased Skill Effect Duration
3x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(40–45)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (9–10)% increased Skill Effect Duration
3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(46–50)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (11–12)% increased Skill Effect Duration
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(36–41)% increased Spell Damage
(7–9)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
8x Orb of TransmutationBetrayal Unveil
(42–50)% increased Spell Damage
(10–12)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
2x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(51–60)% increased Spell Damage
(13–15)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
6x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(38–40)% increased Spell Damage
Gain 2% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
1x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(41–45)% increased Spell Damage
Gain 3% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(46–50)% increased Spell Damage
Gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
1x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
Minions have (16–19)% increased maximum Life
Minions deal (16–19)% increased Damage
8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
Minions have (20–24)% increased maximum Life
Minions deal (20–24)% increased Damage
4x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
Minions have (25–28)% increased maximum Life
Minions deal (25–28)% increased Damage
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
Minions have (10–11)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (10–11)% increased Cast Speed
8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
Minions have (12–13)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (12–13)% increased Cast Speed
2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
Minions have (14–15)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (14–15)% increased Cast Speed
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(14–15)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
+(16–17)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(18–20)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(14–15)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
+(16–17)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(18–20)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(14–15)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
+(16–17)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(18–20)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(14–15)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
+(16–17)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(18–20)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (6–7)% Elemental Resistances4x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (8–10)% Elemental Resistances4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (11–13)% Elemental Resistances1x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (6–7)% Chaos Resistance8x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (8–10)% Chaos Resistance4x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (11–13)% Chaos Resistance4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
3% chance to deal Double Damage2x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(4–5)% chance to deal Double Damage8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(3–4)% increased Damage per Endurance Charge3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(3–4)% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(3–4)% increased Damage per Power Charge3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(17–21)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby6x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
+(22–25)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(26–30)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
7% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby6x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
(8–9)% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(10–11)% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
(7–9)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
4x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
(10–12)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
8x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(13–15)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems8x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems2x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(6–7)% to Quality of Socketed Gems8x Gemcutter's PrismBetrayal Unveil
+(7–8)% to Quality of Socketed Gems1x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
Adds (7–8) to (10–11) Physical Damage
35% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
Adds (9–11) to (12–14) Physical Damage
40% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
Hits can't be Evaded3x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (5–6)% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage6x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (7–8)% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage8x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (5–6)% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage6x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (7–8)% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage8x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (5–6)% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage6x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (7–8)% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage8x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (5–6)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage6x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
Gain (7–8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage8x Vaal OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(15–19) to Dexterity and Intelligence
(8–10)% increased Attack Speed
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(20–24) to Dexterity and Intelligence
(13–16)% increased Attack Speed
1x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(15–19) to Strength and Intelligence
(15–20)% increased Critical Strike Chance
2x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(20–24) to Strength and Intelligence
(21–25)% increased Critical Strike Chance
1x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(15–19) to Strength and Dexterity
+(161–200) to Accuracy Rating
4x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
+(20–24) to Strength and Dexterity
+(201–250) to Accuracy Rating
4x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
10% chance to Trigger Level 1 Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
(8–10)% increased Attack Speed
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
10% chance to Trigger Level 1 Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
(13–16)% increased Attack Speed
1x Exalted OrbBetrayal Unveil
(8–9)% increased Cast Speed
10% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
4x Orb of AlterationBetrayal Unveil
(10–12)% increased Cast Speed
10% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
4x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
(13–16)% increased Cast Speed
10% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
4x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(9–10)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances8x Orb of TransmutationBetrayal Unveil
+(11–12)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(13–15)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(9–10)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances8x Orb of TransmutationBetrayal Unveil
+(11–12)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(13–15)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
+(9–10)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances8x Orb of TransmutationBetrayal Unveil
+(11–12)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances2x Orb of AlchemyBetrayal Unveil
+(13–15)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances3x Chaos OrbBetrayal Unveil
Prefixes Cannot Be Changed2x Divine OrbThe Coward's Trial
Suffixes Cannot Be Changed2x Divine OrbOba's Cursed Trove
Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers2x Divine OrbThe Putrid Cloister
Cannot roll Attack Modifiers1x Divine OrbCaer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den
Cannot roll Caster Modifiers1x Divine OrbWhakawairua Tuahu
Rune Dagger Gem/62
Attack Melee Strike Slam Spell Channelling Physical Fire Cold Lightning Chaos Bow Projectile Chaining Prismatic Minion Trap Totem Movement Travel AoE Vaal Retaliation Duration Critical
Molten Strike (1)
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire
Molten Strike of the Zenith (1)
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire
Vaal Molten Strike (1)
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Chaining, Vaal
Ancestral Protector (4)
Attack, Totem, Melee, Strike
Crushing Fist (4)
Attack, Slam, AoE, Retaliation, Melee
Vigilant Strike (4)
Attack, Melee, Strike
Static Strike (12)
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Lightning, Chaining
Swordstorm (16)
Attack, AoE, Retaliation, Melee
Ancestral Warchief (28)
Attack, Totem, AoE, Slam, Melee
Dominating Blow (28)
Attack, Minion, Duration, Melee, Strike
Dominating Blow of Inspiring (28)
Attack, Minion, Duration, Melee, Strike
Vaal Ancestral Warchief (28)
Attack, Totem, AoE, Vaal, Melee, Slam
Cobra Lash (1)
Attack, Projectile, Chaos
Double Strike (1)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Physical
Double Strike of Impaling (1)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Physical
Double Strike of Momentum (1)
Attack, Melee, Strike
Dual Strike (1)
Critical, Attack, Melee, Strike
Dual Strike of Ambidexterity (1)
Attack, Melee, Strike
Frost Blades (1)
Attack, Projectile, Melee, Strike, Cold
Frost Blades of Katabasis (1)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Cold, AoE, Duration
Spectral Throw (1)
Attack, Projectile
Spectral Throw of Materialising (1)
Attack, Projectile
Vaal Double Strike (1)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Vaal, Physical
Vaal Spectral Throw (1)
Attack, Projectile, Vaal
Viper Strike (1)
Attack, Duration, Melee, Strike, Chaos
Viper Strike of the Mamba (1)
Attack, Duration, Melee, Strike, Chaos
Animate Weapon (4)
Duration, Minion, Spell, Physical
Animate Weapon of Self Reflection (4)
Duration, Minion, Spell
Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms (4)
Duration, Minion, Spell, Physical
Puncture (4)
Attack, Projectile, Duration, Physical, Bow
Puncture of Shanking (4)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Physical
Flicker Strike (10)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Movement, Duration
Flicker Strike of Power (10)
Critical, Attack, Melee, Strike, Movement, Duration
Vaal Flicker Strike (10)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Movement, Vaal, Duration
Whirling Blades (10)
Attack, Movement, Travel, Melee
Blade Trap (12)
Trap, Attack, AoE
Blade Trap of Greatswords (12)
Trap, Attack, AoE, Duration
Blade Trap of Laceration (12)
Trap, Attack, AoE, Physical
Elemental Hit (12)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Fire, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Prismatic
Elemental Hit of the Spectrum (12)
Attack, Projectile, Fire, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Bow
Lightning Strike (12)
Attack, Projectile, Melee, Strike, Lightning
Lightning Strike of Arcing (12)
Attack, Projectile, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Chaining
Reave (12)
Attack, AoE, Melee
Reave of Refraction (12)
Attack, AoE, Melee
Spectral Helix (12)
Attack, Projectile
Vaal Lightning Strike (12)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Vaal, Lightning, Projectile
Vaal Reave (12)
Attack, AoE, Vaal, Melee
Vaal Venom Gyre (12)
Attack, Projectile, Chaos, Duration, Vaal
Venom Gyre (12)
Attack, Projectile, Chaos, Duration
Frenzy (16)
Attack, Projectile, Bow
Frenzy of Onslaught (16)
Attack, Melee, Strike
Blade Flurry (28)
Attack, AoE, Channelling, Melee
Blade Flurry of Incision (28)
Critical, Attack, AoE, Channelling, Melee
Charged Dash (28)
Movement, AoE, Channelling, Attack, Lightning, Melee
Cyclone (28)
Attack, AoE, Movement, Channelling, Melee
Cyclone of Tumult (28)
Attack, AoE, Movement, Channelling, Melee
Pestilent Strike (28)
Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Chaos
Vaal Blade Flurry (28)
Attack, AoE, Channelling, Vaal, Melee
Vaal Cyclone (28)
Attack, AoE, Duration, Vaal, Melee, Movement, Channelling
Wild Strike (28)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Projectile, AoE, Chaining, Prismatic
Wild Strike of Extremes (28)
Attack, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Projectile, AoE, Chaining, Prismatic
Energy Blade (24)
Spell, Lightning
Rune Daggers Crucible Weapon /804
250 (T1)Adds 6 to 16 Physical Damage
6% reduced Attack Speed
125 (T1)Adds 8 to 19 Physical Damage
6% reduced Attack Speed
1000 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 2 to 8 Physical Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 3 to 10 Physical Damage
500 (T1)Adds 5 to 13 Physical Damage
250 (T1)Adds 6 to 15 Physical Damage
100 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
100 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
100 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
50 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
100 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
100 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
100 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
50 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
25 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
100 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
100 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
100 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
50 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
25 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
50 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
50 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
50 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
25 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
12 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
50 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
20% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element
50 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
20% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element
50 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
20% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element
25 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
20% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element
12 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
20% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
63 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage
15% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage
15% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage
15% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Physical Damage
15% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
63 (T1)Adds 5 to 8 Physical Damage
15% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
250 (T1)Adds 27 to 42 Fire Damage
6% reduced Attack Speed
125 (T1)Adds 55 to 83 Fire Damage
6% reduced Attack Speed
1000 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Fire Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 7 to 10 Fire Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 13 to 18 Fire Damage
500 (T1)Adds 22 to 32 Fire Damage
250 (T1)Adds 42 to 63 Fire Damage
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
250 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
250 (T1)Adds 7 to 12 Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
125 (T1)Adds 12 to 19 Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
63 (T1)Adds 25 to 39 Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
250 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 1 to 5 Fire Damage
250 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 3 to 6 Fire Damage
250 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 7 to 12 Fire Damage
125 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 12 to 19 Fire Damage
63 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 25 to 39 Fire Damage
250 (T1)Adds 26 to 39 Cold Damage
Your Cold Damage cannot Chill
125 (T1)Adds 52 to 78 Cold Damage
Your Cold Damage cannot Chill
1000 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Cold Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 5 to 10 Cold Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 12 to 18 Cold Damage
500 (T1)Adds 19 to 30 Cold Damage
250 (T1)Adds 41 to 60 Cold Damage
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Cold Damage
10% chance to Freeze
250 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Cold Damage
10% chance to Freeze
250 (T1)Adds 7 to 10 Cold Damage
10% chance to Freeze
125 (T1)Adds 12 to 19 Cold Damage
10% chance to Freeze
63 (T1)Adds 24 to 35 Cold Damage
10% chance to Freeze
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Cold Damage
4% increased Attack Speed
250 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Cold Damage
4% increased Attack Speed
250 (T1)Adds 7 to 10 Cold Damage
4% increased Attack Speed
125 (T1)Adds 12 to 19 Cold Damage
4% increased Attack Speed
63 (T1)Adds 24 to 35 Cold Damage
4% increased Attack Speed
250 (T1)Adds 3 to 66 Lightning Damage
4% increased Lightning Damage taken
125 (T1)Adds 7 to 132 Lightning Damage
4% increased Lightning Damage taken
1000 (T1)Adds 1 to 9 Lightning Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 1 to 17 Lightning Damage
1000 (T1)Adds 1 to 30 Lightning Damage
500 (T1)Adds 3 to 51 Lightning Damage
250 (T1)Adds 6 to 101 Lightning Damage
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 6 Lightning Damage
10% chance to Shock
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 10 Lightning Damage
10% chance to Shock
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 18 Lightning Damage
10% chance to Shock
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 31 Lightning Damage
10% chance to Shock
63 (T1)Adds 3 to 60 Lightning Damage
10% chance to Shock
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 6 Lightning Damage
10% increased Critical Strike Chance
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 10 Lightning Damage
10% increased Critical Strike Chance
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 18 Lightning Damage
10% increased Critical Strike Chance
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 31 Lightning Damage
10% increased Critical Strike Chance
63 (T1)Adds 3 to 60 Lightning Damage
10% increased Critical Strike Chance
125 (T1)Adds 19 to 31 Chaos Damage
5% reduced maximum Life
63 (T1)Adds 39 to 59 Chaos Damage
5% reduced maximum Life
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 6 Chaos Damage
500 (T1)Adds 3 to 8 Chaos Damage
500 (T1)Adds 8 to 14 Chaos Damage
250 (T1)Adds 15 to 24 Chaos Damage
125 (T1)Adds 29 to 46 Chaos Damage
125 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Chaos Damage
15% chance to Poison on Hit
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Chaos Damage
15% chance to Poison on Hit
125 (T1)Adds 7 to 9 Chaos Damage
15% chance to Poison on Hit
63 (T1)Adds 8 to 15 Chaos Damage
15% chance to Poison on Hit
31 (T1)Adds 18 to 28 Chaos Damage
15% chance to Poison on Hit
125 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Chaos Damage
10% increased Effect of Withered
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Chaos Damage
10% increased Effect of Withered
125 (T1)Adds 7 to 9 Chaos Damage
10% increased Effect of Withered
63 (T1)Adds 8 to 15 Chaos Damage
10% increased Effect of Withered
31 (T1)Adds 18 to 28 Chaos Damage
10% increased Effect of Withered
500 (T1)Adds 5 to 10 Fire Damage
Adds 5 to 10 Cold Damage
Adds 1 to 15 Lightning Damage
250 (T1)Adds 9 to 15 Fire Damage
Adds 9 to 15 Cold Damage
Adds 1 to 23 Lightning Damage
125 (T1)Adds 18 to 27 Fire Damage
Adds 18 to 27 Cold Damage
Adds 3 to 42 Lightning Damage
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Fire Damage
Adds 3 to 6 Cold Damage
Adds 1 to 8 Lightning Damage
5% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
63 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Fire Damage
Adds 6 to 10 Cold Damage
Adds 1 to 13 Lightning Damage
5% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
31 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Fire Damage
Adds 13 to 20 Cold Damage
Adds 3 to 25 Lightning Damage
5% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
125 (T1)Adds 3 to 6 Fire Damage
Adds 3 to 6 Cold Damage
Adds 1 to 8 Lightning Damage
15% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
63 (T1)Adds 4 to 9 Fire Damage
Adds 4 to 9 Cold Damage
Adds 1 to 13 Lightning Damage
15% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
31 (T1)Adds 11 to 15 Fire Damage
Adds 11 to 15 Cold Damage
Adds 3 to 25 Lightning Damage
15% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
125 (T1)Adds 14 to 22 Physical Damage to Spells
6% reduced Cast Speed
63 (T1)Adds 28 to 42 Physical Damage to Spells
6% reduced Cast Speed
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Physical Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Physical Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Physical Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 11 to 17 Physical Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 21 to 33 Physical Damage to Spells
63 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
63 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
63 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
32 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
16 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
63 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
63 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
63 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
32 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
16 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
63 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
63 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
63 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
32 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
16 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
63 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
63 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
63 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
32 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
16 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Physical Damage to Spells
15% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Spells
Overwhelm 5% Physical Damage Reduction
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Physical Damage to Spells
Overwhelm 5% Physical Damage Reduction
250 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Physical Damage to Spells
Overwhelm 5% Physical Damage Reduction
125 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Physical Damage to Spells
Overwhelm 5% Physical Damage Reduction
63 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Physical Damage to Spells
Overwhelm 5% Physical Damage Reduction
125 (T1)Adds 19 to 30 Fire Damage to Spells
6% reduced Cast Speed
63 (T1)Adds 39 to 59 Fire Damage to Spells
6% reduced Cast Speed
500 (T1)Adds 2 to 5 Fire Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 5 to 7 Fire Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 9 to 14 Fire Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 15 to 24 Fire Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 30 to 45 Fire Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Fire Damage to Spells
10% chance to Ignite
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Fire Damage to Spells
10% chance to Ignite
250 (T1)Adds 4 to 9 Fire Damage to Spells
10% chance to Ignite
125 (T1)Adds 8 to 14 Fire Damage to Spells
10% chance to Ignite
63 (T1)Adds 18 to 28 Fire Damage to Spells
10% chance to Ignite
250 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 1 to 3 Fire Damage to Spells
250 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 2 to 4 Fire Damage to Spells
250 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 4 to 9 Fire Damage to Spells
125 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 8 to 14 Fire Damage to Spells
63 (T1)25% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes
Adds 18 to 28 Fire Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 18 to 28 Cold Damage to Spells
Your Cold Damage cannot Chill
63 (T1)Adds 37 to 56 Cold Damage to Spells
Your Cold Damage cannot Chill
500 (T1)Adds 2 to 5 Cold Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 3 to 7 Cold Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 8 to 14 Cold Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 14 to 21 Cold Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 29 to 43 Cold Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Cold Damage to Spells
10% chance to Freeze
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Cold Damage to Spells
10% chance to Freeze
250 (T1)Adds 4 to 8 Cold Damage to Spells
10% chance to Freeze
125 (T1)Adds 8 to 14 Cold Damage to Spells
10% chance to Freeze
63 (T1)Adds 17 to 25 Cold Damage to Spells
10% chance to Freeze
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Cold Damage to Spells
5% increased Cast Speed
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Cold Damage to Spells
5% increased Cast Speed
250 (T1)Adds 4 to 8 Cold Damage to Spells
5% increased Cast Speed
125 (T1)Adds 8 to 14 Cold Damage to Spells
5% increased Cast Speed
63 (T1)Adds 17 to 25 Cold Damage to Spells
5% increased Cast Speed
125 (T1)Adds 2 to 48 Lightning Damage to Spells
4% increased Lightning Damage taken
63 (T1)Adds 5 to 94 Lightning Damage to Spells
4% increased Lightning Damage taken
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 6 Lightning Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 12 Lightning Damage to Spells
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 22 Lightning Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 37 Lightning Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 4 to 72 Lightning Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Lightning Damage to Spells
10% chance to Shock
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 7 Lightning Damage to Spells
10% chance to Shock
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 14 Lightning Damage to Spells
10% chance to Shock
125 (T1)Adds 2 to 22 Lightning Damage to Spells
10% chance to Shock
63 (T1)Adds 2 to 43 Lightning Damage to Spells
10% chance to Shock
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Lightning Damage to Spells
25% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 7 Lightning Damage to Spells
25% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 14 Lightning Damage to Spells
25% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
125 (T1)Adds 2 to 22 Lightning Damage to Spells
25% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
63 (T1)Adds 2 to 43 Lightning Damage to Spells
25% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
63 (T1)Adds 14 to 22 Chaos Damage to Spells
5% reduced maximum Life
32 (T1)Adds 28 to 42 Chaos Damage to Spells
5% reduced maximum Life
250 (T1)Adds 1 to 5 Chaos Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 6 Chaos Damage to Spells
250 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Chaos Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 11 to 17 Chaos Damage to Spells
63 (T1)Adds 21 to 33 Chaos Damage to Spells
125 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% chance to Poison on Hit with Spell Damage
125 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% chance to Poison on Hit with Spell Damage
125 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% chance to Poison on Hit with Spell Damage
63 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% chance to Poison on Hit with Spell Damage
32 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% chance to Poison on Hit with Spell Damage
125 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% increased Effect of Withered
125 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% increased Effect of Withered
125 (T1)Adds 4 to 6 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% increased Effect of Withered
63 (T1)Adds 6 to 10 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% increased Effect of Withered
32 (T1)Adds 13 to 20 Chaos Damage to Spells
10% increased Effect of Withered
375 (T1)35% increased Spell Damage
40% reduced Spell Critical Strike Chance
187 (T1)42% increased Spell Damage
40% reduced Spell Critical Strike Chance
750 (T1)7% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Mana
750 (T1)10% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Mana
750 (T1)13% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Mana
375 (T1)17% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Mana
187 (T1)20% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Mana
750 (T1)7% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Energy Shield
750 (T1)10% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Energy Shield
750 (T1)13% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Energy Shield
375 (T1)17% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Energy Shield
187 (T1)20% increased Spell Damage
10% increased maximum Energy Shield
63 (T1)35% increased Damage over Time
10% reduced Life Recovery rate
31 (T1)42% increased Damage over Time
10% reduced Life Recovery rate
250 (T1)10% increased Damage over Time
250 (T1)15% increased Damage over Time
250 (T1)20% increased Damage over Time
125 (T1)25% increased Damage over Time
63 (T1)30% increased Damage over Time
125 (T1)7% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
125 (T1)10% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
125 (T1)13% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
63 (T1)17% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
31 (T1)20% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
125 (T1)7% increased Damage over Time
15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
125 (T1)10% increased Damage over Time
15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
125 (T1)13% increased Damage over Time
15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
63 (T1)17% increased Damage over Time
15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
31 (T1)20% increased Damage over Time
15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
1000 (T1)+2 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
1000 (T1)+2 to Level of Socketed Spell Gems
250 (T1)+1 to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
250 (T1)+1 to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity
500 (T1)Adds 1 to 3 Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Intelligence
250 (T1)Adds 2 to 4 Chaos Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 of your lowest Attribute
250 (T2)+4% to Critical Strike Chance
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
250 (T2)+5% to Critical Strike Chance
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
250 (T2)+6% to Critical Strike Chance
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
250 (T2)-3% to Critical Strike Chance
+40% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
250 (T2)-3% to Critical Strike Chance
+50% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
250 (T2)-3% to Critical Strike Chance
+60% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
1000 (T2)+0.4% to Critical Strike Chance
1000 (T2)+0.6% to Critical Strike Chance
1000 (T2)+0.8% to Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)15% reduced Attack Speed
+0.9% to Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)15% reduced Attack Speed
+1.2% to Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)15% reduced Attack Speed
+1.5% to Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)+0.9% to Critical Strike Chance
-500 to Accuracy Rating
500 (T2)+1.2% to Critical Strike Chance
-500 to Accuracy Rating
500 (T2)+1.5% to Critical Strike Chance
-500 to Accuracy Rating
500 (T2)30% increased Attack Speed
20% less Global Damage
500 (T2)35% increased Attack Speed
20% less Global Damage
500 (T2)40% increased Attack Speed
20% less Global Damage
1000 (T2)8% increased Attack Speed
1000 (T2)9% increased Attack Speed
1000 (T2)10% increased Attack Speed
250 (T2)4% increased Attack Speed
6% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
250 (T2)5% increased Attack Speed
6% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
250 (T2)6% increased Attack Speed
6% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
250 (T2)4% increased Attack Speed
6% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
250 (T2)5% increased Attack Speed
6% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
250 (T2)6% increased Attack Speed
6% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
500 (T2)25% reduced Attack Speed
Attacks with this Weapon have 20% chance to deal Double Damage
500 (T2)25% reduced Attack Speed
Attacks with this Weapon have 25% chance to deal Double Damage
500 (T2)25% reduced Attack Speed
Attacks with this Weapon have 30% chance to deal Double Damage
625 (T2)50% reduced Attack Speed
Hits can't be Evaded
625 (T2)-5% to Critical Strike Chance
Hits can't be Evaded
500 (T2)+150 to Accuracy Rating
500 (T2)+250 to Accuracy Rating
500 (T2)+350 to Accuracy Rating
250 (T2)5% increased Dexterity
+80 to Accuracy Rating
250 (T2)5% increased Dexterity
+160 to Accuracy Rating
250 (T2)5% increased Dexterity
+240 to Accuracy Rating
250 (T2)15% increased Evasion Rating
+80 to Accuracy Rating
250 (T2)15% increased Evasion Rating
+160 to Accuracy Rating
250 (T2)15% increased Evasion Rating
+240 to Accuracy Rating
500 (T2)+40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
-2% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)+50% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
-2% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)+60% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
-2% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T2)Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
+5% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T2)Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
+5.5% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T2)Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
+6% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
1000 (T2)+0.4% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
1000 (T2)+0.5% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
1000 (T2)+0.6% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)-30% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
+1% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)-30% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
+1.25% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)-30% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
+1.5% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T2)15% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
+0.8% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T2)15% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
+1% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
250 (T2)15% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
+1.2% to Spell Critical Strike Chance
500 (T2)18% more Cast Speed
10% less Global Damage
500 (T2)20% more Cast Speed
10% less Global Damage
500 (T2)22% more Cast Speed
10% less Global Damage
1000 (T2)4% more Cast Speed
1000 (T2)5% more Cast Speed
1000 (T2)6% more Cast Speed
500 (T2)12% increased Cost of Skills
6% more Cast Speed
500 (T2)12% increased Cost of Skills
7% more Cast Speed
500 (T2)12% increased Cost of Skills
8% more Cast Speed
250 (T2)Spells you Cast have Added Spell Damage equal to 12% of the Damage of this Weapon
10% less Cast Speed
250 (T2)Spells you Cast have Added Spell Damage equal to 16% of the Damage of this Weapon
10% less Cast Speed
250 (T2)Spells you Cast have Added Spell Damage equal to 20% of the Damage of this Weapon
10% less Cast Speed
500 (T2)Regenerate 1.5% of Mana per second
15% less maximum Mana
500 (T2)Regenerate 1.8% of Mana per second
15% less maximum Mana
500 (T2)Regenerate 2% of Mana per second
15% less maximum Mana
250 (T2)Regenerate 1% of Mana per second
20% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
250 (T2)Regenerate 1.3% of Mana per second
20% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
250 (T2)Regenerate 1.5% of Mana per second
20% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
1000 (T2)Regenerate 0.5% of Mana per second
1000 (T2)Regenerate 0.6% of Mana per second
1000 (T2)Regenerate 0.7% of Mana per second
500 (T2)Regenerate 0.2% of Mana per second
5% more maximum Mana
500 (T2)Regenerate 0.3% of Mana per second
5% more maximum Mana
500 (T2)Regenerate 0.4% of Mana per second
5% more maximum Mana
250 (T2)Regenerate 0.2% of Mana per second
10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
250 (T2)Regenerate 0.3% of Mana per second
10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
250 (T2)Regenerate 0.4% of Mana per second
10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
20 (T2)Minion Instability
20 (T2)Pain Attunement
20 (T2)Elemental Equilibrium
20 (T2)Point Blank
20 (T2)Acrobatics
20 (T2)Ghost Reaver
20 (T2)Elemental Overload
20 (T2)Eldritch Battery
20 (T2)Perfect Agony
20 (T2)Runebinder
20 (T2)The Agnostic
20 (T2)Supreme Ego
20 (T2)Hex Master
20 (T2)Lethe Shade
20 (T2)Ghost Dance
20 (T2)Magebane
20 (T2)Solipsism
20 (T2)Divine Shield
20 (T2)Iron Will
20 (T2)Wicked Ward
20 (T2)Wind Dancer
20 (T2)Conduit
20 (T2)Arrow Dancing
20 (T2)Precise Technique
20 (T2)Iron Reflexes
20 (T2)Mind Over Matter
20 (T2)Zealot's Oath
100 (T2)-0.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Allocates Adder's Touch
100 (T2)-0.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Allocates From the Shadows
100 (T2)-0.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Allocates Backstabbing
100 (T2)-0.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Allocates Flaying
100 (T2)-0.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Allocates Nightstalker
500 (T2)+8% to Quality
500 (T2)+12% to Quality
500 (T2)+16% to Quality
250 (T3, T4)+12% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
-15% to Fire Resistance
250 (T3, T4)+16% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
-15% to Fire Resistance
250 (T3, T4)+12% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
-15% to Cold Resistance
250 (T3, T4)+16% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
-15% to Cold Resistance
250 (T3, T4)+12% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
-15% to Chaos Resistance
250 (T3, T4)+16% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
-15% to Chaos Resistance
250 (T3, T4)+12% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
Hits against you Overwhelm 6% of Physical Damage Reduction
250 (T3, T4)+16% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
Hits against you Overwhelm 6% of Physical Damage Reduction
500 (T3, T4)-8% to all Elemental Resistances
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 8% Elemental Resistances
500 (T3, T4)-8% to all Elemental Resistances
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 10% Elemental Resistances
250 (T3, T4)-13% to Chaos Resistance
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 8% Chaos Resistance
250 (T3, T4)-13% to Chaos Resistance
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 10% Chaos Resistance
400 (T3, T4)10% reduced Area of Effect
25% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed at least 5 Enemies Recently
400 (T3, T4)10% reduced Area of Effect
30% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed at least 5 Enemies Recently
400 (T3, T4)20% increased Area of Effect
10% reduced Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently
400 (T3, T4)24% increased Area of Effect
10% reduced Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently
50 (T3, T4)20% increased Chaining range
50 (T3, T4)30% increased Chaining range
75 (T3, T4)Projectiles Pierce an additional Target
50 (T3, T4)Projectiles have 30% chance for an additional Projectile when Forking
50 (T3, T4)Projectiles have 40% chance for an additional Projectile when Forking
250 (T3, T4)15% increased Effect of your Marks
100% increased Mana Cost of Mark Skills
250 (T3, T4)20% increased Effect of your Marks
100% increased Mana Cost of Mark Skills
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Effect of your Marks
6% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Effect of your Marks
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
250 (T3, T4)25% less Accuracy Rating against Marked Enemy
Culling Strike against Marked Enemy
750 (T3, T4)+0.2 metres to Weapon Range
750 (T3, T4)+0.3 metres to Weapon Range
500 (T3, T4)30% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech
0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
500 (T3, T4)30% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech
0.8% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
500 (T3, T4)30% increased total Recovery per second from Mana Leech
0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
500 (T3, T4)30% increased total Recovery per second from Mana Leech
0.8% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
500 (T3, T4)0.5% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield
30% increased total Recovery per second from Energy Shield Leech
500 (T3, T4)0.8% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield
30% increased total Recovery per second from Energy Shield Leech
400 (T3, T4)Grants 15 Life per Enemy Hit
Removes 2 of your Mana per Enemy Hit
400 (T3, T4)Grants 25 Life per Enemy Hit
Removes 2 of your Mana per Enemy Hit
400 (T3, T4)Removes 4 of your Life per Enemy Hit
Grants 6 Mana per Enemy Hit
400 (T3, T4)Removes 4 of your Life per Enemy Hit
Grants 8 Mana per Enemy Hit
500 (T3, T4)5% reduced Movement Speed
20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills
500 (T3, T4)5% reduced Movement Speed
30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills
500 (T3, T4)8% increased Movement Speed
Your Travel Skills are Disabled
500 (T3, T4)12% increased Movement Speed
Your Travel Skills are Disabled
300 (T3, T4)20% reduced Effect of Arcane Surge on you
10% chance to Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Strike
300 (T3, T4)20% reduced Effect of Arcane Surge on you
10% chance to Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Strike
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
300 (T3, T4)25% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Effect of Onslaught on you
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
300 (T3, T4)25% increased Effect of Onslaught on you
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
300 (T3, T4)20% reduced Effect of Onslaught on you
10% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
300 (T3, T4)20% reduced Effect of Onslaught on you
15% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
300 (T3, T4)10% chance to gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Kill
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
300 (T3, T4)15% chance to gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Kill
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
500 (T3, T4)10% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Kill
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
500 (T3, T4)15% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Kill
Buffs on you expire 10% faster
750 (T3, T4)15% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon
20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Stun an Enemy with a Melee Hit
750 (T3, T4)25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon
20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Stun an Enemy with a Melee Hit
500 (T3, T4)15% increased Enemy Stun Threshold
16% chance to double Stun Duration
500 (T3, T4)15% increased Enemy Stun Threshold
24% chance to double Stun Duration
300 (T3, T4)30% reduced Fortification Duration
Melee Hits which Stun have 15% chance to Fortify
300 (T3, T4)30% reduced Fortification Duration
Melee Hits which Stun have 20% chance to Fortify
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Skill Effect Duration
10% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Skill Effect Duration
10% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
300 (T3, T4)10% reduced Skill Effect Duration
10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
300 (T3, T4)10% reduced Skill Effect Duration
15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
300 (T3, T4)Flasks applied to you have 10% reduced Effect
40% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
300 (T3, T4)Flasks applied to you have 10% reduced Effect
50% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
300 (T3, T4)15% reduced Flask Charges gained
Flasks applied to you have 8% increased Effect
300 (T3, T4)15% reduced Flask Charges gained
Flasks applied to you have 10% increased Effect
250 (T3, T4)10% reduced Effect of your Curses
Your Curses have 25% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired
250 (T3, T4)10% reduced Effect of your Curses
Your Curses have 30% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired
250 (T3, T4)15% increased Effect of Curses on you
8% increased Effect of your Curses
250 (T3, T4)15% increased Effect of Curses on you
10% increased Effect of your Curses
250 (T3, T4)20% reduced Area of Effect of Hex Skills
Hex Skills have 40% increased Skill Effect Duration
250 (T3, T4)20% reduced Area of Effect of Hex Skills
Hex Skills have 50% increased Skill Effect Duration
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills that throw Mines
Mines have a 10% chance to be Detonated an Additional Time
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills that throw Mines
Mines have a 14% chance to be Detonated an Additional Time
250 (T3, T4)25% increased Effect of Auras from Mines
Skills used by Mines have 40% reduced Area of Effect
250 (T3, T4)40% increased Effect of Auras from Mines
Skills used by Mines have 40% reduced Area of Effect
250 (T3, T4)40% reduced Trap Trigger Area of Effect
12% increased Trap Throwing Speed
250 (T3, T4)40% reduced Trap Trigger Area of Effect
16% increased Trap Throwing Speed
250 (T3, T4)25% reduced Trap Spread
Traps from Skills are thrown randomly around targeted location
250 (T3, T4)Brands have 25% increased Area of Effect if 50% of Attached Duration expired
Brand Skills have 20% reduced Duration
250 (T3, T4)Brands have 40% increased Area of Effect if 50% of Attached Duration expired
Brand Skills have 20% reduced Duration
250 (T3, T4)Brand Recall has 40% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
40% increased Brand Attachment range
250 (T3, T4)Brand Recall has 40% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
60% increased Brand Attachment range
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Totem Placement speed
Skills that would Summon a Totem have 25% chance to Summon two Totems instead
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Totem Placement speed
Skills that would Summon a Totem have 40% chance to Summon two Totems instead
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Totem Life
Totems Explode on Death, dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
250 (T3, T4)15% reduced Totem Life
Totems Explode on Death, dealing 15% of their Life as Physical Damage
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Effect of Chill on you
Unaffected by Chill while Channelling
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Effect of Shock on you
Unaffected by Shock while Channelling
250 (T3, T4)20% increased Warcry Buff Effect
Warcry Skills have 20% reduced Area of Effect
250 (T3, T4)30% increased Warcry Buff Effect
Warcry Skills have 20% reduced Area of Effect
250 (T3, T4)30% reduced Damage
25% increased Damage for each time you've Warcried Recently
250 (T3, T4)30% reduced Damage
40% increased Damage for each time you've Warcried Recently
250 (T3, T4)6% chance to Scorch Enemies
Cannot inflict Ignite
250 (T3, T4)10% chance to Scorch Enemies
Cannot inflict Ignite
250 (T3, T4)6% chance to inflict Brittle
Cannot inflict Freeze or Chill
250 (T3, T4)10% chance to inflict Brittle
Cannot inflict Freeze or Chill
250 (T3, T4)6% chance to Sap Enemies
Cannot inflict Shock
250 (T3, T4)10% chance to Sap Enemies
Cannot inflict Shock
300 (T3, T4)Inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
25% chance to be inflicted with Fire Exposure when you take Fire Damage from a Hit
300 (T3, T4)Inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
25% chance to be inflicted with Cold Exposure when you take Cold Damage from a Hit
300 (T3, T4)Inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit
25% chance to be inflicted with Lightning Exposure when you take Lightning Damage from a Hit
300 (T3, T4)Inflict Fire, Cold, and Lightning Exposure on Hit
25% chance to be inflicted with a random Exposure when you take Elemental Damage from a Hit
150 (T3, T4)6% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit
25% chance to be Withered for 2 seconds when you take Chaos Damage from a Hit
150 (T3, T4)10% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit
25% chance to be Withered for 2 seconds when you take Chaos Damage from a Hit
500 (T3, T4)Overwhelm 15% Physical Damage Reduction
Hits against you Overwhelm 5% of Physical Damage Reduction
500 (T3, T4)Overwhelm 20% Physical Damage Reduction
Hits against you Overwhelm 5% of Physical Damage Reduction
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
15% increased Stun Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)40% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
20% increased Stun Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
15% increased Freeze Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
20% increased Freeze Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
15% increased Ignite Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
20% increased Ignite Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Bleeding Duration
15% increased Bleed Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Bleeding Duration
20% increased Bleed Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Poison Duration
15% increased Poison Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Poison Duration
20% increased Poison Duration on you
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Effect of Chill on you
30% increased Effect of Chill
300 (T3, T4)20% increased Effect of Chill on you
40% increased Effect of Chill
300 (T3, T4)30% increased Effect of Shock
15% increased Effect of Shock on you
300 (T3, T4)40% increased Effect of Shock
20% increased Effect of Shock on you
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Impale Effect
Attack Hits against you have 15% chance to Impale
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Impale Effect
Attack Hits against you have 20% chance to Impale
1000 (T3, T4)20% reduced Attribute Requirements
1000 (T3, T4)30% reduced Attribute Requirements
500 (T3, T4)+60 to Dexterity
Gain no inherent bonuses from Dexterity
500 (T3, T4)+80 to Dexterity
Gain no inherent bonuses from Dexterity
500 (T3, T4)+60 to Intelligence
Gain no inherent bonuses from Intelligence
500 (T3, T4)+80 to Intelligence
Gain no inherent bonuses from Intelligence
500 (T3, T4)+60 to Strength
Gain no inherent bonuses from Strength
500 (T3, T4)+80 to Strength
Gain no inherent bonuses from Strength
500 (T3, T4)4% increased Dexterity
4% increased Intelligence
500 (T3, T4)6% increased Dexterity
6% increased Intelligence
500 (T3, T4)4% increased Strength
4% increased Dexterity
500 (T3, T4)6% increased Strength
6% increased Dexterity
500 (T3, T4)4% increased Strength
4% increased Intelligence
500 (T3, T4)6% increased Strength
6% increased Intelligence
500 (T3, T4)8% increased Movement Speed if Dexterity is below 100
500 (T3, T4)12% increased Movement Speed if Dexterity is below 100
500 (T3, T4)14% increased Area of Effect if Intelligence is below 100
500 (T3, T4)20% increased Area of Effect if Intelligence is below 100
500 (T3, T4)6% chance to deal Double Damage if Strength is below 100
500 (T3, T4)10% chance to deal Double Damage if Strength is below 100
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Elemental Damage Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Elemental Damage Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Physical and Chaos Damage Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Physical and Chaos Damage Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Caster Damage Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Caster Damage Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Critical Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Critical Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Speed Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Speed Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Mana Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Mana Modifier magnitudes
150 (T3, T4)10% increased Explicit Attribute Modifier magnitudes
150 (T3, T4)15% increased Explicit Attribute Modifier magnitudes
300 (T3, T4)50% increased Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration
300 (T3, T4)65% increased Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration
300 (T3, T4)80% increased Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration
300 (T3, T4)5% chance to Steal Power, Frenzy, and Endurance Charges on Hit
300 (T3, T4)10% chance to Steal Power, Frenzy, and Endurance Charges on Hit
300 (T3, T4)15% chance to Steal Power, Frenzy, and Endurance Charges on Hit
200 (T3, T4)75% reduced Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration
Gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill
400 (T3, T4)50% reduced Frenzy Charge Duration
Gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
400 (T3, T4)50% reduced Power Charge Duration
Gain a Power Charge on Kill
400 (T3, T4)50% reduced Endurance Charge Duration
Gain an Endurance Charge on Kill
300 (T3, T4)+1 to Minimum Frenzy Charges
+1 to Minimum Power Charges
-1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
300 (T3, T4)+1 to Minimum Endurance Charges
-1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+1 to Minimum Power Charges
300 (T3, T4)+1 to Minimum Endurance Charges
+1 to Minimum Frenzy Charges
-1 to Maximum Power Charges
150 (T3, T4)-1 to Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges
+1 to Minimum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges
500 (T4)+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
-1 to Maximum Power Charges
-1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
500 (T4)-1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
-1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
500 (T4)-1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
-1 to Maximum Power Charges
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
150 (T4)4% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
-1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
150 (T4)-1 to Maximum Power Charges
4% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate per Power Charge
150 (T4)-1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
8% increased Area of Effect per Endurance Charge
150 (T4)15% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge
-1 to Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges
500 (T4)Rampage
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Agony has 25% increased Buff Effect
Herald of Agony has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Agony has 35% increased Buff Effect
Herald of Agony has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Agony has 45% increased Buff Effect
Herald of Agony has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Ash has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Ash has 25% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Ash has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Ash has 35% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Ash has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Ash has 45% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Ice has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Ice has 25% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Ice has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Ice has 35% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Ice has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Ice has 45% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Purity has 25% increased Buff Effect
Herald of Purity has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Purity has 35% increased Buff Effect
Herald of Purity has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Purity has 45% increased Buff Effect
Herald of Purity has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Thunder has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Thunder has 25% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Thunder has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Thunder has 35% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Herald of Thunder has 25% increased Reservation
Herald of Thunder has 45% increased Buff Effect
150 (T3, T4)Anger has 20% increased Aura Effect
Anger has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Anger has 25% increased Aura Effect
Anger has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Anger has 30% increased Aura Effect
Anger has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Wrath has 20% increased Aura Effect
Wrath has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Wrath has 25% increased Aura Effect
Wrath has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Wrath has 30% increased Aura Effect
Wrath has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Hatred has 20% increased Aura Effect
Hatred has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Hatred has 25% increased Aura Effect
Hatred has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Hatred has 30% increased Aura Effect
Hatred has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Zealotry has 20% increased Aura Effect
Zealotry has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Zealotry has 25% increased Aura Effect
Zealotry has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Zealotry has 30% increased Aura Effect
Zealotry has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Pride has 20% increased Aura Effect
Pride has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Pride has 25% increased Aura Effect
Pride has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Pride has 30% increased Aura Effect
Pride has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Malevolence has 20% increased Aura Effect
Malevolence has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Malevolence has 25% increased Aura Effect
Malevolence has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Malevolence has 30% increased Aura Effect
Malevolence has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Haste has 20% increased Aura Effect
Haste has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Haste has 25% increased Aura Effect
Haste has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Haste has 30% increased Aura Effect
Haste has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Precision has 20% increased Aura Effect
Precision has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Precision has 25% increased Aura Effect
Precision has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Precision has 30% increased Aura Effect
Precision has 25% increased Reservation
150 (T3, T4)Banner Skills have 20% increased Aura Effect
25% increased Reservation of Banner Skills
150 (T3, T4)Banner Skills have 25% increased Aura Effect
25% increased Reservation of Banner Skills
150 (T3, T4)Banner Skills have 30% increased Aura Effect
25% increased Reservation of Banner Skills
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Mana Leech
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 15 Additional Accuracy
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Arrogance
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Fork
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Chance to Poison
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Life Leech
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Melee Splash
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Faster Projectiles
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Stun
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Increased Area of Effect
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Knockback
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Lesser Multiple Projectiles
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Blind
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Blasphemy
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Iron Will
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Faster Casting
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Chance to Flee
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Item Rarity
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Combustion
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Life Gain On Hit
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Culling Strike
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Point Blank
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Iron Grip
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Chain
500 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Empower
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Slower Projectiles
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Less Duration
500 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Enhance
500 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Enlighten
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Physical To Lightning
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Advanced Traps
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Ignite Proliferation
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Chance To Bleed
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Decay
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Maim
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Momentum
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Arcane Surge
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Pierce
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Generosity
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Fortify
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Elemental Proliferation
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Volley
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Spell Cascade
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Ancestral Call
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Withering Touch
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Energy Leech
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Intensify
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Impale
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Rage
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Swift Assembly
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Second Wind
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Urgent Orders
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Swiftbrand
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Impending Doom
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Lifetap
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Behead
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Divine Blessing
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Eternal Blessing
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Overcharge
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Cursed Ground
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Hex Bloom
100 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Pinpoint
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Mana Leech
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 15 Additional Accuracy
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Arrogance
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Fork
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Chance to Poison
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Life Leech
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Melee Splash
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Faster Projectiles
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Stun
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Increased Area of Effect
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Knockback
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Lesser Multiple Projectiles
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Blind
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Blasphemy
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Iron Will
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Faster Casting
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Chance to Flee
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Combustion
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Life Gain On Hit
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Culling Strike
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Point Blank
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Iron Grip
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Chain
125 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Empower
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Slower Projectiles
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Less Duration
125 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Enhance
125 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Enlighten
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Physical To Lightning
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Advanced Traps
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Ignite Proliferation
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Chance To Bleed
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Decay
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Maim
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Momentum
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Arcane Surge
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Pierce
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Generosity
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Fortify
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Elemental Proliferation
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Volley
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Spell Cascade
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Ancestral Call
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Withering Touch
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Energy Leech
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Intensify
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Impale
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Rage
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Swift Assembly
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Second Wind
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Urgent Orders
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Swiftbrand
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Impending Doom
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Lifetap
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Behead
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Divine Blessing
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Eternal Blessing
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Overcharge
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Cursed Ground
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Hex Bloom
25 (T3, T4)Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Pinpoint
1000 (T5)Trigger Level 20 Summon Spectral Wolf on Critical Strike with Cleave or Reave
500 (T5)Trigger Level 20 Bodyswap when you Explode a Corpse with Detonate Dead
500 (T5)Trigger Level 20 Ice Nova from the Final Burst location of Glacial Cascades you Cast
500 (T5)Trigger Level 20 Gravity Sphere when you Cast Storm Burst or Divine Ire
1000 (T5)Trigger a Socketed Spell every second while Channelling Blade Flurry or Charged Dash
500 (T5)Always inflict Scorch, Brittle and Sapped with Elemental Hit and Wild Strike Hits
Cannot Ignite, Chill, Freeze or Shock
500 (T5)Barrage and Frenzy have 25% increased Critical Strike Chance per Endurance Charge
500 (T5)Enemies you Kill with Puncture or Ensnaring Arrow Hits Explode, dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
1000 (T5)All Damage from Lightning Strike and Frost Blades Hits can Ignite
15% chance for Ignites inflicted with Lightning Strike or Frost Blades to deal 100% more Damage
1000 (T5)Viper Strike and Pestilent Strike deal 25% increased Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge
250 (T5)Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect Dominating Blow and Absolution at 150% of their value
1000 (T5)Vaal Volcanic Fissure and Vaal Molten Strike have 40% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration
1000 (T5)Killing Blows from Smite and Static Strike Consume corpses to Recover 5% of Life
1000 (T5)Flicker Strike and Vigilant Strike's Cooldown can be bypassed by Power Charges instead of Frenzy or Endurance Charges
1000 (T5)50% chance to gain Soul Eater for 20 seconds on Killing Blow against Rare and Unique Enemies with Double Strike or Dual Strike
1000 (T5)Knockback direction is reversed with Cyclone and Sweep
Knock Enemies Back on hit with Cyclone and Sweep
1000 (T5)25% chance for Bleeding inflicted with Cobra Lash or Venom Gyre to deal 100% more Damage
Cobra Lash and Venom Gyre have -60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
1000 (T5)Each Projectile from Spectral Helix or Spectral Throw has
between 40% more and 40% less Projectile Speed at random
1000 (T5)Consecrated Path and Purifying Flame create Profane Ground instead of Consecrated Ground
100% of Consecrated Path and Purifying Flame Fire Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
1000 (T5)20% of Damage Dealt by Ancestor Totems Leeched to you as Energy Shield
500 (T5)100% of Exsanguinate and Reap Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Exsanguinate debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second
Reap debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second
1000 (T5)15% chance for Firestorm and Bladefall to affect the same area again when they finish
1000 (T5)Ethereal Knives requires 1 fewer Projectile Fired to leave each Lingering Blade
1000 (T5)Fireball and Rolling Magma have 100% more Area of Effect
Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to Fireball and Rolling Magma
1000 (T5)All Damage from Hits with Freezing Pulse and Eye of Winter can Poison
15% chance for Poisons inflicted with Freezing Pulse and Eye of Winter to deal 100% more Damage
1000 (T5)30% chance for Blade Vortex and Blade Blast to Impale Enemies on Hit
Blade Vortex and Blade Blast deal no Non-Physical Damage
1000 (T5)All Damage from Shock Nova and Storm Call Hits can Ignite
15% chance for Ignites inflicted with Shock Nova or Storm Call to deal 100% more Damage
1000 (T5)All Damage from Cold Snap and Creeping Frost can Sap
25% chance for Cold Snap and Creeping Frost to Sap Enemies in Chilling Areas
1000 (T5)Killing Blows with Lightning Conduit and Galvanic Field Shatter Enemies as though Frozen
1000 (T5)Manabond and Stormbind Freeze enemies as though dealing 200% more Damage
50% of Manabond and Stormbind Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage
1000 (T5)Ice Spear and Ball Lightning fire Projectiles in a circle
Ice Spear and Ball Lightning Projectiles Return to you
1000 (T5)+0.2 seconds to Flameblast and Incinerate Cooldown
Flameblast starts with 2 additional Stages
Flameblast and Incinerate cannot inflict Elemental Ailments
Incinerate starts with 2 additional Stages
1000 (T5)10% of Hexblast and Doom Blast Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life
1000 (T5)Forbidden Rite and Dark Pact gains Added Chaos Damage equal to 12% of Mana Cost, if Mana Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend
1000 (T5)Enemies inflicted with Bane or Contagion are Chilled
1000 (T5)25% reduced Essence Drain and Soulrend Projectile Speed
Essence Drain and Soulrend fire 2 additional Projectiles
1000 (T5)50% increased Spark Duration when Cast by a Totem while you also have a Lightning Tendrils Spell Totem
Lightning Tendrils releases 1 fewer Pulse between Stronger Pulses when Cast by a Totem while you also have a Spark Spell Totem
1000 (T5)Frost Bombs gain 50% increased Area of Effect when you Cast Frostblink
Strikes from Orb of Storms caused by Channelling near the Orb occur with 40% increased frequency
1000 (T5)Trigger Level 20 Hydrosphere while you Channel Winter Orb
1000 (T5)Enemies Branded by Wintertide Brand or Arcanist Brand Explode on Death dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos damage
1000 (T5)Fire Trap and Explosive Trap Throw an additional Trap when used by a Mine
1000 (T5)Ice Trap and Lightning Trap Damage Penetrates 15% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Ice Traps and Lightning Traps are triggered by your Warcries
Ice Traps and Lightning Traps cannot be triggered by Enemies
1000 (T5)Flamethrower, Seismic and Lightning Spire Trap have 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Flamethrower, Seismic and Lightning Spire Trap have -1 Cooldown Use
1000 (T5)Stormblast, Icicle and Pyroclast Mine have 150% increased Aura Effect
Stormblast, Icicle and Pyroclast Mine deal no Damage
1000 (T5)Bear Trap and Siphoning Trap Debuffs also apply 15% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate to affected Enemies
1000 (T5)Holy Flame Totem and Shockwave Totem gain 35% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage when Cast by a Totem linked to by Searing Bond
1000 (T5)Decoy, Devouring and Rejuvenation Totems Reflect 100% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hit
1000 (T5)Regenerate 15 Mana per second while any Enemy is in your Righteous Fire or Scorching Ray
1000 (T5)Blight has 50% increased Area of Effect per second you have been Channelling, up to a maximum of 200%
Wither has 50% increased Area of Effect per second you have been Channelling, up to a maximum of 200%
1000 (T5)Discharge and Voltaxic Burst are Cast at the targeted location instead of around you
1000 (T5)Storm and Armageddon Brands can be attached to your Summoned Reaper
1000 (T5)Arc and Crackling Lance gains Added Cold Damage equal to 12% of Mana Cost, if Mana Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend
15% increased Cost of Arc and Crackling Lance
1000 (T5)Blazing Salvo Projectiles Fork when they pass through a Flame Wall
1000 (T5)Volatile Dead and Cremation Penetrate 2% Fire Resistance per 100 Dexterity
1000 (T5)+10% to Wave of Conviction Damage over Time Multiplier per 0.1 seconds of Duration expired
1000 (T5)+15% to Vortex Critical Strike Chance when Cast on Frostbolt
100 (T3, T4)Item sells for an additional Unique of this Base Type
750 (T3, T4)Item sells for an additional Magmatic Ore
200 (T3)Item sells for 20 additional Orbs of Scouring
100 (T4)Item sells for 40 additional Orbs of Scouring
240 (T3)Item sells for 20 additional Chaos Orbs
120 (T4)Item sells for 40 additional Chaos Orbs
134 (T3)Item sells for 15 additional Orbs of Regret
67 (T4)Item sells for 30 additional Orbs of Regret
60 (T3)Item sells for 10 additional Regal Orbs
30 (T4)Item sells for 20 additional Regal Orbs
134 (T3)Item sells for 15 additional Vaal Orbs
67 (T4)Item sells for 30 additional Vaal Orbs
54 (T3)Item sells for 15 additional Gemcutter's Prisms
27 (T4)Item sells for 30 additional Gemcutter's Prisms
80 (T3)Item sells for 10 additional Blessed Orbs
40 (T4)Item sells for 20 additional Blessed Orbs
140 (T3)Item sells for an additional Cartography Scarab of every type
70 (T4)Item sells for 2 additional Cartography Scarabs of every type
40 (T3)Item sells for an additional Orb of Annulment
14 (T4)Item sells for 3 additional Orbs of Annulment
100 (T3)Item sells for an additional Exalted Orb
34 (T4)Item sells for 3 additional Exalted Orbs
100 (T3)Item sells for an additional Divine Orb
34 (T4)Item sells for 3 additional Divine Orbs
5 (T3)Item sells for an additional Sacred Orb
2 (T4)Item sells for 3 additional Sacred Orbs
1250 (T3)Item sells for an additional Igneous Geode
134 (T4)Item sells for an additional Crystalline Geode
200 (T5)Crucible Passives that sell for items sell for twice as much

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